A Baron of Bonds (Conduit of Light #2) 22. Karus 27%
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22. Karus

Chapter 22


I was not being reckless .

I told myself again and again as I raised my hood and slipped out of the side entrance to the servants’ quarters. I remembered all of the secret doors of the castle, and I knew this one would be the least used tonight.

Thankfully, after a quick bath and changing of my clothes, I had only had to slip by five guards, choosing another route to this door each time I heard them walking or speaking to one another.

I didn’t know what would happen if I was caught, so I’d rather I wasn’t.

I took a glance into the armory to look at who was on duty tonight. Then I ran through the training courtyard and slipped out the side door of the stables, steadying my gait to match the people of Hyrithia out for the night markets.

I suppressed my prideful grin at yet another successful sneak out of the castle, even many years after the last.

I had thirty minutes left to reach the lumens and get back to my room before Rev knew I had left. I was sure I could do it.

I stepped up to the gates of Hyrithia and pulled off my hood, swiping at my white-streaked hair and pulling it to one side, hopeful I would be presentable enough to be remembered.

“ Lynden ,” I whispered harshly, knocking on the iron-fortified door that led to one of the two guard towers. I heard a rustling before the door opened slightly, revealing the face of the burly man, his beard bushy and twinged with grays.

“Ash?” He stepped back and opened the door wider, joy lighting his eyes and he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into an engulfing embrace. He laughed and pushed me back to see my face.

I grinned sheepishly, remembering the guard as overtly friendly to everyone, including me while I had lived here. “Hello, Lynden. It is good to see you again.”

He laughed again, his large belly jostling in the movement as he said, “Come in! It is good to see you as well! I never thought I would again!”

I nodded and stepped inside the small room. It was humbly furnished with a small fireplace and a few wooden chairs. It smelled divine as something bubbled over the fire.

“Karus now, isn’t it?” he asked, gesturing to a chair for me to sit.

“Yes. I wish we had more time to catch up, but I’m here to ask for your help.”

He chuckled and shook his head, no surprise on his face. “I will do whatever you ask, as long as I am within the oath of the Hyrithian Royal Guard.”

“I have not been ordered to stay in the castle by the Queen, if that’s what you’re asking. I need to see the lumens. They need to begin their journey back to Felgren tonight. I would not ask for your help if I did not trust you, and I am in a bit of a hurry.”

He paused and rubbed his chin. Seven years had wrinkled his pale face in laugh lines. I had always enjoyed Lynden’s company. Everyone did. He was generous in his affection and joyful demeanor. I was lucky it was him on duty tonight.

“I don’t see why that can’t be done. Though, if I am asked, I will tell the Queen the truth.”

“Of course, old friend. I would not have you lie to Her Majesty.”

“Alright then. Follow me. I’ll admit, I’d like to see these massive beasts up close myself.”

He led us outside to the portcullis and took a key from his pocket. He glanced back to me and then to the door of the other guard tower, bringing a finger to his lips and I nodded.

The black door that was cut into the iron portcullis opened and I stepped through it, bringing my fingers to my lips and giving a loud whistle. I tried to imbue it with my magic, hoping that it would reach far enough to their ears.

I grinned wide as I heard the pounding of paws the size of dinner plates across the grass. I braced my legs as they reached me, ready to steady myself if they decided to topple me. Parvus jumped up on his hind legs but did not knock me over this time as Rauca nipped at his back.

“Hello, handsome,” I greeted him and rubbed his snout as he sniffed me eagerly. “Hello, beautiful,” I greeted Rauca and she sniffed my hands in earnest, whining again at the scent of Rev. “Don’t worry, he is safe and misses you, too.”

I reached into my cloak pocket, pulling out a leather bag. “I need you to return to Felgren. You must get this to Figuerah or anyone else there. We need their help.”

Parvus sniffed the bag and looked up to me, gently clamping his teeth onto the leather, perking his head toward the south where Felgren lay.

“Yes,” I whispered excitedly. “Good boy. Get there as quickly as you can, and I will see you when you return with the conduits.” I scratched behind his ears again and bent my head to his. He attempted to lick my face, but I knew his moves well and backed up just in time to avoid his wet kiss.

Rauca tilted her head back and howled. I shushed her quickly, giving her more love and reassuring her that her rider was alright. Parvus trotted down the dirt path with the bag in his mouth, whining for Rauca to come along.

I watched as the giant wolves ran off into the night and sighed, thankful something had gone right.

When I turned back to the iron gate, Lynden stood in shock. “I didn’t know they could be so…tame.”

I chuckled and slapped a hand onto his shoulder. “Honestly, they’re little more than cubs half the time. Every channeler or conduit bonds to their lumen and we…understand each other.”


I shrugged. “It’s just a part of the magic of Felgren. Parvus and Rauca will return in less than two days, hopefully. Will you keep an eye out for them for me?”

He stared out into the night as if he could still see the lumens, though the clouds over the moon made it unlikely he could see anything at all. “Sure. I’m happy to help.”

“Thank you, Lynden.” I hugged his brawny form in a quick squeeze and patted his shoulder, my inner clock warning me that I needed to get back to my room. “It really is good to see you again.”

He laughed and locked the iron door behind us. “You haven’t changed at all, old friend. It’s good to see you, too.”

I smiled and left, knowing full well of what he did not realize. I had changed. And as I slipped back into the castle and up to my room, I assured myself, through all the faults I still held, I had and would continue to change for the better.

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