T he first half of my training passed in a haze of barked orders and snickering laughter when I screwed up. Bradley, the bastard , apparently expected me to walk in understanding how to use their ordering system and to know the menu off by heart.
“As I’ve already told you, I’ll take the menu home and study it. There’ll be no mistakes next time.” I’d been at this all day and was sweaty and pissed off. My reading levels were too poor for me to keep up with Bradley without prior study, which shouldn’t have been a problem today as a trainee who was only fucking shadowing .
After the lunch rush and a few hours before dinner, Bradley decided that I was done for the day, finishing my shift with a full rundown of everything I’d screwed up. One of the other servers standing nearby—a curvy female around my age—shot me a commiserating smile. At least I wasn’t the only one who thought he was a prick.
I was tempted to let Hunter know about how his manager treated his staff, but I wasn’t sure if the alpha would take my word for it or call me a whiner unable to hack a day of work. Bradley faked an excellent personable persona and was an even better gaslighter. He’d easily made me look like an idiot today, even when it was actually his fault, and I refused to give either of them the satisfaction of being the bad guy.
Back in the locker room, I stashed the menus in the pocket of my coat and grabbed my phone to check the chat thread. There were a bunch of notifications, and in my weariness I almost didn’t open it up. I wasn’t mentally prepared to handle more assholes today.
Slumping on a chair, I decided it would be worse to ignore them, and still needing a ride home, I pressed the app. The first message was from this morning, and I felt bad that I hadn’t responded to Kellan sooner.
Golden Boy: Rise and shine, sweet shifters. It’s a glorious morning in Casa Reeves.
There were a few hours’ break before Hunter chimed in.
Daddy Alpha: Keep pushing, Kellan, and we can turn that glorious morning around very easily.
*Slade has left the chat*
*Grouchy Bear has left the chat*
I loved to see the ways I grew on them.
Daddy Alpha: Annoying pup, are you still picking Emme up from work?
Golden Boy: I’ve been sitting out the front for two hours. Pretty girl, whenever you’re done, let me know. Also, check out Grouchy Bear.
*Image attached*
I clicked the image that Kellan had sent through, and chuckled at the sight of Finley sprawled across the ice, his massive arms spread like he was using them to drag himself along.
Golden Boy: Someone had a big day today. You’re going to have to tuck him in tonight, Daddy Alpha.
*Daddy Alpha has changed his name*
Alpha Hunter: If you knew the many ways I can murder you and dispose of your body, you’d shut the hell up, Kellan. Some of the options even involve spiders.
Golden Boy: Eeekkkk! *sad face emoji* *scared face emoji* I trusted you all with my deepest, darkest fear. I feel betrayed.
Alpha Hunter: It’s my job to ensure no one outside of our pack fucks with you. I never said anything about members inside our ranks.
Golden Boy: Aye-aye, Captain. I’ll be a good boy. Promise.
I might not know Hunter well, but I’d bet a butt load of cash that he’d gritted his teeth through all of these messages. The chat thread ended twenty minutes ago, so I quickly typed out a message.
Pretty Girl: Just finished work. Thanks for waiting around, Kellan. I’m sorry it took so long.
Within a few seconds he responded.
Golden Boy: I’d wait forever for you, Shortcake. You don’t ever have to thank me for being your alpha. It’s a fucking honor.
Golden Boy: Also, don’t leave the restaurant. I’ll be right in to collect you.
With a sigh, I dropped my head back against a locker and tried to exhale away the tension of the day. Hopefully, once I finished shadowing Bradley, I’d be able to mind my business and do the job without constant harassment.
Today had me questioning my capabilities in ways I never had before.
From this angle I noticed that my name on the locker had been changed to Emelime , with the previous Emeline crossed out. Fucking Bradley, even though that one was almost funny. There were two m’s now, and I was sure he’d make it my fault somehow.
I was distracted when the phone beeped in my hand, and I glanced down to read the message.
Alpha Hunter: Are you okay, Emme?
The stalker struck again.
Glancing around the ceiling, I found the camera in the corner with its red light flashing.
Pretty Girl: Spying on me again, Alpha Stalker?
Golden Boy: That’s Daddy Alpha Stalker to you.
Alpha Hunter: Answer the question, little omega.
I heard that question even though it was a text. Hunter’s voice always lowered into a deeper drawl when he called me little omega, and it was starting to drive my beast crazy.
Pretty Girl: Totally fine. It’s just a lot to try and learn everything in a single shift. Hopefully I’ll get the hang of it when I’m out on the floor. Bradley is… intense.
Kellan messaged back, even as his scent grew stronger, indicating he was entering the restaurant.
Golden Boy: Fire him, Daddy Alpha. Now! Or I’ll rip his guts out and use his intestines as fish bait out the back.
It wasn’t always easy to tell if Kellan was joking or not, but that text sent a shiver down my spine. It was intrigue rather than fear, though, and I was tempted to poke at his beast until it emerged.
Kellan burst into the locker room a second later, at the same time that both of our phones chimed. He hauled me up into his chest, and my gasp was loud and echoing as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug so secure that there was no space between us.
Holy goddess.
The world stopped spinning, gravity ceased, and life as I knew it shifted topsy-turvy. I was held in the firmest, warmest embrace I’d ever experienced. I’d never been held until it felt like all my ragged, broken pieces were dragged together, and through his strength alone he might make me whole.
“Kellan!” I choked out, scraping against his grip, while my breath caught in my lungs. At first, I thought it was a panic attack, which I hadn’t experienced since I found Mom. But then I realized I couldn’t breathe because I choked on unshed tears and unwanted emotions.
“Pretty girl,” he rasped, the turmoil in his voice unmistakable as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. “What’s wrong? What happened? I wasn’t kidding. I’m going to fucking kill him.”
My wolf started to whine, and if he didn’t let me go in two seconds, I would embarrass us both by bawling all over him. “Kellan,” I whispered through a throat so tight that I barely managed words. “Please.”
He didn’t react to my weak, pathetic shove. His wolf had taken over as he held me, and with an audible whoosh of air, I finally gave up fighting and sank into his heat, freefalling into the hug. Just a few minutes.
A few minutes to experience the beauty in his comfort. Tears flowed silently down my cheeks, and I turned my head to the side, hoping he wouldn’t feel their damp heat against his skin. Our phones beeped again and again, before Kellan’s started to ring.
Over and over.
No doubt Hunter was glued to the camera wondering what was happening.
Without releasing me, Kellan reached down and answered his phone, hitting the speaker button. “What the fuck is happening with our omega?” Hunter’s cold rage poured down the line.
I was busy trying to sniffle without making a sound, but as I lifted my head, I realized the camera was pointed right at my face.
“She’s crying, Kellan. Bring her to me. Right. Now.”
The line went dead, and Kellan finally got his beast under control, gently releasing me back to my own feet. I frantically swiped at my tears, but they weren’t fading as quickly as I’d hoped.
Kellan’s thumb brushed across my cheeks as he said, “I’ve got you, pretty girl. You’re never coming back here again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Hunter burned the building down tonight.”
“No!” I shook my head violently. “No! Seriously. I’m just hormonal, and I’ve never—” I swallowed roughly. “I’ve never really been hugged. It took me by surprise, and just so you know, those tears emerged without my permission .” Traitorous tears . “But you don’t need to do anything about the job. It’s a great restaurant, and your staff are great—” minus one “—so I’m not surprised that it’s so popular.”
He stared at me like he knew I was full of shit but also realized I’d reached my limit of sharing. I was tucked under his arm and guided out of the staff exit toward a massive TRX RAM in the parking lot.
Kellan opened the door for me. “It’s Fin’s baby. He let me borrow it and caught a ride home with Kenzo.”
“I love big trucks,” I said as I reached for the handle to pull myself into the cab. “He must feel like the king of the road.”
Kellan laughed dryly. “He wishes.”
When he was seated in the driver’s side, he waited for me to buckle myself in before hitting the start button. As the powerful engine roared to life I asked, “We’re going home, right? I don’t need to see Hunter.”
He lifted one eyebrow in a stare of amused disbelief. “Oh, my poor, deluded omega. We’re absolutely going to Hunter. Seeing you is about the only thing that will stop him from levelling the restaurant. And maybe any other structures he runs into on his way home. Trust me, it’s in Golden Claw’s best interest that you soothe the beast.”
A low thrumming of panic was my companion all the way into the city, and when Kellan pulled the truck into a private park out the front of Reeves Industries, I debated my chances of running home from here.
Kellan cupped my chin, his long fingers wrapping around my cheeks. “You’ve got this, Emme. You’re literally the one shifter who can walk into his rage and come out the other side unharmed. Don’t fear your alpha.”
If that was the case, why did I need him to hold my hand all the way to the top floor?
When we entered the lobby, Kellan was fawned over by the ladies behind the reception desk, but I was too worried to spare them a glance. Heading straight for the elevators, no one stopped us, and when we stepped inside it was already keyed to the twentieth floor.
Luring me right into the den of a raging beast.
“Breathe,” Kellan whispered near my ear. “He’s had ten minutes to calm down. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
When I glared my strongest, most lethal glare, he just fucking laughed. The fact that none of the alphas in my life feared me was as great a tragedy as Romeo and Juliet .
The journey into the skies took no time at all, and despite my fear of these enclosed metal boxes, I spent most of it praying for a breakdown.
When the elevator doors opened, I was surprised to find that the top floor looked deserted. There were no shifters at the reception desk, all the office doors were closed, and if it weren’t for the thunderous energy sifting in from the back rooms I’d have thought Hunter had already left.
Kellan flashed his smirk. “Hmmm, maybe we should give him another ten minutes.”
“I hate you,” I mumbled, my stomach swirling.
“Ouch, that hurts. I thought I was your favorite.”
His bottom lip jutted out, and he looked so ridiculous that it eased a fraction of my panic. “It’s a constantly rotating list. Best not to rest on your laurels.”
He dropped a brief kiss to my cheek, which was a nice distraction. “Don’t have a clue what a laurel is, but I bet I can rest on them with the best.”
Of that, I had no doubt.
Further conversation ended when the door to Hunter’s office slowly opened. His giant frame filled it a beat later and his dark gaze bored into me.
A silent command wrapped around my wolf, and despite my omega designation, I hurried forward, helpless to stop.
When I glanced back, Kellan remained locked in place near the open elevator.
Our eyes met and he managed a smile. “I’ll be right here, pretty girl. Give him hell.”
I didn’t get a chance to respond before I stood in front of a towering, furious alpha, with his wolf shining in almost golden eyes.
Hunter Reeves was beyond pissed, and I wondered if I’d survive the fallout.