L ord Rowan Garrison , the newly minted Earl of Scarborough , entered White’s and headed upstairs to his favorite spot before the huge fireplace—hoping it hadn’t already been taken. As he entered the room, he noticed various gentlemen and peers seated, some reading the newspaper, some having spirited business meetings, and some enjoying a late breakfast. But he was looking for relaxation and a place to meet his friends.
His life had taken an unexpected turn of events last month—and that was putting it mildly. He’d inherited an earldom and, thus far, had visited one of the properties—a dilapidated manor house in Sussex —the only redeeming quality was that it was located near the estate of his friend Viscount Thomas Latham . Rowan had just moved into the Mayfair townhouse that he’d inherited as he considered which properties he’d visit next.
He’d been pleasantly surprised that the townhouse had not been in the same miserable shape as the home in Sussex . He found it maintained by a small staff of five—whom he thanked for keeping the place clean, comfortable, and running smoothly. Although the townhouse had peeling wallpaper and worn carpets—both easily replaced—the furnishings had been updated recently—something he’d found odd—along with recent additions, including a bathing room. Logically , one would spend time and funds on refurbishing the walls and floors first. Perhaps his mother’s uncle had died before he could complete the work. It was obvious that the Mayfair property had been his great-uncle’s main residence. Even so, it reflected the old man’s rather eccentric sensibilities. Rowan didn’t mind one way or the other. During the war, he’d slept in a tent or on the ground under the stars. As an agent working for the Crown for the past ten years, he’d lived in all sorts of places, from elegant townhouses to a bare-bones shack in the middle of the woods. Luckily for him, he was adaptable to any living condition.
A footman approached. “ Another brandy, my lord?”
“ Yes . Thank you. I’ll have a cigar if you have them with you. I’m waiting for my friends, Lords Soren and Latham and Sir Nelson .”
“ Very good, my lord. When they arrive, I’ll send them this way.” The footman refilled Rowan’s glass and lit his cigar.
Leaning back in the large leather seat in front of the wall-sized fireplace, Rowan allowed himself to relax for the first time since leaving France , and his mind drifted to the last—and very short—rather eye-opening conversation he’d had with his commanding general. “ You’ve been given a damn lucky break here, Garrison . Inheriting an earldom,” his commander had said. “ I know you love the military life and working as an agent, but I think your gifts could be better put to use elsewhere.”
Rowan had tried to argue with General Dudley , who also happened to be like a father to him, but the older man held up a hand and continued to speak before Rowan could get a word in.
“ You’re a handsome devil, Garrison , and that has always worked in your favor until recently. There have been rumors and whispers circulating, and I’m afraid those whispers could turn into downright accusations. While the ladies cannot resist you, their husbands cannot stand you. Before you get into any hot water that I won’t be able to get you out of, I suggest you follow my advice: Run your estates, get married, and start making babies before a jealous husband calls you out with pistols at dawn. ”
General Dudley had signed his exit papers posthaste, discharging him to his new life and ordering him to be on the next ship out of France .
Restless , Rowan sat up and glanced behind him, hoping to see one of his friends. Seeing no one, he turned around and leaned back in his seat. He had been in England for two weeks and still hadn’t seen his best friends, Lord Sebastian Soren , known as “ Slice ” to his friends, Sir Jonathan Nelson and Viscount Thomas Latham . The four had been friends since they were boys at Eton . Although life had taken them in different directions, they had remained steadfast. Slice had joined the military with him but, since then, had created a lucrative career in security with ties to the Eastern Star Shipping Company — Latham’s joint venture with several mutual friends.
Nelson owned En Garde , a prominent fencing club in London . He and his brother, the Earl of Shefford , had opened it a handful of years ago in honor of their father, who had insisted they excel at swordsmanship. Nelson’s skills and those of his brother had made it one of England’s favored places for training. Prinny routinely utilized En Garde to train his highly placed military leaders and knighted Nelson for his contribution years ago.
With no title to assume, a military career had seemed a natural choice for Rowan , who, since boyhood, had craved the thrill of battle. He’d learned all too well that the realities of war were anything but. War was brutal, gruesome, and tragic. But it made him the man he was today.
Now that Rowan had more money than he could spend in three lifetimes, Rowan could also spoil his mother and twin younger sisters. While his family had always been comfortable, they had never had the kind of wealth that would be deemed lavish. His mother, whom he adored, was a clever and talented woman with excellent taste and could haggle better than a Billingsgate fishmonger. He’d visited them when he’d first arrived and had asked if they’d like to travel to Scotland to oversee refurbishing one of the properties in East Lothian , just outside of Edinburgh . They had been thrilled with the suggestion. They decided to stay in Edinburgh in the family’s townhouse and then travel to the small estate to oversee the renovations. He knew they would enjoy themselves, and he promised to visit them as soon as possible. Rowan planned to turn over the refurbishment of his Kent property as soon as they finished the Edinburgh estate.
“ Garrison , you devil! How are you?” Slice said, slapping him on the back.
“ It’s good to see you, Slice . I didn’t hear you come up behind me,” Rowan said, standing up and shaking hands with his friend.
Slice folded his tall frame into a leather chair opposite his. “ You seemed preoccupied when I arrived,” Slice said.
“ I suppose I was deep in thought,” Rowan said.
His friend gave a wry chuckle. “ You have a lot to think about these days, I’d imagine,” Slice said.
“ Indeed ,” Rowan said, motioning the footman over. “ What would you like to drink?”
“ If that’s brandy you have, that’s good enough for me,” Slice said.
“ It is. They seem to have upgraded their stock,” Rowan said.
“ The French stuff is easier to get now, I suppose.”
Rowan swirled the amber liquid in his snifter. The footman arrived and poured Slice a glass of brandy and offered Slice a cigar as well.
“ When you come back this way, please bring two more brandies.” Rowan tapped the small table to the right of him, motioning for the footman to leave the extra glass there.
“ Yes , my lord,” the footman said with a quick bob before leaving.
“ By the way, congratulations on inheriting the earldom, Garrison ,” Slice said, raising his glass in a toast. “ Or shall I call you Scarborough from now on?”
Rowan quirked a half-smile. “ Thank you. I suppose I’ll have to get used to the new title. But I’ll still be Garrison to my friends.
“ You’re always up for a challenge,” Slice said. “ You’ll no doubt master it with your usual prowess.”
Rowan rolled his eyes at his friend. “ You make it sound like I’m about to seduce a young maiden.”
“ Who knows, that might just happen.” Slice laughed. “ Seriously though, you’re certain to be a great success as the new Earl of Scarborough .”
“ It is a new challenge. And you know how much I relish a challenge.” His great-uncle, Lord James Millen , the late Earl of Scarborough , had passed away four months ago and had died without a son and heir. Rowan , being the closest male relative, was named in Scarborough’s will as the new earl. Rowan hadn’t realized he was next in line. He’d thought there were one or two distant cousins ahead of him, at least. Evidently not.
He would miss his previous life. He’d achieved the rank of Captain in the British Army and had been stationed in France as one of the Crown’s top agents for almost ten years. He’d enjoyed everything about his work. He was recruited as an agent even before the end of the war. Even though the war with Napoleon had been over for nearly a decade, his duties involved watching for those wishing to undermine the British monarchy. Since the French Revolution , the fear of a similar uprising had been a constant thorn in the British government’s side. Napoleon had only intensified tensions between the United Kingdom and France . Although the two countries were now technically at peace, Britain relied on its agents to make sure it stayed that way. Rowan had loved his work, but now it was time to learn to embrace his new role.
“ I heard the old Lord Scarborough was richer than Croesus ,” Slice said, smirking. “ Profitable investments and accounts brimming with blunt. Of course, if you weren’t such a close friend, manners would dictate not speaking of such things as they now pertain to you.”
Rowan laughed. “ You’re only voicing what everyone else is probably whispering about. And I am still gathering information. Except for a few childhood memories I have of the man and what I’ve heard from his solicitors, I know very little.” Rowan had always appreciated Slice’s forthright manner in asking questions everyone else only pondered or discussed privately. That’s part of why the two always got along so well. He took another sip of his brandy. “ I visited the Sussex property this week—which I had been told was his favorite—and it appears no one has lived there in an age.”
“ Abandoned , eh? Maybe there was a reason it was forsaken…the death of his wife, perhaps?” Slice said. “ I heard he’d become a bit of a recluse after her death. A sad story, to be sure.”
“ Yes , my mother wrote me about that. A terrible tragedy.” Scarborough’s late wife, Judith , had tried to give the old Lord children time and again and miscarried numerous times. Then , when she finally had been able to carry a child to term, she and the child tragically died after she’d given birth. “ I did remember Mother telling me how devoted they were to each other. But I only ever met my great-uncle but never had the opportunity to meet Aunt Judith .”
“ I suppose that could explain the general lack of upkeep of his properties,” Slice added.
It made sense to Rowan that the old man, in trying to cope with his grief over losing his wife and child, had thrown himself into his work. He built an empire of wealth and property but with no family to share it with. Rowan could understand that in that time, the old lord would have been so focused on acquiring investments that he no doubt neglected everything else, including upkeep on his properties. “ The spiders were most unhappy to see me and knew they would finally have their cobwebs disturbed,” Rowan said. “ I plan to hire household staff for all the properties. It will take time to get everything up to snuff. But for now, I’ll start with the Edinburgh and Kent properties. Most of the necessary repairs will go to the interior rooms and exterior gardens. And the small buildings that surround the manor house. That sort of thing. I’ve made a list and begun a search for a steward.”
“ You’re already one step ahead,” Slice said. “ It’ll soon come together. “ By the way, you should consider yourself lucky to have left France when you did. I heard the Austrian ambassador’s wife who dallied with you was also dallying with another, and her husband called him out. The ambassador is a crack shot. Even though the rules were for first blood, the man nearly died,” Slice said, arching a brow.
“ So , everyone knows…” Rowan murmured, blowing out a breath.
“ No . Not everyone. But I heard it through a connection. Your surprise inheritance came at an opportune time because the ambassador’s wife had mentioned she was having a liaison with her husband in a fit of anger—but it wasn’t your name she mentioned. She gave the other poor soul’s name,” Slice continued.
“ Poor sod,” Rowan said. “ I almost hate to ask, but who was the unlucky man?”
“ Major DuBarry is the name I heard,” Slice said. “ I’m surprised you didn’t know this.”
“ I don’t engage in gossip,” Rowan replied. Word must have spread while he’d been traveling back to England , and then he’d been visiting his family and then busy inspecting his property in Sussex , he hadn’t been in London for very long to hear of any rumors or innuendo. “ Besides , I had already ended things with Augusta weeks before I found out about the earldom.” Rowan had made it a rule never to dally with a woman longer than a week or two.
“ What gossip are you referring to?” Viscount Thomas Latham said, walking up to them with Sir Jonathan Nelson .
“ Latham , Nelson , it’s good to see you both,” Rowan said, rising to shake hands. They exchanged greetings, and then Latham and Nelson sat in the empty chairs opposite Rowan and Slice .
“ We’re talking about Romeo here,” Slice said.
“ Bollocks , are we back to that nickname again?” Rowan scowled at his friends, who were laughing.
“ Well , you are the most handsome charmer I’ve ever met,” Latham said, batting his lashes like a young debutante.
“ With that golden-brown wavy hair and those sky-blue eyes, you’re irresistible, like a veritable Adonis ,” Nelson said.
“ Don’t forget that dimple,” Slice added with a wink.
Rowan growled at their antics. “ Enough . You make me sound like I go around spouting poetry all day. My affair with Augusta was brief. Over before it even began.”
“ Did you know DuBarry ?” Slice asked in a more serious tone.
“ I knew him in passing, he was a good chap,” Rowan said, taking a puff of his cigar. “ Have you heard any news about his condition?”
“ Last I heard, the man was teetering back and forth between life and death. You were fortunate, in my opinion,” Latham said.
“ Yes , so Slice has told me,” Rowan muttered. “ But need I remind you that I’m a better shot than you three? So , I doubt the dual would have ended the same.”
“ True , you are the best damn shot I’ve ever seen,” Nelson said.
“ Are you sure the gossip hasn’t spread?” Rowan asked.
“ Rest assured that Slice and I know because we, like you, have informants and underground sources. I wouldn’t be concerned about it getting out to the ton .”
“ One of our informants told us about the duel,” Slice said. “ It was of concern at the time. It’s not every day that an Austrian diplomat challenges an English major on French soil. It could have led to something far more serious had the authorities not intervened.”
“ Damn . I knew Augusta had a volatile temper, but I had no idea she’d actually throw her affair in her husband’s face,” Rowan said. For a man whose career depended on being able to come and go unnoticed, news of a duel could have caused significant international problems, not to mention ruined his name and reputation—especially a duel with the cuckolded husband of a married woman that Rowan had taken to his bed. “ I appreciate your not-so-subtle warnings, my friends, and I will heed them.” He was done with dalliances for the time being, especially with temperamental married ladies who were bored with their husbands.
The four men lifted their glasses in a silent toast.
“ And how is married life treating you, Latham ?” Rowan asked, changing the subject.
“ Frankie and I are very happy. We’re expecting our third child in May . She’s a wonder, and I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have her and our children. And dear little Maggie is loving her role as a big sister.”
“ Speaking of marriage, allow me to congratulate you, Slice , on your recent nuptials. You snared the beautiful Lady Katie Latham .”
“ Thank you,” Slice said, smiling. “ I think she rather snared me. She’s most captivating—and can wield a foil better than most men. I never thought I’d enjoy being leg-shackled, but I highly recommend it. There’s something to be said about married life,” Slice said with a grin.
“ Every day is an adventure with her, and I am loving every moment.”
“ Little Katie Latham . Well , I hope Latham here hasn’t given you a hard time.” Rowan chuckled.
“ Slice knows I’m happy for them,” Latham said. “ My sister went through a lot in the past few years, and I couldn’t ask for a better brother-in-law.”
“ I suppose we’re the only hold-outs left,” Rowan said to Nelson . “ Unless you have something to report?”
“ Hardly ,” he snorted. “ I prefer my bachelorhood, thank you very much.”
“ Is that why you’re always arguing with Miss Gowans when you’re in the same room?”
Nelson muttered a curse under his breath as he took a sip of brandy.
“ Miss Gowans is Katie’s cousin, isn’t she?” Rowan asked innocently.
“ You know very well that she is,” Nelson replied.
“ Pretty girl, with the loveliest wavy, auburn hair and the deepest green eyes I’ve seen in a long time time.
“ She’s not a girl anymore,” Nelson said.
“ Really ? Do tell,” Slice quipped.
“ Stubble it will you, Slice . What I mean is she’s a strong-willed woman with a temper to go with it. Besides , she’s told me to my face, that she quite hates me. Which is why we always seem to end up in an argument whenever we’re in the same room,” Nelson muttered.
“ As the saying goes, there’s a fine line between love and hate my friend,” Latham said.
“ Well , I’d say Paula is firmly on the hate side of that line,” Nelson said.
Rowan puffed on his cigar, pondering the comments of his friends. Even Nelson , who’d always been a confirmed bachelor, seemed very much engaged in his volatile relationship with Miss Paula Gowans . A lot had changed during Rowan’s time away. He’d always enjoyed his bachelorhood. He knew his looks attracted ladies from all walks of life; he’d used that to his advantage in his work as an agent. His mother had always told him his debonair charm would get him into trouble one day. He supposed she had been right.
Rowan had never thought about marriage, never considered entering the marriage mart and having simpering air-headed debutantes being thrown at him from every matchmaking mama in the ton . Then again, Latham and Slice hadn’t married simpering young women. Miss Paula Gowans wasn’t one either. But from his experience, those women were few and far between. Which was why he’d always enjoyed the freedom of his brief liaisons. His paramours were under no illusion that the affair would last long—a few weeks at best, which was why he was generally attracted to wanton widows and married women craving a thrill.
Of course, given his new circumstances, he would have to rethink his philosophy about marriage. But not right away. Definitely not. He had too much to do. While he enjoyed dallying with a lovely lady as much as the next rake, it was never at the expense of his duties. Besides , it was time for a change. And he was up to the challenge of refurbishing his estates.
“ I understand your late great-uncle spent most of his time here in London ,” Nelson said, bringing them back to a more comfortable topic.
“ That appears to be the case,” Rowan said. “ I’m finding out more about him every day. The last time I remembered seeing my great-uncle was when I was ten years of age. He was passing through Kent , where we lived, and stopped to visit.”
Rowan’s impression of his great-uncle had been memorable, to say the least. Scarborough had been a rather frugal sort before his marriage, one who’d kept his purse closed unless it was very important. But he was not unkind . “ Look after the pennies, son, and the pounds will look after themselves,” his great-uncle would say. He was an intelligent man with a head for commerce. The man had once given Rowan a half-crown for helping carry his trunk to his room when visiting Rowan’s parents’ home. Scarborough had carried one handle and had asked Rowan to carry the other, eschewing the assistance of a footman. Perhaps that hands-on attitude had been one of the reasons he’d been a shrewd businessman. Marriage had eventually softened Scarborough . But if his properties were like the one in Sussex , Rowan would have a considerable undertaking on his hands in restoring them—and making them profitable.
Now , Rowan had more money than he had ever imagined having the whole of his life. He felt a bit sorry for the old man, having died alone…without a family. Was that to be his own future? He pushed that morose thought aside. It wasn’t that he would never consider marriage and children, but he didn’t need any more complications in his life. He’d barely escaped one entanglement in France ; he certainly didn’t want to go looking for trouble now that he was back in England .
“ As you know, the entailed seat of his peerage is in Kent , and there were several other properties he purchased—in Sussex , Edinburgh , Tintagel , and Bath that I know of thus far. I have a meeting scheduled with my great-uncle’s man of business tomorrow and am hoping to gain more clarity on the other properties before I dive in. For now, I’m staying at the Mayfair townhouse.”
“ You will be busy,” Slice said.
Rowan nodded with a grimace. He shuddered to think in what condition he’d find those properties. He had decided to focus on the Scotland property first and then the entailed one. It would give his mother and sisters a chance to get one property tended to as they enjoyed Scotland . For the Sussex property, he planned to hire a skeleton staff and have it cleaned up, which would allow him to see what repairs or renovations would be necessary. With Latham so close, the estate in Sussex would be the property he would enjoy the most, and he wanted a hand in making it fit his needs.
“ I’m glad we’ll be neighbors, in Sussex at least,” Latham said.
“ Yes , I’ll be able to stop by and borrow a cup of sugar when I need to.” He laughed. It was good to see his friends again. That was the best part about coming home. Home . He hadn’t had a real home since his boyhood. But was he ready to start his own family and take his place in Society as Latham and Slice have done? Definitely not. He had much to keep him busy. The future could wait a little while longer.
“ Ha ! That reminds me. While I have the three of you here, there’s something I need to ask,” Latham said. “ Frankie and I are having a small holiday house party next month at Latham Manor . It’ll be for close friends and family. Nelson , Slice , and Katie are invited, Miss Paula Gowans has already accepted.”
Nelson arched a brow. “ Of course she did.”
“ And , of course, you’re invited as well, Garrison . Frankie thinks you gentlemen will round the party out nicely. And you know how much Frankie loves to entertain,” Latham said.
Viscountess Frankie Latham had a reputation as one of the ton ’s most enchanting hostesses. She had a way with people—she didn’t gossip and cared deeply about her friends. When he married her, Latham had not only gained a beautiful wife but a daughter— Frankie’s sweet little girl, Maggie .
“ I take it you need a bachelor to round out the numbers?” Rowan asked, arching a brow.
“ Well , funny you should mention that, but I do believe at least one widow is attending,” Latham said, tapping his chin.
“ Are you sure you want me around a widow?” Rowan said in a wry tone.
“ Given your recent exploits, I’m sure you’ll be on your best behavior,” Slice said with a wink at Thomas .
Rowan caught the conspiratorial exchange between his friends. Something was definitely afoot. “ Please tell your lovely wives not to get any ideas about matchmaking. My stance on the issue remains the same— I have no intention of marrying for the foreseeable future,” he said, looking into the feigned, shocked faces of his three closest friends.
“ What ?” Latham said. “ There are no plans. It’s just a relaxing house party. Fox hunting, cards, dinner, dancing, charades—that sort of thing. Just close friends and family. But you three have made me a happy man because Frankie will be thrilled you accepted.”
Rowan finished his brandy. The house party would be a welcome diversion for the holidays. Provided his friends didn’t get any ideas about introducing him to any dewy-eyed debutantes.