E ron woke up and immediately sensed that something was wrong. The room was too quiet, and he didn't have to look at the rest of the mattress to know that he was alone in the bed. He turned his head anyway, and his chest ached. He smoothed his hand over the soft sheets, and when he found them cold, a mix of anger and pain filled him.
He wanted to punch something. No, he wanted to make something burn. But he wouldn't do that now. Not inside this hotel room. Not when he would have to explain a fire and pay for damages. Later was a different story, though, and he suddenly understood why Bastian had been intent on hurting himself after he'd fucked up with his mate.
Eron wasn't normally a violent guy, but when your mate left, and you stupidly had no way to contact her, it was hard to keep a level head.
He didn't even know her last name. How could he not have asked that? He knew how, and yet, he felt completely stupid. His mate had been hurting, and instead of talking, they'd fallen into bed and never crawled out.
Okay, that wasn't exactly true. At one point he had crawled out, and they'd eaten up all the dessert from the restaurant, but that was in between sleep and waking her up to another orgasm while he sucked on her greedy little pussy.
Because it was greedy, and he was too. He closed his eyes and could almost taste the sweet cinnamon and sugar that gushed between her legs, and his dick started to swell. He made cinnamon rolls nearly every other day, and though he loved the smell of the sweet bread, he'd never gotten a hard on from it.
God, he hoped baking wouldn't remind him of his mate, because if it did, then he was totally screwed. The sweet and spicy combination was one of his favorites, and he made several sweets that involved the duo. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? And why in the hell didn't he get her last name?
No last name, no workplace, no idea what part of the city she lived in.All he knew was that she was a data analyst, and that she lived in the city.It was like he'd been thinking only with his dick, and now he might never see her again.
He walked around the hotel room looking for any kind of clue, but he knew he wouldn't find one. Jenna had kept her bag close to the door on the table in the foyer, and she'd gathered up her clothes and put them in the armchair while he'd answered the door the night before.
Had she been planning her escape all along?
It certainly seemed that way, and the idea made him pause.
They had a connection. He felt it all the way to his bones, his dragon felt it, and he was sure she felt it, too. If that was true, then why would she leave? Did it have something to do with the weird way she'd acted in the elevator? And then again when they first entered the room? Or when she'd opted for tap water instead of bottled?
For some reason she didn't like his wealth, and once again, he wished he'd talked to her more.
After ensuring that she'd left nothing behind, he gathered up his things, and took a quick shower. The dress shirt from the night before was ruined, but he hated to get rid of it. Not when it might be the only physical memory he had of his mate. Instead, he roughly folded the thing up and threw it in his bag, grateful that he'd brought a change of clothes.
His plan had always been to stay the night, but instead of opting for a quick fly home in the same outfit he'd worn the night before, he'd opted for a small suitcase with a couple of outfits in case he decided to stay away from the castle for another day. There was a ton of good food around this area, and when he'd left, he'd been feeling sorry for himself and ready to get away from all the mated couples.
Now, he needed to find his mate again, and though he had no idea how that was going to happen, he needed to get back home.
The drive back to Winged Mountain was only about an hour long, but by the time he entered the secret, underground parking garage, he had an idea. It was a long shot, but it was the only thing he had, and it was better than searching out every Jenna in the city. Especially because she might have lied about where she actually lived.
If that were the case, then he could be searching forever—which he would definitely do—but he hoped it wouldn't take that long.
Once he parked the car, he texted Evander, and asked the man to meet him in his office in thirty minutes.
Evander was the most recently mated of their group, but he was also their resident tech guy, and given enough time, the man could find anything. That thought gave him hope, and for the first time since he left the hotel, he didn't feel like hitting something.
He wanted to see Jenna now, but since that wasn't possible, he would spend his time making preparations for when he did see her again.
Next, he sent a joint text to his brother—his King—and his sister, and asked them to meet him in Alric's office. He was close to his entire clan, but his siblings were his family by blood, and he wanted to tell them about his mate directly. More so because once he found her again, he was bringing her home, and his King needed to know that information before anyone else.
He got out of his car and started walking toward the elevator as a plan started to form.
If Jenna had any regrets at all—and hopefully she did—then she might go back to the restaurant looking for him. He'd mentioned it was one of his favorites, so it made sense that she would try and find him there, and if she showed up, then he would be ready. It was a long-shot, but it was the only thing he had until Evander found something more tangible.
He took the elevator to the first floor, and then made his way to Alric's office. The door was closed, so he knocked once, but when no one answered, he let himself in and sank into one of the chairs opposite Alric's desk.
For the first time since he woke a couple of hours before, he realized how tired he was. He'd been running on adrenaline since he woke up alone, but, after finding his mate and then burying himself in her perfect pussy for most of the night, he was exhausted. It was the only thing that explained the fact that she was able to sneak out without his knowledge, and somewhere in the back of his mind he remembered her getting up to go to the bathroom.
That must have been when she'd left, because it never crossed his mind that she would do so.
"Well, you look like hell," Alric laughed as he walked into the office. "Let me guess. You've found your mate?"
"Thanks, bro," he grumbled, sitting up straighter in his chair. The man might be his brother, but he was still his King, and though they were a casual clan, the man still deserved respect. He didn't expect it though. Especially not from his siblings, and the look on Alric's face reminded him that most of the time they could just be brothers. "I'm not saying a word until Clara gets here."
"That's probably a good idea," Alric smiled. "You know how she gets."
"And how do I get?" Clara asked, walking into the room and closing the door behind her.
Just like he and Alric, his sister was an alpha dragon all the way to her core. Alric was born to lead, but he and Clara were born to fight by his side, and they'd done that for many, many years. Of the three of them, his sister was the most regal, but she was also the most sensitive, and he was glad that she'd been the one to find her mate first.
Marcus had been a part of their clan for over a hundred years, and the healer was the perfect mate for his sister. An alpha male who didn't mind her importance in the clan overruling his. Of course, Alric didn't weigh one member's importance against another's, but there were times when Clara had to lead, and Marcus always followed.
For a while, it had just been the three of them plus Bastian, their childhood friend, but then Clara met Marcus, and a few years later, they we're joined by Evander and Anton. His sister had been the lone female in a clan full of males for decades, and though she had her mate, friendship with other women—or dragons—wasn't something she found easily.
Until their clan members started finding their mates.
And he had a feeling Clara and Jenna were going to be the best of friends.
"Bratty," Alric laughed.
Eron laughed, too, but Clara just rolled her eyes and sat in the chair next to him. She was used to their antics, and though she often teased them back, she knew this moment wasn't the time. It was just another one of the ways she was so much better than them, and in this moment, he appreciated her ability to command the room.
"I found my mate last night?—"
"Where is she?" Clara asked, looking around the room. She acted as if Jenna was going to suddenly appear out of thin air, and he laughed as he remembered that she did the same thing when Alric announced that he'd found Petra. The action was so out of character with his normally low-key sister, that he was reminded of how much she'd sacrificed growing up with two older brothers in a Royal clan. Of course, that realization only lasted a second. "Oh, no! You messed it all up, didn't you? Why can't anyone in this clan just get together like normal people?”
"Like you and Marcus?" Alric laughed.
His sister sat up straighter.
"Yes," she smiled. "Exactly like us."
As soon as the words were out, the three of them burst out laughing. Clara and Marcus may have been together forever, but there was nothing "normal" about his sister and brother-in-law's mating, either.
"I did mess it up," he agreed. "Badly. But I'm trying to fix it. Unfortunately, I have to find her first, and I'm meeting with Evander soon to see if he can help me."
"You lost her?"
That outburst came from both of his siblings simultaneously, and the three of them started laughing again.
Once the laughter died down, he explained how he lost his mate. He also told them about her wariness toward his wealth. He didn't want to share that part of his mate with everyone—especially since he wasn't exactly sure of the problem—but his brother and sister deserved to know. He didn't want anyone to judge his mate based on her initial reactions to the castle.
Because he was bringing her here as soon as he could convince her to come, and he knew she wasn't going to like it.
At least, not at first.
"She's hurting somehow," Clara nodded. "But I know you'll make it right, brother. And we will all do our best to make her feel welcome."
"I know you will," he said. "I also need some help in getting some jewelry. Custom pieces. Can we meet up later?"
"Yes, of course. Just text me when you're ready."
Her eyes sparkled, and the smile that lit up her face made him smile. Clara was a professional personal shopper, but they'd all benefitted from her services, and even if they weren't for her, his sister liked sparkly things. She was going to enjoy finding the pieces he wanted for his mate.
"I will, thanks." He stood, and nodded at Alric. "I have to meet with Evander now, but I'll keep you guys posted."
"Sounds good," Alric said.
"You should bake her something, too," Clara said, as they started walking out of the office. "I bet she would love one of your cinnamon rolls. And a dragon-sized sandwich."
He could hear Alric laughing as they walked down the hall, and the sound caused her seemingly innocent smile to crack.
"I will," he laughed. "But if I bake cinnamon rolls, you're not getting any."
"Hmmm...," Clara smirked. "We'll see."
Jenna groaned when she ruined another wick by pouring the wax too fast, and decided to give up on the candle making.
As she started cleaning up the supplies, her mind drifted to Eron.
And again, she wondered if she'd done the right thing by leaving.
She went over each reason in her mind, silently ticking them off one by one, and when she reached the end of her list, she nodded. On the surface, she'd done the right thing. Eron was a gorgeous, wealthy man, and while she was pretty, she wasn't glamorous, and she had way too many curves.
Even if the money wasn't an issue—which it totally was—that man could have anyone, and though they'd had fun together, it wouldn't last. And worse, he'd never want her hanging on his arm in public.
Just like her ex.
Except... Eron had been nothing like her ex. She knew that the moment he rescued her from walking out of that restaurant alone, and he'd continued to prove it throughout the night. And it had nothing to do with the amazing way he made her come.
Multiple times.
Okay... It had a little to do with the sex and multiple orgasms, but that was just a small part of it.
Mostly it had to do with the way he shared his food, and pressed his palm to her face. The way he sensed her fears and tried to ease her pain instead of trying to ignore it and hope it will just go away. They hadn't talked much, but when they did speak, he listened to her with rapt attention, and when she'd embarrassed herself,he'd playfully teased her to lighten the mood.
And then later, when he'd loved on her body... It was as if they fit together like they were made for each other. There wasn't any of that awkward, getting to know you period. Instead, he touched her as if they'd been together for years. Like he knew her from a lifetime of joining together...
As if he was the only man in the world who knew exactly what she liked.
Right! Like that's even possible!
She shook her head, and rolled her eyes.
She was romanticizing the night. That was all. He'd picked up on her insecurities and said all the right things because that's what men like him did. He was a wealthy and powerful man, and she'd been an almost willing partner. All he'd had to do was say a few gentle words to take away the "almost" part, and she'd been ready to go.
It could have been any other woman in the room, but he'd seen her date leave, and known she'd be an easy target. That's all it was. She wasn't special, and the only reason he made her feel that way was because he'd had years of experience in getting what he wanted.
Those thoughts didn't feel right floating around in her head, but she closed her eyes and willed them to be true. She tried to see the events of the night from his point-of-view, and instead of the savior she'd needed, she cast him in the roll of the evil villain.
Except he wasn't evil.
He was good and decent, and no matter how hard she tried to spin the story in her head, she couldn't make herself see him in any other way.
Eron had been everything she'd ever wanted, and she'd been too stupid to see it. And worse, she might have hurt him in the process. He'd been nothing but kind and loving during her little episodes, and she'd paid him back by leaving without even saying goodbye.
Or thank you.
The only kind of person that did that, was the kind of person she didn't want to be.
She'd allowed the actions of her ex, and those of that stupid asshole who stood her up, to define her worth. She'd let them take away her joy of staying in that plush, expensive hotel, and instead focused on her fear and self-doubt of never being good enough.
But she was good enough.
She might not be as wealthy as Eron, or even her ex, but she had a good job and a large savings account. She didn't own a home yet, but that was her choice.She could buy a house anytime she wanted, but she wasn't ready for that yet. Not until she decided where she wanted to open her candle shop—which she could also do right now if she wanted to.
Working a couple of more years to save up more money was just a way to create an extra-large safety net, but she didn'tneed it. She could quit her job tomorrow and open her shop whenever she wanted.
So, what was she waiting for?
The thought made her pause, and it lingered in the air even though she already knew the answer.
She wanted someone to share her life with, and she'd been under the wrong impression that she wouldn't find him sitting in the restaurant of some fancy hotel. But that wasn't how love worked, and sometimes the person you thought was completely wrong ends up being completely right.
She grabbed her laptop and opened up the web browser so she could do a search.
Eron wasn't a popular name, but the few search results she did get didn't lead her anywhere.
Next, she searched for the contact information of the hotel.
On the first call, she asked to be connected to the room where she'd spent the night, but the man who answered the phonedefinitely wasn't who she was looking for. On the second call, she'd spoken to the front desk, but, of course, theywouldn't give out any information about their current or previous residents.
She’d thought about calling the restaurant, too, but couldn't think of a good reason for asking about one of their patrons, and eventually had to give up.
The only other thing she could do was go to the restaurant, and hope that Eron showed up again.
Could she do that? Could she sit in that restaurant night after night, hoping that he eventually showed up and wanted to see her again? How long would she have to wait? One month? Two? A year? He'd said the place was one of his favorites, but he also cooked a lot at home, so how often did he actually dine out?
Probably not that often.
She took a deep breath, and it grounded her.
Honestly, she could sit in that restaurant every night for the rest of her life and never see Eron again, or worse, she could see him with his arm around someone else. It was exciting to think about what could have been, but in reality, she just needed to let him go.
As the truth set in, her eyes filled with tears, and this time, she didn't try to stop them from falling.