M iranda
Declan tears the towel from the heated rack and wraps it around me, using the ends of it to pull me up against him.
I giggle. “You’re getting all wet.”
“Totally worth it.” His mouth is on mine as he backs us up into the room I’ve been sleeping in.
He picks me up and puts me on the bed. “You changed the sheets?”
His shirt disappears. I fight not to sigh over how gorgeous he is. An eyebrow goes up. “My hands work. They’re not broken.”
“I think that’s what I like most about you, the way you take care of me. You don’t expect me to do everything for you.” I admit.
The eyebrow is back up. “So it’s not my body?”
I laugh. “It’s both at different times of the day.”
His head tilts to the side. “I love hearing you laugh. Sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Although hearing you moan, my name is right behind it.”
“I’ve never been this happy before,” I admit.
Lowering his lips to mine, I want to cry when he stops close enough I don’t understand how our lips aren’t touching. “And that's why I love taking care of you. Seeing you happy is almost as addictive as your tasty cunny.”
A slow slide of his tongue across my lips has me opening wide and going down in flames. His words were so dirty, yet his kiss is so sweet. Every kiss so far has been hungry and demanding and made my bones melt. This time is a gentle tasting, yet it still has me melting—somehow turns me hungrier than the other kisses.
When he tears his mouth from mine, I don’t care my lungs are starving for air—I moan from the loss. Tears of frustration are building as he licks and nips his way down my throat before stopping to suck at the hollow where my heart is pounding.
Unlike last night, he’s allowing his body to brush against mine. I’m desperate for more. The thick hair on his chest is almost as silky as his skin as he slides over my swollen breasts and aching hard nipples.
I cry out in frustration when one hard hand captures my wrist and brings it down to over my head. “You’re driving me fucking crazy.” He hisses low. “I already should be letting you recover for longer than a hot bath and a day.”
My other hand is caught and forced above my head. I hate him for being able to hold both wrists in one large hand. “Declan, please. I need you. I’m good. I feel good. Please. ”
I send my hips up to meet his hard cock pressing into me. Once I realize he hasn’t taken off his silk boxers, I want to scream.
“Behave.” Comes out of him in a growl three seconds before his hand slaps my mound and shocks the fuck out of me. I’m embarrassed as fuck—like the spanking he gave me last night—I want more of it.
His hand is around my throat, holding me in place. And I don’t understand why I love it so fucking much. “You are pushing me past my control. I’m as desperate as you are, m’fhiorghra, but what I will not do is hurt you by taking you as savagely as I hunger for you. You are so much smaller than me. Do you understand?”
How can he say something like that after he said he’d let me go if I wanted him to? The words cause tears to sting my eyes—I battle them back. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t you dare fucking say it .
Biting my tongue, I nod. “I’m sorry, Declan. I just need you so badly?—”
His mouth is back on mine, thank god. There it is, savage, demanding, intoxicating, and so fucking addictive. I’ll never be free of this man. He’s in my blood for all time now. When he lets go of my throat, I feel lost—cut loose of my mooring.
Then his mouth is gone again. A whimper escapes me as I fight not to beg him for more. Oh, thank god, his velvet-soft tongue is teasing an aching nipple. Oh god. Please suck. Yes. Thank you, oh, thank you .
I used to hate when Michael would touch my breasts. He definitely had some sort of fetish or something—and it made me feel dirty. With Declan, it isn’t only about his pleasure. His mouth works me into a twisted knot of need .
While he sucks deep, his tongue teases my nipple before ending in a slight dragging of his teeth I swear I hate. Only I’m begging for more, for the way it goes straight to the heart of me and causes my body to clench with need. Harder, suck hard. Oh god. Please more.
There is no control of the shout of anger that escapes me when he allows my breast to fall from his hot, wet mouth. Before I can inhale, he’s at my other breast sucking harder, so much harder. Perfect yes. Just like that .
Soft, sweet, it shudders through me, leaving me shocked. I can’t believe it—my body is shaking in orgasm from only his mouth on my breasts. It’s a small orgasm sweet, so very sweet. I didn’t even know it was possible.
Declan is grinning down at me. “You are a revelation. Coming from me sucking on your breasts is incredibly erotic.”
I’m not sure why I’m embarrassed. “It was your mouth that did all the work.”
“It’s your body that turns me into an animal for you. We are going to have so much fun finding out all the ways to please you. I’m looking forward to it.” He brushes his lips against mine in a feathery kiss. “So.” His tongue glides down to the base of my neck and nips at the pulse beating for him. “Fucking.” Sucking soft then until I know he’ll leave a mark. “Sexy.”
Soft, firm, wet, gentle, interspersed with rough and demanding, he kisses his way down my body until he’s between my legs. It’s only as both of his hands open my lower lips for him that I realize I’m free from his hold.
Free at last, I run my hands through his hair—needing to touch him. I want to beg him to fuck me. All I want is him inside, hot and hard, and making me whole. Without him inside me, I feel empty, like I’m missing something I had no idea I lost.
Oh god. This man is utterly gifted at this. Michael thought it was gross. Declan glories in tasting me, sending his tongue into me as if he needed to taste every inch. His moans are driving me almost as crazy as his tongue as they vibrate to the very marrow of my bones.
Sucking on my inner lips as his tongue fucks into me, I marvel at how amazing he is. Deeper and deeper he goes, pushing me out into the waves of pleasure and allowing them to wash over me again and again. So close. I’m so close—I can almost touch it. Oh, his tongue is right there, please.
Please suck my clit. I’m begging him.
He’s cruel to laugh and go back to roaming over me. That velvet soft tongue turning rough and hard. I changed my mind. I don’t love him. How could I love a man who leaves me in tears? Those thick fingers are back, sliding deep inside. They find that spot, that amazing spot I never believed was real, and rub firmly as he sucks deep on my clitoris.
I explode into tiny pieces and fall down, down, down. Splashing into the warm waves, Declan finds all those pieces and puts me together as his hard cock slams into me—fitting back into the brand he made of himself into my body. I’m whole again. The piece I was missing is where it belongs. At last, I’m where I belong.
His mouth is on mine as he moves slowly, as slow and gentle as his kiss—almost sweet. At least that’s the way it starts but we both become hungrier, needing more. Enough isn’t enough.
More, oh god, more. Suddenly, he stops. Before I can find my breath to ask him why, he has me on my knees. His strength thrills me as he flips me over onto my stomach. Only my ass is in the air. Everything else is too weak to hold me up. Declan’s hard hands keep me in place as heslides in deep .
I fight not to scream at how deep he feels. It’s almost painful. But like the spanking, the exotic feeling of pain heightens the pleasure in a way I didn’t think was possible.
Oh, it’s hitting that spot. Oh god, Declan. Harder. Harder. Just like that. He gives me everything I ask for.
So close. So close. An arm goes around my stomach holding me in place as Declan slams into me, harder, faster. It’s there—it’s right fucking there.
It feels like seconds later, I hit waves that became glass and shatter through them. I’m plunged below the waves. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. His teeth find my neck and bites hard. The gasp of pain forces air into my lungs.
When I can finally open my eyes, I’m on my side with Declan still deep inside me. I love the pounding of his heartbeat in time with mine—the way Declan is wrapped around me. I feel safe. No one can get to me through him.
This man has made me fall in love with him. It’s not my fault, it’s all his. I long to wake him and tell him. To find out what it means to him. Would he let me go when the audit was done or when I asked him to a month or two from now? Because we can’t last, can we?
What would a future look like with Declan? I would go to work every day and come home to what? Would he be home? What would he be doing? He said he had a plan to leave Chicago if he had to. Could I go with him? Would I go with him if asked? I have a job I love…like—if I’m honest. I have a home that I do love. But a li fe here in Chicago, not really. I have no friends, and Peter is my only family. There is nothing to tie me here.
When I married Michael, my father told me that I was making a new family with him. I thought he was talking about the children I hoped to have one day, and I assured him I wasn’t ready for kids yet. He told me once you found the person you loved and married, you were now a unit, a family unit—whether you had children or not. And once you were family you needed to protect your family in every way you could.
Does he hear my thoughts about family? A large hand runs over my stomach. Normally, I hated being touched there. Except this time, it’s more of a caress. The way he does it…it’s like the times I’ve seen men stroke pregnant stomachs of their partners. From what he said, I thought he didn’t want one.
However, the way he’s touching me, it doesn’t feel that way. Instead of the fear I thought I would feel, a thrill goes through me at the thought of Declan’s baby. I want a little boy with his blue eyes and dimples—especially the one in his chin. Except it won’t happen, at least not without help…
“No thinking, love. We go by feeling.” The words come out of the dark as he tightens his arms around me.
His heart pounding deep inside me soothes me asmuch as the way he is wrapped around me. No thinking. I only worry about feeling. I’m feeling safe, protected, and a word I never thought I would—loved. I don’t know if the feeling is real or simply what I want it to be. Exhaling slowly, I decide I’m going to trust Declan and savor this feeling…whether it’s real or not, I feel it.
As I slip into the dark, I feel the air of his breath in my ear. It’s barely a whisper. Taw me ngraw lyat .
How pretty. I wonder what it means, is my last thought as I let the dark take me over.
The words slide out of me. Unbidden. I don’t understand why I don’t say them in English. I’m in love with you . Words I never thought I would say. Never wanted to say them.
It’s a bigger gamble than giving her the means to turn me into the Feds. I have an excellent lawyer. If they were able to convict me, I’d do less than ten years. This feels bigger, the scariest damn thing in my life.
Would the words in English make her stay or send her away? I’m not sure which. Hell, I don’t think she knows herself. While I believe she wants to stay, I also believe it changes from minute to minute.
I take a deep breath. Stick to the plan. Keep her as long as I can to show her this world isn’t a scary one, that it’s safer with me than outside of this world. The men who died in this were almost all of old age. There are no threats that say my future would be a different one. I will do whatever it takes for those years to be as long as possible with her.
Thank fuck she loves the way I stay inside her after we make love. The better for me to seed her. It’s erotic as fuck to fill her, aware each time might be the one I give her our first baby.
My cock jumps at the thought of her pregnant with our baby. I can’t wait. Miranda round with our love, growing our child within her beautiful body. Fuck, there is nothing sexier than that. However many children she wants, I’ll give her. As long as I get a little girl like her momma, I’m good. I hold her tighter at the thought. The sigh of happiness that comes out of her slides down my spine.