Adrik (Titans #1) Chapter 32 97%
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Chapter 32

Ember didn’t know that sex could be so enjoyable. No, enjoyable wasn’t the word. What Adrik was doing to her right now was carnal and arousing and bordered on a level of worship that she’d never experienced. He was buried inside her, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more, she wanted more. Still, she was worried. Panting, she forced out a reluctant, “Sh-should we wait?”

Adrik instantly stilled, his eyes finding hers as they flashed with warning, his mouth a slash of forced restraint as he pulled back a fraction.

“Your burns, your injuries,” she breathed. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

A crooked smile wrecked Adrik’s mouth. “Hurt me!” He grimaced as he slid back into her, satisfaction twisting his expression, his fangs denting his lower lip.

Exquisite pressure filled Ember and had her back arching, nipples thrusting up as she gasped. Hands clutching Adrik’s neck and shoulder, she ground her sex against his, the friction on her clit nearly sending her over the edge as she panted.

Adrik buried himself deep as he slammed into her hard and fast. His powerful body was tense; his teeth bared as he threw his head back and snarled. Ember was right there, lost in the feel of Adrik’s muscular body moving against hers. His hips slammed into hers, and Ember screamed as he drove impossibly deep. Lowering his mouth to hers, Adrik drove his tongue inside. The instant he did, Ember sucked hard, drinking down his venom as she was impaled orally and vaginally by her Titan warrior. He was so addicting, so fucking good! Ember was dangling on the edge, but she needed something more. Obaida’s words slammed into her, “During sex, he will drink from you. Don’t worry, it is extremely pleasurable for you.”

The realization of what she wanted had her hands shaking as she pulled them from where they gripped Adrik to cup his face and force him back from her.

Confused, he stared down at her, his hips stalling.

“Claim me, Adrik.” Angling her head to the side, she hoped he understood because she wasn’t sure how to ask him to bite her.

Above her, a growl of approval rattled Adrik’s chest, and then he lowered his head. His teeth sunk into her in tandem with his hard cock sliding deep into her pussy. The sensation sent a bolt of pain shooting through her before it was quickly replaced by pure rapture. Dizzy with lust, Ember cried out, her body trembling as she pleaded, “More.” His teeth locked into her shoulder as their sweat-slickened bodies writhed against each other with their fucking. Adrik sunk his teeth and cock deeper, and then his body tensed hard before an orgasm detonated between them. Ember cried out, her pussy convulsing as Adrik’s seed shot deep inside her. Looking between them, Ember could only pant and whimper as she watched Adrik’s stomach clench with each spasm of release, his body shooting more and more of his seed into her pussy. Eyes sliding up to his frame, Ember was mesmerized by how absolutely stunning Adrik was. Naked, his muscular body straining, his incisors buried in her shoulder, his dick buried deep in her pussy, his expression was fierce, and his neon-green eyes were exploding with flashes of color as he continued to jerk his hips, with each pulse of his release. A second orgasm ripped through Ember and had her shrieking with its intensity as her body quaked.

Pulling his teeth from her, Adrik’s tongue laved her wound before he kissed his mark and crooned, “Easy, I’ve got you.”

But there wasn’t anything easy about what she was experiencing. His body was still emptying inside of her, and she couldn’t seem to stop her body from seizing in pleasure.

“Shhhh,” Adrik soothed, kissing her temple as she clung to him desperately.

Slowly, the pulsing from his cock subsided, and when she was able, Ember collapsed back, her limbs falling to the side, her legs still open wide. She was too weak to do more than roll her head to the side with a contented sound.

Above her, Adrik eased his still-hard-cock from her dripping pussy. His seed coated her thighs and slipped from her garishly exposed pussy. Rolling to lay at her side, Adrik admitted, “I wish to pull you on top of me to enjoy your body in a new way, but I must let you stay as you are so my seed may take root.”

That had Embr being sobering from her heavenly afterglow. The thought of motherhood terrified and excited her in equal measure. Honestly, it wasn’t something she’d ever considered for herself. Slaves weren’t permitted to procreate. She felt guilty having to tell Adrik, “Me and the others were implanted with birth control devices. I don’t think I can…”

“You can,” Adrik boasted, a contented sigh leaving him. “Obaida removed those devices the same time he implanted each of you with translators and scanned you for trackers.”

Ember shouldn’t have been surprised by the information, but she was. Irked, she asked, “Is there anything else I should know about what Obaida did to us?”

Adrik huffed a laugh, then rolled over, covering Ember’s body with his, insinuating his big body between her still-trembling thighs. “Don’t be angry, my Commandress. We didn’t want any foreign bodies to harm you, so we took them out. It was for your safety only.”

“And your convenience,” she smirked, unable to stay mad.

Above her, Adrik shrugged, then lowered his head to nuzzle her neck, his incisors scraping along her skin and racing goosebumps in their wake.

“Will it always be like this?” she panted.

“Yes,” he murmured, kissing down the column of her throat. “You may one day grow used to the pleasure.”

Never. A woman couldn’t grow accustomed to what Adrik did to her.

Raising his head, he kissed her lips before pulling back. “Rest, Ember. I’ll need to claim your body again shortly. You’ll need to get rest when you can.”

That had her swallowing in giddy anticipation, her sex already slickening.

Rolling off her, Adrik lay on the wet floor of the med bay, staring up at the ceiling.

“What do we do from here?” Ember asked, “What happens now?”

Adrik stilled, then turned to face her. “We’re going back to Cesca Sol.”

The admission had chills blasting up Ember’s spine.

“Cesca Sol,” she breathed reverently before growing fearful. “W-why?”

“Magus needs to sanction our mating.”

That had Ember worried. “Could he…”

Before she could get the question out, Adrik turned and was back on top of her. His lips dropped to her forehead as he soothed, “No, my Ember. He can’t prevent us from being together. His approval is a mere formality. We’ll restock on Cesca Sol and go back on mission. You and the other females will stay with us. Getting Magus to sanction our mating is part of our process to confirm your Titan rights. It’ll protect you, so it must be done.”

Still, she was worried. “Obaida said you could be demoted.”

“In position only,” Adrik confirmed. “But I own this ship, and my crew are with me out of loyalty, not assignment. I am a Commander in the Titan Army, and Magus could revoke that title, but he won’t. I’m a shadow Titan and have dedicated my life to Cesca Sol and her plight. Taking my title because I fought for my shadow female would cost Magus politically. Aside from not wanting that war, Magus isn’t that type of leader. We lost no Titans, and our ship wasn’t damaged or destroyed.” He shrugged, “We won the battle, what is there to be upset about?”

Her shoulders sagged in relief. “Is his blessing the only reason we’re going to your home planet?” She glanced at his shoulders. “You’ll need medical attention.”

“No, I won’t.” Adrik’s eyes gleamed as he looked at her. “The blood I just drank from you is already healing me.”

She glanced at his body but saw no outward change.

“And by the time we reach Cesca Sol,” his brow quirked up, “I’ll have drunk enough from you to be fully healed.” Just as quick as his brow quirked up, it speared back down. “But you and your sisters will go to medical. Kyan will get a proper full-body scan to ensure no other trackers are implanted in her. You’ll all be scanned.”

Ember tensed. “Aren’t you worried that if there are still trackers in any of us, whoever implanted them will trace us to your planet?”

Adrik chuffed an amused sound. “We aren’t hiding, Ember. Anyone wishing to seek war on Cesca Sol is welcome to.”

“So that’s it?” she asked, her face scrunching in disbelief. “We get Magus’ blessing, are treated medically, then re-stock and head back out?” She shook her head. “Seems too good to be true.”

Canting his head, Adrik studied her. “I’m sorry your existence has been so horrifying that the prospect of spending your life on a Titan warcraft, mated to its Commander, sounds too good to be true. Because it’s not enough, Ember. You deserve so much more. But it’s what I can gift you. That, and the promise to cherish and protect you.” His gaze held hers. “I’ll never hurt you, I’ll never be parted from you, and I will spend my life in service of you. Only you.”

Ember didn’t bother holding back the tears that flooded her eyes. She was so lucky to have found Adrik. Once, Obaida had told Ember she was more than Adrik had ever dared to hope for. And a future with him was more than she’d ever dared to hope for. Now, for once, just blessedly once, the planets had aligned, and the Gods had seen fit to gift her with what she wanted and what she needed. And she needed Adrik like she needed her next breath.

Pulling him down, she kissed him long and deep.

Adrik returned her kiss before reluctantly pulling back. Lifting his head, he looked at her tenderly before finally pulling his eyes from hers to glance disdainfully around the med bay. Broken glass and malfunctioning Zio drones covered the soaked floor. “I apologize for claiming you here.” Adrik’s tone was regretful as his eyes dropped back to hers. “You deserved better.” Standing, he pulled Ember up with him. “Come, we’ll finish the mating in our chambers.”

“Finish?” Ember asked, brows shooting up, potent arousal shooting through her.

Adrik grinned, lifting her into his arms. “Yes, mate. We’ll need many rounds before you are imprinted with my scent and I with yours.”

Ember grinned, her belly fluttering in giddy anticipation. “I like the sound of that.”

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