Adrik (Titans #1) Chapter 11 33%
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Chapter 11

Adrik wasn’t sure where the harsh command had come from but was relieved when Obaida did as directed. The instant Obaida released Ember, she stumbled like the only thing holding her up had been Obaida’s strength.

Shooting Adrik a “see” look, Obaida pressed his lips together and gestured to Ember.

“Leave us,” Adrik commanded as he closed the distance between himself and Ember, annoyed with his own actions.

With a dejected shake of his head, Obaida huffed out a loud breath and stormed toward the separate room that held Kyan.

Alone with Ember, Adrik again felt that familiar surge of adrenaline. It had suspicion slowly rising. Ember leaned heavily on the med bed, her blinking slow and drowsy. It was clear she was still under the effects of the tranquilizer. His nose verified that the drug was heavily coating her natural feminine perfume but not enough to mask the bitter scent of her pain.

Even though he knew better, he couldn’t keep from crossing to her. He noted how her body instantly stiffened at his approach. She tried to retreat, but he was too fast. In a flash, he had her up in his arms as he tried to quash the annoyance that shuttled through him at his own actions. He wasn’t acting in character, which bothered him deeply. He simply couldn’t seem to control himself around Ember. His frustration grew when his dual hearts started racing, and chills blasted up his arms and legs the instant their skin met. It was the second time it had happened, so the ripple of his armor was expected this time, but not the deep throaty growl of his battle beast.

Ember struggled until the growl left him, then she stilled and demanded, “Put…put me down.”

Her struggle had been pathetically weak. Adrik assumed it was because of the drugs still coursing through her system but didn’t ignore the fact that she was a tiny female. How could he ignore it? His body was reacting to every aspect of her. Her scent, her weight, her beauty, the soft lilt to her voice even when she was trying to be commanding. She was delicate in a way he’d never experienced, making him wary. He’d never felt this compulsion to be gentle even around other females. Ember was the perfect vessel for infiltration. All the females were, and it was just too convenient that there was one female for each of the Titans on his ship, including a shadow female for himself. It had been planned perfectly.

Steeling himself against Ember’s femininity, Adrik placed her on the med bed and backed away from her. He made a mental note to touch her as little as possible.

“I’m Chief Commander of the Cressida,” he began. He wanted to tell Ember that she and her companions were welcome, he needed them comfortable in order to discover their objective, but he wasn’t sure how to phrase a welcoming without sounding condescending or dismissive. It was obvious that Ember and her sisters had been through hell. Glancing over his shoulder at the frail female Obaida was tending, Adrik sincerely hoped the small female survived.

Attention going back to Ember, Adrik knew he needed information. “It is my understanding that you and your companions were taken from the Kitness by the Ziefers who last held you?”

“I don’t know what that means,” Ember bit out. “But since you’re the Chief Commander, you can take me to my companions .”

Ember’s admission had Adrik wondering if the female Kaze had questioned had lied. Why would she? The thought of Ember being deceptive had an eerie feeling pressing against his skin.

“Your companions are safe,” he vowed. “They are being fed and cared for.”

“Why?” Ember snapped, delicate brows spearing down. “What do you want from us?” she demanded. “What are your intentions?”

Adrik was frowning now, too; the urge to counter by asking about her intentions was barely suppressed. Clearing his throat, he explained, “We are no threat to you. Any of you. It goes against our honor to harm a female in any way.”

Ember’s hand shot up as she pointed to her lip. “Yeah. It feels like it.”

That had Adrik’s anger rising. “ That was an accident.”

“It wasn’t an accident,” Ember countered, sliding off the bed opposite him. “Your man came into my cell and accosted me because I refused to comply. You all are just like the others.”

And that pissed Adrik off. The Ziefers that held Ember and her females and the Kitness—who Adrik assumed had originally captured them—were nothing like Titans. Titans were an honorable species, a warrior class. Ziefers and Kitness were scavengers, bottom feeders, and cared little for the goods and slaves they acquired and traded.

“Kaze isn’t used to handling someone so small and fragile. Your injuries were unintentional, on my honor. And I…” he stalled a moment and had to swallow before saying the next word, “apologize.”

Adrik spent his adulthood ensuring that there was never a need for him to ever apologize to anyone. Saying the practically foreign words now felt strange, but when he saw the way Ember blinked and then looked down as if considering his words, he repeated them.

“I’m sorry you were injured.” He gestured to Obaida, who was working on Kyan. “Obaida says you’ll be fine in time.”

Chin still dipped low, Ember’s eyes slid up to Adrik. “And the gun?”

“Gun?” Confused, it took a moment for him to understand her meaning. “It was a tranquilizer. Used to ensure you weren’t injured further.”

“You shot me!” she accused.

“To keep you from harm.”

Ember snorted. “Well, it fucking hurt!”

Guilt hit Adrik hard as his eyes lowered to Ember’s leg. Without even realizing it, he circled the bed and then squatted in front of her before flattening a massive hand on her upper thigh. By the Gods, she was a tiny thing and soft too.

Ember inhaled a sharp little noise that drew Adrik’s neon eyes to hers. Hand still on her leg, he said, “I’ll have Obaida give you something for the pain.”

“No more drugs,” she bit out. Reaching down, she shoved Adrik’s hand off her thigh but not before he noticed how it trembled. “I want my sisters. I want to see for myself that they are alright. No offense, but I don’t know you, and I don’t trust you.”

At that, Adrik grinned. “Trust must be earned.”

“Yes,” she agreed.

He was glad she agreed because he didn’t trust her or the other females either. Still, he’d use her need for proof of his good intentions to ingratiate himself and learn more about the women.

“Then let me begin to earn it,” he boasted. Reaching for her, Adrik stalled to ask, “May I?”

“May you what?”

“You can’t walk on that leg,” he explained. “But I can take you to the others. You’ll be able to see for yourself.” He fell silent as he watched Ember. She debated internally, but he knew what the result would be. If she wanted to see her sisters, she’d have no choice but to allow him to carry her.

After several tense moments, Ember nodded. “Fine.”

Stifling his grin at having won this small battle, Adrik slid one arm beneath her knees as the other went behind her. And that fast, all that adrenaline was back to rushing through his veins. Lifting Ember, Adrik had to bite back a growl of satisfaction when she slid one arm up and around his neck. She fit his body like she was made for him.

Turning with her, Adrik’s gaze collided with Obaida’s. The Medicus was studying Adrik intently, and Adrik knew why. As the Chief Commander, he wasn’t required to interact with captives or anyone other than his crew. But Ember felt different. The entire group of human females felt different from any others they’d rescued or captured before. Adrik’s eyes slid from Obaida to the ill female he was tending. It took only one second for Obaida to step sideways, blocking Adrik’s view of the female. The reaction had Adrik’s brow lifting. Chuffing a quiet sound, Adrik’s lips ticked up at the corners. Apparently, Adrik wasn’t the only one feeling possessive. It was fine with him. He’d stay away from Obaida’s patient so long as Obaida steered clear of Ember. That thought had Adrik’s brows spearing down. Obaida was the Medicus, he’d need to treat all the females, including Ember. Stifling a growl, Adrik stalked toward the door, making a mental note to speak with Obaida and the others regarding the treatment of the females. He and his Titans needed to keep their heads and not be distracted by the females. There was still no certainty that the women weren’t planted, intended for the Titans. The women could be enemies, and it was on Adrik to remember that. Steeling himself, he straightened his posture and cleared all trace of emotion from his expression. He was Chief Commander, and he needed to remember that he had a crew that relied on his diligence.

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