Adrik (Titans #1) Chapter 25 76%
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Chapter 25

Donned in their blacked-out armor and visors, the Titans stood menacingly as the large bay doors slowly slid open with the moaning of metal and the hissing of the airlock. Silently, Adrik prayed Ember remained well hidden. It was the last thought he had before the Renx filed into the cargo bay.

Adrik ignored the line of males slowly approaching, his attention on the ship behind them in the docking bay. It was a smaller vessel, and it had to be to dock with the Cressida, but Adrik knew it was an exploratory vessel sent from the Renx’s much larger mothership. Still, with the vessel inside the Cressida and with the number of Renx before him, Adrik now had bargaining power… if the Renx Commander, Theb, cared enough about his men and their small ship.

The fix Renx males strode in, their walk lanky and jerky on their biped legs. The species had always been repulsive to Adrik. They were tan in color with raised dark brown scales that looked like scabs covering their bodies. Their skin reminded Adrik of the dry dunes of the Aries moons. With two legs, two arms, and one head, the Renx were similar to humanoids but with more severe facial features and sharply pointed ears that jutted out from their heads. Bright aqua-colored eyes were the only break in their bland-colored exteriors. Even the breech cloths covering their sexual organs were the same drab color as their skin.

“Commander Titus,” one of the Renx hissed, stopping fifteen yards from the Titans as his fellow Renx followed suit.

The action had Adrik smirking inside his visor. He was glad the Renx recognized his and his men's lethality. Even outnumbered, the odds were still in the Titans' favor if things turned to physical combat.

“He is Chief Commander or Commander Adrik,” Obaida corrected, lifting his chin slightly in silent challenge.

With a slight bow of his head, the Renx leader amended, “Commander Adrik. We appreciate the audience.” Turning his head, the leader openly eyed the cargo hold. The action caused Adrik’s hearts to thunder in his chest. Silently, he hoped Ember remained out of sight.

“I am Commander Theb of the mighty Renx colony, and I’ll be brief.” His blue eyes scoured the cargo bay again.

The admission that Theb himself had boarded the Cressida was startling. It wasn’t Titan protocol for a Commander to ever board an enemy vessel. The Commander always remained with his ship.

Theb continued, “As I said when we spoke earlier, there is rumor you have acquired human females. Females taken from a Zeifer trading vessel. Females we wish to purchase.”

Slowly shaking his head, Adrik’s voice was low and deep when he responded. “As I’ve informed. There are no females on my ship…of any species.”

It was an odd sensation to lie. Adrik couldn’t remember the last time he’d had deceptive. He didn’t have to be. As a warrior-grade male, he faced no threat that required him to be false. But now, with Ember and the women relying on him, he’d do what he must.

With his attention returning to Adrik, Commander Theb tilted his head. “I am not without knowledge of their value.” He lifted a hand, and one of the Renx beside him stepped forward carrying a large box. “We are prepared to pay.”

“There is nothing to pay for,” Adrik snarled. “You waste my time.”

That had Commander Theb, who’d been patting the large box, turning his head to frown at Adrik. “We’re hoping to acquire the females peaceably. But…” Lifting a hand, he motioned for the Renx with the box away. “We are not opposed to taking them.”

Adrik jerked his chin up, his visor receding to expose his face as he flashed his fangs. “You dare speak such insolence on my ship!”

Commander Theb spoke plainly. “You are outnumbered, Titan Commander. And your vessel,” he stopped to look around condescendingly, “is inferior to our mothership.” His attention went back to Adrik. “This far from your home planet, and without an accompanying warship, you would lose. Rapidly.” He grinned wolfishly, “I must admit, I am delighted to find myself holding such a superior position over you renowned Titans.”

Pissed, Adrik couldn’t deny that the Renx’s points were valid, but Adrik and his men refused to give up the women. They couldn’t, so he stalled, feigning a sudden interest. “How many females are the Ziefers missing?”

Expression darkening, Theb raged, “We want all of the females!”

Adrik countered, “How many is all?” He made a show of glancing at his Titans. “Are there enough for all of my crew?”

The question had Theb’s anger dissipating as if he suddenly realized that if he’d misassumed that the Titans held the females, then he’d just informed them there were females somewhere in the sector, which inadvertently created competition for himself. “We know there is at least one human female aboard your vessel,” Theb boomed in challenge. “We’ve traced her here,” he raged as if trying to convince himself. He turned to eye the freight stacked along the walls. If you’re unaware of her presence, she may be a stowaway. We could help you search,” he offered, then turned back to Adrik. “And we will pay you handsomely for her.” He gestured again at the box in his Renx warrior’s clawed hands. “We brought payment for several females. But you may keep it all in exchange for the one female.”

Hearts thundering hard, Adrik wanted the Renx's attention off the cargo where Ember currently hid. Canting his head, he tempered himself. “What do Renx want with human females? Our elders on Cesca Sol claim that humans and Renx are incompatible.”

Theb was back to grinning, his broken and jagged teeth exposed with the unpleasant display. “Sexually, we can get no repeated use from a human female. They are a one-time pleasure for us, their bodies too weak for a Renx carnal needs. They typically die during or shortly after our pleasure is found.” His grin grew wider. “It’s their meat we desire. We’ve discovered they are a rare delicacy. The females that is,” he corrected. “The males are not as pleasant tasting.” His bony shoulders lifted and then fell. “I can satiate my carnal desires and then use the remains to satiate my appetite and that of my crew.” He stalled a moment and then nodded as if providing he were Adrik with valuable information as he boasted, “Human females are quite enjoyable to break. It’s a pity they aren’t sturdier.” He lifted a hand to stare at his sharp claws. “Their skin is so delicate. It tears rather easily.”

His words raised Adrik’s hackles. If there’d been questions before about the Renx and their intentions with the females, they were answered now.

“Now,” Theb lifted his chin and dropped his hand. “Enough haggling. Find us the female hiding on your ship, and we’ll leave you and your pitiful vessel.” Dipping his chin, he sneered, “Refuse and we’ll find her for you.” He glanced around. “And we’ll take your ship as well.”

Adrik’s armor rippled involuntarily. It had the sinister grin slipping from Theb’s face as he backed up a step.

Time was up. A decision needed to be made, but before Adrik could speak, Pitch thundered from beside him, “The female is sickly. I doubt she’d survive transport.”

Head whipping to the side, Adrik’s enraged gaze bore into Pitch. It was Obaida who acted though, his arm striking out. As fast as an energy bolt, Obaida’s fist connected solidly with Pitch’s jaw, causing the Titan warrior’s head to snap to the side with the brutal impact.

The two Titans went nose-to-nose as Adrik roared, “Enough!” In Adrik’s comms, Pitch hissed, “Let’s take our chances and fight them.” In front of Adrik, Theb and his soldiers were laughing, their confidence supreme that Adrik and his Titans couldn’t act.

“I’m not that ill.”

The feminine voice echoed through the cargo bay, and all heads turned in unison. The hangar fell silent.

Hearts stuttering to a halt, Adrik turned and watched in absolute shock as Ember slowly walked toward him, her hands fisted tightly at her side, her ashen face, an unsuccessful attempt at stoicism.

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