A Bossy Roommate (Next Door to a Billionaire #2) 34. Eden 87%
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34. Eden



“ I t wasn’t Gretchen. It was Gwen,” Carter says as soon as I open the bathroom door, drying my hands.

I stare at him blankly. “ What ? No.”

He gestures for me to sit back down, and I do. “Yeah. Bradley and IT found proof on Huxley. Gwen was his helping hand. Huxley paid her big bonuses for her side gig. Bradley explained the whole thing, how she stole my black book, saw us on my motorcycle on the day we took Auntie out to lunch and started to become suspicious. Gretchen helped him to gather all the evidence this evening. Bradley told me you were the one who got him on the right track, so if it hadn’t been for you, we might have never known.”

I can’t believe it. Gwen?

The kind, inconspicuous Gwen was in cahoots with Huxley?

“But…” The words die in my throat. He’s looking at me with such amusement and even admiration, it startles me enough to start laugh-crying. My brain is working overtime, thinking of everything that happened. More and more things start to fall into place. Gwen’s hair has a honey-blonde hue, and she, too, wears glasses, just like Gretchen! As front desk manager, she would have the necessary access, the contacts, and the possibilities to perform certain duties without raising any suspicions. On top of that, she’s good friends with all the assistants of the top dogs. Why had I never thought of her?

Poor Gretchen. I feel bad for even accusing her. But then I let out a sigh of relief—never in my life have I been happier in knowing that I hadn’t mistakenly accused her directly to her face, sparing us both any unnecessary discomfort or awkwardness.

Carter rubs my arms comfortingly, and then wipes the new tears softly away with his knuckles. Luckily, I hadn’t gone for a fresh round of mascara just before this. Dealing with those stubborn black stains is already enough of a battle.

“Carter, I didn’t have Gwen on my radar, at all. She, too, has bright hair and wears glasses. When I talked to Hattie, and she confirmed that the woman who asked about us fit Gretchen’s description, I didn’t even consider anybody else. I just put the obvious one and one together without even questioning it properly.”

“That’s the gossip game for you. It twists and turns, and takes on a life of its own. That’s why I prefer to operate on facts and facts only. But I’m glad we figured it out.”

“What’s going to happen with Huxley?”

“There will be a board meeting soon. Tomorrow evening, most likely. Or the day after.”

“So you’re going to get your job back?”

“You know, at this point, I don’t want to rush things. Let’s wait and see what happens. I might have other plans I want to talk to you about.” His face lights up, his eyes falling to the small ring box he’s still holding in his hand. “But now is not the time or place to delve into such matters and risk derailing the current discussion.”

“But wait. It’s still my fault that Gwen saw us on your motorcycle. I asked you to give me a ride instead of driving with your aunt.”

“Hush. Eden, look at me. It’s nobody’s fault. Shit happens. Sometimes it’s not just regular ‘shit happens,’ but more like ‘mega shit happens.’”

I snort out loud.

He places the ring box next to him, tilts my chin up with his fingers and forces my eyes to meet his, which I have subconsciously been avoiding for the last few seconds. “If anything, it’s my fault for leaving my black book lying around—no, for involving you in the fake-marriage scenario in the first place.”

He pulls me into a kiss.

It shocks me so much I can’t reciprocate at first.

Once I realize what’s going on, once I register that he’s not going anywhere, the fear and anxiety melt away, and I lean into him, sliding my hand into his hair.

My body comes alive, and the tears dry.

He’s not angry or upset with me. Nor has he withdrawn and kicked me to the curb. The rational part of my brain, which has been shut off for the last couple of days, scolds me for thinking those things about him. I’ve been so consumed by fear and paranoia that I allowed my imagination to get the best of me.

When we break apart, he still holds me close, a smile spreading across his face. “Sweet Jesus, I’m so relieved. Give me a second. I was expecting the worst.”

I blink, unsure if I’ve heard him right. “I can’t believe you’re not mad.”

Carter shakes his head, pushing loose strands of hair away from my face. “No, Eden, I’m not mad. Not mad at all. I’m actually happy. Really happy.”

“But, you said?—”

“I know.” He gently cuts me off. “I know what I said about romantic relationships. But that was before when I never thought I’d meet someone like you, someone who has changed how I look at life. Having those things changes a person, makes them see things in a new light. You’re the girl I want to have a family with, babies, things I never thought I would want. Eden, don’t you see what you do to me?”

My heart melts. “I was so sure you were going to be furious. I was scared to tell you.”

“How could I be? It’s good that it happened. That all of this happened the way it did.” He takes my face in his hands and looks at me deeply. “If anything, it showed me that you’re the perfect girl for me. It showed me that I want to do everything in my power to be the perfect man for you—if you’ll let me. I want to spend the rest of my life proving this very point to you until there’s no doubt in your mind. Again, I’m headstrong, and I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll succeed.” He winks at me, and it’s the cutest wink I’ve ever seen. “All I ask of you is to trust me, with all your heart, and to know that I’m going to bring you a piece of heaven. A large piece, at that. So colossal, it’ll make angels jealous. I love you, Eden. I’ve loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

This is the first time he has said those words. He’s implied, and I’ve hoped but to actually hear him say them brings more tears to my eyes, and I’m rendered speechless.

“Deep down,” he says, “I knew right then, you’re the one for me. You’re my love, my life.” His eyes lock with mine. “Baby, I was never pretending.”

My mind is blank.

No words, only feelings.

Well, one feeling. Intense, overwhelming love.

“I’ve been without a family for so long,” he continues, bringing me closer, “I forgot what it was like. Then you came along, and you brought my aunt and me closer than we’ve ever been, and from the moment you moved in with me, you became my family.”

I hug him, finally finding my words. “I love you too, Carter. God, I love you so much.”

“Oh, I know you do,” he teases, grinning at me, and I start laughing.

Chuckling, he grabs the ring and slides it onto my left ring finger. “Figured I should get you a diamond that symbolizes the right intention,” he says, as I admire the way it looks on me. He brings us to a sitting position, holding me tightly, and I crawl onto his lap so I can touch as much of him as possible.

“It’s all a little backward, don’t you think?” I tease, tears sliding down my cheeks. “Also, pretty sure I’m not supposed to get several diamond rings.”

Carter laughs. “So what? We do things our own way. You’ll definitely get a second wedding band too.”

I stare at the newest ring, my vision swimming. “This is too much.” Instead of having to pawn my wedding ring and having none, I now have all these.

“Nothing is too much for my soon-to-be wife.” He wipes the tears away, gently cupping my face.

“We need to get me those sunglasses. Ultra-protective.”

“You got it. Sunglasses coming right up!” We laugh. “Anything for my beautiful fiancée.”

I kiss him this time, needing to feel his lips on mine, to taste and hug him. To remind myself that this is real, all real. When I draw back, he smiles the warmest smile, his hand coming to rest on my chin.

“I can’t believe it,” he says. “We’re going to get married.”

The awe in his voice makes me smile back. “Yeah, we are.”

He kisses me again. The emotions I’m dealing with are endless. Excitement, anxiety, and some fear is there, but they’re quickly overpowered by more positive ones, like hope, happiness, and love. God do I love this man. I love him more than I can even quantify.

And he loves me.

What started off as a beneficial arrangement has somehow morphed along the way. It’s become something else, something deeper and immensely powerful.

Carter’s firm hands clutch me close and surround me with warmth. The warmth of his kisses, his touch, his body. It’s all overwhelming in a wonderful way.

I gasp into his kisses, chanting his name once his mouth trails down to my throat. Every time we touch it feels like the first. I have the same rush of adrenaline, the same flood of emotions. They’ve only gotten stronger. I lose myself in the sensations, in Carter’s show of love. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with this man, this wonderful, generous man who knows me better than I know myself.

I want it to always be like this. I want us to always love each other and want one another so much that when our skin touches, it’s like coming home. Even now, I could swear we sizzle. Shocks of heat flow through my veins, fueling the flames of desire. Carter’s mouth steals my breath while he pushes into me.

Finally, we’re connected, mind, body, and soul.

We move in tandem, hands grasping, mouths tasting, hearts beating as one. He takes his time, touching and kissing every bit of me he can reach. With every kiss, I feel our love surge through my veins, igniting a flame that will never die.

When we come, when I feel the heat of him inside me, tears run down my cheeks because it reminds me that our love is strong and will be able to conquer anything.

Carter holds me after, my back pressed into his chest so his hand can reach around to trace absentminded patterns on my stomach.

“I love you,” he says again with as much firmness and conviction as the first time.

“I love you too, Carter. This has to be a dream.”


“It’s too good to be true.”

He strokes my hair. “You’re allowed to have what you want, Eden. Look at where you are, what you did. You’re so damn strong. You left everything you knew because you wanted a better life for yourself. I’d have to be brain dead not to notice what an amazing woman you are.” He pauses. “And that’s why I have one more thing for you. It’s clear that you possess an inherent passion for celebrating in style. In fact, if anybody knows how to make celebrations memorable, it’s you.”

“Me? What do you mean?”

“I have one more surprise. The ring wasn’t your only present.” With a kiss on my head, he gets up. In one swift move, he pulls on his jeans, delectable abs in full motion. The hawk emits an exhilarated cry, its talons outstretched, poised for takeoff. “Be right back.”

He runs out, and a minute later, when he comes back in, he hands me the sweetest and funniest surprise. A box of…cupcakes.

With strawberries on top.

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