Accepting the Dragon (Winged Mountain #5) Epilogue 100%
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S ix months later...

Eron walked down Main Street, and smiled when he glanced across the street and saw Holly's Christmas shop.

He'd bought Jenna the building she'd wanted for her candles, and he liked that his best friend was right across the street if she needed help and he wasn't around.

Which wasn't often, but unlike Bastian, he didn't spend almost all day in his mate's shop. Jenna liked independence when it came to her business, and when he wasn't with his mate or doing things for the clan, he still preferred to be in the kitchen.

Of course, he still visited his mate at least once a day, and today was no exception.

It was almost lunch time, and he'd packed dragon-sized sandwiches and cinnamon rolls for them to share in her office. At his insistence, because she was the sole employee in the place, she always closed the store for a one-hour lunch break. He didn't get involved in any other aspects of her business, unless she asked him for advice, but taking time to rest and eat was something he wouldn't budge on.

Not that she'd put up a huge fight about it or anything. In fact, she'd been almost too accepting of his terms, and he guessed it was because he'd had to remind her to eat several times during the planning stages before opening the shop. When his mate got involved in something, she threw her whole self in, and food was the last thing on her mind.

He smiled again as he thought about how she'd sucked his cock this morning before jumping in the shower. She hated to be late for work, but that didn't stop her from taking what she wanted, even if it meant leaving no time for breakfast. After six months, he was always prepared with a timed coffee pot and frozen breakfast burritos.

He even drove her to work most days, leaving the SUV parked behind her shop so she could come and go as she pleased, because he didn't want her trying to eat and drive.

He walked into the shop, and smiled when he found his mate surrounded by a group of elderly women. He wasn't sure why, but Emerald Haven drew in tourists on a daily basis, and he'd been right about the candle shop drawing a large crowd.

Jenna had used some of his ideas and made candles themed around the surrounding forest and holidays, but she'd also taken a more magical path and involved dragons and other mythical creatures, along with gemstones and a heavy emphasis on the moon.

And the tourists loved it all.

She caught his eye over the heads of all the ladies, and when one of them turned to look at him, he noticed the diamond and amethyst dragon pendant he gave her sparkling around her neck. He'd given it to her a few hours after they mated, and except for sleeping, she rarely took it off.

Instead of hiding the expensive piece away in a drawer somewhere, his mate had proudly worn the necklace without hesitation. She sometimes left the matching bracelet and ring at home,but the pendant was something she wore daily, and it brought him great joy.

She also wore a plain platinum band around her left ring finger—one that matched the one he wore—and though the metal wasn't needed for their bond to be true, his human side liked letting the world know he was taken.

"Oh, hell-lo."

The elderly woman's excitement drew the gazes of the other ladies, and they all let out similar comments of appreciation, causing Jenna to laugh. Being ogled by elderly women on a regular basis wasn't something he'd ever noticed or expected, but now it was a common occurrence. One he accepted as graciously as possible before escaping to the office to wait for his mate.

"Good afternoon, Ladies."

"Oh my."

"That is one fine specimen."

"Honey, you are a lucky girl."

"I am extremely lucky," Jenna laughed. "Now before I start boxing all of your orders, did you guys see the Gemstone Collection?"

Eron shook his head and smiled as he walked into the office and started setting the table. The heavy wood was great for eating, whether it be a meal or his mate, and he liked making the space nice before they shared a meal.

"I sold three more amethyst and one sapphire," Jenna laughed as she walked into the room. "You are my good luck charm."

He wasn't. His mate had the ability to sell candles to literally anyone, and he'd watched her enough times to know that she would have found a way to segue into the gemstones—or into another area in the shop—whether or not he'd walked in, but he liked teasing her.

And he was craving cinnamon and sugar like his life depended on it.

"Then I think you owe me a commission," he said, backing her up against the nearest wall.

"Hmmm..." she said, pulling up her skirt. "What did you have in mind?"

"I want my mate," he said, dropping to his knees, "coming all over my face."

He started pulling her lacy panties down, and after he pocketed the fabric, she draped a knee over his shoulder.

"I think that's fair," she said, sliding one hand over his head.

Fair wasn't even close to an apt description, but he was done teasing her. At least with his words. Making his mate come was a gift to him—as was her acceptance of him, his dragon, and their life—and he was going to spend eternity showing her his gratitude.

The End

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