I deposited Luna on our bed as I wrenched off my vest and got to work freeing my straining cock. She watched me, dazed and beautiful and, maddeningly, still wearing clothes.
“Get naked,” I growled as I shoved off my trousers and shucked out of my boots in one desperate motion. Then I stopped, standing over her, breathing so hard I half-wondered if my lungs might give out as she wiggled out of her human garb and tossed it onto the floor.
“Your hair, too,” I said, sounding strangled. “Take out the braid.”
She hesitated, her eyes going to my face, then my cock. In the silvery blackness like this she was all scent and texture and glistening bits. Eyes. Lips. Hair.
She was wet already. I could see it, smell it as my naked wife undid her braid and shook out her shimmering strands.
“I’m surprised you’re asking me to do this,” she murmured. “Didn’t you take my hair out last night?”
There was a strain of what almost sounded like shy hope in her voice. Like she hoped I’d say yes, and therefore would be confirming something about myself to her. Something good.
“Of course I did. Who else would it have been?”
She smiled softly in the dark. My heart felt like someone was battering it.
Or that maybe it was battering me.
“I don’t know. Oh!” She cried out as I dove at her, hitching her legs up over my shoulders and shoving my head between her legs. She wiggled and tensed. “I’m kind of sweaty,” she lamented.
“Don’t care,” I groaned, my tongue dipping inside her before drawing back out and up to swirl around her most sensitive place. “In fact,” I rasped against her thrumming flesh, “I love it.”
Her scent was viscous as honey, honey like the colour of her hair, and now there was wetness sweet as honey pouring out from between her legs as I feasted on her. She was all luxury, all exquisite ecstasy, all silk and sugar and musk.
Every one of my senses bathed in the glory of her. The taste I’d never get enough of, the slickness of her delicate skin here where my tongue played, the plush hips I gripped, the sound of her voice breaking open over lilting notes of pleasure. The scent that drowned me as if I hadn’t grown up by the sea, drowned me as if I hadn’t learned to swim before I’d walked.
The scent that dragged me down and took me home.
Luna was racing towards her peak, and despite not yet being touched, I was not far behind. She gripped me and locked her thighs around my head, just as I’d taught her to. Just as I wanted. When she came, she went starkly silent, vibrating against me with frantic agony.
“Almost there, Luna lass,” I groaned. I gave her a moment, because I wasn’t entirely merciless, before I eased the first of my thick fingers inside her. My breathing hitched, and my cock spewed hard when I felt the molten suction of her cunt quivering and clamping down on me. Luna arched like I’d burned her or bitten her. Gently but firmly, because I could tell that she could take it, I worked my finger in and out of her like a cock, feeling her trembling channel clench and loosen.
Then I added another.
“Oh. Oh ,” she whimpered, the words barely above a breath. “Galbrath!”
My cock jerked and sprayed. I’d dream of her saying my name just that way forever. I’d stroke my cock to it a thousand times.
I’d never forget it. Not for as long as I lived. And even in the afterlife, I’d remember it, and I’d hold onto it until she one day came to join me there.
She was opening for me. I could feel it. The locked muscles giving way, melting and pliant and ready for more.
“I’ll go as slow as I can,” I ground out. I dragged my fingers from her sopping entrance and replaced them with the oozing head of my cock. Luna’s eyes were wide, but I growled with satisfaction to see that she was not frightened. Her scent was still good and sweet, half-sated, half-needy, not even a thread of anxiety or pain to be sniffed out.
She wanted this. Wanted this and wanted me.
I ejaculated even as I pushed inside, my entire body shivering with the effort it took not to shove my entire cock, knot and all, into her. Even after spewing as much as I had, I was still hard and aching, still huge, and still needed patience. I rocked myself slowly, hissing at the miracle of her cunt, the wetness and the tightness and the way she was taking me so well already.
“Galbrath,” she moaned, and I moaned with her. Oceans help me, I’d never tire of hearing her say it, sigh it, scream it. “ More .”
Pathetic how I was not able to refuse her anything. Pathetic how quickly she’d worked her tiny human hands between my ribs and seemed to now hold fast to my heart.
Pathetic how much I could not stop myself from coming, over and over, just from the brain-bending sublimity of getting my tip inside her.
I could not bring myself to care.
I gave her what she wanted, what she needed, thrusting experimentally, then harder when she arched eagerly against me. A few swift shunts of my hips and my knot was already fitted snugly against her, the whole thing pulsing with anticipation for the squeeze.
“I’m so full already,” Luna whimpered, clutching at my clenching forearms. My hair fell loose, a dark curtain on each side of her perfect little face.
“I’ll go slow,” I promised her again.
I’d paused thrusting, afraid that if I started up again now I wouldn’t be able to stop until my knot was inside her. But I needed this moment first. This still moment of night-stained quiet, where nothing but our breathing and our heartbeats dared disturb the room. I lowered myself, pressing my forehead to hers briefly before I slid my mouth against her own in an approximation of what she’d done to me in the kitchen. That strange, shockingly intimate meeting of lips that had made my chest expand as much as it had my cock.
“I’m ready,” she murmured against my lips.
“I know you are,” I choked out. I could smell it, feel it, each and every instinct I’d ever had somehow reshaping themselves to be solely focused upon my wife. I knew that she was ready the same way I knew how the wind blew before a storm, how I knew the way the sun shone upon the waters of my childhood. In that moment, I knew Luna as I knew myself.
I twitched my hips, grinding slowly, but then harder and harder, faster and faster, until Luna was sobbing and shaking, her arms tightly ringing my neck, her divine thighs going round my waist, her hips arching perfectly upwards to take me as the grind became a slam and, by the great and cursed seas , I was in her.
The orgasm ripped through me, pulling seed out of me, spraying Luna’s channel, the hot flesh that cradled me. She answered my pleasure with her own, her cunt fluttering and then convulsing upon me, squeezing up and down along my shaft, my knot, milking me until it felt as if my spine itself were melting.
Blast it all, I’d give her my spine if she wanted it. Rip it right out and hand it to her on a platter. This unexpected little human, the bride I’d never wanted, the woman who once had been a joke and now was proving to be my undoing. What had she done to me? What had I done to myself?
Bringing her here had been the best mistake I’d ever made.
These were the sorts of things I thought as my cock spasmed and spilled, my balls tight and hot against Luna’s backside. Thoughts like “I would die for her” and “I would die to knot her again.” I was inside her and already missing being inside her. With her and already bereft of her. Needing her even as she gave me everything I needed.
It was all very sentimental and the Galbrath from before would have found it very, very stupid. But it didn’t seem to matter. I felt and thought that way anyway.
And then there were no thoughts at all, only a shuddering, protective, primal pleasure at the way her scent suddenly grew so perfectly rounded, so whole , like a song that had been beautiful but missing one single, completing note. Until now.
If my scent could change like hers, I imagined it would smell the same.
Thank the seas it didn’t. So no one would know the changes she had wrought. The way she’d crept in, or maybe barrelled in, flicking my forehead the entire way, finding and filling in some painful, empty space I hadn’t known existed inside myself until she’d dug right in and shone the light on it.
She said my name once more, a keening that made me come and come and come again.
And then, collapse.