Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) Epilogue 100%
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One Year later…

“ K itten, can you grab the candy bars from the table?” I call out for Cin, noticing our bowl is already dwindling.

The children of Boston seem to know our block gives out the good candy, so I’m glad we stocked up this year.

“Do you think the parents research the best areas to bring their trick-or-treaters?” Cin asks, carrying the bag to me while swishing the red skirt of their costume. “What do you think?”

Pulling Cin against me, I toy with their blonde wig, “You make a beautiful Princess Buttercup.”

“Should I call you Westly, Babe?” Cin grabs my ass and squeezes, rubbing against the bulge in my tight black pants. “Or Dread Pirate Roberts?”

“Definitely the second one,” I raise a brow but realize they can’t see it behind my mask.

The thunder of feet on the stairs overhead is followed by RJ’s voice, “I found our swords!”

He rounds the corner in his brown boots and pants, wielding two play swords. RJ’s dark, curly hair has been styled to hang loosely rather than tight to his head, and he makes a rakish figure.

“Ready for our sword fight?” I tease, holding my hand out for my weapon.

“ My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die, ” RJ quotes and strikes a pose.

“For someone who hadn’t seen the movie or read the book until a few months ago, I’m glad to see you’re embracing the theme,” Cin comments, stepping back to restock the candy bowl.

“It is an excellent story,” RJ shrugs and sheaths his sword in a leather belt. “And I get to have a sword. It’s a trans boy’s dream.”

My bark of laughter at RJ’s playfulness is interrupted by the doorbell ringing. “Trick-or-treat,” is the chorus as I open the door for our latest batch. The sun has set, but in our porch light I can see a little Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach.

“Happy Halloween,” the three of us say back, with Cin and RJ commenting on their cute outfits. I close the door and find them holding hands with smirks. “What’s with the grins?”

“That can be our costume next year,” Cin suggests and I can tell they're holding back laughter.

“Oh yeah?” I set the bowl down and stalk closer to them. “How about I’m Princess Peach and you two can be Toad and Toadette?”

Cin narrows their eyes and RJ slaps a hand over his mouth. “Why can’t I be Princess Peach?”

“Because you’re the princess this year,” I start when the doorbell rings again.

We greet the two children dressed as Wednesday and Pugsley Adams, waving to the parents dressed as Morticia and Gomez down on the sidewalk. They’re followed by a stream of others until we’re down to the last couple candy bars.

“They cleaned us out, already?” RJ asks, checking the bags again for any remnants. “I was hoping to have a piece or two.”

“I’ll make sure you get some, sweet boy.” Taking his hand in mine, I pull him in for a peck, glad the two of us aren’t wearing makeup like Cin is, though RJ does have a little mustache. “They’ll have some at the dungeon and we’re going to Randy’s after the play party.”

“Still won’t tell me what you’re planning?” RJ tries, pulling out the puppy-dog eyes and everything.

“Where’s the fun in that?” I pinch his butt and make RJ jump.

“Are we pinching RJ?” Cin asks, wrapping his arms around our boy from behind. “I’d hold him down, but I want to get in on the fun, too.”

“He’s trying to guess our plans for the play party,” I explain, pressing up against RJ’s front caging him in. His breathing shallows and I rub myself against his packer. “But I’m feeling as sadistic as you tonight, Kitten.”

Cin’s eyes light up over RJ’s shoulder, “Even better. We’ll torture him together.”

The doorbell rings again and they both groan in frustration when I pull away to get the candy.

“Last ones, I promise.” These children are a mix of ages from toddler to young adult, and I don’t recognize most of the characters. “We’re all out,” I call to the kids lining up on the sidewalk. There are grumbles, but we’ve been at this for over three hours now.

Closing the door, I turn to find Cin pinning RJ against the wall leading into the living room. The sight of our smaller partner in their red dress and long blonde wig dominating our boy is too hot to resist.

Turning off the porch light, I step forward to join them. “Ready to have some fun?”

Cin doesn’t move away, and I wouldn’t want them to. They pull the sword from RJ’s belt and hold it to his neck, “We’re kidnapping you and taking you to our dungeon to suck the life out of you.”

“Isn’t that,” RJ pants and bites his lip, glancing at me and back to Cin. I can tell he’s more aroused, not exhibiting any real signs of fear, from how his hips are thrusting against Cin’s thigh. “Isn’t that Westly who gets tortured?”

“Not tonight, sweet boy,” I answer, running a gloved finger along his jawline.

“Tonight you were captured for your plot to kill the six-fingered man,” Cin adds, “and we plan to torment you until you give in to our sadistic demands.”

“Yes, Sir,” RJ whimpers and a shiver of pleasure runs through him.

He has been asking us to do a torture scene with some consensual non-consent, and tonight we’re fulfilling his dark desire. RJ also enjoys us playing in front of others, publicly claiming him. I love it too.

“Go get our toy bag,” I command, smacking his butt.

RJ rushes off like a bullet, leaving Cin still holding RJ’s sword. I take it to free their hands to put on heels. “Thanks, baby.”

“Only you could pull off the Princess of the three of us,” I compliment them as they slip on the sexy red heels to match their dress. “And I happen to think I make a hot femme pirate, so I was joking about our costumes next year.”

Cin stands and is almost my height in the shoes, “I know, baby. I’m just glad we all know there will be a next year for the three of us.”

They tug on my hand until I’m close enough to kiss, and I sigh into their hold, glad of the same thing. RJ is our boy, and we’ve been living together for almost a year. I don’t want to imagine a world where we aren’t together.

RJ helps us host Pancakes and Pronouns, and has a wide array of friends from our munch, his job, and other outside interests. We support him in his every wish, and he is right there cheering us on and making sure I don’t work too many hours.

Next month, we’re meeting his mom and sister and he’s meeting our parents. They know we’re dating someone together, and after initial confusion, they were more supportive than we expected. I think they need to see it to fully believe it, so we’re hosting Thanksgiving.

I’m excited to share my love for both of them openly.

But first, kinky fun tonight, and aftercare for the rest of our lives.

Thank you for reading!

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