A fter getting dressed and helping with the horses, Rowan returned with Slice , Nelson , and Latham to the parlor, where they found Lucy and Ashe . Lucy was dressed in her crimson red riding habit, her hair tied up with a strip of the sheet. Her spectacles perched on her nose. She looked so pretty and so lost that Rowan wanted to go to her and pick her up and hold her. Ashe was sitting on her lap, watching the other three men with narrowed, flinty eyes, and gave a low growl.
Rowan’s lips twitched as he observed his friends, all of whom could stride into battle without a moment’s thought, exchange a glance over the small fox’s ferocity. Rowan felt rather proud of the little fellow trying to protect his mistress against a possible threat.
“ You’re safe from him, although he probably doesn’t feel he’s safe from you,” replied Lucy brusquely.
Slice , Nelson , and Latham gave her an amused look.
“ I’m sorry. I just feel rushed, and I don’t like to be rushed. It makes me make mistakes.”
She whispered something to Ashe , who seemed to calm down as she tucked the fox into the satchel. She left the satchel open, and the fox popped his head and tail out above the lip of the bag.
“ You are being rushed because we need to get back as soon as we can,” Nelson said kindly.
“ Everyone is looking for you and Rowan . And Frankie , Katie , and Paula are doing their best to distract them from the topic of the fact that you’ve both been missing for days,” Latham added.
Lucy’s lips formed an O , and she glanced at Rowan .
“ Let’s go into the kitchen to talk, Lucy ,” Rowan said, holding out his arm for her.
“ I’m fine. I’ll follow you,” she said with a huff.
“ What’s this all about?” she asked when they left the other three men in the parlor.
“ Lucy , you know what this is about. They walked in here and found us lying next to each other in front of the fireplace with Ashe between us,” Rowan said.
He looked into her eyes as he contemplated what he had to do. Those beautiful, brandy-colored eyes regarded him as warily as the fox had regarded his three friends a few minutes earlier.
Well , there is nothing left but to go ahead and do it ? —
“ Will you marry me, Lucy ?” he blurted.
Several emotions flickered across her face with such speed he could scarcely note them all—alarm, surprise, fear—he could have sworn he saw a frisson of hope as well. As soon as he’d said the words, he realized he didn’t regret them. Even though she was the most stubborn and contrary woman he’d ever met. What was it about Lucy that turned him inside out?
She stepped back in astonishment. “ I … I …”
“ You have to say yes.”
“ I have no choice?”
“ No . I’ve ruined you—even though I never meant this to happen. I truly care—” He stopped himself from saying what he’d almost said. “—about your reputation,” he finished. God , that sounded so stupid to his ears. Why couldn’t he have just told her that he cared about her? Because you’re an idiot. That’s why.
“ Is that what you care about? My reputation?” The pain in her eyes nearly undid him.
“ No . I mean yes, but that’s not all.” He blew out a breath and rubbed the back of his neck. “ Look . Just say yes, and we can sort everything else after. We’ll return to Latham’s and announce our betrothal, and you will suffer no ill effects of our little adventure.”
“ Our little adventure?” Her eyes welled with tears, and she started to cry. “ I had no intention of having a little adventure . I only wanted to rescue a sweet fox from a certain brutal death. He would have been shredded to pieces by those dogs, and for what? The pleasure of being a guest at a house party. Now , I’m being made to feel that my actions in trying to save this animal will cause a terrible scandal unless I agree to marry you… How can I agree to that?”
“ You’re right, but you’re wrong too.”
She shook her head. “ You are the most maddening man.”
Rowan couldn’t help it. He placed his hands on her tear-stained cheeks and kissed her soundly.
“ What are you doing?” Her eyes fluttered at him like butterfly wings. How he loved that.
“ I’m kissing you. I thought that would be obvious.”
“ Rowan ! Are you even listening to me?”
“ I am. But you’re going to marry me, anyway, Lucy . I’ll accept no arguments, either.”
“ Oh , you! You are…a stubborn, stubborn man. Why do you have to be so honorable? Aren’t you supposed to be a scoundrel?”
He threw back his head and laughed. There was something so innocent, so appealing, so damn noble about Lucy . Not the typical English beauty. Better . He was mesmerized by her brandy-wine eyes, laced with flecks of gold. Her deep brown hair showed hints of shimmering red in the firelight. Her skin, smooth and creamy, was like pressed powder. Seeing her in his clothes over the past two days, his shirt, which hung loosely down to her knees was the most sensual image he’d ever beheld. He would have to remember that after they were married. When they were in private, he would insist on her wearing his shirts.
“ You’re not listening to me. I can’t let you do this…” She burst into tears, and his heart wrenched.
He couldn’t stand to see her cry. He leaned down and gently covered her lips with his own, effectively stopping her tears. Lucy’s arms went around his neck, and she tugged him closer.
“ Marry me,” he said against her neck before returning to her lips. The more he said it, the more he liked the notion. “ Lucy ?” he prodded.
She breathed in a shaky breath and nodded. “ I will marry you, Rowan .” Although I always thought I’d marry for love,” she whispered.
He sealed their pledge with another kiss because her lips were so damn inviting. Some would probably accuse him of taking advantage, he supposed. But she had agreed—and that was a good thing. He hadn’t ravished her, not that he hadn’t wanted to. Because if they had had one more day and night together, there might have been a real scandal.
Someone cleared his throat behind them, and they broke the kiss.
“ For the love of God , what are you doing?” Nelson asked.
“ I’m consoling her,” Rowan answered.
Slice smirked.
Latham chuckled. “ I’m beginning to understand things a little more. Come on, you two. We have to get back.”
“ She’s agreed to marry me,” Rowan said with a grin to the obvious relief of his friends. Even Lucy didn’t seem as angry as she had earlier.
Rowan grabbed her hand, and they walked back to the parlor, where he helped her into her pelisse. Once she was in her wrap, Lucy lightly tapped Ashe on the head, and he ducked his head into the valise so she could secure it.
Latham’s expression was one of pure amusement.
“ I’ll let you explain Lucy’s new…pet,” Latham said to Rowan as they made their way to the stables, Lucy walking ahead of them.
“ Then , you have no objection,” Rowan said. It was more of a statement than a question.
“ Have you met my sister? While she lacks experience rescuing foxes before a hunt, she regularly slipped puppies, kittens, and birds into the house when she was a child. If I forbade it, would it do any good?” Latham asked.
“ Probably not,” Slice agreed. “ She still does it, by the way.”
The four men laughed.
Lucy gave Rowan a questioning look over her shoulder, and he winked at her. She grumbled something under her breath and turned around. God , she was beautiful. He suddenly couldn’t wait to be married and unleash all that passion he knew was simmering just beneath her prim and lady-like exterior.
They arrived at the manor house an hour later. The sun had melted the roads enough that they were muddy but passable.
Frankie , Paula , and Katie ran out to greet them. Rowan lifted Lucy down, and she was immediately surrounded by her friends. She held the satchel tight against her chest as her friends hugged her and took turns peppering her with questions.
“ You must tell us everything,” Paula declared.
“ Paula , she’s barely just arrived,” Katie scolded her cousin. “ But you will tell us after you’ve rested, of course.”
Paula threw an accusatory glance at Nelson .
“ What in the blazes is that look for?” he grumbled.
“ Nothing , it’s just that poor Lucy must have been overwhelmed to have been surrounded by all of you.”
“ I was fine,” Lucy said.
Lucy looked at her friends, her eyes wide as she clutched Ashe in his satchel. Rowan wanted to pick her up, carry her up to his room, and keep her safe until all the guests had gone home.
“ The midday meal has already been announced,” Frankie said. “ Everyone was just sitting down when we received word you were arriving. Would you like to join us, or would you like to have a tray sent to your room?”
“ Do you think I could get a tray sent to my room?” Lucy asked.
“ Yes , of course, my dear,” Frankie said with a warm smile. “ We’re just so happy to have you back safe and sound.”
“ Let’s go to my study first,” Latham said. “ Frankie , Katie , and Paula , please join us.”
The women gave Lucy a questioning look, but Lucy shook her head and continued to clutch the valise. Rowan slipped Lucy’s arm through his and led the way, noting the raised eyebrows and surprised looks on the faces of Frankie , Katie , and Paula as they followed behind them with Nelson , Latham , and Slice .
Rowan briefly explained what had happened over the past few days, including the story of Ashe’s rescue. Lucy stood stiffly by his side, still clutching the satchel. He knew he sounded like an agent reporting to his commander, but it was better to explain things this way. He tried to ignore the rapt expressions on the faces of Lucy’s friends. They looked like he was sharing a romantic tale of elopement. It was frustrating, to say the least. But what was most frustrating was Lucy . She was avoiding looking at him.
“ Frankie , sweetheart,” Latham said, “ We need to hold an impromptu party this evening to announce the betrothal.”
Frankie nodded and hugged Lucy . “ Congratulations , my dear sweet Lucy . I’m so happy for you. It will be a lovely party tonight, and I promise to make it special for you both.”
“ Thank you, Frankie , for your kindness,” Lucy said, her lips trembling.
“ Congratulations , Lord Scarborough ,” Paula said in her usual abrupt way. “ You are a lucky man, gaining such a wonderful wife. I’m certain you will do your utmost to make our Lucy happy.”
Nelson snorted, earning another accusing scowl from Paula .
“ I agree,” Katie said. “ Congratulations to you both.” She hugged Lucy tightly.
“ Thank you all. We look forward to tonight’s celebration, don’t we, Lucy ?” Rowan said, glancing at her. She was smiling, but her eyes looked a bit dazed. He couldn’t decide whether her expression indicated she was bemused or overwhelmed. Perhaps a bit of both. No matter. She would get used to the notion of marrying him and eventually, she would settle into acceptance. If she hadn’t wanted to marry him, she wouldn’t have agreed , he reasoned.
Lucy nodded. “ Yes , of course. If you don’t mind, I’m going to head up to my room. I’d like to rest a bit before tonight’s celebration.”
“ Of course, my dear,” Rowan said. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.
Lucy blinked as she regarded him. Those beautiful eyes still had that same look of hope, fear, and worry. He wanted to reassure her, but he couldn’t. Not here in front of everyone.
“ Lucy’s right. I’ll explain the change in plans to the luncheon guests. Since they are close family and friends, I’m sure they will understand. It might be a good idea for all of us to repair to our rooms, as well,” Frankie said. “ I’ll need a little bit of rest before the festivities.”
“ If I’m going to attend a betrothal party, I should find an appropriate dress,” Katie said, winking at Slice . “ I might need some assistance.”