I’d admit to doing my best to stay inside him for as long as I could, but by the time we stretched out on the bed with him as the little spoon, my dick had slipped out. Wynn made a soft sigh and pushed his ass back, doing nothing that said he was questioning making love with me.
He also didn’t seem to be worried about the direction the dirty talk had taken.
“You’re okay with that, right?” He paused, probably realizing that wasn’t enough information. “It wasn’t just because you thought I’d like it?”
That hadn’t helped.
So I kissed his neck and snuggled him tighter against me so he’d feel that I was happy with what we’d done…and then I tried to figure out what he was overthinking. “I need a more detailed question. We’ve done a lot in a short period of time and I can’t even begin to guess where to start.”
That got a snicker out of him. “Okay, good point. I was thinking about the fantasy and dirty talk part.”
So we’d both been overthinking that?
I wasn’t sure if it was good to know or just cute that we worried about the same thing, but it was something I could easily answer. “I’m okay with it.”
I managed not to laugh until he huffed and started to grumble. “I hadn’t been vague on purpose, you know.”
“First, I was okay with everything I said. Period. Some is more fantasy than others, but I realized how comfortable you were doing stuff in that more public setting when we were back at the party. Even humping my leg didn’t faze you.”
He made a thinking sound like he’d just realized that, but it was probably more nuanced than I was picturing. “Yeah, it didn’t bother me and…and part of me was thinking that I liked getting to do something…interesting?”
That made me laugh but he simply shrugged. “Something like that. I just never found anyone to do that kind of stuff with and it was…I liked it. In the right setting, of course.”
“Yes. With the right setting, I have no issues with exploring what else we might both enjoy.” Not sure what else to explain, I shrugged. “I’m not a get naked in front of strangers kind of guy but I don’t mind fucking with you in a more public-ish setting and I think I could go further than that in a more private one.”
Wynn nodded as he tried to snuggle closer, almost burrowing under me. “You’re going to have to explain the differences to me, but I think I get most of that.”
“Yeah, I need to think about my limits on that, but I’m positive we can find some sexy common ground.” Slowly running my fingers over his chest, I kissed the back of his head. “I think we did pretty good with that tonight.”
“Even when I kind of sprang shit on you.” Letting out a breath, he sounded disappointed with himself. “I didn’t mean for it to go that far. I thought…well, I thought it was going to be something only I realized. That probably doesn’t make it any better, but it was just for me.”
“Then Skyler let the cat out of the bag…or the pup out of the sub.” My ridiculous analogy got a snicker from Wynn.
“Yeah, it’s his fault.” Wynn seemed to love being able to blame anyone else but himself. “But you said you weren’t mad.”
“That’s right and we handled the situation, so no one needs to feel guilty. We’re just going to move forward.” The spanking and orgasm hadn’t exactly been a punishment, but it was a good way to imprint the conversation on his memory. “You do something like that again, though, and it’ll be lines and corner time.”
His sigh said he knew not to push me on that.
“You wouldn’t like not being able to come either.” My final threat was dryly delivered enough that he knew I wasn’t kidding.
Rolling over in my arms, he pressed his face right under my chin and tried to come across very apologetic. “I won’t. I have to be honest with you and ask for what I want.”
“That’s right.” Running my hand slowly over his back, I smiled as his breathing started to get deeper. “And I’m going to make sure I explain what I’m thinking and what I want too.”
Nuzzling against me as his brain started to turn off, he brushed his lips over my skin. “What…what do you want?”
Bringing my hand up to play with his hair since I knew how much he liked that, I started off simple. “To wake up with your lips around my cock. To wake you up deep inside you. Simple things.”
Barely laughing, he nodded. “Simple things. You’re not a complicated guy.”
“Nope. I just want a sub to spank and fuck with. A pup to play with. And a boyfriend to date. Not much at all.”
I wasn’t sure what he’d think about that last part but he made a happy hum and nodded against me. “Always…I always wanted to be your boyfriend but the…the other stuff is new. I’m glad…I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
Me too.
“I wanted to be your boyfriend too.” We’d just had the worst timing ever and he’d gone through so many phases trying to figure out who he was that it’d always felt like something I needed to ignore.
It seemed like we’d both been searching for the same thing in all the wrong places, though.
“At least we already live together.” Giggling sleepily, he was cut off by a yawn. “I…I think we’ve just been…we’ve just been getting ready. Pregaming the relationship.”
He was such a dork.
“I’m glad we’re at the main event.” We’d pregamed enough to last a lifetime.
“Me too.” His voice inched lower as he yawned again, barely hanging on. “You…you’re going to be a good Dom and boyfriend. You already…you do it so good already.”
He wasn’t exactly wrong, still, I was going to enjoy the boyfriend and Dom perks since I’d already been doing the other parts of the job. “Those are going to be my favorite parts, but I already like taking care of you and cuddling with you.”
I was pretty sure the sound he let out was a laugh, but it was mangled with exhaustion. “Me too. Spankings and fuck and the shower…you…you do good dirty talk too.”
“Thank you.” He was just the first person I’d been able to explore that with, so I was glad I hadn’t fucked it up.
How I’d managed to find one prude after another I had no idea, but I was starting to wonder if I’d been sabotaging myself.
“I liked calling you my slut and fucking with you.” It was almost as good as fucking him.
“I thought…I thought you’d like that part. You’re a brat. Doms can be brats, you know. I saw it…I saw it online.” Shrugging, he sighed. “You can’t blame me, though. I’m just…just relaying the information.”
“Well, if I’m just a brat, you can’t blame me for how I react.” Shrugging casually, I sighed to mirror what he’d done. “It’s just what you have to expect when you have a brat for a Dom.”
Wynn was quiet for a few seconds and then whispered softly. “I’m not sure if I’m supposed to share this or not, but that’s kind of scary and sexy. I’m probably not smart, though.”
Maybe not, but he was funny.
“You’ll just have to hope it falls more on the sexy side than the scary.” His shiver and the way he sucked in a breath didn’t give me the impression he was going to pray for sexy. “Who knows what I might do, otherwise.”
Mumbling something about not being smart, Wynn let out a deep breath. “I plead the Fifth.”
“I think that’s an interesting tactic, but I respect it.” And I was going to enjoy using it to fuck with him. “I think it also means I’m going to have to find a really good limits list to help steer our conversation tomorrow.”
“Ugh, tomorrow already? Can’t that wait?” His pouty tone made him sound like one of the littles he’d played with earlier.
“No, but if you’re good for me, I might look and see if you have any toys that we can use to make it more fun. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard buzzing coming through your walls some nights.” Glad I could finally tease him about that without it being weird, I chuckled as he groaned.
“Yeah, you thought I hadn’t noticed that before.” I’d also noticed him walking slightly funny once or twice. “I’m going to guess you’ve got at least one plug in your naughty collection too.”
I was a bit more straightforward when it was just me alone, but from what I’d been able to piece together, Wynn was more creative with his orgasms.
“Not being able to spend stupid money on Amazon made it easier to spend stupid money on other sites.” Sighing as he tattled on himself, he shrugged. “But I stayed in my budget.”
“What part of your budget is sex toys?” I’d helped him set the damned thing up.
“Um, the one where I said it was for streaming services? I’m just watching yours. I stopped mine about six months ago.” He was quiet for a second. “Sorry I lied about forgetting the logins.”
For fuck’s sake.
“No more lying about your budget.”
He giggled. “You sound more offended by that than the fact that I dressed you up as my Dom and took you to a BDSM party.”
“I am.” It was definitely the bigger transgression.
His barely controlled laughter said he didn’t understand that at all. “Sorry, Sir.”
I was going to claim bullshit again, but he sucked the wind out of my sails. “You take such good care of me.”
He was definitely the brat.
“We’re going to look at your budget and your collection tomorrow.” To see what he’d been buying and to see what I could use to fuck with him.
“And that scary and sexy thing is coming back.” He huffed like he didn’t appreciate it, but exhaustion made it hard to stay frustrated for long. “Budgets shouldn’t be sexy.”
I was not going to agree with that because it gave me so many wonderful opportunities to Dom him…I just hadn’t realized that was what I’d been doing.
“We’ll find ways to make it fun.” I was thinking more toward the toys side of things, but Wynn’s brain didn’t work like that.
“Stickers. I should get more stars on my chart for doing good with my budget. You’re right.” He mumbled something softly but it was too garbled to understand. “Yes.”
I wasn’t going to randomly agree with anything he said, so I kissed his head as he faded closer to sleep. He should’ve been out already, but his brain had to keep rolling the situation around to study it from new angles.
“You…did you say all you wanted?” Sounding confused, he brought one hand up between us and started petting my chest. “I think…we might’ve gotten distracted?”
That was entirely possible, but I wasn’t sure he was ready to hear the rest of what I wanted. “We can talk about that in the morning. Just close your eyes and relax.”
Obeying that order would’ve made my life too easy.
“No. I can’t argue. So I’m not. But I…I have to take care of you.” Stubbornness was setting into his voice and I knew I was fucked.
He was easygoing until he wasn’t.
And we’d gotten to the he wasn’t part.
“You’re going to take very good care of me, baby, but some things take time, alright?” He just huffed. He was such an adorable pain in the ass. “I want you to love me.”
Before I could get to the point where I explained I could be patient and that stuff took time, he sighed. “That’s it? Oh good.”
Wiggling against me until he’d pushed me onto my back so he could stretch out on top of me, he let out another breath and relaxed completely. “That’s easy. I thought…I thought I might have to learn to deepthroat you. My toothbrush makes me gag and I’d hate…I’d hate to disappoint you.”
“No, we’re good on that. I’m practical with that kind of stuff.” It’d never occurred to me to even fantasize about something like that.
Once you’d heard someone gag on their toothbrush for the thousandth time, some fantasies just weren’t believable anymore.
“So I don’t have to worry.” His body twitched and it took me a moment to realize he thought he’d shrugged. “I already love you.”
My heart stopped beating as he said the words I thought I’d never hear. “Love you and I love Halloween. Best anniversary date. Never forget. And fun. And yeah…”
Before sleep completely pulled him under, I got myself together and kissed the top of his head. “I love you too. And yeah, Halloween is going to be the best anniversary date ever.”
It’d be a fun date for a wedding too…but before I could point that out, Wynn was gone. His soft snore made me smile but it was the way he’d wrapped himself around my body and my heart that would stay with me for the rest of our lives.
Halloween was definitely the best.
And so was Wynn.