B y the time Warrick opened the front door and stepped inside, a female was throwing herself into his arms. Cora . Warmth oozed from her as she murmured how much she had missed him, before she finally noticed me standing awkwardly in the doorway, trying not to look like I was soaking up all the love and happiness they exuded.
I’d never been hugged like that before.
Even when she was alive, my mom was cold and cruel, and I grew very used to a life without physical contact. My skin itched as I stared at the couple, emotions warring inside me as I was torn between annoyance and envy.
I hadn’t asked to be here, witnessing shit I couldn’t have in my life. I’d been okay with my existence before the packs dragged me off the streets. I’d been fucking okay.
This didn’t feel okay.
Cora pulled away from Warrick, and her expression remained warm when she faced me. I took in her light skin, dark hair pulled up high in a bun displaying her slender shoulders and neck, along with her claiming bite mark. She was all grace and beauty as she moved toward me. “Hello, I’m Cora, it’s so lovely to meet you.” Her accent was light and faintly British.
When she held out her hand, I fidgeted, wishing I wasn’t dressed in crappy gym shorts and a beat-up shirt. She wore an exquisite pink and purple bohemian skirt, swishing around her ankles, along with a white, ruffled midriff top that showed off her curves and flawless skin. She didn’t look as old as Warrick, but I got the feeling she was just aging well, because there was a sense of maturity around her deep blue eyes.
Taking her proffered hand, my return smile was genuine. Cora was instantly likeable. “I’m Emme, and it’s nice to meet you as well. I’m sorry Alpha Warrick brought me around without notice, and I promise not to stay more than a couple of days.”
I had no idea if he’d told her why I was here yet, but I assumed she had some idea when nothing in my ramble changed her open expression. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need.” She released me with a gentle squeeze. “We have plenty of room, and I can’t imagine how it must feel to have your life completely upended this way. Let us help you get back on your feet.”
These shifters were completely blowing any pre-conceived notions I’d had of being part of pack life. They were weirdly lovely, which of course, only made me retreat further into myself. “Please don’t do anything extra. I don’t need it.”
Warrick took pity on me and wrapped his mate in his arms, half carrying her through the entrance. “Come on, let’s go find the others.”
The downstairs of their house was dreamy, with comfortable furniture, plush cushions and rugs, lamps with warming light, and the general feel of a real home. Everything was high quality and lush, but also practical and lived in.
“They’re out on the patio preparing dinner,” Cora called as I followed them past two living areas and a pretty white kitchen to a set of double doors opening onto a large, paved patio.
Out here the sound of conversation and the scent of steak on the grill hit me, and I was filled with a desperate urge to escape before I grew accustomed to this life.
This is not yours to keep. It was a reminder I knew I’d have to keep delivering the longer I was here.
I focused on the trio sitting on a large outdoor couch, all squished together and wrapped around each other. A male who could pass as Warrick’s twin, just with longer hair, jumped to his feet. “Brother!” He greeted the alpha. “We were hoping you wouldn’t miss supper.”
I followed slowly behind, and Warrick whispered a few low words to him before they both turned to me. “This is Richard, my younger brother.”
Richard chuckled as he confirmed my previous assessment. “By two minutes, asshole.” His curious gaze shifted to me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Emme. We’re happy to have you here.” He turned and waved over the other two shifters. “These are my mates, Sierra and Marcus.”
Richard’s shifter energy didn’t pack the same punch as his brother’s, but he was still a strong beta. His mates were deltas through and through. Sierra stood no taller than five feet, a delicate female with bright red hair, skin much paler than mine, and startling hazel eyes. The green in them was biting, even as the brown pigments calmed the color.
She smiled as she grasped Richard’s hand, twining herself around his side. He dropped a kiss right on the scarred bite on the junction of her shoulder and neck. Marcus moved forward next; he was about my height with Mediterranean coloring. His skin was a nice brown, his dark hair perfectly coiffed, and when he wrapped himself around Richard’s other side, the beta dropped a kiss on his claiming bite also.
I wasn’t sure if they were testing how I’d handle the dynamics of this threesome, but my only thought was of how adorable they were, along with a mild case of jealousy at the obvious bond and love they shared. “It’s really nice to meet you all,” I said, surprised to find I truly meant it. “Sorry to crash your pack life, but I promise not to stick around for too long, no matter how tempted I am by your beautiful home.”
They laughed and waved me off as the five of them assured me I was more than welcome. Cora led me to the outdoor lounge sectional and I ended up seated on thick blue cushions, a glass of wine placed in my hand, as she and Sierra perched on either side of me. The men wandered off to do the cooking, leaving me with their mates.
“Warrick warned us that we should keep male scents away from you,” Sierra said, her voice light and breathy. “And I’ve been dying to add another girl to our dynamics. We’re outnumbered here in Pack Annandale.”
Cora threw her head back and laughed. “Girl, you’ve never complained about being outnumbered in your little trio. I’d say you are more than satisfied with the arrangement.”
A cough of laughter escaped me, and I almost choked on my sip of wine. Which set Cora and Sierra off again. I found myself strangely relaxed considering where I was and everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours.
The girls chatted about random gossip in their local friendship group and made me promise I’d be at their next book club. I didn’t have the heart to tell them I’d never read a book in my life, and due to reasons I wouldn’t be disclosing, couldn’t imagine ever reading for fun. But it was nice to be included.
After a while, Cora moved on to my scent match. “Is it true that Hunter Reeves claimed you in the council chambers today?”
I sensed that she’d been sitting on that question for a while, and due to my own innate need to sate my curiosity, I nodded. “Yes, and I’m not sure what to make of it. Everyone in the room acted very deferential toward him, but no one forced me to go to his pack.”
Sierra jerked beside me. “Oh my goddess! That would never happen in Golden Claw. Some of the other cities are less liberal than us, but we don’t allow the forcing of mate bonds any longer.”
Cora chimed in with her own horrified expression. “It’s law here. About fifteen years ago there was an incident that brought about new laws carved into the shifter stones. No one will make you join their pack, Emme. You’re safe.”
I had no idea what shifter stones were, but I was relieved to hear about the laws.
Sierra propped herself up from where she’d been slouched, gulping more wine as she examined me closer. “Just for clarity’s sake, what is it you have against Alpha Hunter, and the Reeves pack as a whole? I mean, we are talking about the hottest, richest, most powerful quad of alphas this city has ever seen.”
“I heard that, mate,” Richard growled as he wandered over with a stack of plates and cutlery in his hands.
I tensed, wondering if we were about to see a shifter fight as Sierra shot him a cheeky smile. “No one compares to you and Marcus, my love, but I mean… I’ve got a point.”
Richard attempted to hold his annoyance, before exhaling loudly through his nose. “Yeah, you’ve got a point. If Hunter Reeves propositioned me, I’d be tempted.”
Everyone laughed then, and I had no fucking idea what to do with these dynamics. My experience was limited, of course, but the little I’d experienced in my earlier years had been packs filled with anger and destruction.
These five were downright domesticated. I found it hard to believe they were shifters.
“Sorry, mate. The Reeves pack doesn’t swing that way.” Marcus slapped Richard a nice love tap on his ass. “You’re stuck with us.”
Richard dropped a kiss on his lips and removed the large dish from his hands. “No shifters I’d rather be stuck with.”
Gah, they were delightfully non-toxic in their relationships, and I was reassessing everything I thought I knew about shifters and pack dynamics. The guys hurried off again, finishing preparations for dinner, and as Sierra refilled my wine, I had to ask, “Who else is in the Reeves pack?”
There was a flash of a smile from both ladies before I threw my hands in the air. “No, wait! Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know, I’m already too curious about them.”
Cora started to respond, but Warrick interrupted by popping over carrying a tray piled high with seared steak. The thick, juicy cuts distracted us all, and we spent the next hour eating and chatting about everything except the Reeves pack. I’d never had a night like it before, and by the time Cora showed me to the spare room, handing me a stack of clothes and toiletries, I was both confused and a little suspicious. This pack was far too good to be true.
Not once through the whole dinner had they even mentioned my designation as an omega. As if it didn’t even matter to them. While there were no real benefits of an omega unless I was bonded into their pack, I still held value to others. I had to keep my guard up until I knew for sure they could be trusted. No one hid their true colors forever.
The room they’d given me had an attached bathroom, and I took a long, glorious shower, scrubbing every inch of my body. Whatever injuries I’d sustained in New Mexico were fully healed, and when I emerged into the steamy room, I felt like a new wolf.
After towel drying my long hair, I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush they’d included and dressed in a pair of soft, gray PJ shorts and matching tank top. I was much taller than both females here, so the shorts flashed a lot of my booty, but since I generally slept naked it was more than enough coverage.
I’d have to get a job as soon as possible to replace everything I’d left behind. It was frustrating that when they’d grabbed me I lost the cash I’d spent two painstaking years saving. I wouldn’t have years here to rebuild, but I’d do the best I could.
Their spare room was sparsely decorated, with white walls and a soft burgundy rug, but the bed was as soft as a cloud when I crawled in and slipped under the thick duvet. No scents surrounded me; this pack had the financial means to wash with high-quality detergents, free from scents.
It was heaven, and I was almost asleep when I felt a tingle of energy down my spine, just the slightest pulse, and despite my exhaustion I pried an eye open to find a shadow stalking closer to the bed. Alpha energy slammed into me, along with a familiar mocha scent: Hunter .
There was a brush of his hand along my cheek, and in my dazed state I didn’t fight the touch. If anything, as his power and heat infiltrated into me, I sank deeper into the darkness of my subconscious. “Sleep, little omega,” he whispered. “You’re going to need your strength.”
My wolf whimpered but not in pain or worry. Horny bitch wanted to drag him into bed with us and roll around in his scent and power. The heat of his touch vanished, and by the time I forced my eyes open, the room was empty.
There was no sign Hunter had been here, and I wondered if I imagined it. Did I fall asleep and dream an alpha into my room?
After lying awake for an hour in mild panic, I finally gave in to my exhaustion and let sleep claim me. Hunter was quite possibly the greatest threat I’d ever faced, and I could not go up against him fatigued. I refused to let him destroy me, no matter what it took to keep fighting.