All the Sacrifice of Shadows (Starstorm #2) Chapter 20 53%
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Chapter 20


C reslyn folded her arms across her chest and stared up at her eldest brother. His silver hair was shorter than she remembered, and the longer pieces of the front were swept to one side and smoothed back from his face. He wore a suit of black with the crest of their house embroidered upon his lapel, and a lavender rosebud tucked into the front pocket. He mirrored her stance, arms crossed, though somehow he looked far more intimidating. His handsome features reminded her so much of their father, Zenos, and something cracked inside her, causing her breath to grow shallow. The painful stab of grief was not so easily forgotten.

Their father should have been there with them, watching Novalise get married. He would have loved the stars made of crystal that floated through the gardens, illuminating the petals of every flower with iridescent light. His boisterous laugh would’ve been heard above the music, and his endearing smile would have softened while he danced with Novalise before handing her off to Asher for the final time.

Instead, he’d been taken from them far too soon. Already, Creslyn could barely recall the sound of his voice. His image, once clear and crisp in her mind’s eye, was beginning to fade at the edges, like a memory just out of her reach.


He’d been the only one to ever call her that, and she clung to the beloved nickname like a lifeline, refusing to let go. Worried that if she did, she would lose him forever.

Creslyn inhaled deeply, letting the cool autumn air alleviate some of her sorrow, and the knot inside her chest eased.

“I already told you, Aries.” She cocked one hip to the side, wishing her brother didn’t feel the need to have this conversation with her. Again. “I am perfectly fine. When you came to me with the contract drawn between you and Prince Drake, I understood I would be marrying him in Novalise’s place should she find another suitor. I accepted my fate then, and I accept it now. You needn’t concern yourself with my safety.”

“You are my youngest sister. You are blood.” Ariesian clamped both of his large hands upon her shoulders. The worry in his eyes had not yet diminished, but the line of displeasure furrowing across his brow had vanished. For now. “I will always be concerned about your safety.”

Creslyn opened her mouth to object, but he shook his head, silencing her.

“You cannot expect me to not care when Novalise claimed she saw you training…” His hands fell to his sides, and the look on his face was one of utter defeat. Hopelessness. “With a sword.”

“Yes, I am learning to defend myself.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly, wishing to the stars he would see her as confident and able, and not just his baby sister constantly in need of his protection. “But it’s only because?—”

A tremor raced down the bond, the faintest of caresses, as though Drake stood directly behind her and was trailing a single finger along her spine. Her skin grew hot and prickly, as awareness spread through her and goosebumps riddled her flesh. The scent of him came in layers. Frosted pine, then cold winter mountains, and finally, the promise of snow. She glanced to where shadows collected near a stone wall covered in ivy, to where the light of the harvest moon didn’t quite reach. It was then she saw him, except…it was different.

Drake had not emerged from the darkness, he was still hidden, invisible to everyone but her. Yet she could see him, she could see all of it. The shadow realm expanded before her, revealing a world drowned in shades of gray, a haunting expanse of space that existed only in rare glimpses of time where light was never allowed.

She stood there, gazing at him, her mouth slightly ajar as he stared back at her, fully aware she could see through the shadows to him.

“Cres?” Ariesian’s voice echoed through the fog of confusion clouding her mind. “Creslyn? Are you quite well?”

Blinking rapidly, she refocused her attention back on her brother. “Yes. Apologies, brother. I…I’m completely fine.”

“Promise me this, Creslyn,” Ariesian pleaded, squeezing her hand in return. “If you are ever in danger again or if you need help, promise that you will come to me.”

“As much as I appreciate your kindness, my welfare is no longer your responsibility. I am more than capable of defending myself through any means necessary, be it magic or blade.” She released her brother’s hand, knowing her next words would rock the ground beneath his feet, break it open like a treacherous chasm. “Besides, I’m married to the Shadowblade Assassin. And Drake, well, he is my mate.”

Ariesian’s jaw went slack. He recovered quickly, but nothing he did could disguise the vein ticking at his temple.

“Mate.” He repeated the word, his dark brows pulling together to form a small crease.

“Yes.” Creslyn held out her hand, and Drake stepped from the fading darkness, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “My mate.”

Ariesian glanced between the two of them, bewildered. “Your magic chose each other?”

“More or less.” Not quite a lie and not quite the truth, but it spilled from her lips easily enough.

Again, his skeptical gaze flitted to Drake, then back to her, as though he was trying to determine whether or not she told the truth. He must have settled on the former, for he sighed then, and his broad shoulders dropped.

“Very well. Then I suppose there is nothing more I can do.”

Drake stepped closer. “There is one thing, my lord.”

Ariesian sent him a questioning look.

“Your sister, Sarelle,” Drake explained, sparing Creslyn a glance, one that spoke of warning and unfortunate news. “It would appear that Queen Elowyn and your mother think Lady Sarelle and Prince Aspen will…pair nicely with one another. He is in her company as we speak.”

Creslyn’s heart plummeted into the acidic pit of her stomach, and trepidation walked its icy fingers along the back of her neck. Sarelle deserved better than to suffer at the hands of the brutal, merciless prince. It was rumored he’d fought in far-off wars, none that ever graced Aeramere’s shores, and that he kept tally of the number of lives he took. She didn’t know if his number matched the count of skulls on Drake’s back, nor did she want to find out. To make matters worse, she’d heard stories about some of his sordid affairs. Prince Aspen once threw one of his lovers out into the streets, half naked, during the middle of an argument. She was only wearing a cotton shift and was forced to make the shameful trek home during winter’s first snow.

“Damn it.” Ariesian shoved a hand through his hair, mussing it further. “I knew something like this would happen.”

Shadows rippled around him, outlining him like spilled ink against the moonlight, and Creslyn stepped back. Bursts of starlight streaked through the oppressive dark as his magic throbbed in the air, like the intangible haze of a storm on the horizon. A storm of shadows and starlight.

“Ariesian, you must stop this.” She clutched the front of her brother’s coat, drawing his clouded gaze to her face. “You cannot allow Sarelle to marry Prince Aspen.”

“Do not worry, dearest sister.” He flicked his wrists, the cufflinks there snapping into place, then rolled his neck until it cracked. The power swarming him vanished as quickly as it appeared. “I won’t.”

He strode off, and Creslyn could only hope it was to put an end to whatever her mother and Queen Elowyn were planning. But the moment Ariesian was out of sight, Drake nuzzled her neck, his lips skating up the column of her neck while his fingers dug into her waist, pulling back flush against his chest.

“Now that we’re alone,” he murmured.

She swatted at him. “Don’t even think about it.”

Drake twisted her in his arms, spinning her so she faced him. His palm was splayed against her lower back, keeping her locked in place. The corner of his mouth curved.

“Oh, trust me, solysa .” He reached up between them, tracing the outline of the constellation on her heart with one finger. “It is all I think about.”

Creslyn rose up on her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck. Stars above, she’d forgotten how ridiculously tall he was. Even with her heels on, she barely grazed his shoulder. His hand slid around to her backside, cupping her firmly in his grasp.

“It is rather dangerous being alone with you in a garden.” She let her gaze rove over him, drinking in the fine details of his attire. He wore a crisp black shirt and pants, with a sash of silver tied around his waist, one she couldn’t wait to tug off later. His coat was trimmed with silky black thread and embroidered dragons detailed the cuffs of the sleeve. “Especially when you look so ruggedly handsome.”

She twirled a strand of his midnight hair with one finger.

Surprise registered in the depths of his green eyes, but he shuttered it away quickly.

“You are mistaken, my lady.” Drake folded his arms beneath her bottom and hoisted her up, keeping her positioned against his chest so they were eye to eye. “It is you who is dangerous.”

He leaned in, his mouth a whisper from her own. “That dress is just an added benefit.”

Creslyn smiled. She’d chosen her gown for no other reason than she thoroughly expected to have it torn off her by the end of the evening. The skirt was heavy satin, with two slits up each side, and the golden pink fabric shimmered whenever she moved. Gold floral lace made up the entirety of the bodice, draping off her shoulders and molding to her breasts, before wrapping around her and dipping scandalously low down her back.

She kissed him then, a gentle swipe of her tongue along his lips as her hands treaded lightly over the carved muscle of his shoulders and neck. She traced the dips, the ridges, needling the tips of her fingers into the solid mass of his body, massaging gently.

Drake groaned into her mouth. “I swear to any star or god that is watching, I will take you right here.”

She eased back, and he slowly set her down, the bulge in his pants pressing into her belly as she slid down the length of him.

Creslyn grabbed his hand, leading him toward the gentle strumming of instruments. “If I miss Novalise’s wedding, she may not ever forgive me.”

“And what’s more important?” Drake asked, twirling her into his embrace. “Your sister’s forgiveness?”

He lowered his head, flicking his tongue along her ear, causing her nipples to harden.

“Or my cock inside of you?”

Her skin flushed at his words, and every sensitive part of her hummed in response. Her stomach tightened, the scrape of lace against her breasts suddenly too much to bear. Every nerve was heightened. Heat pooled between her legs, and she squeezed her thighs together, craving his touch, desperate for the release only he could give her. Her imagination spiraled, taking both of them with it, as she pictured him pinning her against one of the walls as stone bit into her back, as he drove into her, sending her soaring. Or he would bend her over as she clung to one of the flowering trees, and he would take her from behind, clamping one hand over her mouth to silence her screams.

“Creslyn…” Drake growled, the warning in his voice dragging her back from her thoughts.

His eyes were dark with lust, with power, and his large body pulsed with tension, as though he was ready to snap a neck at a moment’s notice.

“Let’s go, before I give into your explicit fantasies.” He took her hand, pressing their scarred palms together so the bond burned hot, and led her toward the wedding.

She was half tempted to push another one of her daydreams onto him, one she’d kept locked in the darkest part of her, that place she wasn’t quite ready to embrace. But then they rounded a corner of silver ferns and budding indigo winterblooms not yet ready to blossom, and Creslyn’s lighthearted mood evaporated.

The ceremony for Novalise and Asher had not yet begun, resulting in lords and ladies from all five houses of Aeramere mingling with flutes of starberry wine while swapping landslide rumors and backhanded compliments. As soon as Creslyn came into view, with Drake right behind her, the buoyant conversations deflated, and every pair of disparaging eyes snapped right to her.

Her heart plummeted into her stomach, sinking into a bottomless pit of dread. They would see right through her in no time. Any moment now, they would break the wall of reflective glass she’d carefully constructed around herself to protect the truth of her character. The pieces would shatter around her, slicing her skin and flaying her open, so they could all bear witness to the gaping chasm of darkness lurking inside of her.

Whispers floated past her, muffled critics gossiping under their breath or from behind the back of their hands.

A gasp. “I cannot believe she was stolen away.”

“I heard she was traded, a bargaining chip.” A callous remark.

“She was sold off like a breeding mare.” A vile notion.

Creslyn’s confidence wavered. She wet her bottom lip, swallowing around the lump of worry that was making it more and more impossible to breathe. Her palms grew damp, her heart pounded. It felt as though she was walking upon a ceiling of glass, one that cracked and splintered with each step, and it was only a matter of time before it came crashing out from under her.

Then Drake was there.

He slid his arm easily around her waist, supporting her knees trembling beneath her skirts. His thumb stroked lazy lines of encouragement along the length of her ribs and when he glanced down at her, there was warmth hiding in his gaze.

His voice caressed her mind, soothing her, relaxing her. “Let them see how brightly a star can shine in the pitch of night.”

She smiled, rising on her toes and planting a kiss at the corner of his mouth, and whispered faintly, “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, sjellhert.”

They took their seats, and with her hand clasped firmly in Drake’s, Creslyn watched her eldest sister recite her vows.

Novalise and Asher’s ceremony was decidedly dreamy. Lavender roses coated in starlight overflowed from cobalt vases while torches sparking with silver flames illuminated the garden like frostbitten moonlight. The pair of them stood at an altar crafted from selenite, swearing their love for one another as their magic soared above them in full display. Starfire swerved and sparked high into the air, followed by bursts of midnight frostfire. Their magic clashed over the rooftops of House Celestine, illuminating the night sky in a series of starlit flames.

It was wondrous.

Novalise was positively stunning. Her gown of silver fell off her shoulders and was fastened with moonstone buttons down the back. The soft fabric seemed to swirl around her like she was walking upon clouds. The drapes and folds of silk hugged her waist then billowed around her in ethereal beauty. But while Novalise’s cheeks flushed and her eyes misted with a delicate sheen, it was Asher who held Creslyn’s attention.

His gaze never strayed, not once did he ever look away from Novalise while they spoke their vows. There was a deep well of emotion in the dark gray of his eyes, and the slight ring of gold encircling them only seemed to burn brighter every time she was near. Asher looked at Novalise as though she was a goddess among the stars, like she hung the moon in the sky with her own two hands. He was fascinated by her, consumed by her, so fully and devastatingly in love with her that it left Creslyn breathless.

Everyone should experience that kind of love, everyone should have someone who looked at them the way Asher gazed upon Novalise.

When the newly married couple finally kissed, Creslyn sniffled once, wiping a single tear from her eye.

An hour later, she found herself at a round table draped with creamy linens while music and dancing carried on around her. The gardens of House Celestine had been converted to a makeshift ballroom, the chill in the night air just brisk enough to cool her skin from the warmth of so many moving and swirling bodies. Novalise and Asher danced to every song, unaware of any misgivings. Creslyn’s gaze darted from where Ariesian stood protectively by Sarelle’s side to their mother, who sent him a scathing look of reproach from the safety of the queen’s table.

Creslyn knew she did not understand the depths of what was happening in her family. She was stuck in a web of lies and deceit, tangled in the threads of tension that seemed to tighten any time they were all together. She hadn’t noticed it before, she’d been too busy dancing, too busy shopping and buying sparkly things to even pay attention to the undercurrents shifting beneath her feet, threatening to pull her under like a dangerous tide. Yet now, the smiles were strained. Words once spoken with honey were doused in vinegar. The foundation of trust, love, and respect her father had built was cracking, slowly crumbling. She just had to find the source of the damage.

She took a sip of starberry wine, unable to disguise her smile as the bright flavors played on her tongue and the bubbles fizzed in her mouth. Her gaze slid to Drake, who was staring at the piece of lemon and blueberry cream cake set before him as though it had personally affronted him somehow. Creslyn had already devoured her slice and if he didn’t make a move soon, she was going to snatch it right off his plate.

Her knee bounced in anticipation.

Until Solarius yawned, excessively, slinging his arm across the back of the empty seat next to him. He ran one hand through his messy hair, rocking the chair back on two legs. He’d removed his coat, rolled his sleeves, and only half of his navy blue shirt was tucked in, as though it was an afterthought. His silver eyes were dark and glossy, and Creslyn thought perhaps he’d indulged in too many libations. Narissa sat on his other side, a stark contrast to the unkempt appearance of her brother.

She swirled her drink, eyeing Solarius from over the rim, tapping her nail against the glass. The pretty rings she wore glinted in the soft light. Her pale green eyes were subtly lined with kohl, and that signature rosy hue on her cheeks shimmered against her sun-kissed skin. Her hair fell in soft golden waves around her bare shoulders. The strapless gown she wore was the most beautiful shade of aquamarine Creslyn had ever seen. The bodice was covered in bits of crushed coral shaped like flowers, while the fine silk floated over her arms and tumbled down around her like cresting waves.

Her brow was knit together, and when she tapped her glass again, it was then Creslyn noticed only her ring finger was bare.

Perhaps Solarius had not yet given her an engagement ring. Or maybe he was simply delaying the inevitable.

Solarius took a lazy sip of his wine, hoisting the glass in Drake’s direction. “When do you return to Brackroth?”

Drake inclined his head, studying her brother. “In such a hurry to get rid of me?”

Surely, he had to know Solarius was intoxicated. She could only hope that obvious bit of knowledge would keep Drake from engaging in what would only lead to another fight. One that Solarius would certainly not win.

“No,” Solarius drawled, his gaze flicking over to Creslyn. “Only wondering how much time I’ll have to spend with my sister before you steal her away again.”

Drake stabbed at the slice of cake in front of him with his fork. “We fly at dawn.”

Creslyn shot him a look. “So soon?”

He set the fork down and grabbed her hand, weaving their fingers together. “You wish to stay?”

Instantly, the gloom of Brackroth with its sunless skies and heavy, rain-laden clouds filled her mind. And an image of King Marius with his beady eyes, scraggly beard, and sinister smile caused her insides to sour.

She hastily took another gulp of wine. “Yes, I would like to stay. For a little while longer, if possible. I cannot say I am too keen to return to where my presence is unwanted.”

“You are wanted.” Drake kissed her knuckles, holding her gaze with his mesmerizing eyes. “Immensely.”

“Yes,” Solarius scoffed, slamming his glass down upon the table. “She’s wanted dead by your piece of shit king.”

Drake’s power flared, and shadows crawled along his shoulders, slipping from between his knuckles.

“Solarius.” Narissa’s musical voice was laced with scorn. “That’s enough.”

She placed her hand on top of his, but Solarius jerked away like her touch was acidic. Narissa flinched, pressing her lips together.

“No, Rissa love, it is not enough.” He lurched forward in his chair and faced her, leaning in so closely, the tips of their noses almost touched. “It is not enough that I am forced to sit here while my youngest sister is carted back to that shithole of a kingdom. All I can do is watch as my mother conspires with the queen to marry Sarelle to our insufferable prince, and Ariesian is caught between duty and honor while snakes whisper into his ear.”

He slouched back, his gaze raking over Narissa in such a callous manner that even Creslyn shuddered. “Meanwhile, I can do nothing and help no one because I am saddled with you. ”

“Solarius!” Creslyn scolded, scowling at her brother. “For shame.”

Humiliation colored Narissa’s cheeks and her golden glow paled. A faint sheen flooded her eyes, and she stood abruptly, clasping her hands together.

Drake was on his feet a moment later out of respect as she fled from the table, while Solarius remained seated, his legs outstretched before him.

Mortification sunk its claws into Creslyn’s neck. She could not believe her brother would be so disgraceful. She leaned forward, her hands curling into tight fists.

“Solarius,” she hissed, seething at his complete lack of decorum. “How dare you? Have you no manners? What would Father say if he saw you treating her in such a way? You are a lord of House Celestine, Narissa is a lady of House Azurvend, and you shall regard her as such.”

Solarius ignored her reprimand, downing the rest of his drink.

Creslyn shoved back from the table, trembling with rage.

“Apologize to Narissa,” she demanded. “At once.”

Her brother leaned back, rolling his head in the direction of Narissa’s retreating form. The anger and tension and frustration simply bled away as he slumped lower into his seat. “She doesn’t want my apology, Cres. She wants a fight. She’s looking for any way possible to break our future union.”

Creslyn shook her head, folding her arms across her chest. “I disagree. She looked devastated. Embarrassed. No one enjoys being made to feel that way, Sol. If I didn’t know any better, I would say she’s crying right now and it’s all your fault.”

“Saltwater or pearls,” Solarius muttered, lifting his glass and frowning once he remembered it was empty.


“That’s how to tell if her tears are real or not.” Solarius scraped his teeth along his bottom lip, tossing his disheveled hair out of his face. “She’s a water fae, Cres. She can summon tears as easily as she can the waves. She can break your heart when she cries, like a siren’s song. Saltwater stains her cheeks, but if her tears are tied to an actual emotion, they turn to pearls.”

Creslyn placed one hand over her heart. “That is quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever heard.”

“Sounds painful,” Drake murmured.

Solarius shrugged, indifferent. “They only turn to pearls after they’ve fallen. I’ve seen it once. A long time ago.”

Tears were tears, no matter the emotion, and Narissa was absolutely crying. There was no denying the way they pricked her eyes at Solarius’s harsh words, and Creslyn knew for a fact she’d bitten her bottom lip to keep it from trembling. She glanced around the table, then checked the ground, scouring the smooth stone when a tiny glimmer caught her eye.

There, wedged between a single blade of grass and a small rock, was a perfectly round pearl. Its sheen was as iridescent as one of Creslyn’s rainbows.

She snatched it off the ground, pulled her arm back, and launched it at Solarius’s head.

“Shit, Cres!” He plucked it out of the air before it smacked him right between the eyes.

Drake sat back, then patted her bottom. “Fascinating.”

Creslyn ignored the small display of affection, trying not to think too much of it, and pinned her brother with a hard stare.

Solarius rolled the pearl between his fingers, then pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Fuck.” He jolted upright, shoving the gem into his pocket. “Excuse me.”

Creslyn watched her brother sprint in the direction of Narissa’s departure, then expelled a heavy sigh. Shoulders sagging, she lowered herself into Drake’s lap instead of her own chair, finding herself in need of his comfort for the second time this evening. He curled her against him, wrapping his arms snugly around her waist, and she let her head come to rest against his chest. The beating of his heart matched her own, a steady rhythm that soothed her soul, and the bond between them warmed. His shadows calmed and that swath of darkness inside her yawned open a little wider.

Drake’s hand rubbed her spine, moving in slow, easy circles.

“I hate to see them so unhappy.” She tilted her head back, looking up at him. “Do you think she’ll forgive him?”

His dark brows lifted. “Would you be so quick to forgive me if I claimed I was saddled with you as a wife?”

“It was awfully terrible of him.” She winced, her teeth snagging on her bottom lip. “What do you suppose Solarius meant? By snakes whispering into Ariesian’s ear?”

“I’m not sure, but I intend to find out.”

“Should we be worried?”

He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Not yet.”

Creslyn settled into the safety of his arms. Her gaze drifted around the party, glimpsing Novalise and Asher looking so painfully in love it made her chest tighten. Ariesian was still standing watch over Sarelle, ensuring Prince Aspen kept his distance. But then her attention snagged on Solarius and Narissa.

They stood near a waterfall of flowers covered in stardust, likely Sarelle’s doing, Narissa with her arms crossed protectively across her chest, and Solarius with his hands upon her shoulders. A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and her brother caught it, the drop of emotion turning into a pearl in his hand.

“If I cried pearls,” Creslyn mused, snuggling against Drake, “would you catch them for me?”

His solid chest rumbled, a deep chuckle that sent tingles of awakening coursing through her. “I can think of other things I’d like to do with pearls.”

Her lips twitched. “Oh, really?”

Drake stiffened, his muscles snapping into stone beneath her. He stood suddenly, drawing one hand to shove her behind him as his shadows unfurled like the tempest of night. Power radiated from him, a vengeful promise of death. He snarled, his massive body seeming to expand with otherworldly magic, nefarious and lethal.

This was not her husband.

This was not the Shadowblade Assassin.

This was something else altogether.

“Drake?” Creslyn whispered his name, her voice cracking.

And then the screaming began.

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