A Baron of Bonds (Conduit of Light #2) 15. Karus 19%
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15. Karus

Chapter 15


“My heart had always belonged to Felgren. Even as a young child, I would ride bareback on a lumen through the trees and it was like they called to me.”

The Blightress continued her rocking and spoke her story. I listened with rapt attention, yet counted down the minutes in the back of my mind.

“I was as much a daughter of the forest as I was to my own mother and father. It took care of me better than they ever could. It took some time before my people realized what I could do. Never before had they seen one who could channel magic and use it to heal wounds, call to animals, grow fruit, or dig up stones.”

“You had all the magic of each kind of conduit?” I asked, placing the bowl of soup on the floor and folding my hands in my lap.

“Have. I have all the magic of each conduit. And more.” She tilted her head again in that unsettling way, her iridescent eyes glinting in the firelight. “Have you not discovered this about yourself, Little Sprout?”

I clamped my mouth shut, determined not to interrupt her again. I’d dwell on that question later.

When I didn’t respond, she sighed and continued. “After I had grown into womanhood, I became more of a leader to my people. We were only just discovering the uses of my power, and I was sought out for them. I acted as healer, speaker, grower, and finder of all things with glimmer on the isle, and I loved every moment of it. Using my gift to help others was everything I wanted in life except for one thing.”

She stared at me, daring me to speak.

“And what was that?” I didn’t have time to play her game.

“A family, Karus. I wanted to settle down with the man I had loved since childhood, and grow babies, and pour all of my love into what we could make together.” Her gaze moved to the fire as it hardened. “That, however, was not what happened.

“You see, when you give some of yourself to another, you are no longer whole. Instead, a piece of you is gone and the more often you do this, the more parts of you that go missing. I am still missing those parts of me.” She turned her gaze back to mine, fury in her eyes. “And I want them back.”

“What does this have to do with me? I don’t have these pieces you seek.”

“You do, Karus, but I am not asking you to return the power I gave to you.” She shook her head and a slow smile crossed her lips. “I am taking back the power of the Baron of Felgren.”

I scoffed, laughing in disbelief. “You gave me nothing, and you will take nothing from Revich.”

“Would you like to hear of your mother? Of how she and your father led one of the many expeditions into my realm, funded by your Queen?”

I shook my head in refusal. Too many answers to questions I had never asked were just spoken and in such a casual manner. I didn’t believe a word of it. “You still speak in riddles and lies. Your time is almost up, so get on with your tale.”

Her magic shuddered around her fingers as she gripped the arms of her chair. I smirked, playing with fire and ignoring any threat of the burn.

She leaned forward, her brows narrow, her red lips open wide to speak her next words slowly, “I discovered you in your mother’s womb long before she knew you existed, but not before I tore out your father’s heart in front of her.”

I stood, knocking the bowl over, its contents spilling onto the white stone floor.

“Parvus, Rauca, we’re leaving.” I whistled through my teeth and moved to the door.

“Stop.” Dark trails of her magic encased the door. I gripped its handle, pulling hard without success. “I still have a few minutes yet, Karus. If you will not sit and listen, you will stand and listen.”

Her power gripped my arms taut to my side and her magic covered my mouth, silencing the retort I was about to speak.

Parvus rose and scratched at the door while Rauca nuzzled the side of my dress.

“You were hardly a sprout in your mother’s womb when I found you there. Your spirit called to mine and instead of letting your mother perish as easily as all who try to steal my power, I fed you pieces of me instead. You reminded me of something I had lost long ago, and I wanted you to live for reasons you refuse to hear.”

She moved toward me, the strings of her magic dangling from her fingers. She whispered in my ear, “You are ever much a part of me as you are to the woman who bore you or the woman who raised you, Karus, and one day, you will be ready to truly listen.”

I pushed on my magic, willing it to untangle me from her inky mist. I was still weak, the fight something I struggled to find.

A black portal opened up in the doorway and I almost collapsed in fear of what was next.

“Do not fret, child, I will fulfill my end of the bargain. I have hurt none and will return you of your own free will.”

Her black magic unfurled from my arms and mouth, and I almost fell in the freedom of it. Panting, I glared at her with unmistakable loathing.

“I hate you,” I spat. “I never want to see you or this wretched place again. Do not call to me, do not find me.”

“Oh, Little Sprout , I won’t. You’ll do that yourself.”

I turned from her, fuming, and began my step into the portal, hoping with all I could muster that it would not trap me for weeks.

“And, Karus,” she lilted as I pushed inside, “Next time, be more specific on where I should return you.”

Darkness encased me, and I fell to my knees on soft ground. I heard Parvus and Rauca bound out of the portal behind me as it closed in a sucking slurp .

I took a moment to breathe, a small cry escaping my lips.

Please, please, please, please.

I needed to look up and see Felgren. I needed to look up and see Rev, angry as he might be.

I did not.

Before me was an endless horizon of grassland. The Attatok Mountains breathed to my right, looming with snowcapped peaks that winked at me in the distance.

I slammed my fists into the ground and screamed, the very earth below me rumbling in response as I closed my eyes and fell into oblivion.

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