Maple Baker.
God, she’s perfect.
That same thought hits me every time I see her, every time I even think about her. She is too, or at least she’s perfect for me.
Too bad she can’t seem to see that.
I’ve tried for the past year to get close to her. Ever since she moved to town, she's kept me at arm’s reach. Sometimes, I think that she can feel this thing between us, too. There’s a certain glint in her eyes, a pink blush staining her cheeks that proves to me that she’s not so immune to me, but she has yet to admit it or take me up on any of my offers to take her out.
Granted, I’ve only worked up the courage to ask her out a few times. Still, getting rejected by your dream girl isn’t fun, and I’ve been trying to figure out a plan to convince her to give me a chance.
So far, I’ve come up with nothing.
I sigh as I pop the cap on another beer bottle and set it down on the crowded bar in front of Nolan. He’s been a semi-regular in this place ever since he moved to town. I thought at first that he was here to hit on the girls who were always making eyes at him, but then I noticed that he never so much as glanced in their direction. My new theory is that he’s just lonely and hangs out here to get out of his place.
I get that. It was part of the reason why I started working here. I knew that it would be too loud for me to be forced to make small talk, and that works in my favor. I’m not great at talking to new people, or really people in general.
“Need anything else?” I ask him and he grunts out a no.
I move on to the next customer, and my mind drifts back to Maple.
When I first heard that they were opening a sex shop downtown, I was surprised and curious. That’s what made me walk by on their grand opening, and it was then that I saw her.
She was smiling at a group of women and talking animatedly. She was gorgeous with bright green eyes that reminded me of Christmas and dark auburn hair. Another girl had walked over and joined her. I would later learn that there were four new sisters in town, but I had only ever really paid attention to Maple.
There was just something about her that clicked with me right away. Before I had even said a word to her, I knew that she was meant to be mine.
I had gone into the store the next day when it wasn’t as busy and introduced myself. She had blushed up at me, and I thought that my happily ever after was within reach. When I had asked her out though, she had turned me down and then gone to help a customer.
Ever since, I’ve tried to talk to her every time that I see her. I try to get her to open up a bit to me, but it’s been hard.
I set down a round of shots onto a tray and nod at Sally, the waitress, who hefts it into the air and heads towards a nearby table.
I sigh as I grab a rag and wipe down the bar top. I’ve been working at Murphy’s Bar ever since I came back to town after graduation. It was a good way to earn money, and it meant that my days were free to take on clients. I’m a freelance web designer, so I spend my days doing that. My business has been taking off for the last eighteen months, and I’m almost to a point where I think I’ll be able to quit working at the bar. Not that I mind. It’s a pretty easy, laid-back job.
I’ve been doing odd jobs since I was a teen. At first, it was just to get out of the house and away from my parents and their arguing. Then it became about making my own money to save for college and my future.
I knew that I didn’t want to move back home after I went to college, so I worked hard and saved every penny that I could to make that happen. In the end, it didn’t matter. My parents divorced my freshman year and both moved away. My mom threw herself into work, and we barely talk. My dad has a new, young girlfriend every other week and prefers to forget that he has a son, so we don’t really talk either.
It used to hurt that they weren’t interested in me and never seemed to care about me, but I’ve grown used to it over the years.
Or I mostly have, I guess.
As I grab another beer, I wonder what it would be like to have a big, close-knit family like Maple’s.
As if my eyes are drawn to her, I glance up and stare as the door opens and Maple walks into the bar. She’s been in once or twice in the last year, but always with her sisters or friends. Tonight, though, it looks like she’s alone.
She glances around nervously, and I tense.
Is she meeting someone? Is she on a date?
I glare out at the crowd, trying to decipher who she could be meeting, but no one stands out. When I look back at her, she’s looking at the bar, and my eyes snap to Nolan, the only guy sitting at it.
“Did you ask out Maple?” I growl at Nolan, and he snorts.
“No, why would I do that when everyone knows that you’re in love with her?”
“She’s here,” I grumble, and he stares at me like I’m insane.
“And you’re mad about that because…?”
“She’s too good for this place. What if she’s here on a date?”
“Then I'll cause a scene, and you'll drag the guy out back and scare him off,” he says, and I smile.
I knew I liked this guy.
I set another beer down in front of him and grin.
“On the house.”
He shakes his head at me, and I look back at my girl.
Maple is staring right at me, and my heart takes off like a shot as I hold her gaze.
“Shit. She’s coming over here,” I whisper, and Nolan rolls his eyes.
“Jesus, I can see now why you’re still single,” he says, and I flip him off without looking at him.
I can’t seem to pull my eyes away from Maple. I watch as she takes a deep breath and then heads my way. The gentle sway of her hips is mesmerizing, and my mouth waters at the sight of all of her curves. She walks right towards me, and by the time she reaches the bar, my hands are sweaty, and my heart is beating out of control in my chest.
I stand up straighter as she leans over the bar slightly.
“When are you off?” She asks me, and I almost pinch myself to check that I’m not dreaming.
“Uh…” I say eloquently as I glance at my watch. “Two more hours.”
She nods, and I bite my tongue before I can ask what’s happening here and ruin the moment.
“Do you want to sleep with me?” She blurts, and my knees give out.
I catch myself on the bar before I can make a total fool of myself by knocking myself unconscious and stare at her in shock.
“Smooth,” I hear Nolan groan, and I cringe inwardly.
I have no idea what’s happening here, but I don’t want to stop it. For some reason, Maple finally seems to be on the same page as me and I don’t want to do anything to change it.
Maple nods once and then backs up a step.
“Tonight, then. After you get off.”
She reaches into her purse and passes me a slip of paper. I glance down at her address and almost tell her that I don’t need this. I’ve known where Maple lived since she moved to town. I bite my tongue, though, and just nod.
“See you soon,” she says, and then she turns and disappears into the crowd.
I watch her go until she leaves the bar and then look over at Nolan.
“What the fuck was that?” He asks me, echoing my own thoughts.
“I have no idea.”
But I’m going to find out.