T hank the seas she did not flick me again. I half-expected her to do it, but she didn’t. Miraculously, she finally let go of the dress, letting it crumple and pile around her little feet. Before I could get a proper look at her, she turned and hurried towards the bed, shedding her slippers as she went. She clambered up onto the bed – a bit of a difficult feat for someone of her stature, it turned out – and immediately shunted herself under the thick covers. I grimaced, noting that she’d essentially traded one form of fabric armour for another – the dress for the blankets – but at least she was in my bed now. And she’d said she was ready to try to make an heir.
I’d actually forgotten all about the possibility or purpose of creating an heir with her. I wasn’t looking at bedding her as a means to an end now. I wanted her . It was as simple and unexpected as that.
And if a baby came to help solidify my family line as a result, then all the better.
But for now, my focus was Luna and Luna alone.
Creating some distance between us and hiding her body beneath the heavy coverings as she’d just done slightly dampened the agonizingly sweet, blood-boiling scent that was currently turning my brains into a deliriously fevered soup. It gave me enough of a reprieve to have a moment of clear thinking before I pounced on her like a slobbering feral pig. I wrenched off my vest, sending a cascade of pins clattering to the stone floor. Luna watched me with big eyes and pink cheeks, the deep green blanket pulled all the way up to her chin.
Her gaze snagged on my chest, appearing to linger around the area of my right nipple, where I’d recently been pierced. A metal bar gleamed there and held her attention fast.
But not for long. Because once I kicked off my boots and shed my trousers, her gaze fell to my hard cock.
And stayed there.
She hadn’t even touched me yet, and already I was so stiff that I was dripping. Grunting, I fisted my shaft and gave it a tweak, feeling the taut flesh pulse, my ridged knot hot and engorged.
Despite the blanket, her scent thickened, perfuming the air with something that made every nerve in my body cry out with near-painful desire. Three spastic jets of seed shot forth in instantaneous response, and Luna gasped.
“Don’t worry,” I gritted out between clenched tusks. “There’s plenty more.”
A virile orc male in his prime could spill over and over again. That little emission had done nothing to soften my flesh nor assuage my cock’s urgency. I was dizzy with it. Drunk and dazed on a hunger I’d never felt before in my life. It was her blasted scent that was doing it. Sending me out of my mind with need. That, and her face. And her body. And her voice. And her smiles. And-
Curse it all, it was everything. All of her. Each facet of her person seemed specifically designed to reduce me to a slovenly puddle at her dainty feet.
My throat worked, my cock pulsed. My gait was just a little unsteady as I made my way towards the bed. I paused at the bedside table, lighting a match for the candle there.
Luna jumped as if I’d touched the lit match directly to her skin.
“Is that a flame? A real, actual flame? Is that… Is that a good idea?”
The candle now lit, I extinguished the match with my forefinger and thumb before letting it drop.
“You don’t have fire where you come from?”
“Of course we do! But I don’t think humans have used something as ancient as a candle to light the interior of a space in hundreds of years!” She scowled at the candle in suspicion. It was so damnably adorable that it almost made me feel violent.
I wanted to squish something. Like her cheeks. This was a new and altogether alarming desire. What the blazes sort of man wanted to smoosh his wife’s soft, dimpled cheeks between his hands?
Curse it all into the depths of the sea. I was.
“You have powered lighting in the rest of the palace! All those lanterns… Those weren’t lit by fire! And you obviously have tech and shuttles and all that…”
“So, why are you using an open flame as a light in your room?”
“In our room, you mean?”
Thank goodness that candle was lit, because I got to see the delicious darkening of her cheeks in response to that. A half a heartbeat later, her scent thickened. My head spun.
“In Orhalla,” I said thickly, “we like to adhere to traditions wherever we can. And I personally prefer candles to most other forms of lighting at night.”
“Why do you need any lighting at all right now?!”
“Isn’t that obvious?” I asked, grasping hold of the blanket and tugging it away from her body in one firm, demanding motion. “I want to see you.”
I wasn’t sure if it was my words that did it, or the sudden removal of the blanket, but her scent nearly drowned me then. It was all I could do not to entirely sink under the weight of it – sink into her . My cock felt like it might just give up and fall off if I didn’t slide it inside her soon. My head felt like someone had smacked it with the flat side of a blade. And hard.
“Spread your legs,” I groaned, getting up onto the bed and positioning myself on my knees before her. “You’re small. I need to get you ready for me.”
Luna hesitated, then gave a shaky nod. Her arms were crossed over the front of her body, but she let her trembling legs give way, her luscious thighs parting slightly and then falling all the way open.
There it was. The source of the most intoxicating, brain-bludgeoning thread of her complex and hypnotic scent. It came from her cunt.
Petal-soft and a delicate brownish-pink, the skin there gleamed with moisture that made my throat contract.
“Pretty,” I choked out. There was no other word for it. Her sex reminded me of beautiful things. Flowers. Fine silk. Other very nice items I was not capable of remembering right now because all the blood from my head had been redirected to my groin.
“Your arms, too,” I commanded. I wanted to see all of her. Needed it more than I’d needed anything.
She gave a hitching breath, but then lifted her chin and set her shoulders, letting her arms drop away from her breasts. Once she’d bared those heartrendingly beautiful, heavy globes of flesh with their delectably taut nipples, much like out in the hall before, she didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands.
“Surely you remember where you’re supposed to put those,” I murmured gruffly, already descending between her legs, my head yielding to some unstoppable, insurmountable force that pulled it down towards the apex of her thighs.
Clearly, she did remember, because her fingers fell to my hair and then tightened, tugging sharply, when I opened my mouth and gave her a long, greedy lick.
It was good that she was pulling my hair so. That tingling pain at my scalp helped keep me anchored while the salted-syrup taste of her, and her maddening scent, threatened to bear me up and out of the palace entirely. I was barely in possession of all my faculties, let alone my raging body. I gorged on her as if I’d been starving all my life.
And maybe I had been. Why hadn’t anyone told me a human could taste this cursedly good?
I sucked up her slickness, grunting and groaning, my cock dripping freely, endlessly. Luna gave me a gratifying, mewling sort of moan, her hips spasming fiercely when I laved greedy attention on a specific swollen bit of flesh above her opening.
“What’s this called?” I demanded, my words slurring against her soaked skin. “When I lick it, it makes you go all wriggly.”
I licked it again for good measure, swirling my tongue over it like I was polishing a delectable little pearl.
“That’s…” she panted desperately, “That’s my… ooh !”
Curse me, she went absolutely crazy when I licked her ooh . Well, I could keep doing that for as long as she needed. I wanted to lick her ooh . When something tasted that blasted good, it was almost impossible to stop.
Luna shook and whimpered. Her face was flushed, her bosom and abdomen jiggling with her fast breaths. I dug my fingers into the plushness of her thighs.
“Cross your ankles over my back,” I commanded. Or begged. I couldn’t quite tell. “Wrap your thighs around my head. Yes , lass. Like that. Now ride my face.”
Luna, who up until now I suspected had been holding back some of her body’s responses, entirely gave up. She no longer pulled my hair but clutched at me as if trying to drive her fingers right through my skull, holding me in place as she rocked her needy hips up and down. She soaked me from chin to nose, and I gave a grateful and gratified moan, letting my tongue dart down to dip inside her quivering entrance. Her hips shuddered violently, and the molten silk of her channel convulsed on my tongue.
Her scent was like southern velvet, so thick it pressed in all around me, covering me, coating me, saturating me until I wasn’t sure that I’d ever smell entirely just like myself again.
I took a filthy sort of pleasure in the fact that I’d now eternally smell like the exquisite peak of my wife’s climax. This moment, this woman, had forever altered me.
Luna undulated, grinding through the convulsive reverberations of her ecstacy. She mewled and then gasped my name in a shattered voice – “Prince Gal!” – and I belatedly regretted that I’d not told her to call me Galbrath.
No one called me Galbrath. No. One . Not even my own mother. It was considered the absolute height of intimacy for a prince such as myself to be called by my full name instead of the typical shortened version. Even among married royal couples, the male’s full name was not often used.
And yet here I was, on the very first night with my new human wife, and I was already pathetically desperate to hear her call me Galbrath while she jiggled and gyrated and came apart all over my face.
I was fairly certain that I’d turned into an idiot.
I was entirely certain that I did not care.
She twitched and wiggled and moaned again, then suddenly sagged, her legs falling away and splaying open so wide for me I lost a healthy helping of seed just at the sight of her.
“I’m going to use my fingers now,” I barely was able to pant, my lungs contracting like bellows. “Make you come again. Get you good and ready and-”
Luna interrupted me with… I wasn’t quite sure. It wasn’t a word. Nor was it an effusive, erotic cry in praise for my tongue. It was something between a snuffle and a snarl.
“What?” I asked dazedly as I straightened up on my knees between her thighs. I took my cock in my fist, squeezing the pulsating knot in anticipation of working it inside her.
Luna made the sound again. I wrenched my fevered gaze up from her gorgeous wet cunt. The candlelight kissed her face, illuminating very pink cheeks, mussed hair, golden eyelashes….
Eyelashes that rested in the delicate half-moon hollows beneath her eyes.
Because her eyes were closed, and not in ecstatic bliss for her husband’s dutiful ministrations.
But because she was asleep.
“Is this a joke?” I actually said it aloud, I was so jarred. The audacity, to fall asleep right in the midst of our first coupling! The extraordinary gall! To take what she needed and abandon me like this, her husband, her prince!
Who would dare to do it?
Probably the same woman who’d dare to flick me on the forehead.
By the seas, she was a lovely thing to behold when she slept.
It made her rather obnoxiously impossible to be angry with.
I sighed bitterly, giving my neglected cock a grimly empathetic squeeze as I clambered off of the bed. I scowled down at Luna, so innocently dozing away, making those little snorts over and over again. Snoring. So humans snored, did they? Must be related to the bad sense of smell.
Somehow she even made the snoring cute. It was absolutely intolerable.
Not the snoring. The cuteness .
“You’re going to be stuck sleeping in that wet spot all night if you don’t wake up,” I growled at her, glancing at the already impressive load I’d left on the sheet beneath her. Curse the cute little creature, she didn’t even do a thing to acknowledge me.
Heavy sleeper.
Or else utterly exhausted. It occurred to me now that I’d never bothered to ask how the journey to Orhalla had been for her. If she’d slept well. If she’d eaten enough. That made me feel… odd.
I didn’t like it.
“Roll over,” I muttered, trying very hard not to stare at all the beautiful bits of herself she’d left on guileless display so as to spare my cock any more agony. When she didn’t respond, I sighed and bodily moved her to the other side of the bed so she wasn’t stuck snoozing in the rapidly cooling mess I’d left behind. Not that a small, rejected part of me didn’t want to punish her a little bit by leaving her there. Let her get her legs all cold and wet. See if I cared. I’d be too busy sulking and stroking my cock like an idiot.
But I looked at her pink cheeks and her tiny little toes as she tucked her feet up towards her backside and I just couldn’t do it.
And so, instead, I began doing something I’d literally never done in all my royal days.
I began stripping my own bed.
It wasn’t that it was difficult or complicated. I’d just never needed to do it before. But I wasn’t about to parade some servant in here to see my wife in all her surprising human glory. Even the mere thought had a burning scythe of jealousy the likes of which I’d never experienced tearing up my guts.
Once the sheet was peeled back on that side, I put the green coverlet down and rolled Luna onto it, folding it over her body until she was encased like the filling of a pastry, her head a little berry poking out the top.
Once she was safely off the wet sheet, I wrenched it fully off the bed and much more vigorously than was probably necessary. It tore at the exact moment Luna let out a particularly loud snore. I tossed the ruined fabric into a heap on the floor and stalked into the bathing room. Once there, I splashed cold water all over myself and then made myself come with startling quickness. Her scent was still all over, her taste in my mouth, the memory of her supple skin gliding beneath my tongue all hot and shuddering until I was spilling the rest of my seed into a wash basin, as well as all over myself.
Another rinse with even colder water and then I returned to the bedchamber.
Luna had burrowed further down, like an animal seeking warmth. The kind of animal you’d always heard in tales was rather smelly and ugly and maybe had a stumpy leg or two but in reality was something else entirely.
Something that you rather wanted to take care of.
Something cute.
I was using that word far too often tonight. It made me almost feel a little itchy.
I tossed my body down on the bed beside my sleeping bride. Folding my hands behind my head, I stared up at the ceiling for a while before turning to peer at Luna’s curled-up form. The little of it I could see, at least. Which currently was nothing but the shiny, pinned plaits on the top of her head.
“You should take your hair pins out to sleep,” I grumbled at her. I knew little about pinned-up female coiffures, but I frowned, imagining that there could be as many pins bundled up against her scalp as had been stabbing through her dress.
Of course, she did not answer. Did not even stir.
“I don’t know why I keep talking to you.”
And yet, I was. Even knowing that she would not answer. Or take out the pins I’d so helpfully advised her on.
With a sigh, I rolled towards her, curling my body around hers. Then, with a diligence I had always known myself capable of and a tenderness I hadn’t, I began to pull the pins out one by one.