A Scoundrel All the Way (Wicked Widow’s League #19) Chapter Three 29%
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Chapter Three



A piercing meow on her windowsill woke Lucy . It was very early. The sun was barely beginning to rise, and the sky was still dark. The fire in her room had been lit, so she presumed her maid, Mary , had opened the blue and white striped drapes so she’d awake early. She had enjoyed yesterday when everything was still more casual. Frankie had planned an informal dinner for the guests who’d arrived yesterday. Given that she was tired from travel, Lucy chose to enjoy a light dinner in her room and retired early.

Squinting , she rubbed her eyes and stared at the window across from the bed, marveling at the gray and white striped tabby perched on the window. The kitten must have climbed the nearby oak tree to get there. Katie opened the window and let the kitten in, hugging it close and kissing it.

A knock sounded on her door and Mary entered the room. “ Milady , Lady Katie Soren asked if you would break your fast with her this morning. As you requested, I have your dark red riding habit pressed and ready in case you decide to ride. And I’ve also made sure your yellow muslin was pressed and ready.”

“ Thank you, Mary . By the way, this little kitty was on my window ledge. Do you think you could find some bacon in the kitchen and perhaps some cream so he gets something to eat? I would prefer giving it something from the kitchen than having it catch a bird,” Lucy said. “ He’s probably the offspring of one of Katie’s barn cats. Once he’s had a good meal, please secure a small basket, line it with a warm blanket, and take him to the barn where the other cats are located.”

“ Milady , you have a tender heart. I will be happy to do that,” Mary said. “ I was told to make sure you knew that the women will be in the drawing room for tea while the men participate in the fox hunt. Lady Latham sent you a note, and I realized that I had forgotten to give it to you last evening.” The maid extracted it from her pocket and handed it to Lucy .

Dearest Lucy ,

Please join the women in the drawing room for tea and biscuits at nine o’clock. The men will probably be attending the fox hunt. Of course, if you’d like to participate in the hunt, you’ll need to meet in the stable at seven o’clock.

Sincerely ,


Oh yes. Of course, there would be a fox hunt. She cringed, thinking about the small animal that would have its life snuffed out for the sake of the men’s amusement. Why did house parties offer these abominable activities? It was unconscionable to think of a small, harmless fox forced to run for its life from a pack of dogs and men on horseback. And the injuries were horrible. Lucy never believed that the fox died instantly; rather, they died bite by bite, being forced to endure such horrific pain. “ Do you know anything else about the fox hunt?”

“ Not really, milady. I heard it would be early,” her maid said. “ Are you planning to hunt?” The maid’s voice sounded incredulous.

“ Of course not. I was just wondering so I could stay out of the way. I plan to ride and will go in a different direction. Although , I cannot countenance what they do to animals in the name of sport,” Lucy said.

“ They are wild creatures, milady,” Mary said. “ But I understand what you are saying. I don’t believe in hurting animals for pleasure.”

“ I agree completely. Oh , can you deliver a note to Lady Soren ?” She quickly penned a reply, telling Katie that she had decided to take an early ride and apologized for missing breakfast but would see her later for tea with the other ladies. She also let her know about the little kitten.

“ Yes , my lady.”

An hour later, Lucy made her way to the stable. She was dressed in a deep red riding habit with a matching cape. She carried a folded tapestry bag beneath her arm.

“ Good day,” she said, smiling at the stableboy. “ Do you have a horse I might be able to ride this morning? And could you please point out the direction the hunt will be going in, I will be careful to ride in the opposite direction,” she asked sweetly. She noticed other riders were already coming into the stable and claiming horses and hoped there was one left. She hadn’t reserved it, so she prepared herself for disappointment.

“ Yes , milady. We have a beautiful, dappled mare that hasn’t been reserved for the fox hunt.” He showed her a lovely horse that was at the end of the stable. “ Her name is Dolly . She isn’t being used for the hunt because the sounds of the dogs and horns upset her.”

“ That’s perfect—not that she gets upset. It’s perfect that you still have her available,” Lucy said with relief. At least as a married woman, a footman didn’t need to ride with her and protect her virtue…even though, technically, she was still “virtuous.” The ton considered her a widow—and The Ton Tattler had made sure everyone knew the inside story of her proxy marriage. “ Dolly is lovely. Would it be permissible for me to take her out now?” Lucy asked. “ I’d just like to get some distance from the hunt to keep her from being spooked by the noise.”

“ That sounds like a clever thing to do,” the youth agreed. “ By the way, my name’s Charlie .”

“ Thank you, Charlie . My name is Lady Lucy Tenet . I appreciate your helpful advice and assistance.” Lucy hated using her married name. Especially given what kind of man her late husband turned out to be. She tried to persuade her father to help her petition for an annulment so that she could go back to her maiden name. Lucy far preferred being known as Lady Lucy Jeffries and would rather live as a spinster for the rest of her life with her maiden name than carry Dirk Tenet’s name as a widow. Her father kept putting her off, claiming that these things take time. As an earl, Lucy felt sure he could have already taken care of the matter. Lucy was determined to liberate herself from her married name one way or the other. With or without her father’s help, she would speak to her solicitor about it in the New Year . Besides , Lucy had a feeling her mother was behind blocking the annulment. Her mother most likely feared being embarrassed among her set since the annulment would be reported on in The Tattler . The only good thing to come out of that marriage was the financial independence Lucy had gained.

Shaking off her frustration, Lucy focused on what she needed to do. The sun had almost risen, and there wasn’t much time. She needed to find that poor creature and save it. “ Charlie , I’m curious. Are they planning to use a bagged fox for the hunt?”

A look of sadness passed over the boy’s face. “ Yes , milady. The poor creature. One of the hunters bagged it on a previous hunt. Usually , they keep it in a small cage outside one of the sheds used by the groundskeeper. It’s that way, about a mile,” he said, pointing in the direction on the other side of a large pond.

“ That’s good to know. It’s another place I shall avoid,” Lucy lied, accepting Charlie’s help climbing into the side-saddle. She whispered a good morning to the mare. “ Now , I know you’re a trifle skittish, Dolly girl, but I hope you’ll help me in my quest this morning. I’m sure you can understand what an important cause this is. Holding the reins with confidence, she guided Dolly away from the stable. Looking left and right to ensure no one was watching, she headed toward the groundskeeper’s shed, following the path around the pond. Despite the distance, it was relatively easy to find. Once she arrived, she noticed it appeared empty, and her eyes quickly scanned the area for the fox’s cage. Hearing a faint whimper on the other side of the shed, she dismounted and made her way toward the long wooden cage that stood isolated from the surrounding bushes.

The fox appeared to be young but sluggish. Was it ill? Lucy wasn’t afraid of animals and always eagerly leaped to the aid of any creature in need. She often assisted with the births of foals and puppies on her father’s estate. Injured or sick animals seemed to understand she meant no harm. She’d learned a lot over the years, nursing wounded creatures back to health. It was why she was determined to establish her sanctuary. In the meantime, she would do what she could to rescue as many animals as she could. She slipped her hand through the bars of the cage and gently petted the fox behind the ears. “ I promise you, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe,” she whispered. The small red fox made a soft keening whine, a sound used to signal they wanted attention.

Lucy had always wanted to become a veterinarian. However , her aspirations of studying at the London Veterinary College and advocating for animal welfare had been thwarted by the prevailing societal norms that prohibited women from attending university. Undeterred , Lucy had ordered several books over the years about veterinary science and had studied them carefully.

Unlocking the cage, she gently scooped up the small creature, tucked it into her tapestry satchel, and gave it some berries she had saved from breakfast. Careful not to cover up the air holes she had pierced into the bag, Lucy snapped it closed and placed it beneath her cape. Spying a nearby stool, she placed it beneath Dolly . “ Now , dear Dolly , I do hope you’ll be still as a mouse as I climb back up on your regal back.”

The horse whinnied in reply.

“ Good girl!” Stepping up on the stool, she began to hoist herself back into the side saddle. She didn’t have much time. She needed to find a place to hide the small fox so she could care for it. She did not like the sound of its cries. The poor thing could be ill or injured. The important thing was to get away so that she could examine the fox without worrying about being discovered. The fox hunt would be starting soon, and she didn’t want to be caught near the cage, especially when they discovered the fox was missing.

“ Where do you think you’re going with that fox?” a deep, commanding voice asked from behind her.

Lucy gasped and toppled from the stool in her haste to turn toward the man.

Strong arms reached out and grabbed her before she could fall to the ground. “ Thank you,” she breathed as she looked up, her gaze colliding with the most striking sapphire-blue eyes she’d ever seen.

“ Thank you.”

“ You already thanked me.”

She swallowed as she regarded the man who was staring down at her with a curious expression on his face. Lord , he was tall. And handsome. His wavy brown hair framed a chiseled jawline. Was that a dimple in his chin? And those eyes. They were piercing in the morning light. He took up so much space. She’d never seen a man that tall before or that broad. Thomas and Slice were both tall, but this man was even taller.

“ Thank you for your assistance er-um…” Her voice trailed off as her mind raced.

“ Scarborough .”

“ Oh ! You’re the new Earl of Scarborough .” She beamed. “ Well , so lovely to meet you, my lord. I was just going for a ride and, um, must have gotten turned around. Now , if you’ll excuse me, I should be getting back to the manor to join the ladies for tea before all those yummy scones get gobbled up.” She giggled.

“ You’re not going anywhere, Lady Tenet ,” he rumbled in that deep voice.

“ I’m not?” she squeaked. How can such a beautiful man with such a gorgeous face and such blue eyes have a voice that sounds like thunder?

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