Chapter twenty
W aking up feeling well sated, I open my eyes to a beautiful sight. RJ is wrapped in Gay’s arms, both of them still sound asleep. I’m not a cuddler, and Gay is, so I love seeing her hold someone who can sleep soundly wrapped up in one another’s arms all night.
Slipping out as quietly as possible, I slip into the bathroom for a shower, and they’re still asleep when I come out to throw on an oversized sweater and leggings.
Or so I thought. Gay pops one eye open and I walk around to her side. Kissing her on the cheek, I whisper, “I’ll make some breakfast. Take your time.”
Downstairs, I toast bread and mix cinnamon and sugar in a bowl to put on them after they’re buttered. I’m no chef, but I can make cinnamon toast. Except for the one piece I eat, I put everything on a plate and put it in the oven on warm. The activity takes little time and then I’m too antsy to sit still and wait.
Going down to the basement, I rewash the clothes I forgot to dry in the excitement of RJ being over. As I fold the clothes I left in the dryer, I let my mind wander to the night before. RJ is so responsive to our every touch and word, and I can’t wait to play with him again. I got more alone time with him, between the tour, changing clothes, and then his gift, so I’m glad Gay is getting time this morning.
RJ is so sweet, and he deserves to get our undivided attention.
Not to say I didn’t love what the three of us did together. Sharing his body, watching him come undone between us, was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced. I want to do it again, and more.
Gay and I have always been polyamorous, but I know it’s new for RJ to explore. Still, I can see him fitting into our lives as an equal. He’s too special to be a passing fling.
We take issue with generally monogamous couples who bring a third in for fun but don’t care about their feelings or needs. Couple’s privilege is real, and I don’t want to hurt RJ. Normally, it’s Gay thinking about people’s feelings, but RJ seems to have my sliver of a nurturing side coming out.
Looking around the basement, I see a shelf that needs organizing. Gay and I have done a bunch of work down here, cleaning and painting, and now it’s time to put things away and decorate. We’re going to hang curtains in front of the shelves, as well as the washer and dryer, so we can keep our stuff down here but it won’t be visible for parties. We have a few kink pieces ordered from a friend at the club, and Gay’s birthday is only a couple weeks away now.
“Kitten, are you down there?” Gay calls out and I realize I have no clue how long I’ve been down here.
“Yeah, baby,” I call back to Gay and head towards the stairs, but Gay and RJ are coming down holding hands. RJ is still in his cute pajamas and Gay in her silk set
“Good morning,” I greet them, pulling RJ in for a side hug and kiss. I can taste cinnamon and sugar on his lips, so I know they already ate. Giving him a wicked grin, I gesture to the room with my free arm, “Welcome to our dungeon.”
RJ sputters out a laugh, “Your dungeon? Gay said you were doing laundry.”
“Who’s the brat here?” I squeeze him to me and swat at his butt.
“You. Definitely you, Sir,” RJ smirks and I love seeing him feel comfortable enough to clap back.
Running my finger around RJ’s mouth, I tease him into chasing the digit, bopping him on the nose. “I like that title on your lips.”
“Yes, Sir,” RJ licks his lips and I can’t help pulling him down for another kiss. He whimpers and presses into me.
Gay’s arms come around us and she joins our kiss, letting RJ alternate between kissing one or both of us until we’re all a panting mess of lips and limbs. I want to play with him again, and I don’t want to wait another week like last time. Nibbling on RJ’s lower lip until he looks at me, I nuzzle his nose with mine.
“Stay the weekend with us?” I ask on impulse.
Glancing to Gay, I see momentary surprise as her eyes widen before she smiles and nods. “We’re working on the basement, if you want to help?”
“What are you doing down here?” RJ asks, looking around the dark space with trepidation. “Besides laundry.”
“We’re not going to lock you up and throw away the key,” I promise. “We want to add lighting and kink furniture and throw Gay a thirtieth birthday party next month.”
“Oh, that sounds fun,” RJ smiles and then it falters. “Sorry, I shouldn’t assume I’m invited.”
“Of course you’re invited, sweet boy,” Gay kisses the corner of RJ’s mouth where a shy smile has reappeared.
“Especially if you help. Because I am vertically challenged and we have a lot of things to hang up high.”
“Put me to work,” RJ steps back and rubs his hands together.
Gay and I jump right in, her grabbing the drill to screw anchor points for the curtains and rope suspension, me unboxing the LEDs and curtains we plan to put around the edges of the room. Hours pass, and we get twice as much done as I expected for the whole weekend.
“Damn, we really put a dent in this space,” I comment, wiping my brow. “Now I need another shower.”
“We didn’t shower when we got up,” Gay tells me, putting her tool down.
RJ is sweeping the dust from drilling into the wooden beams, and he looks just as dusty and sweaty as I feel. I open the washer to switch the laundry to the dryer. “RJ, toss your PJ’s in to wash and let’s get you cleaned up.”
He hesitates for only a second as he processes my words, then he’s whipping the top over his head and stripping down. After he tosses the clothes in to wash, I follow suit and we look to Gay. It has been hot watching her use power tools in silk lingerie, but it’s all dirty now.
Handing her a mesh bag to put it in, she gets naked with us and I start the wash. “Race you to the shower?” I taunt, taking off before I’m done with my question.
With the lead, I don’t expect to be passed on the stairs, but RJ is fast. “Last one in is a rotten egg,” he calls back and I rush to catch up. We hop in about the same time and fall into each other’s arms, laughing and breathing hard from the run up two flights of stairs.
Gay saunters in with a grin, her sexy body on display, “You two are adorable.”
“You’re a rotten egg, Daddy,” RJ informs her with a giggle.
Reaching past us, I think she’s going to join our nude hug, but she turns the water on and steps back. The water sputters out of the pipes and is freezing cold.
“Holy fucking shit!” I pull RJ back so we’re out of the spray. “I thought I was the sadist?”
“You are,” Gay holds a hand out to feel the warming temperature and steps in with us. “But Daddy was being a rotten egg.”
RJ throws his head back and laughs, the sound echoing off the tiles and making me smile. Having fun with him is just as fun out of the bedroom.
The three of us fit, barely, but I don’t mind. We have to stay in close contact as we take turns washing one another, our hands lingering and titillating. I want to get on my knees and suck them both off. Or have RJ on his knees while we come on his face. Fuck, now I’m hard as a rock.
“We should get tested,” I blurt out.
“We are all tested,” Gay points out, turning off the water and stepping out to grab towels. I take the offered towel and watch as she dries RJ off. It’s sweet and RJ looks like he’s overwhelmed with happiness. “It’s been six weeks for the two of us, eight weeks for RJ.”
“No, I mean, tested again,” I explain. “Maybe we can forgo condoms? If RJ is up for it?”
“I’d like that,” he bites his lip and nods. “Especially if it means I get to keep seeing you both.”
Gay tugs on the edges of his towel and pulls RJ against her. “We absolutely want more of you, sweet boy.”
“I want to taste you everywhere,” I tell him, dropping my towel and joining their embrace. "Fill you up for real.”
RJ shivers in our arms, his breath growing shallow as his pupils dilate, “Today?”
“If that’s what you want,” Gay adds. “We’ll make it happen, sweet boy.”
“Let’s get lunch at Randy’s and go to the clinic,” I suggest, stepping back so I don’t initiate sex again before we can get out of the door.
“Sounds like we have a plan.”
“Last one dressed is a rotten egg,” Gay teases and I groan. She’s always dressed first, and RJ likes to dress impeccably like I do.
Instead of hurrying after her, I take RJ’s hand in mine and lead him into the bedroom. We have him all weekend, there’s no need to rush.