“ I found Rob.”
Her shoulders drop. “You what?”
“Well, Vance’s PI did. Alexei. He wasn’t hard to find. I got the call from Vance earlier.”
Thinking about the embarrassment she’d lived through still makes my gut churn. Rob had made the breakup out to be her fault, made her believe that she had tricked him into a marriage that he never wanted, and had dug the knife even deeper by telling her that he never loved her. Truth is, the piece of shit had found out that “he didn’t love her” after one of his deals went downhill and bankrupted him. The people within their social circle have rallied behind him, swayed by his influence, and captivated by his crazy little story. Little do they know he was broke and that she had financed his life after he took a severe dive on several investment deals.
He’d lied to save face, the fuckhead. Then robbed her and turned it on her, knowing full well that she lacked evidence and has no social backing for her accusation against him.
She’d not only been left at the altar, brokenhearted, without money, friends and support—but on top of all that, he’d made her out to be the culprit.
Getting cold feet before a marriage was one thing, but he was a piece of shit for leaving her at the altar. As far as the rest goes? Unforgivable.
And I’m here to make things right. Eden had entrusted me to do so when she had agreed to place the matter in Vance’s capable hands.
If there’s one thing I can do to salvage this, I can make sure she knows there’s a man who will stand up for her, have her back, no matter what. Who won’t use her and drop her like a hot potato after he’s fucked her, physically and mentally.
“He will face legal consequences,” I declare as she stares at me, wide-eyed. Initially, there’s disbelief, but she can clearly read in my expression that I wouldn’t joke about any of it. “Vance filed a police report, a defamation lawsuit and a civil lawsuit to recover the stolen funds.”
“Carter, I know Rob. He will deny any wrongdoing?—”
“Let’s just say, he agreed he made a mistake.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
“Wait a moment,” she interjects. “This PI didn’t…”
“—resort to physical violence?” I finish the sentence for her. “No, that wasn’t necessary. Someone else had already taken care of that. Alexei found Rob in some third-rate hotel, nursing his wounds, quite literally.”
I wouldn’t mind giving Rob a black eye (at the very least) myself, but in the end, that scumbag isn’t worth us getting our hands dirty.
Eden looks at me, eyes brightening, still processing.
“He also agreed that he will never bother you again,” I add, pulling her into a hug.
She tenses up in my embrace. “Why? Carter…tell me, is he severely injured, or dead ?”
I look at her and kiss her forehead. A smile tugs at my lips. “No, but if he ever tries to come near you or tries to assert any kind of pressure on you or your loved ones, or any other person for that matter, I’ll make sure he’ll wish he was.”
“What about the fees?”
“Vance is going to make a compelling case for an award of attorney’s fees. He anticipates the court’s recognition of your position and expects a resounding verdict that will decree your ex-fiancé responsible for the entirety of the legal fees and expenses.”
Her shoulders ease, and her eyes remain locked with mine. Those sad eyes that she usually hides under a thick wall of optimism. She trusts people, always tries to see the best in them, and despite her disappointment, it hasn’t brought her to her knees. It hasn’t made her bitter. Just incredibly hurt.
If there’s anything I can offer to expedite justice, I can’t envision a more worthwhile investment of my time.
She blinks slowly.
And with that one blink, a tiny sparkle appears.
A subtle shift occurs in her eyes.
They almost gleam, reflecting an inner fire.
“If this doesn’t earn me the Husband of the Year award,” I tease, “nothing else will.” I say husband, not “fake husband,” and it’s not by accident. I’m making a point.
She zips right past it. “Husband of the Year? Carter, this might just earn you a lifetime supply of backrubs and an extra slice of dessert every night.”
She holds onto me tighter.
“We can arrange that. Now to the second, equally important point on the agenda.”
“I want you to stay right here, with me.”
She blinks again, letting go of me, leaning back. “What do you mean?”