E ron held onto the handles of the bag that contained their desserts, and waited for Jenna to slide out of the booth.
He'd been surprised when she suggested they take their dessert to his room, but even though her bold words had shocked him, he didn't let it show. He hadn't planned on having sex with her tonight, but if that's what his mate wanted, then he wasn't going to say no. Not when the scent of her arousal had his dragon pacing just beneath the surface and his dick had been rock hard during the entire meal. Still, he'd planned on courting her—or at least taking her on a real date—before they got naked for the first time.
Not that he was complaining.
The thought of stripping her bare and feasting on her gorgeous soft body had been running through his mind throughout the entire meal, and he was desperate to know what it felt like to sink his cock into her soaking wet pussy.
There was no way to hide the huge bulge in his pants, and when Jenna reached the end of the booth, her head was at the perfect height to take his dick in her mouth. His cock twitched at the thought, and the sight of her tongue sweeping across her upper lip made him want to clear the table with a swoop of his arm, lay her across the surface, and make her scream while everyone in the place watched him pound into her.
Over and over and over again.
He wasn't a man who shared, and he didn't want anyone else to see his mate naked, but the primal urge to claim her—to mark her and keep her forever—made all rational thought exit his brain, leaving only a Neanderthal mentality behind.
He needed to get a grip. He wasn't some young dragon who couldn't control himself. He was hundreds of years old, and part of a Royal line. He could control himself in the presence of his beautiful, sexy, curvy, human mate.
The reminder that she was human seemed to trigger something in both the man and the beast, and when she placed her hand on his forearm, he felt a little bit more rational. Instead of sending him into a frenzy, her touch seemed to ground him in a way he didn't understand, and he gently pulled his arm away so he could link their fingers together.
The look on her face made him immediately regret the move, but when he brought their joined fingers to his mouth and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, her answering smile was worth it.
He led her out of the restaurant, noting the glances of every person they passed. When they’d entered the room earlier, all eyes had been on him—something that he was used to—but this time, things were different, and suddenly, he saw the room in a different light.
Instead of looking at him, all eyes were on his mate, and while most people seemed merely curious, there were several others who looked at her with a range of derision, envy, and anger. He wanted to send a blast of heat around the room, just as a warning, but he wasn't that kind of man.
At least, he usually wasn't... Now, with Jenna by his side, anything was possible.
He led her to the elevators and wanted to laugh at the look on her face when he pressed the button for the lift that would take them to the suites located on the upper floors. Every room in the hotel was expensive, but the suites were excessive. Not that he cared. He needed more than just a room with a bed, and the privacy and service on the upper floors more than made up for the extra cost.
After using his key card, the elevator took them directly to his floor, and her eyes widened when they stepped into the hallway.
"Oh my god," she whispered. "This place is gorgeous."
There was a twinge of awe in her voice, but also something else that he couldn't exactly pinpoint. It wasn't fear, but something close, and whatever it was, he didn't like it. She deserved everything, no matter the expense, but he got the feeling she didn't see her worth the same way he did.
Unfortunately, that was something that only time could change, so he nodded in agreement.
"It is. I love the ornate scrolling on these walls."
The moulding was painted white instead of gold, but it reminded him a little bit of the castle—not mansion—his clan lived in, and even though he was always surrounded by wealth, he knew how to appreciate the little things. That was one of the reasons he liked to prepare food. It made him feel grounded in a way that money couldn't buy.
She nodded, her eyes fixated on the moulding, and though he couldn't see her eyes, the way her throat worked gave away her change in mood. Luckily, they reached his door after only a few more steps, and once inside, he could at least start to put an end to all of her worries.
If she'd changed her mind about sex, then that was fine with him, but he wasn't letting her leave. Not when she looked like a scared animal getting ready to run. He still wasn't sure what had caused her pain, but she wasn't leaving until after they talked.
And had their dessert.
And maybe slept in the huge bed so he could hold her all night.
Although, if that happened, he probably wouldn't sleep at all, but he didn'tcare. Feeling the warmth of his mate plastered to his side all night would make up for walking aroundlike a zombie the following day.
Besides, sleep was overratedwhen you were immortal.
Jenna proceeded him into the room, and then stood in the foyer while he closed and locked the door.
"This place is amazing," she said in a small voice. "I've stayed in this hotel once before, but not in a suite. This feels like we're entering someone's home... and they have very expensive taste. I bet the view is amazing.”
Floor-to-ceiling windows lined the whole living space, and the curtains were pulled open and secured on both sides with tie-backs. The night sky was clear, allowing him to see the stars from his position next to the door, and she was right... the view was amazing.
The night called to his dragon, and he absently wondered if Jenna would love it as much as he did.
Unfortunately, she still hadn't moved. The room was large, but the windows were only a short distance away and he frowned at the way she held her body rigid, her feet rooted to the floor.
As if she might taint the place if she walked in any further.
He had no idea what caused the sudden change in her demeanor, but as much as he wanted to just pick her up and carry her across the room, he knew that action wouldn't be welcome.
"It is amazing, especially on a clear night like this. Why don't you go and take a look?”
The smile that crossed her face didn’t reach her eyes, and he knew he wasn’t going to like the next words that came out of her mouth.
"Eron," she started, her voice small. "I had a really good time tonight, and I know it was my idea to come up here, but I think I should go. I just remembered I have to…"
He waited, wondering what kind of excuse she’d try to come up with, but the unfinished sentence lingered awkwardly in the air until she took a subtle step toward the door.
"Hang on," he said, moving to stand in front of her. "If you really want to go, then that's fine, but what happened between here and the restaurant? Did I do something? Is it just second thoughts? Because that's fine.We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I justwant to spend time with you."
He reached out and tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear, and then placed his palm on her cheek. As soon as their skin touched, she closed her eyes and leaned into his palm. The action only lasted a second, and when she opened her eyes again, the sadness he saw there made him want to send the whole building up in flames.
"What is it, sweetheart?"
"I... I'm sorry," she smiled, placing her palm on top of his. "It's nothing you did. Just me being stupid. I haven't changed my mind about anything, and if you're still good, then I think I'll go check out that view now."
The smile was real, but he wasn't an idiot. She obviously wasn't telling the whole truth, but he wouldn't force the issue. At least not yet. Because something had happened to make her so sad, and he definitelywasn't letting that go.
"I'm good."
This time when she smiled, all traces of sadness were gone, andshe quickly kissed his palm before stepping fully into the room.
G od! I am such an idiot!
Jenna stared out of the open windows, and tried to push aside her stupidity from a few minutes before.
As soon as Eron used his key to take them to the upper floors, something inside her snapped. Even though they just met, the connection she felt toward him was strong, and she was already getting too comfortable. Sure, there was some awkwardness in the beginning, but by the end of their meal, being with him just felt right.
She couldn't explain why exactly, because she barely knew him at all, but the meal had been fun. By the end of it, he no longer felt like a stranger—with the exception of her wrong conclusion about his possible wife and kids—and she'd been excited to have sex with this gorgeous man.
Until they started walking out of the restaurant hand-in-hand. She'd glanced around the place, proud to be the one on Eron's arm, but the looks the other patrons gave them made her pause. She'd never noticed it before with her ex—probably because they were rarely seen together in public—but the amount of anger and hate coming her way made her question everything.
Had her ex been right about the type of woman he could have by his side? And if so, what did that mean for her? Was she truly destined to only date men who didn't live up to her standards?
Of course, it was only after they left the restaurant that she realized how stupid her thoughts had been. Those looks and anger were directed at her, but they had more to do with Eron than her. The man couldn't walk into a room without drawing attention even if he tried, and she didn't blame anyone for wishing they could trade places with her.
Still, that didn't mean that anything between them would last, and as soon as he used that keycard to get to the upper levels, her confidence started to fade again. She'd stayed in the hotel one time with her ex, back in the beginning when keeping their relationship a secret had been fun, but she'd never been to the upper floors before.
Those rooms belonged to a different kind of wealth than the type of money her ex—or her blind date from tonight—had access too, and she couldn't stop the feelings of inadequacy that swamped her as the elevator rose to their destination. When the doors opened, she immediately knew that joining Eron in his room had been a mistake.
Not because he didn't want her—he clearly did—but because of the cold, hard truth that was now staring her in the face. She'd been able to pretend when they were dining in the expensive restaurant, but after tonight, she would never see him again. Men like Eron didn't want forever with someone like her, and the knowledge caused an invisible band to tighten around her heart.
Suddenly, not touching him had seemed like the only way to save herself, and she'd been ready to run. Until Eron had touched her face so softly with his palm, and she could think of nothing else but the way his hand cradled her face like she was the most precious thing in the world to him.
Stupid? Definitely.But in that moment, she didn't care.
Deep down, she knew he would love on her body the same exact way, and she needed that more than she needed her next breath. Would it hurt when she had to walk away? Of course. It would hurt more than anything, but the memory of their time together would stay with her forever.
She looked out at the stars and smiled. They seemed so far away—and so peaceful—from the bustling city below, and she wished she could soar through the air and know the feeling of only the sky surrounding her. The thought was so ridiculous it made her want to laugh out loud, but it also reminded her of her plan for the future.
Giving up the city for a small town was closer than she ever imagined, and maybe she could find a place quiet enough to mimic what it felt like being up this high. A small-town rooftop, maybe, or even a mountain with a quiet look-out point.
She might end up alone for the rest of her life, but there was no doubt in her mind that she could find her own piece of paradise somewhere in the world if she just looked hard enough.
And there was plenty of time for that.
"So, what do you think?" Eron asked, coming to stand beside her.
"I think you should kiss me."
"Good idea."
He turned to look at her, and the expression on his face made her insides melt into a puddle of goo. It was a combination of hunger, longing, and something that looked a lot like love. She knew it wasn't love—she wasn't an idiot—but in that moment, she was willing to suspend reality. Eron was obviously attracted to her, and she was going to enjoy every minute of the attention this man gave her.
He placed one of his big hands on her neck, rubbing the skin just below her chin with his thumb, and the other landed firmly on her hip. He leaned in slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, and she wanted to scream for him to move faster. She placed her hands on his chest, and reveled at the feel of soft fabric against hard muscle.
She slid her hands around his neck and tried to pull him closer, but he just laughed and put his lips on hers in a kiss so tender she felt the sudden urge to cry. The feeling was jarring, and she moved her hands back to his shoulders with the intent to push him away, but his next kiss was firmer, and so was the one after that.
He tightened his grip on her hip and pulled her closer when his lips came down again, and she gasped at the possessive move. Apparently, that was all he needed, because he took that moment to slide his tongue in between her lips, and there was nothing tender about the way he explored her mouth.
His tongue moved against hers like a promise of what was to come, and she loved every minute of it. She matched him stroke for stroke, and loved the way his mouth dominated hers. He kissed her like he owned her, like she was his prized possession and he didn't give a damn who knew it.
She'd known being with him would be good, but this possession—this claiming—was beyond anything she'd imagined, and they were both still fully dressed.
She didn't want to be though. She didn't want any barriers between them, and she slid her hands down to his waist and started pulling on his shirt. The dress-shirt was tucked into his pants, but as soon as she got the material loose, she grabbed both ends at the opening near his neck and pulled. Buttons flew everywhere, just like she'd imagined in the alcove, and the growl that rumbled up through his chest caused another gush of heat to spill from her core.
She slid her hands over his exposed flesh, and marveled at his muscled abs. He didn't let her look for long before taking her mouth again, but she could feel the bumps rising above his waist, and he was big and hard everywhere. Shewanted him completely naked so she could ogle his body and commit the picture to memory, and she boldly started pushing the shirt off his shoulders.
His biceps were huge, and she moaned as she smoothed her hands over the hard muscle. He was so big and hard she doubted there was an ounce of fat anywhereon him, and she knew he would have no problems picking her up andcarrying her anywhere. The urge to climb up his body was real, and she slid her hands back up to his neck at the same time he started kissing a trail down her neck.
"You are so fucking beautiful," he whispered, "but we have to stop."
He wanted to stop? Now? But why?
She could think of only one reason, and a wave of sadness washed over her. Some guys didn't like a woman who went for what she wanted, but she didn't think that Eron would be that way. But that's what happened when you tried to have sex with someone you didn't know. It wasn't always fun, and things could turn from good to bad very quickly.
She removed her hands from his body, and took a step back. The move forced both of his hands to fall at his sides, and she hated the fact that she immediately missed the warmth of his touch.
"Okay," she said, glancing toward the door.
She'd set her purse down on the little table in foyer, and she could see the rhinestones sparkling from across the room. It was a silly thing to notice, but she felt rejected, and the bag grounded her somehow. Even though it was more of an evening bag, she used to take the tiny thing to work on a daily basis.
Until her ex had discouraged her from doing so.
The man had hated the tiny purse—though she never understood why—and she'd forgotten all about hisdesire to get her to stop using it until this moment. It was as if she'd let that piece of herself go to make him happy, and then forgotten that it ever existed at all.
Never again!
There was nothing wrong with using the bag for every day, and starting Monday morning, she was pairing that bag with all of her work outfits.
Eron's palm landed on her cheek again, and he gently turned her head until their eyes met.
"I can see you're planning another escape, but this stop isn't permanent, sweetheart. I don't have any condoms, and I thought maybe I should get some before you ruin any more of my clothes."
Oh shit!
She hadn't even been thinking when she'd ripped his shirt open, but if he'd torn something of hers, she would be angry, too. Hopefully he'd brought a change of clothing, but if not, she would go down to one of the clothiers in the lobby and buy him a new shirt.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I wasn't thinking. I can go buy you another one before I go."
It would probably cost her a small fortune to find an exact replacement, but she deserved whatever dent it would put into her savings. And then she was never going on a blind date again.
Or any date.
Ugh! She wished this night would just end already.
"I was teasing," he said, placing his free hand on her other cheek. "I don't care about the shirt. In fact, I'm contemplating wearing dress shirts all the time, because watching you send all those buttons flying was sexy as hell. I'm only stopping because I wasn't planning on having sex tonight, and I'm not prepared. Trust me, sweetheart, this will be the first and last time that happens."
The idea of him having sex with someone else hurt more than it should, so she pushed the idea out of her head and tried to focus on what was happening now. Eron was only stopping because they needed protection, and that was a good thing, because even though she had strands of condoms in her bag, they'd been the last thing on her mind when she'd ripped his shirt open.
"I have some in my bag but...," she said, looking down at his cock. She could feel her cheeks warm, and it wasn't from the tingling of his palms against her skin. "They might not be big enough."
Eron's eyes darkened, and the smile on his face was pure male satisfaction.
"I'll call room service."