E mmeline stayed in my arms for far longer than I’d ever expected her to. Her lush curves pressed against the hard length of my body was enough to send me and my beast into a frenzy. I loved how she fit against my larger frame like she’d been made for me. Which she had.
Her curves though… fuck me dead. I’d kept my hands to myself. Barely.
When she’d finally opened up and started to bare her soul, I’d been consumed by my need to know her whole story. It was a pivotal moment in our relationship, and even with my fury toward her mom’s old pack, holding her while she shared her past brought me moments of peace.
I’d had no fucking clue it was possible to quiet my wolf in the way Emmeline’s presence did. To ease the alpha that wanted to hunt, dominate, and control.
Emmeline soothed the beast.
When she finally wiggled against me, I decided that if I didn’t let her go this time, the hard cock pressed between us would start causing issues. Now was not the time or place, especially after her heavy reveals, and I refused to rush the natural progress of our relationship.
It was a forever connection. True fucking mates. Bonded for life.
Going slow might be hard, but the alternative of spooking her into running was unthinkable. These moments of holding her would have to satisfy for now, even if my beast was ready to hunt and chase our mate until she submitted to our claim.
“I’ll meet you downstairs,” she said softly, gaze lowered. She was beating herself up, and I had no idea if it was about the cuddling or her confessions.
That fucking pack.
Were those alphas still out there? The ones who had scarred my girl, and then overstepped when she’d bloomed into puberty. If I ever found out their location, I would gladly pay them a friendly visit. Definition of friendly to be determined.
There was nothing I could say to reassure her that we were nothing like them other than continuing to show up in every way she needed. “Of course, Shortcake. Meet me in the kitchen.”
She nodded, and finally lifted her head to hit me with the full force of her depthless blue eyes. Her stare was a fucking shot to my heart. Amongst other places. “I’ll meet you there.”
Fighting every instinct in my body, I reluctantly left her room, palming my cock which had mostly been rock hard from the moment she’d landed on me. Even the story about that pack hadn’t fully deflated the asshole, who desperately wanted to be inside his mate.
With no time to deal with the issue , I ordered it to get its shit together, and settle down to a semi-chub. I couldn’t function with a baseball bat in my pants.
The house was silent as I padded down the stairs, all of our packmates still in the gym for their morning workouts. I’d gotten up extra early to work out before Emme woke up so I wouldn’t miss any time with her today. Yeah, I was whipped, but I gave exactly zero shits about how that made me look.
I’d never be embarrassed to show up for my girl. If you weren’t a little obsessed, was she even your mate?
In the kitchen, I got the coffee machine started and threw a dozen of the breakfast sandwiches Gerald prepared last night into the oven. The rain pelted the windows, and while it was disappointing not to make the track, at least Emme was stuck inside with us. I already had a plan to help build connections between the pack, and I couldn’t wait to tell my brothers their new plans for the day.
As the scent of freshly ground beans and bacon permeated the air, Emmeline appeared still dressed in jeans and my hoodie. Her curves covered by my clothes created a very Neanderthal reaction in my brain, turning me and my beast feral. The only way that sight would improve, was if she also wore my claiming bite.
One day.
“Coffee?” I said, handing her a perfectly doctored mug. Emme liked her coffee milky and sweet, and I might have added a shot of caramel to remind her of her favorite alpha.
She groaned, and it shot straight to my, once again, rock hard cock. Fuck .
“You’re a gift, Kellan Jackson. I don’t know how I’ve ever functioned without you.”
My chest tightened at how freely she offered her praise. The urge to bundle her up and drag her back to bed for the rest of the day was so strong that I had to grip the side of the counter to stop from moving toward her.
As I battled with my baser nature, she took a seat on a stool and sipped her coffee. Her gaze turned briefly toward the gloomy day outside the windows and then back to me. “Will you still meet at the track today?”
“Nah,” I croaked, still not quite pulled together as I busied myself with my own coffee. “The weather is only going to get worse. A bit of rain doesn’t bother us, but a full-on storm isn’t worth the headaches. Even if it’s fucking awesome to take our drift cars around the wet track.”
Her cute nose screwed up as she sighed. “That’s a shame. I’ve really been looking forward to it. Oh, actually… I’ve been meaning to ask if any of the road bikes in the garage are yours? I know the precious, precious Panigale is Slade’s, but what about the others?”
Her puffy lips parted and her eyes all but rolled back in her head when she mentioned the Panigale. I filed that away under gifts I would be buying my beautiful Shortcake.
The fact that my soulmate loved cars and bikes had me thanking the goddess for her blessings. “I love when you talk dirty to me, baby. Bikes, cars, engines, and racing. It’s like a shot of adrenaline straight to my co—” She coughed through a sip of coffee and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Cold heart?”
She quirked an eyebrow. “Right. You were absolutely going to say heart.”
“Absolutely. To answer your question, though, none of the bikes are mine. Unfortunately.” I was already cursing myself for not having one to give her this morning.
“Why unfortunately?” She looked genuinely curious, and I almost forgot her question as I stared into her perfect face.
I’d seek help for this obsession, except I never wanted it to end.
“Because clearly you want one of the bikes to be mine, and I don’t have time to order one and pretend it was mine all along. The ones in the garage are Hunter’s and Slade’s. Fin and I prefer four wheels.”
Her smile turned wistful, and I was fucking done . Goddess be damned, this shifter was my beginning and absolute end.
“Four wheels works for me as well. Could I maybe… drive your car? I’ve been missing the feeling of freedom as I fly along the freeway.”
Unable to stay away from her any longer, I leaned over the counter and grasped her free hand. She froze at the initial contact, but just as quickly relaxed and wrapped her fingers around mine.
She was so much more comfortable around me even after a couple of days. Slow and steady was going to win this race . “What’s mine is yours, pretty girl. You can literally have the clothes off my back and the money in my bank. You want my car… it’s yours.”
Emme had warned me more than once that there was no buying her affections, and I respected that, but the satisfaction I felt to provide and care for her wasn’t a feeling I could give up. It soothed my wolf and alpha side, even if I was forced to sneak everything in and hide it amongst what she already had.
Her eyes softened, shining at me, and I wondered if she knew how expressive her face was when she was happy and overwhelmed. She parted her luscious, full lips into a smile. “You’re my favorite, Kel. And you’re too good to me.”
She’d seen nothing yet, my beautiful destruction.
Falling in love with this omega would destroy the threads of my existence, and at this point I almost welcomed it.
Unable to help myself, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek, breathing in her sweet scent. My entire body reacted to us being this close, fueled by a desperate need to move a few inches and take her mouth. To taste that sweetness as well.
Somehow, I resisted.
“You’re my favorite too, pretty girl. Always.”
Her eyes widened and she stared at me for so long I worried that I’d broken her. Her blue eyes were glossy, and if she cried I’d legitimately lose my shit.
She tried so hard to protect herself after her trust and love was repeatedly abused by her fucked-up Mom and that pack. With each new revelation about her past, I better understood the shield she’d clung to ever since showing up here.
But our sweet omega had the softest core I’d ever experienced. She deserved all the love, and I knew if she opened herself to the rest of the pack, she’d find all four of us were the pieces she’d been missing her entire existence.
Emme pulled herself together so fast, it was clear she’d had to do that more than once in her life—pretending to be okay. “If there’s no track today…” She cleared her throat. “…and I’m guessing no bonfire, what’s in the cards, then?”
Giving her a little space, I turned to check on the sandwiches. “Hunter will insist on some sort of pack togetherness because family bonfire is his idea. He maintains that we’re all too busy, so we need to see each other at least once a week. With that in mind, I’ve got the perfect solution for today.”
Emme rubbed a hand over her nose, reminding me of how she’d looked last night with powder over her freckles. Our omega was beautiful no matter what, but I’d had to brush off the makeup. I’d needed a hit of freckles for my addiction, and now, as she sat all cozy and bare-faced, I drank her in like the obsessed lunatic I was.
Emme didn’t seem to notice my probing stare. “Do you really think it’s a good idea for all of us to hang out today? At least at the bonfire there’d be other family members to act as buffers. Slade and Finley clearly don’t want me here, and I’m not keen on forcing my presence.”
I could hear the guys finishing up their gym session, and knew they’d be joining us in a second. “I won’t force anyone to do anything they’re not comfortable with,” I said, confident in the knowledge that Hunter would be the one to lay down the law. “But we’re all adults. We should be able to hang out for a couple of hours while the storm of the year rages through Golden Claw.”
Emme didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t object again either. Checking on the sandwiches once more, I opened the foil to let them crisp up, by which time Hunter, Finley, and Slade were tromping into the kitchen in search of coffee—tea for the dragon—and food.
I plated up a sandwich for Emme first, sliding it across to her before I got the others ready. There were two for each of us, because we were growing boys and needed our sustenance.
“Thanks, pup,” Hunter said with an arrogant smirk.
Bastard loved to torment me, but I gave back as good as I get. “You’re welcome, grandpa. Got to look after the elders of the group. Do you need me to chew it up for you first?” A brief rumble escaped him, but it was without any real bite.
Finley slapped me on the arm when I handed him his plate, and when he turned to leave the room, I nudged him back toward the counter. With a sigh, he grumbled his way into one of the stools, farthest from Emme. Hunter sat right at her side, and to no one’s surprise Slade chose to eat leaning against the counter near the sink, where no one could accidentally touch him and get murdered.
I loved that dragon like a brother, but he was one unhinged, scary motherfucker.
Especially if you encroached on his personal space.
With my plate in hand, I dropped into the stool on the other side of Emme, scooting close enough to feel her gently flowing energy against my arm. “No track today,” Hunter said as he lifted his sandwich. “What’s the plan?”
As predicted, there was no way he’d let us get away with canceling family day. Releasing my cheeriness, I said, “I’ve got the perfect idea.”
“Not a fucking chance.”
Slade and Finley answered at the same time, but it didn’t bother me. They could object all they wanted, but this was also a tradition, and we’d gone too long between games.
Hunter dropped his sandwich with a sigh. “Let me guess… family board games day.”
Fuck yes it was.
My smug as fuck smile told them everything, and this time I had dual reasons for the event. One: I needed to destroy my pack brothers and bring them down a rung or two. Two: I wanted to make Emmy smile after her heavy morning.
This was my new mission in life.