M iranda
The man is gorgeous—and he knows it. He’s behind a large, gleaming mahogany desk. A smile plays over his beautifully molded lips. Honey skin is taut over a stern, wide brow. His square jaw is like something out of a comic book and likely has a perpetual five o’clock shadow. Raven-wing black hair is thick, glossy, and falls perfectly. There is only one flaw: a long, strong nose that’s clearly been broken at least once. Except it somehow isn’t a flaw. It fits him perfectly.
Stunning glacier-blue eyes meet mine. I don’t understand why my body reacts as though I’ve been dropped from a distance too high. My stomach is rushing to reach the ground before the rest of me. I’m grateful he hasn’t said a word because I can’t hear a thing over the pounding of my heartbeat in my ears.
I remember hearing a story about Lucky Luciano being named head of the Italian mafia. A kid was asked to deliver a message to the boss. The kid wasn’t given a name or told anything about the men. When he entered the room, the kid picked out Luciano from two men as the boss. At the time, I thought it was interesting but didn’t truly understand the big deal. Now I do.
An aura of lethal power surrounds him that no one would miss. A sleeping tiger is still a predator with power that could be unleashed at any moment.Declan Kelly is most definitely a predator any kid or adult would pick as a boss out of a room of a hundred men.
A dark eyebrow goes up. He stands, and holy shit. Taller than my own five foot seven inches by at least six inches is one thing, add in a broad, strong chest that reminds me of a brick wall, and I wonder what the fuck I was doing agreeing to come here alone.
The ice-blue silk shirt he’s wearing, open at the throat, matches his eyes perfectly. His sleeves are rolled back, and the black pants he’s wearing have a sheen to them that screams money. It’s obvious what he wore is tailored to him.
“Ms. Beckett, I would like to thank you for coming to see me. Please, have a seat.” He nods to the two straight-back leather chairs in front of his desk. Only a trace of an Irish accent clings to the deep, smoky words wrapping around me and pulling me to him.
A fire is burning in front of a long, dark brown leather couch across from two matching club chairs. Although one of those chairs could be more comfortable, I prefer this over the sitting area with the veneer of a casual meeting. I’m hoping like hell he can’t tell I’m anxious—or if he does, it’s not because of the way my body is reacting to him.
I sit up straight, pressing my legs together and crossing my ankles tight. “I hardly had a choice. Your men made that clear.”
Tearing my eyes from him isn’t easy, but I give the large man a hard glare.
Declan turns to the man with a raised eyebrow.
The man’s eyes are wide and imploring. “I was polite, Declan. Truly, I was.”
“I’m sure he believes he was, and maybe as far as he was concerned, he was. I’m not used to dealing with mobsters. I didn’t think he was polite.”
Declan Kelly laughs. It’s a deep, throaty chuckle softening the hard lines of his gorgeous face. And fuck me, I can’t breathe. “You have watched too much television to go around painting such a broad term to Ryan and myself.”
“So loaning money to people at an inflated rate that would make most bankers swoon is legal? Intimidating people with the threat of violence if that loan isn’t paid back is legal? Peter warned me about you.” I send my own eyebrow up at him.
The smile disappears. A large hand goes up in a motion to the two men to leave. The door closes behind them with what feels like an echoing thud. I want to call them back. I don’t want to be alone with Declan Kelly.
“For you, darlin’, I’ll tell you that I allow people access to their vices. I have two pubs that operate gambling within them. No one is allowed to spend more than they can afford to lose. I do operate an escort service, and the women who work do so because they want to, never because they have to. They are clean of drugs and disease, or they don’t work. Idolend money at a higher rate than is legal, but it is the smallest component of my business. I do not deal in drugs of any kind.”
Why is he telling me this? Will he let me walk out of here ?
Shit, he’s still talking. “While there are times when a wrong has been perpetrated of such significance that it had to be answered withviolence,I did not make the decision lightly nor with satisfaction. That is not who I am.”
“I’m very impressed and relieved to know all of that.” I’m bored. Annoyed, he dragged me here. It’s what I hope to hell I convey. When deep down I finally realize I walked into the home of a dangerous man.
“Why don’t you just get to the demand for Peter’s debt so I can tell you to go to hell—the same as I told Peter. I really need to be getting home.”
Ice-blue runs over me as heavy as a touch, slowly from the top of my head to where my ankles are crossed. His eyes might be ice, but they aren’t cold. The touch of those eyes is causing heat to build until I wonder if it will turn my bones to dust. The only reason I don’t flee the room is because I’m positive my legs won’t hold me up long enough.
A corner of his beautiful mouth slides up. “Ms. Beckett, I was looking forward to meeting you, but I must say, I had no idea it would be this enjoyable. Your brother stated you would pay out if he couldn’t. Because of this, I looked into you. What I found is the reason he was lent money. I never believed he would be able to pay it back.”
His honesty stuns me. He knew Peter wouldn’t pay him back?
“He seems to have the worst luck.” A broad shoulder lifts. “I didn’t loan him the money for a profit. It was for you.”
“What? Me? What the hell do you want with me?”
“Your profession as an accountant caught my eye. I have a situation, and I need your expertise. I’m experiencing skimming from both of my two gambling concerns located within my pubs, The Garrick and The Black Swan. I can’t say for sure who or how much, but I know something is off in the books. The problem is that several people do the ledger for each pub, and I cannot pinpoint it. As an experienced accountant, you could audit the ledgers and tell me who is stealing from me. If you do this, ten thousand will be deducted from your brother’s debt.”
I’m not sure if it’s worse or not. Declan Kelly doesn’t want my money. Hewants my time and my knowledge. All of those things add up to entering his world in a way I wouldn’t have to if I just gave him money.
“I told Peter that I was done helping him. No more money, no more saving his ass. I can’t go back on that now.” I’m annoyed by how close I am to pleading.
“Your brother has brought much grief to you, I’m aware. I understand your reluctance to allow his problems back into your life. It’s unfortunate your brother brought you onto my radar, for I’m not inclined to let you say no. I need an outsider no one in my world knows. The matter ofsomeone stealing from me cannot get out, I would appear weak. I can’t allow that.”
My stomach drops. I’m going to fucking kill Peter. Bluster is all I have left. “So what, you’re going to tie me to a desk and make me do it?”
His smile is wicked, and oh my god, it goes straight to my core. The shock of it leaves me stunned.
“Darlin’, I would love to tie you down.” He winks at me. “But not to a desk. That will be the cover for you in my home to do the audit. You’re a beautiful woman I had to have. Once you’ve completed the audit, you walk away as someone who found me lacking.”
Swallowing down laughter isn’t easy for a brief moment—which makes no fucking sense to me. Yet it’s hilarious I would find him lacking. Everything about the man screams no woman would willingly walk away from him. Except it’s not funny because it’s clear he is not, in fact, joking about keeping me here. “That’s kidnapping.”
“Yes, it is. Without tying you down, it will get me a minimum of three years. If I use the restraints I have in my bedside table, I could get up to twenty years. I do believe you could make those years worth it.” The wicked smile appears again. “I could make it so you want to stay, my dear Miranda.”
I hate him. He’s playing with me. A man as gorgeous as him isn’t truly interested in someone like me. As my ex-husband said often, I was too fat to be anything more than pretty. My husband made it clear the only reason he married me was because of how young and moldable I was supposed to be. Except I refused to be molded, and I could never keep the weight off for him to put up with me.
“Miranda.” His smoky voice is almost a whisper. I don’t understand why it sends a shiver up my spine and turns my skin so sensitive the silk blouse I’m wearing feels like sand. Is it because I’m certain it’s how he would say my name while we were tangled together in…
Oh god. Closing my eyes in shame, I fight for control of my body—of my mind. This isn’t me. I was a virgin when I met my husband due to a complete focus on school to achieve my goal of barely scraping by—like my parents did. The first time we had sex was awful, and it never got better. In the four years of my marriage, I never once looked forward to sex.
Since my divorce two years ago, the few sexual urges I had were satisfied by masturbation. I only felt the need for it perhaps once every other month. Sometimes, I went two or three months without. Even when I needed a release with masturbation, I needed a lubricant. My body has never once created the wet heat flooding my core right now.
Shaking my head, I search for the memory of the last time I had sex. The discomfort, the shame, and counting the seconds until he finished. I need to remember that. It didn’t matter what I imagined sex would be like with Declan Kelly. Thereality would be nothing more than embarrassing—for both of us.
A man like him was too used to being wanted. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants—for me to do the audit. God, what is it with the men in my life? Peter, my ex, and even in the end, my father all twisted me to their wants and needs, using my love for them or, in the case of my ex, the need for love to get what they wanted.
All I want is to get up and tell him to fuck off. And I want Peter to know it. This isn’t my life. I don’t care how prettily Declan Kelly sums up what he is. In basic terms, he’s a criminal, and to work for him in any way would place me in a world I want no part of.
The thought gives me the strength to look him in the eye. “The entire interest, the vig, Peter called it. I do the audit and find the people or person stealing from you and Peter only pays back the principal.”
Blue eyes darken to a sea blue caught in a storm. “A vig keeps running until the money is paid back. That’s a lot of money to kiss away.”
“I have no doubt it’s nothing compared to the theft you’ve experienced, or I wouldn’t be here now.” I’m firm.
His jaw tightens. “You have a deal. ”
God, please don’t let this be a mistake. “Fine. I’ll be back tomorrow to?—”
He shakes his head. “Don’t be so quick to rush off. We have further things to discuss.”
For a moment, fear flashes. We’re in a room alone with his men somewhere in the house.
An eyebrow goes up. “What I want to talk about now is pleasure, yours and mine.”
Air leaves me in a gasp of outrage and shock at his words. “How dare you?”
Shaking his head, blue locks with mine and refuses to let go. “Darlin’, do not be denying your desire for me. There is no need, as I find myself suffering the same. A desire this strong is not a common thing, to deny it does no one any good.”
I harden my resolve and stand, intent on getting the fuck out of here. “Mr. Kelly, this is about the audit only. I will not get involved with you at all on a personal level. Criminals are absolutely a no-go for me, ever. You have two choices: either you accept it without being an asshole about it, or you do not, and we can end this whole thing now.”
That damn eyebrow goes up again. Yet he doesn’t say a damn thing for what feels like forever but might be only thirty seconds. Finally, he nods. “We’ll see.”
It feels like a threat.
He opens the bottom drawer of his desk. Two large old-style ledgers are in his hands. He pushes them to the other side of the enormous desk to right in front of me. “Wait, nothing is online? ”
A brief shake of his head. “No, too easy for someone to get into or share. These books are the only way of recording. I did this now because the last pages were used a few days ago.”
Great, fucking great. “Fine. I’ll bring them back?—”
“You don’t leave until it’s done.”
I shake my head. “This is going to take a week, maybe even two, for each ledger. I can’t?—”
“You don’t leave until it’s done.” No inflection at all. His accent is all but gone.
This is insane. He’s fucking nuts. “I have a job?—”
“And more than a month in vacation time. You rolled over more than forty hours of vacation from last year to this one. While annoyed at the short notice, your boss would actually be pleased you’re taking time off.”
How the hell does he know all of that? And fuck him for being right. My boss mentioned the way I constantly rolled my vacation over and ordered me to schedule days off to use my time. Since I never went anywhere, preferring to stay home and see and do the things in Chicago the tourists came here for—that’s a lie. I just stayed home and read on my days off.
“Clothes. I don’t have any.” I cling to my last argument. There has to be a way out of this, out of his home and away from him.
He holds out his hand. “Give me your keys, and I’ll see to it clothes are brought for you.”
“No, I don’t want anyone in my home.” I hate the idea of anyone going through my things or touching my stuff .
“Then you should get on with it.” He nods at the ledgers. His tone is someone talking to a small child.
Frustration leaves me seething. I fucking hate him. “When do you think the theft started?”
“Two, maybe three months ago.”
Declan’s phone on his desk rings. I’m surprised he not only answers, but after listening for a few minutes, he seems to speak freely. He also works a cell phone, sending texts and going through it rapidly. I’m impressed by his ability to multitask.
“Yes, Douglas, I have the estimate. I’m going over it now. I’m not yet done with it, but I have to tell you, these costs look fair. I do not think Robert is attempting to rip you off.”
For two seconds, I want to get up and run. Except I have no doubt I wouldn’t make it far. Giving in, I open the ledger on top. The numbers swim in front of me.
“I need an accounting calculator, a notepad, and pens,” I demand. I don’t care if he’s on a phone call.
He exhales what might be a laugh. A long, thick finger comes up at me as he turns his attention to the call.
I can’t hear the person’s response. “I know the prices have changed since Robert took over for his da, but his da gave the same prices for thirty years. He also had only three sons working for him and a nephew from time to time when the work got away from him. Sean was a good man. However, there were things he neglected, like making sure his workers were protected. Robert has taken on two more men. He needs to pay them fairly and make sure they have what they need.”
Another pause. Am I wrong, or is his accent thicker now ?
“Miss?” Comes from too fucking close and above me.
It’s the blond man again. How the fuck does he have everything I asked for two minutes ago? It’s a standard hulking calculator with tape, the way I prefer. He sets it down and plugs it in for me. The notepad is a package of two long yellow legal pads, unopened. A package of five gel pens and a pack of six paper rolls to record my keystrokes is also on the yellow legal pads.
“Anything else?” He asks.
I shake my head. Ignoring Declan, despite feeling his eyes on me, I feed through a new roll of tape that will record my keystrokes. Once it’s done, I open the first ledger and begin.
“I know, Douglas. You’ve had a tough time this year. Many of us have. I want to finish the estimate and have a talk with Robert, and then I’ll call you back.”
Hanging up, he makes a call. “Theresa? It’s Declan Kelly. I was calling you about your da. I know the estimate was more than you expected. Yes, I know the updates are needed. Yes, your da asked me to look through your plan for the store. I’m sorry if it hurt your feelings. You know your da by now, Theresa—he’s got to have everyone's approval for miles before he’ll pick out what he’s having for lunch.”
His throaty chuckle skims up my spine.
“Here’s the thing, my dear. I cannot, in fairness, ask Robert to bring his estimate down for your da. I know you have three boys that, from what I have heard, could pass for grown men. Do you think you could put them to work for their granddad? It could help out on the work Robert has to do.”
A shout of laughter comes out of him and shocks the hell out of me .
“Theresa, don’t be so sweet to me now. Your husband is two of me and would cut me down without a second thought. No problem at all, my dear. I’m glad I could help you and your da out.”
He calls another number. “Robert, it’s Declan.”
I’m trying to focus on the ledger, except his long, elegant fingers drum along his desk from the corner of my eye and I can’t help wondering what his touch would feel like. Stop it. Focus, damn it.
“Yes, I talked with Douglas. I told him I did not think you were cheating him. No, Robert, I will not be asking you to change your prices for him. I know you have to make a living, and I won’t be putting you in that position. I’m wondering if you would be willing to make use of Theresa’s boys to help out so it isn’t so much on them. I know, Robert, you have men that need hours. Better to have some with Douglas than none at all when he uses someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing and charges him less for it. No one would win then.”
Silence for a long minute. And those distracting fingers disappear.
“Thank you, my friend. Of course, I knew you would do it. Theresa will be talking to him tonight about it.”
I try not to listen in, but over the next hour, I hear him solve relatively minor problems for two other people. It sounded like nothing I thought he would do. A young woman needed help with preparing for a job interview and had somehow never created a résumé before. He sent another woman to her for help. Another was a man upset his father’s nurse had quit suddenly. He needed help finding a nurse that could be trusted. With just one call, yet another problem was resolved.
It’s odd. I’m slightly let down hearing him act not much different than a small-town mayor. A player from a mob movie, he didn’t seem to be at all.
A light knock on the door pulls me out of the numbers.
“Come,” Declan answers.
The door opens to an older, small, round woman. Her hair is more gray than black and in a bun. “Sir, dinner is served.”
“Thank you, Aoife. Go on home now.”
She smiles with a nod at me before leaving the door open behind her.
I’m handed my phone. How the hell did he get my phone?
“Send your boss an email letting them know you won’t be in for the next two weeks for a family emergency.”
I take it and long to throw it at him. That damn eyebrow, he knows what I’m thinking. I hate him. I type out the message, but before I can hit send, he snatches my phone away. He’s reading the email. It’s as short and sweet as what he told me to send. He hits send, then tucks my phone into his pocket.
“Come along, Miranda. Aoife has prepared dinner for us.”
“No, thank you,” I murmur before returning my attention to the ledger. Praying like mad my stomach doesn’t growl as the smell of something delicious hits me.
A soft chuckle. “I wasn’t asking you. When did you eat last?”
“It’s none of your business when I ate. I’m here to do the audit, and that’s all. Besides, it’s not like my fat ass is going to wither away or anything?— ”
Two fingers are pressed to my lips, shocking me, and holy shit. The touch is a bomb detonating in every cell in my body. It’s an explosion that destroys everything I thought I knew about myself. I’m too stunned to do more than stare up at him wide-eyed as he closes his own eyes.
Taking a deep breath, he exhales slowly. He opens his eyes, and blue fire engulfs my entire body. “I do not ever want to hear you refer to yourself in such an ugly way again. Your body is sexy as fuck. It’s my business because you are in my home, and while you are, I take care of you. Now, either you come quietly like a good girl, or I make you. I’ll enjoy making you immensely .”