J o walked nervously into Henlow House when they arrived from Weston. Though she’d been here once before—for the betrothal ball—it felt quite different now that she knew she would live here, at least temporarily.
Percy, the butler, greeted them. He bowed to Jo, so that she could see the top of his head was quite shiny. “We are delighted to welcome you to Henlow House, my lady.”
Jo was still growing used to hearing that. She glanced over at Sheff beside her, who gave her an encouraging smile.
Retainers began filing into the hall, and the next half hour was spent meeting each one, including the maid who’d been assigned to assist Jo. The idea of a ladies’ maid was completely foreign, but Jo understood that she would have better success if she assumed all the trappings of being a countess. If she eschewed a maid, people would find out, and it would not help her standing.
When they’d finished, the butler informed them that the duke was awaiting their arrival in the study. Sheff indicated which way to go.
“I’ve been to the study,” Jo said. “Remember the betrothal ball when I found you there?”
“I do indeed. This will be the first time I share that space with my father since I had his valet and a footman practically carry him upstairs. I do wonder if my days of rescuing him are over. I hope so.”
She smiled at him as she took his arm. “I hope so too.”
He sent her a mischievous look. “That was a very arousing interlude we had in the study. I was desperate to kiss you that night. Every night since I proposed to you, really. No, before that. I think I wanted to kiss you the night I had to drag my father from the Siren’s Call. That was the first time I realized I was attracted to you.”
She snapped her gaze to his. “Really? That was when I first felt attracted to you .”
Sheff laughed. “There must have been some magic in the air.” He sobered, but his eyes still held a glow of mirth. “Do not tell my father, or he will try to take credit.”
“Never,” Jo whispered as they arrived at the study.
“Come in!” The duke beckoned, grinning. “Welcome, Lady Shefford. You have already brightened the room, and I can see you have completely transformed my son.”
“For the better, I hope,” she said.
There was an awkward beat as the duke moved toward her. He hesitated. “Is it permissible to hug you?”
“Yes.” Jo found she could not discount the irony of embracing this man who’d been a one-time lover of her mother’s. She would put that from her mind going forward.
The duke stepped back and clapped Sheff on the shoulder.
“We’ve something to tell you,” Sheff said. “Let us sit.” He guided Jo to a settee, and the duke took a chair opposite them.
“I think I know,” he said shrewdly. “You’re expecting a child.”
Jo exchanged a look with Sheff and held back a laugh. “Well, yes,” Sheff said with a charming lopsided smile. “But that is not what we wanted to discuss.”
The duke slapped his thigh. “I was joking!” He laughed, then shook his head. “Well done, my boy. I knew you’d provide an heir. You just needed to do so in your own time.” He did not seem to care that the child had obviously been conceived prior to their marriage.
Jo hoped he wouldn’t say anything, but doubted he would. The same could not be said of her father, and for that reason, they had not yet told him she was carrying.
“The conversation we need to have does concern a child, though she is now a grown woman,” Sheff said. He turned to Jo. “You tell him, my love. She’s your relation.”
Deep lines were etched into the duke’s brow, but he didn’t say anything. He watched Jo expectantly.
“My mother told me of the duchess’s affair,” Jo said gently. “She knew of it because the liaison was with my father.”
The duke’s eyes rounded. “Damn me. I’d no idea. That makes Ellis your sister. Half sister, anyway.”
“Yes,” Jo said, smoothing her hands over her lap. “We did not tell her or my father when we were together in Weston. We wanted to talk with you first.”
“About how best to proceed,” Sheff added. “Mother is going to be furious to have all this brought up. But Jo and I feel strongly that Ellis needs to hear the truth.”
“I agree.” The duke’s expression grew sad for a moment. “I have been thinking a great deal about how I’ve allowed your mother to treat Ellis. I should not have permitted it. The duchess now knows she is no longer welcome here at Henlow House, and she’s to use the dower house at Beacon Park when she is in residence there.”
“I can only imagine how that conversation went,” Sheff murmured.
“Not well.” The duke straightened. “But it was long overdue. She has taken a house in Bath for the Season, but then you probably know that Min has decided to participate in the Marriage Mart there.”
“Yes, we are going to join her,” Sheff said. “We think that will be the best time to tell Ellis about her parentage. And Min, for she will need to know too.” He looked over at Jo, who gave him an encouraging nod. Then he returned his attention to the duke. “We also think you must be the one to tell Ellis. Since you are already planning to be in Bath with Mrs. Welbeck, I thought it the best solution.”
The duke sucked in a breath. He turned his head and stared toward the window, his features drawn into a frown. “I want to say there is someone better, but who? It can’t be your mother.” He looked to Jo. “And your father—her father—doesn’t know.”
“No, and I’m not entirely sure who should tell him,” Jo said. “We did not want him to know until Ellis does, for he will go directly to her and spill the secret.”
“Will he come to Bath?” the duke asked. “I could tell them together—with Min. I think Ellis will be glad for the support.”
“My father would be delighted to visit Bath, especially during the Season,” Jo replied with a chuckle. “He can come with us.”
Sheff looked toward her. “Then we’ll send him home at some point, yes?”
“Of course. Or we can lodge him in a hotel,” Jo said, patting Sheff’s leg. Her father was lovely, but sharing a residence with him had been trying at times due to his persistent gregariousness.
Sheff grinned. “Brilliant idea.”
“This will be an interesting respite in Bath,” the duke said with a sardonic arch of his brow. “Your mother will not be pleased that I am there with Mrs. Welbeck, and she will be livid when I tell Ellis that she is her mother.”
“We will be there to support Ellis—and you,” Sheff said.
The duke nodded. “Thank you, my boy. You have been a true beacon of support and guidance. For longer than you realize.” He met his son’s gaze with an intent stare. “I owe you a great deal.”
“Just tell me I don’t have to rescue you ever again.”
“You do not. At least, not because of my poor behavior.” He stood. “I’ll leave you to acclimate yourself. I’m so happy for you both. My only regret was missing the wedding. But I daresay you didn’t miss me,” he added with a self-deprecating laugh.
“Actually, I did,” Sheff said. Jo moved closer against his side.
“Well, this is a day of surprises,” the duke said softly. Then he whistled as he left the study.
Sheff pivoted toward Jo and put his arms around her. “That went well.”
“I think so. But let us not speak of travel any longer. I am exhausted.”
“Shall I carry you up to our chamber, my love?” Sheff asked before kissing her cheek.
“I beg your pardon, my lord,” Percy said from the doorway. “You said you wanted the evening newspaper as soon as it arrived.” He came forward with a tray bearing the Globe .
Sheff plucked it from the tray. “Thank you, Percy.”
The butler departed, and Jo gave Sheff a quizzical look. “Why did you want the newspaper?”
He handed it to her. “There should be a matter of import inside. On the advertisement page.”
Pursing her lips, Jo took the newspaper and opened it on her lap. At the very top of the advertisement page was what looked like a letter—in very small print. “Goodness, a great many people will not be able to read this.”
“But you can, I hope,” Sheff said, sounding eager.
“Shall I read it aloud?” Jo asked, thinking he was acting most peculiar.
“If you like.”
Dearest Citizens,
I am pleased to announce my marriage to Miss Josephine Harker, the new Countess of Shefford.
Jo shot her husband a look of shock. He only shrugged in response, so she went back to reading.
She is charming, brilliant, kind-hearted, and above all, the very best of women. I am privileged to have her as my wife. I am especially fortunate that she accepted me given my past behavior as a rogue. I am pleased to share that those days are behind me. The only woman who interests me is my darling wife, and I will no longer be paying any attention to anyone else. So don’t even try to ensnare me. I am completely, unabashedly, and eagerly the possession of Lady Shefford. I love her with all my heart.
-The Earl of Shefford
Jo set the paper down and gaped at him. “When did you do that?”
“I sent it from Weston a few days ago. It was Mrs. Ingram’s suggestion. After she assumed I was being intimate with that woman at the party and since that woman and the others in the garden presumed to think I wanted their attention, I thought I should inform people of where my affections lie.”
“Mrs. Ingram said to publish a notice in the newspaper?” Jo was aghast.
“She was joking, but I thought it a rather brilliant idea.”
Jo groaned. “Now I will most certainly be the center of gossip.”
Sheff tossed the paper to the floor. Then he pulled Jo onto his lap. “I wanted people to know that I am only interested in you. I only want you. I only love you . Now, there can be no question.”
“You are a terrible romantic,” Jo said, rolling her eyes. “But I love you anyway.”
“Good, because I fear I am only going to grow more sentimental and more possessive. Will that be a problem?”
Jo sighed. “I suppose not. You must do as you like.”
“I like you,” he said with a suggestive leer. “Very much. What shall we do about that?”
“I believe it’s time you showed me to our chamber, my lord.”
“With pleasure, my lady.” Sheff swept her into his arms, and Jo decided that being a countess—his countess—was exactly what she wanted.
Don’t miss the next book in the Rogue Rules series: Until the Rake Surrenders !
After Evan Price is injured in an accident, Lady Minerva Halifax nurses him back to health, and they forge a surprisingly deep bond…until Min returns to the Marriage Mart and Evan becomes the most desired bachelor in Bath. Were the sparks between them real, or is Evan the worst scoundrel of them all?