C reslyn sat on her bed after dinner, the gown she wore spilling around her like liquid gold. She’d kicked off her heels and drew her knees up to her chest, twisting the tiny gold beads on her sleeves between her fingers. Caelian was sprawled on her back on the opposite end, skirts of violet and cobalt silk fanned out around her, with her legs hanging over the edge. Her tumble of silver hair with the same pale pink, icy blue, and lavender strands as Creslyn’s was unbound and loose. She rolled onto her side, propping her elbow on the bed and cradling the side of her face with one hand.
“Did he really kill all those men for you?” Caelian asked, the blue of her eyes glinting with curiosity in the warm glow of firelight.
Earlier, they’d been discussing Novalise and Asher’s wedding, and both of them had agreed it was bound to be absolutely lovely. That conversation had quickly descended into speculation about Solarius’s engagement to Lady Narissa. Creslyn pitied Solarius for not being able to choose his own wife, but on that topic, Caelian did not agree. Her sympathy lay with Lady Narissa for being tied down to their brother for the rest of her days. Now, it seemed, Caelian was keen to learn about Creslyn’s relationship with Drake.
“Yes.” Creslyn nodded, suppressing a shiver. “He did.”
As much as she loved her twin, and as much as they talked about everything together, Creslyn suddenly found herself not wanting to share this part of her life. It wasn’t as though she didn’t trust her sister implicitly, because she did, but revealing her feelings for Drake and the intricacies of their relationship seemed wrong. Like a betrayal of his trust and a stain upon her character. If she opened up too freely to Caelian, there was a terrible chance she’d be unable to stop the admissions longing to pour from her.
Like the fact she found his lack of morals alluring. That a thrill of sinful delight enraptured her each time he wrapped his hand around her throat. That she was painfully aware of being dangerously close to making the mistake of falling in love with him.
All things she worried her family would possibly disown her for admitting.
“How terrifying,” Caelian murmured, then her lips twitched, and she grinned. “Though you must admit, it’s also strangely exhilarating.”
Creslyn forced a light laugh, hoping her twin couldn’t see through the carefully crafted wall of glass she’d constructed around herself. It was too close to shattering. “Indeed. It is much more impressive than a bouquet of flowers.”
Or even jewelry.
“Could you imagine finding yourself a male willing to go to such extremes for you?” Caelian sighed, already dreaming up all the ways she might find a male ready to make such a noble, if not bloody, sacrifice for her.
“In my defense,” Creslyn countered smoothly, “I was almost killed.”
Caelian lurched upright and grabbed her hand, squeezing tightly.
“I am so sorry, that’s not at all how I meant for it to sound. Not in the least. I am quite glad you survived.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and scooted closer. “I could not bear to live without you, Cres. It’s hard enough being separated from one another, what with you now living in Brackroth. I miss you tremendously.”
“I miss you, too.” Creslyn leaned forward, pressing her forehead against her twin’s. The bond they shared stretched, as though being pulled taut across a great chasm. “Daily.”
It was not a lie, nor was it the total truth. She missed Caelian often, and the rest of her family, but there was a distinctive divide taking place. One that pulled her toward the cold, rocky shores of Brackroth, and away from the glimmering mountains of Celestine. Aeramere would always be her home, but Brackroth was the beginning of her new life. Where she would become more than simply a Starstorm of House Celestine. She would be a princess, perhaps even a queen, and the world would know her name.
“You know,” Caelian drawled, oblivious to Creslyn’s innermost thoughts. “That general is quite handsome, in a rugged, beastly kind of way.”
Creslyn’s brow quirked.
She never would’ve imagined Caelian found Kjeld attractive. He didn’t seem like her type at all. She was usually courted by males who were suave and smooth-shaven. They were proper lords of noble birth, charismatic and debatably charming, but in comparison to General Kjeld Holtstrom, they were simply… less .
“Perhaps he’s in need of some company.” Caelian’s eyes sparked, her mouth twisting into a coy smile. “I could come stay with you in Brackroth for a season or two.”
Caelian startled, her lashes fluttering back at Creslyn’s sudden outburst.
“That is,” Creslyn amended with haste, “I would love for you to come visit me, truly I would, but…”
“But it’s not safe,” Caelian interjected, and the excitement illuminating the planes of her face dulled.
“Exactly.” Creslyn sat up from the mound of pillows and crossed her legs beneath her. “And I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you. Once Brackroth is no longer dangerous, I promise you can stay for as long as you like. And I’ll come back to visit as often as I can.”
Caelian blew out a disappointed breath, her shoulders dropping.
“Maybe,” Creslyn ventured, drawing the word out, “I can convince Drake to let Kjeld come with us.”
“That, kearsta , might take quite a bit of convincing.” A smooth, frosty voice coasted through the room, sending chills down Creslyn’s back, and Caelian yelped.
Drake emerged from the shadows, not bothering with the door. He leaned against the post of the bed, his arms folded across his broad chest. A hint of a smile danced along the corner of his mouth and though Creslyn was rather accustomed to him seemingly appearing out of thin air, Caelian gaped, her mouth hanging open in surprise.
Creslyn nudged her elbow into her sister’s ribs, and she snapped her mouth shut.
“But if it would please you, Lady Caelian,” he drawled, angling his head so a few wisps of dark hair fell across his handsome face. “I will see if General Holtstrom would be willing to take you on a dragon ride tomorrow.”
Caelian swayed, and for one fleeting, panicked moment, Creslyn thought she might faint.
“Dragon?” Caelian repeated the word quietly, wrenching the fabric of her skirt between her fingers until it wrinkled. “He would take me for a ride on the back of a dragon ?”
The slant of dwindling sunlight cut through the space, but Drake remained standing in a swath of darkness, untouched by the hazy beams of gold. “I had planned on taking Creslyn out anyway, I don’t see why you and General Holtstrom shouldn’t join us.”
“I would love nothing more!” Caelian leapt off the bed and spun in a circle to face Creslyn, her crinkled skirts twirling around her. “A dragon, Cres! I’m going to ride on a dragon !”
She drew up short in front of Drake, as though suddenly remembering she was in the presence of a prince. Caelian gathered her hair over one shoulder, weaving the ends through her fingers.
“Forgive me, Your Highness.” She lowered herself into a proper curtsy. “I would be honored to accompany you, my sister, and General Holtstrom tomorrow.”
Drake’s face remained impassive, but there was the briefest glint of amusement in his eyes. “It would be an honor to have you, Lady Caelian.”
“And, um…” she hesitated, tilting her head with feigned innocence. “Is your general available? What I mean to ask, is he quite…single?”
“Cae,” Creslyn admonished, stunned by her sister’s boldness.
But Drake smirked and said, “Quite.”
Caelian curtsied once more, then bounded out the door with the slightest spring in her step. As soon as the door closed behind her, shadows spilled from Drake, devouring the last shreds of sunlight until the only glow that remained was from the wavering flames of the hearth.
Trepidation skittered across Creslyn’s shoulders, and she shivered, glancing over at him. “Drake?”
A dark look passed over his face, the deep evergreen of his eyes frosting over like a forest succumbing to winter’s first breath. “You and I have unfinished business, solysa .”
Anticipation sent waves of heat spreading through her, the sensation settling low in her belly, and left her aching for his touch. But she peered up at him from where she sat on the bed and settled back against the mountain of pillows behind her. “Do we?”
He moved toward her with slow, deliberate movements. “You know damn well we do.”
She tapped her finger against her chin, then pursed her lips. “I do not seem to recall this supposed business .”
“Really?” His brows arched. “Perhaps I need to remind you.”
Drake pulled a dagger from the sheath on his thigh, lifting it so the blade flashed hues of silver and gold in the low light.
Dread curled inside her, cooling the earlier warmth.
His gaze flicked from the blade to her. “Do you trust me?”
Creslyn could only nod, any smart retort she might have been holding onto died on the tip of her tongue.
“Then lie back,” he ordered gently. “And be very, very still.”
She obeyed, stretching her legs out and sinking down into the mattress of her bed. Sweat dampened her palms as she curled them into the blankets, clenching her fists until they ached.
Drake grabbed the hem of her skirt, draping the fine fabric over the curved edge of the dagger. It moved with ease, slicing through the satin as though it was nothing more than air. Thin strips of gold fluttered around her as the gown unraveled, cool air assaulting her bare legs. He inched the blade higher, using his finger as a guide so his knuckle gently scraped along her stomach and between the valley of her breasts. Creslyn sucked in a harsh breath as the bodice split apart, sending beads scattering like golden raindrops.
She was entirely nude, splayed open for him, and everywhere his eyes lingered, she burned. She melted beneath the intensity of his gaze, soft and pliable, like wet clay ready to be shaped by his hands.
He flipped the dagger into the air, catching it by the blade. In one swift movement, he pulled his arm back and launched it, the sharp tip sinking into the wooden frame of her door with a resounding thud.
Creslyn stared at the dagger sticking out of her bedroom door, but her shock dissolved quickly as Drake bent over her, pressing kisses to her abdomen and hips. His hand disappeared between her legs, his thumb lazily stroking her clit, sliding up and down until she thought she would die of sheer ecstasy. His mouth coasted toward her breasts, the warm air of his breath causing her skin to prickle in heightened awareness. Sucking one nipple into his mouth, his teeth sank into the soft flesh, then he laved the pain away with the comfort of his tongue. His thumb continued working her, and she arched off the bed, panting, pleading for more.
“Tell me, kearsta,” he purred against her skin. “Do you remember now?”
“Yes.” The word escaped her in a strangled gasp.
He peeled the remnants of the dress away, snatched her by the waist, then dragged her onto his lap as he sat down on the edge of the bed. His calloused palms skated up her thighs, dipping behind her to grip her backside. Jerking her forward, he rocked her against him, grinding her against his stiff erection. She clutched his shoulders as he repeated the motion, the abrasive leather of his pants rubbing the tender area between her legs. Desire blossomed inside her, filling her with urgency, with a desperate need to touch him.
“Wait,” she breathed, and Drake stilled, his dark eyes keenly focused on her.
Carefully, Creslyn reached for the top button of his vest, and he snared her wrist.
She drew back, unable to keep the hurt from being written all over her face. “You don’t want me to see you?”
A moment passed between them. His sharp inhale. Her weighted exhale.
“I am not without flaws.” Slowly, he unbuttoned his vest and removed it. He yanked up his black shirt, pulling the hem from the waistband of his pants. “Everything you see on the outside is exactly as I am on the inside. Scarred. Ruined. Permanently marked by the choices I’ve made in my life.”
She watched as he gradually removed his shirt, revealing the expanse of his beautifully carved body. His abdomen was solid, chiseled to perfection, and a long, jagged white scar marred the left side. There were other, smaller scars along his arms, and his shoulders were covered in inky runes. Despite the lack of sunlight in Brackroth, his skin was surprisingly tan, as though at one point he might have worshiped the sun. Her gaze slid to the mirror on the opposite wall, where his back was on full display. Dragon wings were tattooed there, wide and intricately detailed, and beneath them was a pile of skulls.
Creslyn sucked in a breath.
“One for each life I’ve taken.” He captured her wrists again, placed her palms flat against his chest. “Now, you see me as I am. A monster.”
“My monster,” she whispered, tracing the runes with the tips of her fingers. He let her explore his arms and shoulders, hissing slightly when her touch feathered the rigid planes of his stomach. She hooked one finger into the waistband of his pants and tugged.
A low chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Wicked little faerie.”
Creslyn scooted herself closer, her breath catching when her breasts finally met the cool press of his skin. She wound her arms around his neck, her hair falling around them like a curtain of silk, and then she kissed him.
His lips were cool, his tongue was hot.
Drake fisted a hand in her hair, angling her head, deepening their kiss. His mouth slashed across hers, his teeth scraping and nipping her bottom lip. Power thrummed between them, a steady hum of the dark and profane, of the shimmering and beautiful. She rocked her hips forward, longing for that feel of friction, silently asking for more.
He lifted her then, cradling her as he laid her back upon the bed, situating himself between her legs. She squirmed against the soft linens, attempting to pull him down on top of her. All she wanted was the feel of his hard body covering hers. Impatience fired through her when he sat back and reached toward her nightstand instead. Propping herself up on her elbows, she glanced over, her lashes fluttering back when he flipped open the small wooden box.
Creslyn’s mouth ran dry. She swallowed, swiping her tongue across her lips as he lifted the silver bars dangling with diamonds. “I thought you said I had to be your wife first.”
“I decided I couldn’t wait.” Drake rolled them in his palm, his dark eyes drifting from her mouth to her neck, then lower still. Her nipples hardened beneath the intensity of his gaze, and strands of shadows unfurled around him like the onset of nightfall. “Be still, solysa. ”
Creslyn did as she was instructed, but her heart was suddenly beating far too fast, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the heat of lust coursing through her. His shadows crept toward her, brushing across her skin like feathers. They teased her thighs, flitted across her stomach, encircled her breasts. She bit back a sigh as her own magic was summoned, drawn to the surface, lured by the darkness. Prisms of rainbows and fractures of sunlight spilled from her, colliding with ribbons of midnight in a sensual dance.
“Will it hurt?” she asked, squeezing her eyes shut as an endless well of power poured from her and through her.
“Only for a moment.”
An icy shadow slid down her stomach, then further to her core, pushing deep inside her. It filled her, gliding in and out with slow, languid movements. Her body pulsed with need, and she curled her fingers into the sheets, biting back a moan of pleasure. She imagined it was Drake instead, pictured him shoving into her with practiced, painstaking thrusts. She wanted him buried inside of her, she wanted him to be the one to bring her to release.
“Your imagination is most flattering, kearsta. ” Drake’s words coasted over her like decadent velvet, and then there was a sharp pinch of pain in her left breast, as though a needle had pierced through her flesh.
Creslyn cried out but his magic stole her breath, pushing inside of her, delving deep so the twinge of discomfort was subdued by the rush of ecstasy. There was another pinch, on the right breast this time, and tears sprang to her eyes. She was torn between the waves of desire pushing her toward the edge of madness and the throbbing ache of her hardened nipples.
“Drake…” she whimpered, his name falling from her lips like a broken prayer.
“Don’t worry.” He palmed her thighs, and her eyes flew open, just in time to see him lowering his mouth to her. “I’ll take all the pain away.”
His tongue replaced the shadow and Creslyn was flying.
She soared, chasing after the high only he could give her. He devoured her, the glide of his tongue teasing and tormenting her until she came completely undone. He licked and sucked, tasting her, his fingers fanning out across her lower stomach to hold her in place as she squirmed and arched. Her legs fell open in an offering while his remained fused to her center. She was falling from the heavens, blazing through the night sky like a shooting star, and only Drake could catch her.
Release left her gasping and quaking.
Creslyn shuddered, trembling as he moved beside her, then pressed a kiss to the column of her neck.
“Look at you,” he murmured, dragging one finger through her wet folds. “So beautiful. Sparkling and glistening.”
Her chest rose and fell, and she struggled to glance down. But then she saw them—the silver bars piercing her nipples, her breasts dripping with diamonds.
She rolled over to face him, and he draped an arm around her, his hand settling at the small of her back. She placed her hand upon his bare chest, right over his heart. Its constant, even beat steadied her, soothed her. He propped himself up on one arm and she memorized the sharp line of his jaw, the fullness of his mouth, the slight cleft of his chin. She rarely saw him smile, at least, she’d never seen a real one. She wondered if he had dimples, if his grin illuminated his face. Pieces of long, dark hair slanted across his forehead, and she longed to smooth them away.
But she didn’t dare move, worried that he might deem such a gesture too intimate, and then he would pull away from her. He would retreat to the shadows.
She would offer him something else instead. “Please don’t make me wait.”
Surprise registered in the depths of his eyes before it shuttered away. “For what?”
“For you.”
The corner of his mouth quirked, his telltale smirk. Never an actual smile. “You would so quickly give your heart to an assassin?”
“No. To you.” She laid her head on the pillow next to him but held his gaze. She would have to be strong, she could not look away from the eyes that seemed to stare into her soul. “Not your reputation. Not your title. Only to you.”
“And if I break it?” he asked, his face devoid of any emotion.
“Then I shall break yours as well.” She lifted her chin, removing her hand from his chest. “And trust it will hurt you far worse than anything you could ever do to me.”
Drake watched her a moment longer but said nothing. He adjusted the blankets, gathering the plush fabric and draping it over her naked body. For one terrible moment, she thought he might leave, but then he curled her into him, his arm locking tightly around her. She breathed in the scent of him—cold mountains, and pine, and the hint of winter’s first frost.
“There’s darkness inside of you, Creslyn Starstorm.”
She peered up at him. “There’s light inside of you, Drake Kalstrand.”
He kissed her temple. “Perhaps.”
Creslyn knew she was capable of withstanding many things. But if Drake broke her heart, she would find a way to cut him just as deeply. She simply hoped she would have enough strength to survive it.