Thankfully, Quentin felt semi-human after a solid night of sleep. He wasn’t dumb. Quentin knew having Snow back in his bed was the only reason he felt better. Snow’s heat. The simple knowledge he wasn’t alone. The sound of Snow’s deep breathing as he slept. Everything he had missed the last few months were back in his life. Quentin refused to think about the past issues. He didn’t have long. Quentin felt the way life slipped from him. He wanted to spend whatever time he had left with Snow. Quentin didn’t want to be angry or sad. He wanted to be with the man he loved. Nothing else mattered any longer.
He refused to sit in that damn wheelchair, though. Quentin wasn’t that far gone. He wouldn’t easily give up the strength he had regained over the last few months. Quentin never wanted to be weak and useless again. Unfortunately, the walk from the bedroom to the living room after his morning shower had wiped him out. He sat quietly, hoping the waves of exhaustion passed. When Snow came into the room, Quentin smiled, trying to hide how bad he felt.
“Hey. You’re dressed to go out.”
Snow nodded. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking guilty. “I can’t completely abandon Pink.”
Quentin nodded. He didn’t want to be jealous. “Can I know the story?” They hadn’t been together for the last few months. Snow didn’t owe him faithfulness, but now Snow planned to leave him to go to Pink. Quentin felt a way he didn’t like about it.
“I saved him from Greece. He was a pet.”
Quentin winced. In his opinion, that was a worse fate for a child than being sent to the assassin program, mentally anyhow.
Snow shrugged, as if uncomfortable with the topic. “I’ve been helping him restart his life. He has a lot of pride. Pink won’t just take monetary help. He’s determined to work. Unfortunately, he only knows one thing. We’ve been sharing an apartment while he saves.”
Quentin had heard enough. “He’ll live here. Paine’s old room is still empty. He’ll save his money quicker without rent.”
A sweet smile touched Snow’s lips. “You’re amazing, but he’s fucking stubborn. I doubt he’ll accept.”
Quentin made a dismissive motion. Pink had nothing on his stubbornness. Quentin wasn’t someone anyone disobeyed. “He’ll live here.”
Snow chuckled as he crossed the room. It was a sexy, low sound that had goosebumps rising on Quentin’s skin. “I’ll try my best.”
“Have him call me, if need be. He won’t tell me no.”
“Just rest, okay?” Snow kissed him. It was a sweet press of lips on lips before he pulled away too quickly for Quentin’s heart. “I’ll be back as fast as possible.”
“With Pink,” Quentin reminded him.
Another sexy laugh dripped from Snow’s lips. “Yes, sir. Now rest.”
“I’ve only been awake two hours, but I’ll behave.” Before Snow got away, Quentin snagged his shirt and drew him in for another kiss. This time, he poured his heart into it. He loved Snow. It was selfish to take what he could before the end, but he had to have Snow with him. Quentin had never stopped loving him. Not for a second. He couldn’t leave this world without having every moment he could get with him.
When Snow pulled away, he didn’t open his eyes immediately. He panted for breath and time stopped. Quentin stared at him. The most important detail of all solidified in his heart. Snow loved him too. Quentin didn’t need anything else. Nothing else mattered.
Snow pressed his forehead to Quentin’s. “I love you.”
Quentin’s throat swelled. “I love you too.”
Snow straightened and walked away, as if he had to go now before he changed his mind. Quentin looked away and blinked at the wall until the urge to cry passed. He had to make sure Pink’s room was ready. Quentin needed to focus on saving other people. That was how he had always survived, and he wasn’t dead yet. Another boy needed him. He would help.
Adam drove Snow home. Silence filled the car. Snow felt like he owed Adam an apology. The entire household deserved to hear how much he hated himself for exposing their family to the academy the night everything fell apart. He didn’t know how to start that conversation. Never had.
Snow had been an instructor back in the academy days. He doubted anyone would understand. The choices he had been given back then were few. No one had bought him at auction like they had the other boys. He could stay on as a leader or head to the killing fields. Until that offer had been set at his feet, Snow hadn’t realized how the will to live could survive the darkest of times. He didn’t want to die, but neither had he wanted to be one of them. So he had agreed to stay and plotted. If Quentin hadn’t bought him the night he did, Snow would have escaped. The other instructors and leaders had come to trust him. He knew he could easily walk out and never come back. Snow could have disappeared. At least, that was what he thought back then. He knew now no one simply disappeared from that place. They had already shown they could still get to him at any time. That was why he had killed them all. Snow regretted nothing.
Bare Studs came into view. Snow realized his time to speak was nearly at an end. “Listen.”
“Save it.”
Snow snapped his teeth together at Adam’s immediate rebuff. It seemed he wouldn’t find forgiveness. He understood. The entire household had balked at Quentin bringing him home to begin with. An academy instructor under their roof was unthinkable. Snow had kept his head down and done everything he could to prove himself, but only Quentin had loved him. Only Quentin gave him absolution.
Adam huffed as if he couldn’t stay silent after all. “Look, I’m not mad at what you did,” he said, surprising Snow. “I get that you thought you were protecting Quentin. But you haven’t been around these last few months. You haven’t seen the way you wrecked him. And I honestly don’t think you’ve considered the position you put him in that night. From day one, no one wanted you there, but Quentin took a chance on you. It was like—in that one move—you proved everyone else right and made him into a fool on top of breaking his heart. You made him question his self-worth in a way I’ve never seen, and I’ve been around a long time. I was here for the first battle with this shit.”
That was true. Adam was the first person Quentin had saved. He had rescued Adam from way back at the height of the UK Society days. They were the same age and best friends. Adam probably was as rich as Croesus by now, but he still stayed and lived the life of a servant. Love and friendship kept him with Quentin. That was why Snow had to win him, if no one else in the house.
“I know what I did. At the time, all I saw was what I had to lose. It wasn’t until I had nothing left for them to take that I saw I had another path.”
Adam pulled into the parking lot of Bare Studs and circled the building to the private parking area for the upstairs apartment. “Yeah. I heard what you did. That was ballsy as hell, taking on the entire academy. I don’t want to be mad at you, but it’s taking me time, okay? Like I said, I’ve been around to see the fallout. Maybe Quentin has decided it doesn’t matter anymore in the face of everything else, but I don’t feel the same.” Adam killed the engine and stared straight ahead. Snow watched his throat work, as if he painfully swallowed. “In fact, I’m a little worried about how quickly Quentin’s decided to pretend nothing happened between you two. I think, maybe, he’s decided to die.”
The shot of rage that hit Snow made him lose sight in one eye. The visceral reaction had his voice coming out in a growl. “Never. Not on my watch. He’ll fucking fight whether he wants it or not. Quen doesn’t get to leave me now. I have too much left to say.”
A small smile touched Adam’s lips. He glanced Snow’s way and gave him a sharp nod. “Let’s go get your friend, then. The quicker you get back to Quentin, the sooner he can start fighting.”
With a nod, Snow threw open the door. Rage had him stomping upstairs. He unlocked the door, prepared to wake Pink. They worked late nights, and it was still midmorning. Pink didn’t usually stir until midday. He found Pink halfway between the living room and kitchen, carrying an empty bowl and dressed for bed.
He barely spared Snow a glance. “Hey. I didn’t expect you home.” He went inside the kitchen and set the bowl in the sink. “How did things go with Quentin? He’s really gorgeous by the—” His words died as he turned and spotted Adam with Snow. “Oh. Hi.”
Adam didn’t return the greeting.
Snow glanced his way. Adam was smiling. Snow shook his head. Pink always wowed everyone. Snow didn’t have time for that. He jumped into what would—no doubt—be an argument. He wanted to get back to Quentin. “Adam and I are here to grab our things. We’re going to live with Quen.”
Pink tore his gaze away from Adam. “Can I know why?”
He sounded calm. Snow took a breath. It wasn’t enough. His voice cracked. “Quen has leukemia.”
Pink didn’t respond. He simply headed Snow’s way and hugged him. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. Of course we’ll go.”
Snow hugged him back. He fought the tears that wanted desperately to fall. Snow couldn’t be weak now. He had to be Quentin’s rock.
He stepped back and cleared his throat. “Living at Quen’s will also allow you to save money faster. He wants me to let you know you’ll be well cared for and part of the family.”
Pink patted Snow’s chest. “It’s okay. You don’t have to convince me. We stick together and you need me now. It’s my turn to be there for you. Come on, Adam. You can help me grab my things. I travel a lot heavier than Snow. He probably has two bags of clothes. I’m a diva.”
Adam’s low chuckle followed him down the hall as he walked on Pink’s heels. Snow stared at nothing while he tried gathering his strength. No one understood how much he had missed Quentin and wanted his old life back. Not like this. He would take it, but inside, he was wrecked. Snow didn’t know if he could handle this. He had lost his ability to handle things rationally a long time ago. The last thing he wanted was to fail Quentin again. But if Quentin didn’t make it, Snow couldn’t say what he would do. He knew it wouldn’t be anything good. That scared the hell out of him.