Rome’s Aunt filled me in on how they are finally getting to know Rome. All it took was for me to be kidnapped off the side of the street.
I think that’s the funny part and start laughing hysterically at the thought.
“Are you okay dear? Do you need to see a doctor for anything?” She asks sweetly looking me over and I know automatically what she’s asking.
“No. I’m alright other than feeling a little shaky. They didn’t touch me as far as I know anyway. I wasn’t exactly awake when they took my clothes.” My brows draw together and I wonder if I’d know for sure if someone touched me while I was knocked out.
“Trust me dear, you’d know.” She answers my internal question.
“You talk as though you’ve gone through something similar.” I say from my laid back position in Rome’s bathtub.
“Yes and I’ll tell you the story one day when you aren’t so tired. For now I think it’s best we get you clean, dressed, fed and in the bed. I’m pretty sure other than when you were drugged, you’ve not been asleep,”
“No. I’ve not slept. I was afraid to.” I answer and she shakes her head.
“Here, let me help you wash your hair.” Mrs. Marcus says, coming to sit on the side of the tub.
An hour later with my body clean and my hair brushed, I’m propped up in the bed with pillows behind me. My stomach when Rome comes into the room carrying a tray.
“I made you some soup. I brought you two types of crackers since I’m not sure which you’d like.” He smiles my way, setting the tray on my lap.
“It smells good. I didn’t know you knew how to cook.” I smile back slightly.
“My mom taught me.” He shrugs.
“I’m sorry for how I acted after you found me. I didn’t mean to ignore you.” I say, trying to apologize.
“You don’t have to apologize to me. You’ve gone through something traumatizing.. It’s understandable.”
“I don’t think my trauma is from what you think it is though. I was more traumatized by the thought I had no one on the world that was going to save me. Then all of a sudden there you were, like a handsome knight.”
“You thought I wouldn’t look for you?” He asks.
“Oh I was sure you’d look for me but in the same capacity that my friends would. Relying on the authorities to hopefully find me. That outlook was bleak. All I could see was a lifetime of hell and was planning my way out.” I swallow hard.
“Your way out? What do you mean?” He asks, his head creasing between his brows.
“As soon as they opened that crate, I was running, I didn’t care and hoped they’d just shoot me in the back. My mom always told me to make sure they kill you where you’re standing instead of letting them take you somewhere because sometimes, the end journey is worse than dying.” I explain.
He reaches over taking my hand with his own, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles.
“Did...” He clears his throat. “Did anyone touch you?” He asks.
“No. Other than stripping me of my clothes while I was knocked out, no one touched me as far as I know. Your Aunt said I would definitely know.”
“She’s been through something similar.” He says.
“Yeah, that’s what she told me. Did you get my phone or do the cops have it?”
“Oh, I have it. I used it to contact your friends. They’re already here in town, staying at the condo where you were at. You should probably let them know you are alright.” He says, opening a drawer by the bed and pulling my phone out.
“Thank you. For everything, Rome.” I smile up at him.
“I’d do it all again just to see you smile.” He whispers, leaning in slowly to kiss my lips softly and I kiss him back. “Eat and call your friends. I’ll come back in a bit so you have some privacy.”
He turns back at the door, smiling at me and I smile back until he closes the door behind him.
Picking up the spoon, I take a bite of the soup and it tastes fucking amazing so I eat it before calling Bianca’s number.
“Hello?” Her voice says in a rush.
“Hey you.” I say.
“Seriously? You get kidnapped for almost twenty four hours and all you can say when you call me is ”hey you?” She sounds pissed but I know her well enough to know it”s a worry for me.
“Does, I’m alive work better for you?” I ask with a serious tone.
“I swear one of these days I’m going to beat you. Where are you by the way and how the hell did you get away? Did they hurt you?” She demands all at once.
It takes nearly an hour to tell her the whole story and to calm her down. She asks if I want them to come pick me up but I put her off, saying that I’ll come by the condo tomorrow. For now, I feel safer being under Rome’s roof.