When Zylah came upon a big hut in the middle of the dark, early morning forest, her apprehension eroded away due to the scents within the air. Herbs, spices, flowers, and other plants made the area smell pleasant and inviting. There was also a small collection of animals nearby, as if the area was safe.
A garden in the middle of a clearing was fenced off, and the urge to go over and inspect all the new things that lay in the dirt was difficult to resist. From what she could tell, since it was out in the open and fewer trees shrouded it, sunlight would shine upon the growing plants throughout the day. Connected to it and situated in the shade, there was a small enclosure that housed a little wooden building. A handful of round bird-like creatures clucked and cooed from it, while others sporting brown, white, and sandy-coloured feathers wandered around the area.
Between the hut and the garden was a decent-sized open space for one to walk around, and the grass was cut short and well maintained. Some tools with long handles sat up against the side of the home, one with bristles and the other with a spade-shaped head.
The short, wide hut itself had some kind of mixture of hay and clay as a roof. The walls were made of large stones with more clay filling in the cracks, giving it an earthy smell and colour. An oval door led inside it, while the window to its left was round and had some kind of blue glass. All around the home, late-blooming flowers danced on hip-high shrubs, giving a splash of yellow and pink colour against its drearier earthy appearance.
This wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Then again, Zylah didn’t know what she thought she’d find once they arrived.
A shadow shifted into the blue-glass window, like a person had popped their face up from their hiding spot.
No one came outside, but the sounds coming from within made it evident it was occupied.
“She’s probably nervous there’s a Mavka in her territory,” Jabez stated, before pulling back his hood. “I’ll make her come out.”
Zylah noted his long, straight hair tied back into a high ponytail. She liked the way it revealed all of his sharp masculine features that could often be shielded, especially his wide jaw and high cheekbones. It also allowed his ears to be fully visible, as the right ear could often be hidden away except for its point.
The ends of his hair swayed between his shoulders as he walked towards the door.
Before he even made it a few steps, a loud bang and clash came from within the hut, someone suddenly shuffling around inside it. The door flung open, and a tanned female exited with harsh stomps, waving some kind of wooden apparatus.
She looked human – if it wasn’t for the set of pointed, fuzzy ears on top of her head. They were red, as was her short hair, but the tips of her ears had black on the ends of them. A long, fluffy fox-like tail similar in colour to her ears swung behind her, and she hissed a set of feline fangs at him.
“You!” the female shouted, her green, floor-length dress bundled in one of her fists as she hiked it up to storm out. “I should kick your stupid butt!”
Jabez halted. “Hello, Fayren.”
“Don’t you hello me, you devil of a man!” Large glowing red eyes narrowed on him as she wrinkled a small nose. “I thought you were dead!”
Jabez chuckled warmly. “And yet, here I stand.”
She stomped her boot-clad feet and showed little fear despite the hostility she obviously wore in her humanoid face. She doesn’t look like a Demon. At least, not compared to the mean, monstrous versions Zylah had only ever seen – those that had glistening, void-like flesh.
She barely even smelt like one.
Is this what Jabez meant by the differences between lesser Demons and more developed ones? She couldn’t help being curious about their variations, noting that the completion process reminded her of herself and the vast changes she’d gone through.
Jabez didn’t move a muscle, even when she was right before him with her fists on her hips. Barely coming to his chest, the Demon gave a seething glare up at his face. Then she raised her wooden utensil and began whacking him with it.
“Do you understand how upset I was?!” she screeched, jumping up to smack him in the head, and a thunk sounded as it connected with his skull. “My whole family mourned. We even held a funeral for you in the village!”
Jabez, surprisingly allowing the abuse, laughed as he attempted to cover his body. With one knee coming up, he curled one way, then the other, before he grunted when she thwacked him in the back.
“By the cursed light, woman, stop it.” His demand held no animosity. “Remember who I am.”
“Oh, and what is that? Because currently your castle is nothing but a pile of rubbish!”
He skilfully grasped the wooden item and stole it from her. Then he smacked her in the forehead with it.
Aghast, she darted her hand up to cover the spot he struck. “How dare you hit a little old lady!”
“Well, at least you’re still honest.”
She snatched the wooden item back and pointed it up at his nose with her lips pursed.
“Watch it, grandpa.” Then she poked the tip of the utensil towards Zylah. “And you show up, back from the dead, with a Mavka! I thought I was about to be eaten! Couldn’t you have removed your damn hood before you entered my lands?”
Zylah chittered at the female’s slitted glare, her sight shifting to a reddish pink. She backed up a step, uncertain of how to react or how to proceed. For such a little female, she was spritely and vicious!
Jabez stepped behind the female and shoved her in the back to force her to approach.
“Fayren, this is Zylah,” he stated, waving his hand towards Zylah standing there awkwardly. “I’m sure you’re making her uncomfortable, so I’ll ask you to refrain from your usual pestering.” Then, when they were right before Zylah, he stepped to the side so they formed a small triangle. “Zylah, this is Fayren, an acquaintance of mine.”
Zylah lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers in hello.
“Friendly?” the female asked, casting Jabez a wary glance from the corner of her eye.
“The biggest threat here is me,” he answered.
The female’s foxy ears perked up, just as her flattened lips smoothed. Her features softened as she offered Zylah a toothy smile.
Now that she was closer, Zylah inspected the wrinkles on her face. Deep, forking lines branched out from the outer edges of her eyes and the corners of her lips. There were lines running from the creases of her small nose to her chin, and her skin appeared to be loose around her cheeks, jaw, and neck.
Zylah had never seen an aged person before. One of her books had detailed such features, and she liked being able to see how the beauty of life had been wonderfully etched into her very face. Her smile was so warm that it managed to calm Zylah’s unsteady heart almost immediately.
“I’ve never met a Mavka in person,” Fayren stated, her voice gentling into a sweet coo. Her eyes drifted down to Zylah’s feet before coming back up to inspect her small antlers. “Not as big and scary as I was told.”
“That’s because she’s not running at you on all fours with red orbs,” Jabez stated, humour lightening his tone.
“You poor thing,” Fayren said, her eyes bowed with obvious sympathy. She hiked her thumb at Jabez. “How long have you been stuck with this jerk?”
He folded his arms with a huff. “I find that rude and offensive.”
“What?” Fayren’s lips parted in disbelief. “You know it’s true.” Then she covered the side of her mouth, shielding it from him as she whispered, “He has horribly childish tantrums. For a man who is twice my age, you’d think he’d grow up a bit.”
Dark yellow lifted into Zylah’s sight, and she tilted her head at the little Demon. “You’re confusing.”
The female threw her head back and cackled. “They’ve always said I’m a little eccentric.” She dusted off the skirt of her dress with her eyes purposefully elsewhere. “I actually think it’s one of my best qualities.”
Jabez rolled his eyes and huffed. “Yes, yes. You’re an annoying little shit. Now, if you don’t mind, we actually came here on business.”
“I retired from your employment,” the female stated, snubbing her nose at him. “I spent all my years fawning over you. Let me age in peace.”
“Fayren,” Jabez growled, eyes narrowing at her.
She straightened at his warning tone, and all the playfulness in her features dissipated. “Okay, fine. What is it you need?”
“Zylah is looking for some insight into her... gender,” he said, turning his gaze upwards coyly. He shook his head side to side like Zylah often did when she was being avoidant. “I thought it would be best if I brought her to another female to explain such things.”
“Me?!” Fayren exclaimed, as she placed a hand over her chest. “But I don’t know anything about Mavka biology!”
“A female is a female, no matter their species.”
“Then get her a book on human anatomy!”
“I did. It will be pointless in this matter.” When that didn’t seem to placate the little fox Demon, Jabez coughed into his fist before stating, “She’s gone through a heat cycle. I figured a Demon would be best to explain this.”
Fayren’s lips pursed, and her outrage quickly faded. “I see.” She gave Jabez another sideways glance. “But you should have been able to explain it.”
“Like I said, I thought it best if another female talked to her about it,” he answered from behind his hand. He lowered it just so he could raise a brow at her. “Would you really turn away a female in need?”
Jabez appeared to have hit a nerve with the female, and she grumbled, pouting her bottom lip forward. “You’re a conniving man.” She sighed, before offering Zylah another smile. “Alright, sweetie. I’ll help you.”
Seemingly unafraid of Zylah, Fayren grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the hut. With her other hand, she waved her wooden utensil at Jabez in a threat like she may start hitting him again. “You are to stay outside.”
“Yes. I agree that is appropriate.” Then, as if he thought it was important to know, he added, “She doesn’t produce pheromones.”
“No pheromones?” Fayren stumbled in surprise before casting a strange look at Zylah. She quickly steadied her steps and resumed pulling her. “I see.”
Zylah looked to Jabez for assistance as she tripped over her own feet, unsure of what was happening or why she was being dragged away. He merely watched while folding his arms, allowing Zylah to be handled in such a way.
But I don’t know this Demon. She didn’t want to be left alone with Fayren, someone who was a stranger to her.
She wasn’t given a choice as she was led towards the hut, and the only thing stopping her from pulling away was that this was what Jabez wanted. She chittered nervously, especially when she had to duck beneath the doorway to prevent her skull and antlers from bashing into it.
Zylah was forced to remain hunched forward due to her height.
Once the door was closed with a definitive and heart-clutching thud, her wrist was released.
Fayren entered deeper into her small home, her fluffy red fox tail swaying behind her legs. A small hole had been created within her dress, giving the appendage freedom. Zylah thought that was a brilliant idea.
Before Zylah could take further note of the female, her gaze snagged on the contents of the home. There was little room to move around.
On the left, a small bench of some kind was covered in herbs, spices, and many vegetables and fruit she’d seen Jabez consume. In the middle of the house was a table she knew she’d never be able to fit her tall legs under, with so many items and tools upon it she couldn’t name them even if she tried. There were only two chairs, both of which would likely break under her weight.
Then, finally, to the right was a small bed that would require Zylah to bring her knees up to her chest just to fit on it. The blanket was cream on top, but the folded section near the pillows revealed the inside was brown and fluffy.
Lanterns hung from the low ceiling, while more rested on every free surface available – as if to shine as much light as possible.
The home smelt warm, inviting, and well used. Now that she was surrounded by Fayren’s flowery scent, the Demon in it became more noticeable. She eyed her shoulder-length red hair, and the way she regarded Zylah warily despite inviting her inside and into an enclosed space.
Fayren looked uncomfortable, as if Jabez had shoved a difficult task onto her that she wanted to be done with as quickly as possible. Hunched forward, Zylah didn’t know how to settle her own discomfort in reaction to it.
“Well? Are you going to stand in the doorway or come further inside?” Fayren beckoned her over with harsh hand movements.
It was only then that Zylah realised she’d been too busy admiring and assessing everything and she’d gone motionless. The female placed her hands on her narrow hips, while one of her bushy brows raised. Her fluffy ears were perky, and her red eyes held no animosity.
Fayren’s wariness faded and was instead replaced by a confused furrow of her brows. “You seem like a bit of a shy creature. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spook you.” She offered a smile as she stepped to the side and waved at one of the two chairs. “Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable. I won’t hit you with my spoon like I did to Jabez.”
She even laid it on the table to show she meant no harm with it.
“I don’t think I should,” Zylah answered, assessing the small seat further. “I’m worried I’ll break it.”
Its legs were thin and looked like they’d snap as easily as Zylah could rend a thick tree branch in half.
A giggle escaped her. “Don’t be. It has survived bigger creatures than you.”
Zylah looked down at her body, seeing nothing wrong with it. Still, she trusted the female’s confidence and stepped towards the closest chair at the shorter edge of the table and tentatively sat. It creaked under her weight but held.
“Alright. Would you like a cup of tea or some water while we talk? My kitchen can only hold so much, but I have a storage area out the back. I can procure just about anything for you if you have particular tastes.” She let out a laugh as she pushed a few strands of her short hair from her forehead. “I’ve never hosted a Mavka before, so please forgive me if I make a mistake regarding your species.”
“No. I don’t need anything,” Zylah answered, fiddling with the skirt of her dress resting between her spread thighs. “I don’t need to eat or drink.”
Fayren’s thin lips pursed before settling. The other chair’s legs scraped against the ground as she dragged it down the longer length of the table to be closer to Zylah. Her movements were slow as she sat down, and she let out a little agonised groan when her joints creaked.
Fayren stared at her for longer than was comfortable, and Zylah grew more anxious. Especially when the Demon’s gaze narrowed.
“Sit up, dear child. Slumping like an ogre is unbecoming of a lady.”
At her stern tone, Zylah’s back straightened and went rigid. “S-sorry.”
Fayren smacked the side of her knee. “And close those furry thighs of yours. You don’t want people seeing up such a short skirt.”
Zylah’s knees snapped closed, and she went to roll her shoulders forward self-consciously. She shoved them back and crossed her hands over her lap, unsure of how to sit or how to act. Being scolded by a stranger about the way she sat brought on memories of how she often sat with Jabez, who had never complained about the way she positioned herself.
Her orbs shifted to a shameful reddish pink and the bottoms of them wavered as she wondered if she’d been behaving oddly in front of him.
“Let’s start from the beginning,” Fayren said, leaning against the backrest of her chair with her hands neatly folded on her lap. “What do you know?”
Zylah figured the Demon meant regarding why they were here. “Well, I’m female,” she said, stifling the urge to scratch at her neck awkwardly in case she got in trouble for it. “I have a heat cycle, and-and breasts. I also do not have dangly bits.”
“Okay.” Fayren gave a noticeably cringing smile. “What else?”
Zylah placed one foot on top of the other in an attempt to make herself smaller. “I’m sorry, but that is all I know.”
The female’s features visibly dropped and some of her tanned completion greyed. “You’re joking,” she rasped, her eyes growing wide. “That’s... that’s nothing at all!”
“Wait! I also have a slit that is hidden away,” Zylah added, and her orbs deepened into a more embarrassed glow.
“Yes, but do you know what it is called ? What it is? What it does?”
Zylah chittered and shook her head. For as long as she’d been alive, she hadn’t realised it was so important to know these things. With the way this Demon was responding, it was like she thought Zylah inept.
“I... have only recently gained much humanity.” She gave into the urge to scratch at the collar of fur around her neck, while turning her snout away. “Jabez says I’m intelligent, but that I lack knowledge. He has been teaching me.”
“By the cursed light,” Fayren muttered as she covered her face. “No wonder he brought you to me. I thought he was just wanting me to explain heat cycles and sex, but this? No, this indeed requires an in-depth explanation from a female.”
Unable to hold back the emotions that were slamming into her – how uncomfortable she felt, how shame seemed to rest on her shoulders – Zylah produced a quiet whine. Her orbs refused to change from their reddish-pink glow, yet the wavering bottoms of them shattered and droplets began to float around her skull. Her heart raced, aching in her chest, and it seemed to make her insides grow hard and strained.
Suddenly her skin felt wrong, and her fur itched.
A warm hand cupped the length of her jawbone, and Zylah flinched at the unfamiliarity of the touch. Fayren steered her face towards her.
“Dear child, it’s okay.” She offered a tender smile, and her eyes appeared softer and more caring than before. “It’s normal to feel shy. You’re not the first confused female who has sat in one of my chairs. Many demonlings come to me for knowledge that they can’t get, as I’m known for offering assistance regarding this.”
“I’m not a youngling, though,” Zylah argued, pulling away from her touch.
“Oh yes, I can see that. Just by our conversation I can tell, but if no one has been around to teach you, how else are you to know? That’s not your fault.”
Supporting herself with a hand on the table, Fayren rose to her feet so she could walk to her bed and kneel beside it. She pulled some kind of box with a latch on it out from underneath and lifted the lid to reveal a large stock of books.
“I have everything we need here. Diagrams of different kinds of Demon anatomy, explanations into the varying kinds of fertility cycles. You’ll be surprised by just how different each Demon can be, so hopefully something will be similar to you. We can work this out together.”
Zylah watched as she pulled three books from her box, before rising to stand with much effort. She placed them on the table and reassumed her seat.
“Usually I would do a physical examination, but that can be quite uncomfortable for most.”
“Physical examination?”
The female gave a small awkward laugh. “I usually would have the Demon lie on the bed and part their thighs for me. It allows me to see what kind of genitalia they have, since there are so many variations. Some of us can lay eggs, or even lack a clit. Some have a spur to inseminate themselves. We really are all amazing, if I’m being honest. It makes the discussion regarding procreating quite unique each time.”
Horrified by the idea of a stranger seeing her, and by what she’d just learned, her sight shifted to white. She shook her head. “No. I don’t want to do that.”
“I didn’t think so,” she stated with humour curling her lips. She pulled a book closer and began flipping through the pages. “If you can point to what you think is closest, we can go from there. Like I said, please be forgiving, as I’m not very knowledgeable about Mavka. I will do what I can.”
The harsh pressure in Zylah’s chest eased, as did her tears. She fisted the skirt of her dress before bowing her head. “Thank you. I... really appreciate this.”
Fayren nodded before going back to flipping pages. “You’re welcome, Zylah. We’ll start from the beginning, and then we’ll move onto everything else like sex, consent, and how best to protect yourself during heat cycles. The fact you don’t produce pheromones is actually a blessing.” She lifted her gaze to run it over Zylah’s body. “Then again, I already think you’ll struggle to keep unruly males away from you. Especially in a dress such as that. Unless that is what you’re going for.”
Confused about why Fayren would make such a comment about her body, or clothing, Zylah tilted her head and looked down at herself. “Jabez made this for me.”
“Pardon?” Fayren wheezed out, before choking and coughing. “He made that scrap of clothing for you?”
“I like it. I don’t like things covering my tail. I like that he... gave it to me.”
Fayren produced a warm laugh. “I think you’re mistaking me. The idea of Jabez sewing anything, let alone a female’s clothing, is rather humorous to me. I just can’t imagine him doing something like that for another.”
Zylah grumbled at that. Why not? He’d done it for her readily; she’d witnessed him in the act.