Suddenly, the docking bay was a frenzy of activity. Adrik was barking orders at Tyrate while rushing the weapons storage units hidden beneath retractable metal wall panels. In a blink, Kaze was barreling into the bay, armed with a neutron weapon as Obaida and Pitch advanced on Adrik and readily accepted the weapons he shoved into their chests.
Within mere moments, Adrik, Kaze, Obaida, and Pitch were armed, armor-covered, and battle-ready at the docking bay doors. Overhead, Tyrate announced, “The Renx ship is attempting maximum thrust to seek release.”
“And?” Adrik snarled, weapon held to his shoulder, his eyes boring down the sights.
“Their exploratory vessel lacks the power.”
There was a resounding boom as the Cressida held firm to the Renx’s smaller vessel. A loud hiss sounded as the Renx attempted to separate the two ships, but then there was a pop and a loud boom as the ship bumped back into the Cressida, which sealed the two craft together more firmly. The Renx were trapped, which meant their mothership wouldn’t attack the Cressida unless they wanted to risk harming their own Commander. It’d buy the Titans time.
“Open it up!” Adrik commanded.
Without hesitation, Tyrate announced, “Bay doors opening in ten, nine,…”
Adrik thundered, “Lights out!”
Level Bay fell into complete darkness as Tyrate continued, “Eight, seven, six,…”
Adrik prayed that Kaze had relayed the severity of their situation to the Titan War Liner.
“Five, four, three,…”
Beside him, Pitch, Obaida, and Kaze tightened their holds on their weapons. This was it. They were fighting not just for their lives but the lives of Nova, Kyan, Vashti, and Ember as well.
Adrik’s hearts hammered in his chest, but not from fear. He had zero concern about his own safety. He only cared about Ember and getting her back.
Instead of opening slowly as they normally would, and had when the Renx boarded, the bay doors slammed open in a blink, peeling back the metal hull of the Renx ship that was now forcibly attached to the Cressida. It was normal protocol in battle mode, meant to surprise whoever was unlucky enough to be docked with the Cressida. It was a surprise the Renx weren’t prepared for, and before the four guards on the Renx docking bay could even react, Adrik and his Titans opened fire with devastating accuracy. The first four Renx soldiers fell easily, as did the second wave that poured into the Renx hold. While his Titans battled, Adrik was distracted by the knowledge that while the two ships were attached by the Cressida’s immovable metal locks, the airlock sealing the two ships was unstable. One misplaced shot and the seal would puncture, and all breathable oxygen would be vented from both ships. Adrik and his Titans were protected by their armor, which housed their own breathing apparatus. But…
As if reading his thoughts, Kaze bellowed, “Tyrate! Seal Level Bay!”
Tyrate responded, “Level Bay sealed.”
The move would only vent oxygen from their level if the seal was compromised. It’d protect the females on the Cressida, but it would do nothing for Ember. Angered by the fact that Ember was so vulnerable, Adrik advanced.
A hail of rapid laser fire surrounded him as the Renx took cover and fired from behind cargo stacked on their ship. The bright red flashes of fire from the Renx were countered by the bright green flashes of the Titans’ neutron weapons. His heavy breathing, the beating of both his hearts, and the high-pitched hiss and crack as shots were fired and landed echoed through Adrik’s head. The Renx in the hold were pinned down, and normally, this is where a good Commander would demand surrender. But Adrik didn’t want their surrender, and wasting time in the docking bay with these insignificant Renx would cost Ember. She was his goal.
Advancing, he took a hit to his chest that staggered him. The symbiosis of his armor rippled in a flare of bright neon blue, instantly reinforcing that area of his armor and working to repair the damage done.
“Adrik!” Kaze roared as he rushed to go shoulder-to-shoulder with his Commander. Behind them, Pitch and Obaida provided rapid-fire cover as Adrik and Kaze slowly advanced, easily taking out enemy Renx. In short order, the docking bay of the Renx vessel fell silent, all visible enemies extinguished. But Adrik knew there were more, and they’d want revenge on the Titans by any means available, which meant Ember was in imminent danger.
“Kaze, charge the doors.”
A single set of metal doors separated Adrik and his men from the rest of the Renx ship…and Ember.
Without a response, Kaze ripped a fission shell from the weapons stores of his armor. “Charging!” he bellowed. The Titans didn’t bother ducking or turning their backs as Kaze tossed the fission shell at the doors, where it stuck with a slapping sound before instantly melting into the metal. A sound resembling a power grid powering down roared through the room. With a jolt, a light exploded from the doors, disintegrating the metal into particles. Then, nothing stood between Adrik and his Titans and the rest of the Renx vessel.
With brutal ferocity, Adrik ordered, “Decimate them.”
Kaze, Obaida, and Pitch lurched forward to do Adrik’s bidding while Adrik held back. “Tyrate, plot the ship! Find Ember!”
If they remained attached to the Renx vessel, Tyrate could override its security protocols and extract intel. The laser tag he’d embedded on Ember would help.
After what felt like an eternity but was mere moments, Tyrate directed, “Avance, then stay to the right.”
Adrik didn’t hesitate. He followed Tyrate’s directions, his hearts hammering in anticipation of seeing Ember.