Chapter eight
O n Thursday afternoon, I realize the monthly open play party is only two days away. If we want to bring RJ to the dungeon without them joining as a member, we don’t have a lot of time. I could be patient and wait a month, but I don’t want to.
Labeling my current filing work so I don’t forget where I am, I head toward Gay’s office. I find her focused on the computer but she looks up and smiles before tilting her head in confusion.
“Hey, I already ate lunch,” Gay tells me before I get the door closed.
“I know, with the partners,” I wave the air in the general direction of their offices and take a seat across from her in a comfy brown leather swivel-chair.
Gay closed the Franklin case with a big settlement for her client, so Berry and Johnson took her out for a celebratory lunch. With lawyers, this means they all have drinks and are relaxed in the office for the rest of the day.
“What’s up?” Gay pushes her keyboard back and gives me her full attention.
“The open play party is this weekend.”
“Yes, and we’ll do Aftercare at Randy’s,” Gay purses her lips, trying to figure out my point. “We don’t have to play before that, though, since we’ll be working on the basement all day.”
“No, I still want to go and play,” I insist, leaning forward before continuing. “But I was thinking we might invite RJ.”
“To the dungeon or aftercare? I’m not sure he’s ready to be thrown to the wolves, even if we can help after.” Gay feels protective of him. Good start.
“To both. With us.”
“In what capacity?”
“As our date.”
Gay leans back and crosses her arms. She’s thinking, so I sit on my hands to avoid playing with things on her desk. Gay has one of those pendulum balance ball things and I always mess with them when I want her to hurry up and finish for the day. This time I want to give her space. Well, at least for a minute. I am anxious to hear what she thinks.
“Two days isn’t a lot of time to negotiate a scene with a practical stranger.”
“We don’t have to play this time,” I point out. “Maybe pick him up and show him around. Let him know there is a space to go if he’s interested and we’re here for any questions.”
“Hmmm, that sounds reasonable,” Gay nods and I do an internal happy dance.
“Plus, he’s really cute.”
“He is,” Gay’s lips quirk up and I see she’s trying to hide a grin. “But you have to ask him first. RJ might say no.”
“I can do that, and he won’t,” I promise, standing and starting to head for the door, since my phone is in my desk. “I’ll make sure he knows it’s a casual thing. No pressure.”
“Can you promise me a couple things?” Gay’s words stop me with my hand on the knob. I nod in agreement and she goes on, “Make sure he knows it’s a date, but with zero pressure to play or have sex with us. We’ll feed him first as well. I got the feeling he’s the type who needs all the details before agreeing.”
“I will,” I agree and blow her a kiss. We try to avoid public displays of affection with a giant window between her office and the rest of the employees. “I’ll message now and check it when we’re off for the day.”
Gay pretends to catch my kiss from the air, puts it in her breast pocket and gives me a smirk. “Get back to work, Kitten.”
Retreating to the bathroom after retrieving my phone. I compose a message, check it for errors or anything that could come on too strong, and hit send before getting back to my desk. It would normally be torture to wait, but I get hyper-focused on my tasks and lose track of time until Gay comes to get me.
“Heard back?” She asks, and I scramble to get my phone out. Handing it to her while I pack up, she reads the message I sent to him as we walk to the elevator. I see her lips moving but she doesn’t voice what I wrote out loud.
Hi RJ,
It was great to meet you in person last night! I hope you felt welcome and comfortable at Randy’s like we do. As you might have heard at the munch, or seen online, the open play party at the dungeon is Saturday night. You may not be ready to go alone—being so new to town—so Gay and I thought you might want to go with us? We leave early to run an aftercare meet-up at Randy’s. Maybe that puts less pressure on you to venture out on your own?
We hope you’ll let us pick you up, take you out to dinner so you can ask questions and get to know us, show you around the dungeon so you can see the space, and then hang out with us at the diner until we drop you off safely at home.
What do you say, is it a date?
3 Cin blushing emoji
“Yes,” I confirm, and I can feel the grin stretching my face. Gay cups my face and kisses me too fast before pulling back. I whine, but remember we’re in the car on a public street.
“Up for bottoming tonight?” I ask as I step out onto the sidewalk, feeling the happy energy pulsing through me.
Gay nods and raises a brow, “If you make dinner so I can prep.”
I’m going to order dinner, but the important part is we’ll both be fed and I get to make love to my partner.