J enna dropped the box of her belongings onto Maggie's desk, and breathed a sigh of relief. While it felt good to take control of her life, she still couldn't believe everything that had happened in the few hours since Eron had dropped her off.
She'd started her day by stopping by Maggie's store, same as always, and after a quick recap of how she and Eron had spent the day before, she'd rode the elevator up to her floor with a huge smile on her face. In a few hours, she would be seeing her man again, and she couldn't wait.
The thought had made her pause, but she knew the words were true. Eron was hers, but she was also his in return, and though they'd only met a few days ago, she knew that she didn't want to waste any more time. Crazy? Maybe. But she didn't care.
She'd spent a long time waiting for certain milestones before things could happen—like opening the candle store, or buying a house—but with Eron, she didn't want to wait. And she didn't need to. While she wasn't ready to complete the mating bond, she was ready to meet his family, and if things went well, then she was ready to take the next step and move in with him.
Surprisingly, Maggie had been supportive of her decision, and she had to admit that she wasn't sure she'd be so supportive if the tables were turned. But, at the same time, her friend had always been a bit of a wild card, and she'd been hounding Jenna for months to take the leap and open her store.
"Shit!" Maggie laughed. "I can't believe you really quit. What the fuck happened when you went upstairs?"
"Keep your voice down," she laughed. They were in Maggie's office with the door closed, but that didn't mean she wanted Carol to hear their conversation if she walked past them to go into the storeroom. "Yes, I quit. And I got a nice severance package, too. Chris cornered me in the break room first thing, and I decided I was done pretending that everything was okay. I went to HR and told them everything?—"
"Yes, everything,” she laughed. “And then I informed them that I would not be working there anymore starting at noon. After that, I went back to my desk, packed up all of my personal belongings, cleaned up my computer,transferred all of my accounts, and walked out of that place with my head held high."
"You are a fucking boss," Maggiesquealed. "But what happened in that break room?"
She gave her friend a quick rundown of what happened in that morning.
She still couldn't believe Chris had approached her in a public setting to ask why she'd missed work the day before, but after she told him it was none of his business, he proceeded to call her a whore for spending the day fucking her fiancé.
It was in that moment that she understood the man was jealous. It was the reason he'd approached her and Eron in the bar, and the reason he'd called her back after she called out to HR the previous day. She'd ignored the call, figuring if it was important then he would leave a message, but deep down, she’d known it wasn’t important. For some reason he was being an asshole, and the truth became clear when he confronted her in the break room.
He didn't want her, but worse, he didn't want anyone else to have her either,and that truth made something inside her snap.
She'd immediately gone to HR and told them everything.
"The only thing I feel bad about is Sara. She said goodbye to me on the way out, and I felt bad about lying to her."
"That's not your problem," Maggie assured her. "Besides, HR isn't going to put this all in an email blast out to the office, so if she finds out, it will be because that idiot outs himself. If he does that, she'll understand why you did what you did."
"That's true."
"And if she doesn't," Maggie shrugged, "then she's an idiot, too."
They both started laughing, but stopped when there was a brief knock on the door. It opened after Maggie's approval, and Carol peeked her head in and whisper yelled her excitement.
"Jenna, your man is here." She used one hand to fan her face. "Where can I find one of those, because he is yummy."
"Right?" Jenna laughed.
Eron was the sexiest man she'd ever laid eyes on, and a woman would have to be blind not to see it.
"Oh, I have to see what he looks like."
Maggie barreled through them, and left the office with Jenna and Carol on her heels. When she caught sight of Eron looking at Jenna's candles, she turned back toward them and mouthed the word hot, causing all three of them to burst out laughing again.
Eron looked up from the candles, and she walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. The way his arm wrapped around her in return, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, made her feel giddy, and liquid heat dampened her panties.
"Are these yours?" He asked, brushing his lips against hers.
"They are."
"They're amazing. These would sell well in Emerald Haven, especially if you kept the scents tied in with the forest, the town, and the holidays. There aren't any places to get souvenirs, and people like to take something home with them when they visit somewhere new. You would make a killing."
"That's what I'm hoping for," she said, smiling up at him.
He looked down with a question on his face, but he didn't voice it. Which was good because she wanted to share that news, and everything else that had happened today, in private.
A few minutes later, Eron was carrying the box from her desk when they entered the lobby and started walking hand-in-hand toward the front doors of the building.
The angry yell echoed around the lobby, and she didn't have to turn around to see who was shouting, or who the words were meant for. Chris was storming across the lobby toward her and Eron, and she finally understood what it was like to see someone with no self-preservation. Because next to her, Eron had straightened and taken an angry step in the direction of her boss.
Which was incredibly sexy, but she didn't want her fiancé going to jail. And that was exactly what would happen if he touched Chris surrounded by so many witnesses. Besides, she wanted to hear what the man had to say, so she placed her palm on Eron's forearm, and stepped up beside him.
Chris stopped about five feet away, and yelled again.
"What in the hell were you thinking going to HR?"
Under her palm, Eron tensed, but she doubted anyone else noticed the slight change in her mate. He didn't know about what happened upstairs, yet, but he stood by her side anyway. No other man had ever come close to supporting her in that way, and she had a feeling it was because she'd been hanging around the wrong men.
His support made her bold, and her reply was strong.
"I was thinking I wasn't going to let my boss call me a whore at work."
Beside her, Eron took a deep breath and let it out slowly, but though his features were hard, he still didn't say a word.
"You screwed me over," Chris said, tugging on his collar. "After everything I've done for you, you should have been grateful.But no, you had to dig that tacky bag back out of your closet and go find yourself a man. Fuck, why is it so hot in here?"
She had no idea what he was talking about, but she was done. She looked up at Eron and nodded, indicating she was ready to leave. They started walking toward the door when Chris started trailing after them, yelling again.
"It'sridiculous by that way—that bag. It's cheap and tacky, just like you, and that man will never stay with you."
She turned in time to see Chris reaching for her bag, but before she could move away, Eron grabbed his wrist and started squeezing. Chris screamed and fell to his knees, but even though he was still carrying the box from her desk, Eron didn't budge.
"You make a move to touch my fiancée again—hell, you even look at her again—and I will break more than your wrist. Do you understand me?" Eron's voice was low and even, but there was no denying the truth of his words. He still held the other man's wrist in a vice, and eventually Chris nodded.
"Say the words," Eron growled. "So I know we understand each other."
"I understand," Chris said, his eyes watering, as he messed with the top button on his shirt. His forehead was dotted with perspiration, and when she glanced down, she noticed that the knot of his tie had been pulled loose and his shirt was soaked. "Please let me go. There's something wrong with me. I have to get my jacket off.”
Eron looked at her then, and she understood he was waiting for her approval to let the man go. Fromthe way Chris was acting, she was pretty sure Eron had doused him with heat, but even though she noticed two security guards walking in their direction, she wasn't worried they were coming for her and Eron, and she had one finalthing to say.
"One more thing," she said, taking a step forward. "Before you start calling something cheap and tacky, you might want to do your homework. Thisbag has a designer label and retails for over six hundred dollars. And people are selling them online for over double that, proving the only thing cheap and tacky around here is you."
She looked at Eronand nodded, and he immediatelylet go of her ex. The man fell to the ground and started ripping off his jacket at thesame time the security guards caught up to him. They grabbed him by the arms, and lifted him to his feet, before escorting him away.
"Wait," Chris yelled, his voice echoing around the room. "My jacket. It's burning. I need to take it off."
"Your jacket is fine," one of the guards said. "You can take it off once we get you safely secured in a room."
Because the police were coming, she had no doubt about that.
"You okay?" Eron asked, tentatively.
His expression was guarded, as if he expected her to freak out after what he did to her ex. Some women might act like that, but she wasn't one of them. Chris would be warm for a while, but he wasn't going to die, and honestly, the man deserved that and more for everything he'd put her through.
"Yes," she smiled, linking her fingers through his, and pulling him down for a kiss. "I'm perfect."
"Oh, my god!" Maggie cried, racing up to them. "That was so scary. I can't believe Chris tried to attack you right here in front of all of us. He's completely lost it. I'm so glad Eron picked you up today. I can't bear to think about what would have happened if you'd been alone. No one was close enough to do anything."
"I'm okay," she said, hugging her friend.
The woman was right. Chris was completely unhinged, and luckily, she wasn't alone—and never would be again.
E ron glanced at Jenna as they walked out of the building, and the smile on her face was one he'd never seen before. He expected her to be wary, or maybe even afraid, when she realized what he'd done to her boss, but so far, she just seemed happy.
Extremely happy.
Like she had a secret, and couldn't wait to share it with him.
"You doing okay, sweetheart? I know that was a lot.Do you still want to eat lunch out, or would you rather pick something up and go back to your place so we can talk in private? I'm sure you have some questions, and I want to know everythingthat happened after I dropped you off this morning."
She stopped walking and looked up at him. Her foreheadwas scrunched, and he felt as if she could see right through him.
"You think I'm afraid of you," she said, surprise lacing her words. "Or worried about what happened back there, or... something. I don't know, but I can guarantee you that none of that is true. I'll tell you everything, but that asshole got what he deserved, and, like Maggie said, I'm glad you were with me. I'm alsoecstatic because I've never felt freer in all my life. I've finally taken control, and it feels amazing."
He nodded, even as disappointment flooded him. She was finally going to pursue her dreams, and he didn't know where he fit into that equation. Or if she even wanted him there on a permanent basis. Not that it mattered. He wasn't letting her go, but things would be easier if he didn't have to fight her every step of the way.
"So, yes, I want to pick something up and go back to my place, but only so I can pack a bag. I was thinking we could talk on the way to Winged Mountain. You said it takes an hour to get there, right?"
She wanted to go back to his place? To stay with him? He felt as if his heart stopped in his chest, only to start beating double time. There was nothing he wanted more than to have his mate safe in the castle, but he thought he would have to do a lot more coaxing to get her there.
"You want come home with me?"
"Yes, unless..." He watched as her smile fell just a little bit. "Unless you don't want me there? I thought?—"
"I want you there," he growled. "You just shocked me is all. I thought I would have to convince you. How long will you stay?"
"I was thinking forever, but maybe we try a week or two and see how it goes?"
"Forever works for me."
She laughed, and he took that moment to steal a kiss. He'd only meant to brush his lips against hers, but when her tongue slid against his, he was gone. He moved his free hand to the nape of her neck and kissed her thoroughly, moving his tongue against hers in the same way he wanted to slowly slide his cock into her pussy.
"Damn girl, get yours."
The comment of a passerby reminded him of where they were, and he pulled back enough to break the kiss and survey his surroundings. The street was filling up with people, reminding him it was close to lunchtime, but despite the crowd, almost everyone gave him and Jenna a wide berth.
Still, he shouldn't have let his guard down, especially not so close to her former workplace. Her ex was in there, and though he didn't think the man would be walking out anytime soon, it was reckless to be vulnerable in a public space.
"I'm sorry, Jenna," he said, moving his palm to her cheek. "That was stupid."
"What? Why?" Her hands dropped from his waist, and the betrayed look on her face made him want to take it all back. Not that he would. Risking her safety wasn't an option.
"Because it isn't safe. Not in public. As soon as your lips touch mine, I feel my control slipping, and I can't protect you if I let my guard down."
"So..." her forehead scrunched again. "You can't—or won't—kiss me in public?"
She was doubting him again. Thinking that he was ashamed of her in some way, even though he'd taken her out to dinner the night before. He understood her fears, but her silent accusations still hurt.
"Not like that, no. It's too dangerous. And you can stop whatever it is you're thinking right now. I have no problem with you hanging on my arm no matter what else we do, but we can't make out in public."
"Well, okay. That makes sense," she laughed. "We don't need to put on a show for everyone."
"Exactly," he said, linking his fingers through hers. “Now, let's go. I'm starving."
"What are you craving?"
She was still holding his hand, but ran to catch up with him, and he forced himself to slow his stride. Despite the need flowing through him, he didn't want to drag his mate behind him like a Neanderthal. He might be old, but he wasn't that old.
Still, the idea that his mate was ready to come to the castle filled him with joy and made his dick go rock hard. After they ate, he was going to have to taste her,because once they got home, everyone would demand a moment of her time, and it would be hours before he got to sink his cock into her sweet pussy.
"Cinnamon and sugar."
W hen the sign for Emerald Haven came into view, Eron glanced at Jenna and grabbed one of her fidgeting hands. After eating her pussy and then pounding his cock into her sweet heat, his girl had been relaxed when they started the drive to his home. She'd also been super talkative, and had told him everything about her day, starting from the time he'd dropped her off, and ending when she'd texted him to meet her at the gift shop.
As far as he was concerned, the blast of heat that he'd sent the man's way was nowhere near enough punishment, but he was so proud of his mate for taking matters into her own hands. She was strong and smart, and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.
Unfortunately, the closer they got to his home, the quieter she became.
"Everything okay?" He asked.
"Are you sure this is okay?" She asked. "You bringing me here? What if they don't like me? Or I don't like them. What if this is all a big mistake? Maybe I should have followed you in my car..."
He wanted to laugh at the way she fired off the stream of questions, but he didn't dare.
"It's definitely okay, and everyone is going to love you. But even if they didn't, it doesn't matter, because I love you. Besides?—"
"You love me?"
He hadn't meant to tell her so soon, but now that the words were out, he wouldn't take them back.
"Yes, I do," he nodded. "I know you don't believe me, but when a shifter meets his mate, he just knows. You and I are meant to be together, and that means that my clan will accept you no matter what. Besides, you've already met Clara and Marcus, and they think you're amazing."
"They do?"
"Yes," he laughed. He brought their hands to his mouth, and kissed the back of her hand. "Didn't they tell you that? They were impressed by your quick thinking when I passed out. Everyone is. There's nothing to worry about, sweetheart, but if you don't like it there, then we'll leave. You're not a prisoner."
"Okay," she nodded.
He knew she was still afraid, but he was pretty sure nothing he could say would make the fear go away, so instead, he drove through Emerald Haven and pointed out the places where she could find help if she needed it. He also pointed out Holly's store, and showed her where she could find other humans mated to shifters if she needed someone else to talk to. Of course, bears and wolves were a little bit different than dragons, but the concept was the same.
Once they made it to the castle, he parked the car at the seemingly dead-end road, and showed her how to enter the mountain both ways. She could drive through the rock protected by dragon magic, or she could use the alcove hidden in the rock wall if she was on foot.
As soon as he started talking, her fear had started to recede, and her confidence grew with each new discovery.
And with each new introduction.
By the time dinner rolled around, she was laughing with his entire clan, and guarding her food like a pro. He was glad that he'd prepared trays of lasagna earlier in the day, because he hadn't wanted to leave his mate's side for an instant.
In fact, when it got close to dinnertime, she was the one pulling him into his favorite room, wanting to watch him work.
It was an odd feeling not to want to be in the kitchens for most of the day, but once his mate was settled, he knew the feeling would pass. In fact, he was already thinking about what he was going to make her for dinner the following night, and the night after that.
If he had any say in the matter—which he absolutely did—then she would have breakfast for dinner every night. At least until she told him she wanted something else. Either way, he couldn't wait to spoil his mate with food, and it would start tomorrow morning with the cinnamon rolls he'd hid in their personal fridge.
"So, what do you think, sweetheart?"
He kissed the top of her head. They were lyingon top of the covers on his big bed, fully clothed, andthe only thing that would make thismoment better was if Jenna was naked.
But he didn't need her to be.
When dinner was finally over, his mate had looked ready to drop, and he'd carried her back to their room without a single protest. That's how he knew how tired she was, and when he joined her on the bed, he loved that she didn't hesitate to mold herself against his side.
Deep contentment filled him, and he hoped Jenna ended up staying forever because he never wanted to live without her. She was the one woman in the world made for him, and she fit into his life—and his clan—perfectly.
"About what?"
Her words were sleepy, and he knew this wasn't the time to talk, but he couldn't help himself. He'd watched her reactions to everything, and though he knew that she was happy, he still needed her to say the words.
She laughed, and tightened her arm around his waist.
"I love it here," she whispered. "And I love you."
She loved him?
The words were barely a whisper, but he'd heard them plain as day, and joy filled him. Until he realized that he hadn't said anything back.Sure, he'd told her in the SUV earlier, but that wasn't the same. He opened his mouth to tell her again, but the sound of her deep, even breathing filled the room.
His mate had said she loved him, and he hadn't said it back.
He would definitely correct that mistake in the morning.