“W e promised to move on after the first baby,” Edgar gently reminded Nettie as they gazed down into the cradle of Ross and Harmony’s third child. “Our sweet little Lady Elizabeth is four years old now. Lord Monty is two, and now here we have our fine Lord Forbes, Ross’s grandfather’s namesake. It is time, Nettie. The light is finally calling out to us with a fervor we must not ignore. Do you not feel its pull? It grows stronger each passing day. Come, my dear. Let us find our rest, our eternity together.”
Nettie smiled down at the babe and tucked the blankets closer around the newest addition to the family. “They are happy now, are they not? Our Ramthwaites have found their happiness at last.”
“They have indeed.” Edgar offered his arm for her to take. “Come. Let us see to our forever happiness now.”
“Shan’t we say farewell to them? Will they not think us rude?”
Edgar shook his head. “They will know we have moved on and be glad for us.”
Nettie bent and scooped the cat up into her arms, then took Edgar’s. She cast one last sad smile down at the sleeping baby. “I shall miss them all.”
Edgar nodded. “We will see them again at the proper time.” Then he led the way into the warm, blinding light that finally welcomed them home.
The End