Hazard had been at Fort Grove for a week. It was an adjustment, getting used to a new base. He spent time learning where everything was, determining which gyms were least likely to be crowded when he liked to work out, and introduced himself around, getting to know names and faces.
The 448 obviously had a high level of respect among the soldiers and officers stationed there. Whenever he revealed that he was the newest member of the squad, he was met with wide eyes or an impressed nod. He was often asked questions about the members. Most wanted to know if Ortiz was cool to work under and if Jax was all serious all the time. She was and he wasn’t. Questions about Ice were asked in hushed tones, as if they were afraid he’d pop out like the Boogey Man and get them for even saying his name. Hazard mostly answered the questions honestly, but sometimes he shamelessly added a little spice to enhance the reputation of the 448.
No one had been disdainful of him, an omega, making the team. Until now. A young human soldier stood in front of him. He had dark hair cut into a severe high and tight and a sneer curled up one side of his thin lips. He was bigger than Hazard. He’d used his size to block his path and was now aggressively crowding into his personal space. A bully born and bred.
The soldier’s attempt at physical intimidation didn’t bother Hazard at all. He could lay him flat without even causing an increase in his heart rate. It was the disrespectful words coming out of the bully’s mouth that pissed Hazard off.
“You’re an omega right? I can guess why those 448 alphas wanted you added to the team.”
Hazard narrowed his eyes, ready to light into this nasty little fucker and set him straight. However, before he could respond, Jax arrived on the scene. He stepped up to Hazard’s side and crossed his arms over his chest. The short sleeves of his T-shirt pulled tight on his muscular biceps and the sun gleamed on the oiled mahogany brown of his skin. Jax had several inches in height on the other soldier and he was definitely more built. Suddenly, the bully didn’t look so sure of himself.
“I must need to get my hearing checked because I know I didn’t hear you insinuating that I need the brass to supply me with bedmates. You think I can’t pull my own?” Jax asked as if he were in complete disbelief.
A ruddy flush crawled up the soldier’s thick neck and stained his cheeks red.
“Of course not!”
“Then what are you suggesting?”
“It’s just... I’ve heard that omegas —.” He stopped, nervously licked his lips and tried again. “That with you shifters, they’re uh... That omegas are soft.” He finished in a rush, obviously trying for the least offensive way to say what he was thinking. That omegas were for sex.
“Does he look soft to you?”
The soldier flicked his gaze over Hazard once before looking back at Jax.
“Because he’s not. I’ve watched this omega crush on the bench press, run the bone breaker obstacle course in under five, and hit a near perfect score on the eagle’s eye shooting range. And even if he was soft , in the way that I know you fucking mean it, it wouldn’t matter because he’s an expert at doing the job he was brought in to do. And that is the only reason he’s on the 448. Is that clear, soldier?”
“Crystal clear, sir.”
Jax grinned, his big alpha fangs white and sharp. “Good. I’d hate for any nasty, untrue rumors to get started about my squadmate. I’d have to track down whoever started them and make my displeasure felt in excruciatingly painful ways.”
The young soldier gulped, Adam’s apple visibly bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. “Understood, sir.”
“Happy you understand. Now run along and find something better to do with your time.”
“Yes, sir.”
The soldier saluted even though Jax wasn’t ranked high enough to warrant a salute, and scurried off. He looked back over his shoulder once, like he was afraid that Jax was going to chase him down and chew him up again. Only physically this time instead of verbally. But Jax didn’t move and soon the obnoxious soldier disappeared into a far barracks.
“Thanks, man,” Hazard said. He was grateful for the show of solidarity. Then he playfully shoved his teammate. “But I could have handled that.”
Jax laughed as he staggered off balance for a couple of steps before recovering his footing. “I know, but it’s best these grunts know from the beginning that we have your back and you’re not to be fucked with.”
“I appreciate that.” He fist bumped his squadmate and the two of them headed for the mess hall, which is where he’d been going before he’d been stopped.
“Can’t believe it’s 1982 and there’s still people who think like that about omegas. The omega revolution was twenty damn years ago.” Hazard shook his head in annoyance. “And a human spouting that nonsense. The fuck do they even know about us?”
“Only what they learn from silly shifter magazines.”
Hazard snorted. “Or in porn.”
“That too.”
They arrived in the crowded mess hall. They got their lunch, chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and corn, and sat down to eat. They were joined by a few of the people Hazard had gotten to know as well as some of Jax’s friends. As they ate, Hazard found himself scanning the hall more than once, looking for Ice grabbing his food to take outside to eat. He didn’t see him at all. Hazard ignored the resulting tiny beat of disappointment.
After lunch, he and Jax went their separate ways. Hazard returned to their barracks. He’d just flopped down on his bed to review the manual on battle damage assessment when someone knocked on his door. He got back up and opened it. Major Ortiz stood on the other side, holding a bundle wrapped in brown paper and tied closed with twine. She held the package out to him.
“What’s this?”
“Your new uniform.”
A pleased smile curled Hazard’s lips as he accepted the package. “I thought I’d have to successfully complete a few missions to earn my kit.”
Ortiz shook her head. “No. I don’t believe in holding out like that. You’ve already earned your spot and the uniform that goes along with it. There was a backlog in troop support for specialty uniforms or you’d have had it when you arrived.”
“Thanks, Major. I’m looking forward to wearing it.”
“You’re welcome.” Ortiz clapped him on the shoulder and left him alone.
Hazard walked back over to his bed, sitting down to open the package. He unknotted the string and pulled it loose. Then, he slowly peeled back the thick brown wrapping. Inside, were three neatly folded black uniforms. He picked up the one on top and shook it out. The dark green band was there on the shirt’s collar and cuffs. There was also a single dark green stripe down the outside of each pant leg. The 448 patch was sewn onto the right sleeve — a black circle with a green outline. There were four gold stars — two on each side of the circle. The numbers 448 were stitched in bright white thread along with the motto, We see it through to the end .
Hazard grinned. “Hell, yeah,” he whispered to himself.
The next day, they got the call for their next mission. They were summoned to headquarters for the mission brief. Before heading out, Hazard dressed in his new uniform. His boots were clean and laced tight, and his gloves were tucked into his pants pocket.
Now, as Hazard walked down the halls of HQ with Ortiz, Ice, and Jax, it was clear that he was a part of the 448. And he felt immeasurable pride in that fact.