D espite my best efforts, by the time I stumbled into the main foyer of the building, my body wasn’t remotely calmed. At least a dozen curious employees stared as I fled, and I was surprised when no one stopped me from exiting the building.
It made more sense when I raced down the steps and spotted Kellan chatting to a familiar alpha. Alpha Stalker knew he waited outside for me.
Kellan spotted me not even ten seconds after I hit the street, and he cut off whatever Sorenson was saying to rush to my side. Pausing in front of me, his blue eyes were dark as he examined me.
As he leaned closer, his nostrils flared. “I see you survived.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” I groused.
A knowing smirk crossed his lips. “Judging by your scent and that pretty flush in your cheeks, not all of you is happy. Naughty Daddy Alpha . Don’t let him fuck you into submission, Shortcake. No one controls you.”
“If only that was the truth.” I closed my eyes, knowing I should be embarrassed, but I remained in a state of numbed disbelief. Numbed horny disbelief.
“Well, hello there, Emmeline,” Sorenson called as he strolled across to join us. “I was just about to head over and pick up Chelsea from her bakery. She’d love to finally meet you, if you want to join us.” When he was closer, his nostrils flared as well, as if he could also scent my arousal.
Kellan crossed his arms and leveled the other alpha with a get fucked stare. “I will bring her to the cafe. If she arrives home with your scent all over her, you’ll have World War Three on your hands. And that’s just from me. Hunter will level the planet.”
Sorenson threw his head back, deep laughter booming from him. “So dramatic. But rest assured, your little omega smells solidly like your entitled alpha right now. His claim has never been stronger, even without a bite.” Probably half the reason for Hunter’s actions in his office.
“I’d love to meet her,” I said, cutting off further alpha posturing since we didn’t have all day. “She’s the only omega I’ve heard about in the pack cities.”
Sorenson’s expression sobered. “There are a few omegas across the shifter cities, but they don’t have quite the same protection we offer here. The council even tried to petition for one who was with an abusive pack, but they couldn’t get around quintet law.”
Mom’s face flashed in my mind, and Kellan wrapped his arm around me as I stumbled. “What happened to her?” Both alphas flinched at the hushed horror in my voice.
I’d already lived through what happened to an omega in an abusive pack, so while I was fairly sure how her story ended, I still had to ask.
Sorenson’s gaze was probing as he answered. “As far as we know, she remains with them. Still miserable, but she won’t take the necessary steps to leave. They have her so enthralled with their bond that she can’t see the abuse.”
Wait… “They haven’t killed her?”
Kellan’s arm around me jerked, like I’d jabbed him in the ribs. “Why would you think they’d kill her?”
In my mind, all I saw were lifeless eyes in the same icy blue as mine. “Just felt like it would escalate to that.”
Kellan’s pulled me firmly into his side, his scent and warmth comforting as they chased away the ghosts of my past. Sorenson watched our interactions closely, looking concerned, even as he forced a smile. “You know, my offer to join our pack still stands. Hunter is one of my best friends. We grew up together. He knows I’m a strong, caring alpha leader. You have options, Emmeline.”
There was a rush of movement, and I was gently shoved to the side as Kellan slammed his fist into Sorenson’s face. The crack was so loud it echoed off the buildings and down the street, and when I looked again, Sorenson was dangling two feet off the ground in Kellan’s grip.
“You know I like you…” Kellan sounded cheery and casual. “…but it’ll take very little convincing for me to murder you right here in front of your office. If you proposition my omega again, I will rip your arms off and beat you to death with them.”
His tone remained calm, as if they were discussing his last hockey game and not murder. Despite Sorenson’s strengths and muscles, he couldn’t break Kellan’s hold, no matter how hard he struggled.
Eventually he tapped out in surrender. With a final growl Kellan released him, and the other alpha almost fell to his knees, coughing his guts up.
I waited for a rise of fear over Kellan’s violent actions only… there was nothing . If anything, his display of strength and dominance had me and my wolf purring like fucking kittens. Kittens who had clearly lost their damn minds.
Sorenson recovered quickly, and when he straightened I was amazed by the complete lack of animosity on his face. “Sorry, Kel. I had to make sure you guys were the right fit for her. Omegas are precious, and I’m glad you already realize that.”
Kellan shook his head with a growl. “ Emme is precious, you dumbfuck. I don’t care what her designation is. Now get your stupid ass into your car before I murder you. We’ll meet you at the bakery.”
Sorenson chuckled all the way to his car, which was a white EV parked in their designated private space. My nose wrinkled as I stared at the compact SUV. “Now that I’ve seen his car, there’s no way in hell I’d ever consider his pack.”
Kellan’s hand cupped my face, drawing my full attention. “Granted, Soren has woeful taste in cars, but either way, you’d never have considered his pack. One alpha isn’t enough to handle you, pretty girl. You need a pack of them. Starting with me.”
When I grew up, I wanted Kellan’s confidence.
Hiding my smile, I pulled from his grip and headed for the truck. Kellan might not be the alpha I expected, but fuck if he wasn’t the exact alpha I needed.
He held my door open for me, and as I made to haul myself up, he placed a hand on my ass and boosted me like I weighed nothing. “Oomph!” Air escaped me because I hadn’t expected the boost.
Kellan ignored my surprise, reaching over to buckle me in. When I went to beat his hand away—because I could put my own seatbelt on —he leveled a serious gaze on me. “I need this right now. My wolf is going feral, and if we can’t claim you so no other alpha ever has the audacity to proposition you again, then I have to give in to some of my baser instincts. I’m sorry, Emme.”
The fight died out of me like it was never even there. Kellan had been beyond good to me, despite the ways I’d rejected him. I could give in to him on this.
Ceding control, I relaxed into my seat and let him fuss over me, making sure I was buckled in and safe, before he closed the door. The feeling of his wolf was closer to the surface as he crossed around the front of the pickup and hauled himself into the driver’s seat. His scent was stronger as well, and I knew his beast hovered on the edge of his control.
Not that he showed it while driving, smoothly navigating the afternoon traffic, which was heavy enough that I suspected it had to be quitting time for a lot of offices in the downtown area. When he turned into the street lined with restaurants and cafes, I started to worry we wouldn’t find a parking spot. There were a lot of shifters already grabbing their dinner after work.
As we approached Chelsea’s Sweets, a car pulled out right in front, and Kellan drove straight in. “How does it feel to be one of the goddess’ favorites?” I teased.
It was a relief to feel his calmer energy when he turned and smiled. “I knew that long before I scored this epic spot.”
The way he stared had heat blooming in my cheeks, and I wished my face didn’t feel the need to reveal my inner emotions and thoughts. It was time for a subject change. “I’m guessing you don’t plan on waiting in the car while I race in and speak with the omega.”
“I won’t even dignify that with a response.”
He was out and around my side to open my door before I could do it myself, but I managed to get my seatbelt off, which he didn’t comment on. Kellan’s easygoing nature had returned, the only visible signs of darkness buried deep in his eyes.
We walked into Chelsea’s Sweets together, both sucking in a deep breath as the scents of pastry and sugar hit us. “We have to grab some of these for dessert,” I said, my mouth watering at the memory of that apple treat.
Kellan approached the empty counter. “I already told Soren to pack us a box. Chelsea’s Sweets is the bane of Coach’s life, as he tries to keep all of us in shape over the season.”
He patted his rock-hard abs, and I attempted not to roll my eyes. “You appear to be in excellent shape, Golden. I don’t think you need to worry about a few sweets.”
His smile crept up slowly. “You should only make an assessment like that after some hands-on experience.”
“Has that line ever worked—” I was cut off by a scrape on the tiled floor, and Sorenson appeared with a woman at his side.
She was tiny, just like my mom had been, and when Sorenson looked down at her, it was as if she was the sun he revolved his world around. “Chelsea, I’d like you to meet Emmeline, our newest city member and an omega.”
She pushed her shoulder-length chocolate brown curls off her face, highlighting the faint bite mark on her throat, as her light-green eyes locked on me. When she held her hand out to shake, I noticed the blue veins in her ultra-fair skin. “It’s lovely to meet you, Emmeline.” She had just the slightest hint of a Southern accent.
I grasped her hand, finding no strength in her limp grip. “Lovely to meet you too. And please, call me Emme.”
A smile lit up her elfin features. “I go by Chels. As soon as Soren told me that you were an omega, I’ve been dying to meet you. Do you have a few minutes to chat while the boys gather up the last of the pastries for you to take home?”
“Absolutely. And I have to tell you how amazing your pastries and sweets are. I’m lowkey obsessed with them.”
She practically beamed as she hurried around the counter and hooked her arm through mine. “Well, that’s settled, then. You and I are now best friends. Come on, let’s leave them to it.”
When Kellan hopped behind the counter, Sorenson slapped a hand on his shoulder as their fight from before appeared all but forgotten. “They won’t be out of our sight,” he said reassuringly. “You don’t have to worry.”
Kellan didn’t look convinced, keeping his gaze on me for an extended moment, until he eventually focused on the pastry cabinets.
Chelsea led me toward a corner booth, sliding in first so I was on the open side. “Okay, tell me everything about your life,” she said, relaxing into the pink and teal cushions. “Where did you grow up? Do you know any other omegas? How did you end up here?”
The thought of telling this tiny, pretty omega, with soft hands and even softer eyes about my messed-up life had metaphorical hives breaking out across my skin. “There’s not a lot to say. My mom was an omega, but she died over a decade ago, and I’ve been on my own ever since. Even before that I never really lived in the pack cities. This is all a huge eye-opening experience for me, even as I fear what being near my scent-matched pack might do to me.”
Her brow furrowed as she rested her chin on her hands and watched me. “Why do you fear your pack?”
Lowering my voice, I leaned closer. “What’s it like being an omega in your pack? Do they treat you well? Is there ever any issue with… power sharing or… similar?”
The crease in her forehead grew deeper as she blinked in clear confusion. “I mean, I’m not bonded in a complete quintet yet, but we’re all a scent match.” She pressed her hand to the bite mark, and her eyes softened. “My pack treats me like a princess. I’m coddled, protected, and loved. I have freedom but support. It’s the best thing that could ever have happened to me.”
“You don’t share your power?”
Her eyes narrowed as she shook her head firmly. “No. It’s impossible for packs to share power with each other. We can feel each other’s energy and beasts, we can even communicate mentally on occasion, if the bond is really open, but our power is connected to our lifeforce. Which is ours alone.”
I hadn’t expected a different response, but I’d still had to ask. “Right. That makes sense. I just heard a rumor that it was possible for omegas to share power.”
With that, her suspicious expression calmed. “Maybe because you haven’t lived in the cities before. I have a few books on omegas if you’d like to read them, and I believe there are more at the town library. I’m not sure how comprehensive your education was, but my books should be a good place to start.”
“Not comprehensive at all. Any information would be helpful for me to understand how it all works.”
She gently tapped my hand. “We’ll drop the books off to your guardhouse soon. Oh, and it’s my birthday next month. I’ll be having a huge garden party that I’d love you to be at. I think your pack already RSVP’d, so I’ll add you to the list.”
I had no idea if I’d still be in Golden Claw then, but there was no harm in confirming today. “Sounds great! I’m looking forward to it.”
Kellan caught my eye then as he stepped out from behind the counter with a large white box in his hands. “Ready to go home, pretty girl? Hunter will expect us for dinner.”
Already drooling over the contents of the box, I debated if I could convince him just to skip straight to dessert. “Yep, ready to go.” Returning my focus to Chelsea, I offered a warm smile. “It was great to meet you, Chels. I’ll visit again soon.”
“Great to meet you too! I’ll get those books to you asap.”
As I pushed up to stand, I realized I’d forgotten to ask the most important question. “Have you ever heard of an omega being bonded in an all-alpha pack before?”
Chelsea blinked a few times, tilting her head as if thinking it over. “No, I actually don’t believe I have. I mean, it makes sense to some degree because we can withstand strong dominance. Though, it is much harder in a scent-matched pack.”
Yep, I’d learned that the hard way today.
Chelsea took in the emotions flitting across my face, and the slightest of frowns marred her delicate features. “Are they treating you well?”
Unable to help myself, I looked for Kellan, who waited by the door. “Far too well,” I grumbled.
Her light, airy laughter replaced any concern. “I understand, Emme. I don’t envy many shifters, but I think your pack might have us all wishing for a few more alphas. Enjoy them.”
There was no part of her worried that my pack would strip my shifter strength from me until my vessel was broken and barren. Nope. She felt safe and loved as an omega.
Had I misconstrued what happened with my mom because I was too young to understand? Or were omegas in an all-alpha quintets so rare that no one knew the dangers? Was there anyone else who knew Mom and her pack, and might have more information? And if so, how did I find them?