Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 1. Gael “Gay” López Cruz 6%
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1. Gael “Gay” López Cruz

“ Here, kitty kitty,” I tease my partner at the end of our scene, knowing they’re coming out of the headspace of a cat. Cin bites my hand instead of the toy I’m waving at them. Even as a kitten in a dungeon, they can be a bit of a brat, and I love Cin for it. I pet Cin’s black head of hair, avoiding the matching clip-on cat ears so I don’t dislodge them. “Do you want to head out to the diner for food, Kitten?”

Cin nuzzles my arm and purs in agreement, happy after an orgasm. But they’re also hungry. They bite my upper arm and I’m glad they don’t have real cat teeth. Cin follows me to the dressing area, and I help them into their street clothes. Their tail plug is already out after our scene, so it doesn’t take long before Cin is communicating in human again.

“Three-way?” Cin mumbles and I laugh.

“Yes, you can order your Cincinnati three-way, goofball.”

After a scene and intense orgasms is the only time Cin lets me Daddy them, acting like the little I love taking care of. Otherwise, they’re fiercely independent and dominant.

We pack up and make our way out of the club earlier than most because we have somewhere to be. Every second Saturday, the bigger kink club in Boston hosts their open play party. The rest of the time there are classes, demos, and kink-specific events. Every other month the smaller club hosts a big open party as well.

The role I’ve taken is to provide a safe space for anyone to go after play where they can decompress, fill up on sugar and carbs, and get aftercare if needed. It also satiates my need to care for others.

Walking a few blocks through the South End Boston gayborhood, we reach the glowing beacon that is Randy’s Diner. The weather is still balmy out, but it’s the welcome we receive from the staff and regulars that has me feeling the warmth. No one knows if there is actually a Randy, but the legends are epic.

Randy’s has a fifties vibe with vinyl seats and the white and baby blue checkerboard floor reflecting the glow of pink neon lighting around the perimeter of the space. A corkboard is littered with flyers for bands, those seeking roommates, and of course, the aftercare meet-up I run as well as the munch Cin hosts monthly.

“Gay, Cin, so good to see you both.” Iris, a server in her fifties with a kind smile, greets us at the host stand. “Your section is ready and waiting.”

Iris leads us past the countertop seating near the register, and I can hear an Elvis song on the jukebox. We go through the middle section of four tops to the back corner, where a group of tables have been pushed together by the booths for our gathering.

“How’s your daughter?” I ask, knowing she recently had surgery as a fellow trans-femme woman.

“She’s doing great, thanks for asking,” Iris gushes and looks close to tears with happiness for her adult child.

“Glad to hear it. Can you put in an order for black coffee, water, and a Cincinnati three-way?”

“Sure thing, sugar,” Iris winks but doesn’t write anything down. She’s far too competent for written orders. “My shift ends in ten, but you’ll have Henry to help you after that.”

Cin and I sit in a booth that faces the door so people can see us when they come in. No one has to RSVP, so we have anywhere from one to twenty people join us on any given night. Though it’s rare we have less than three kinksters nowadays.

Settling in, I take off my leather jacket. Cin cuddles up against me and mouths the spot on my bare shoulder they bit earlier at the club.

“Hungry, Kitten? Or are you trying to mark me?”

“Mmm, both,” Cin replies right as Iris drops off our drinks. She leaves a plate of fries with a wink as well. “Ooh, thank you, Iris!”

“No problem, I know you end up distracted when more of your folx arrive.” Iris means kinksters, and I love that Randy’s is so accepting of all walks of life. “I’m clocking out, see you around.”

Cin and I munch on fries and cuddle until our new waiter sashays over with the three-way I ordered. Henry was dressed in full drag, including the high pink wig, so I assume he came straight from a show, which would mean–

“Henrietta Léon, at your service,” our favorite server makes the phrase into a melody like we’re in one of those singer-waiter restaurants.

Though when Henry slash Henrietta is on shift, it’s true. She shows off those pipes every time someone has literally anything to celebrate. Always in high heels and nails too long, no one expects her to juggle five plates flawlessly.

“Your usual, Cin. Sounds so naughty, I love it,” Henrietta purrs and winks. “Can I get you anything Gay? Ha, I already brought myself.”

“I’m good, thank you,” I smirk at the reminder that as a couple we are Gay Cin, which always gets a laugh.

Cin dives into the messy dish of pasta, chili, and cheese and I sip my coffee while taking in the layers of makeup and preparation our server put into to look so femme. I have been on hormones off and on for eight years, and had some facial hair removed, but I rarely bother with makeup. Often there is this trans-femme stereotype to be a doll, but I prefer pantsuits and a short haircut to keep things simple. It took years of figuring things out, and now I’m very happy with my butch-femme look.

“How was your performance?”

Henrietta regales us with tales of a drunk bachelor who got handsy while his pretty bride tipped extra for the hassle. “For all I know the man is going to be barely functioning at his wedding, but it’s sweet to see a couple have fun together. When are you two tying the knot?”

“Henry, order up!” Neve, the cook for the evening, bellows to get the server’s attention.

“Duty calls,” Henrietta wiggles her long nails at us and totters off on six inch heels.

“Saved by the cook?” Cin asks between bites and I hand them a napkin for the messy sauce on their lips.


“Getting asked about marriage is always fun.”

“We know we don’t want to get married.” Shrugging, I snag a fry and douse it in hot sauce, “Plus we’re already sharing insurance and a home together.”

“All the commitment I need,” Cin chuckles and dips a fry in his chili. “Plus, if we got married and added a third, that would be awkward for them.”

Before I can ask if a third is what Cin wants, or has been thinking about, a trio appears and I recognize them from the club. Waving, they see me and come over to sit at the table opposite us.

“Hi, we’re new,” a short blonde tells me, accepting a menu from Henrietta. To her left is a large, bearded person in a leather skirt and to her right is a curvy woman who ducks her head. “I’m Sammi. This is Dan and Rose.”

Sammi introduces them and I learn Dan is spouse and Daddy to Rose and they’re both subs for Sammi. “Interesting dynamic, how did you meet?”

Listening, I can’t help thinking about how Cin and I went from one time play session to coworkers who did everything together. We came to Randy’s for our first date before spending the whole weekend at my place. HR didn’t care so long as we were up front and I didn’t manage Cin’s work.

When I made senior partner a year after Cin came to work, the firm was officially Berry, Johnson & Cruz. The pay bump meant we could buy a house not far from South End in SoWa, South of Washington. We’ve spent the past six months fixing the place up, and I have plans for our basement to be our own mini-dungeon.

We aren’t monogamous, but we work long hours and spend what little free time we have on our local kink and queer communities. Seeing this trio and how they fulfill different needs for one another while providing stability, I can see how it is beneficial

After the trio left and only a couple more filter in around midnight, I notice my normally gregarious partner is flagging. We are both working on multiple cases and putting in sixty hour weeks. Sunday means sleeping in, and I’m so ready for the downtime.

“I’m calling it kitten, time to go home to our bed.”

“What?” Cin startles awake and blinks at the empty seats around us. “It was just a catnap.”

“Well I’m tired. Take Daddy to bed?”

“Is that so?” Cin smirks and stands to help me with my jacket. I rarely get to hear the title from Cin, so it thrills me when they continue, “Well if Daddy is tired…”

Leaning in to kiss me, Cin holds my lapels and I feel the same bubbly warmth as our first kiss, right there in the diner two years before. Their soft lips have faded black lipstick, but I don’t care. Reaching around to grip Cin’s ass, they lean into me and I feel their erection against mine.

Yeah, I still want Cin as much now as I did then. Maybe even more.

“Take me home and make me come, kitten. Then we’ll sleep.”

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