R owan finished reviewing the ledgers Mr . Jenson , his man of business, had sent him and settled back in the chair, surveying the room. Christmas Day was almost here and would mark one year since he and Lucy had married. Married ! His entire life, the only thing he had ever thought about marriage was how to avoid it. Yet , the day he’d caught Lucy stealing a little fox from the groundskeeper’s shed on Latham’s estate, his days as a bachelor had seen their end. Not only had the guileless woman stolen Latham’s fox, but she stole Rowan’s heart. Now , fully leg-shackled in wedlock, he had a hard time figuring out why he had avoided the matrimonial state. His mother said it was because he hadn’t met Lucy . He couldn’t argue with that.
“ Darling ,” Lucy said, sweeping into the room, upending his thoughts. “ I wanted to tell you about a few changes I’ve authorized at the sanctuary.”
“ What is that in your arms?” he asked, arching a brow.
“ This ? It’s a fox, of course. Silly .”
He rolled his eyes. “ Lucy , I know it’s a fox. My implied question is, why? How many does this make?” Ashe and his mate had a special corner of the new animal sanctuary, and she had just delivered her first litter of pups. Rowan was sure he’d be fighting off the hunters soon.
“ Tsk ! You know implied questions aren’t always addressed—especially by me if it means I might be in for a scolding…”
“ I don’t scold.” He waggled his eyebrows and grinned. “ Unless we’re in bed.”
“ Oh Lord ,” she breathed. “ Don’t you dare give me that smile when I have a long list of things still to do today.”
“ What smile is that?” he said, smiling.
“ That smile!” She pointed. “ That delicious scoundrel smile.”
Her eyes were glorious when they fought. Like rich French brandy. Although , they weren’t really fighting. No matter how mad Lucy got, it only lasted as long as it took before he kissed her. And then she always forgot what they were fighting about after they made up. In bed. All night long. Rowan considered himself a lucky man to have a woman like Lucy , and he counted his blessings every day. “ I’m waiting,” he said, a teasing quirk at the corner of his mouth.
“ Pish ! I know how much you love Ashe —maybe as much as I do.”
He did have affection for the fox. After all, Ashe was responsible for him and Lucy meeting and falling in love. However , he wasn’t ready to declare his love for the wily fox just yet. “ What’s the story on the cute little one in your arms?”
“ Ashe found this little fellow. I think its mama is gone. So , he brought him to me. Ashley — Mrs . Ashe . I named her Ashley —she has already taken to this little one. I’m certain she’ll nurture him along with her other pups.
“ You named Mrs . Ashe — Ashley ?” He bit back the laughter that threatened. “ Of course you did.”
“ And before you say something silly like foxes are bounders and don’t mate for life, don’t. Ashe is different. It was love at first sight for Ashe and Ashley .”
“ Just like us, hmm?” His voice softened, and he stood and walked from behind his desk.
“ Yes , just like us. Sometimes , those deep emotions are beyond your control.” She beamed up at him.
He sighed as he gazed at that beautiful smile. The most beautiful smile he’d ever seen.
“ We’ll just have to make your animal sanctuary larger. I’ll look into it later today.” Pushing back papers and ledgers on his desk, Rowan cleared a spot and sat down, tugging her between his legs. His eyes focused on her lips. “ It’s hard to kiss you with that critter in your arms.”
“ But I can’t put him down…”
“ And I can’t let a small fox keep me from kissing my beautiful wife. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply, drinking in the taste of her and the feel of her nearness. Blast her for having a fox pup, he thought. The small animal seemed to relish the warmth of their bodies because when he drew back, he noted it was fast asleep.
“ I got a letter from Mother today,” he said. “ She and my sisters have finished the Kent House and are coming here for Christmas . I’ve already asked Mrs . Dunn to have the rooms prepared. They’ll be very excited to see all the progress you’ve made here,” Rowan said, still holding her. “ I can’t believe how much you accomplished in such a short time. And the gardens are lovely. You and Mr . Daniels have done a wonderful job.”
“ We merely followed the layouts that were already in place. Just refreshed them.” Lucy snuggled against his chest for another kiss. “ I have a surprise for you,” she murmured. “ Shall I tell you now or wait until our anniversary on Christmas Day ?”
“ Well , now that you’ve dangled it out there, tell me now,” he said, nuzzling her neck.
Lucy sighed, and a little moan escaped her as she wiggled on his lap.
“ God , woman, what you do to me.”
“ I’m glad your mother and sisters are coming because I might need their ideas… For the nursery.
“ Really ?” he said in awe, placing his hand on her still-flat belly.
Lucy nodded, her eyes filling with tears, a soft smile on her lips. “ In six months, we will have a new addition to our family. Dr . Nash confirmed it when he stopped by the other day. I’ve been dying to tell you.”
“ Truly ? I thought you called him about your megrims, you minx.”
“ I lied.”
“ You …lied? You promised me never to lie to me…”
“ It was one of those ‘surprise’ lies. The ones you tell to keep from ruining a surprise.”
“ I’ve never heard of those, but I rather like this one. Lucy , my life with you is a constant adventure, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He barely brushed her lips this time before he deepened the kiss. Lucy placed her arms around his neck and tugged him closer.
“ Don’t stop,” she breathed.
“ I won’t,” he said. “ By the way, with the baby coming, my mother and sisters may never leave.”
“ The more the merrier.” Lucy tugged his head closer to hers, “ I said, don’t stop,” she said, lightly brushing his lips with hers.
“ Oh , I don’t plan to stop kissing you, Lady Lucy Scarborough . Not ever ,” he said as he covered her lips with his.