M iranda
The table is round and large enough to seat four or maybe even six comfortably. I do it without thinking—everything in me is on autopilot, acting on need. This isn’t a punishment. I want to do this, to please Declan. To return all the pleasure he gives me.
Pushing my chair back, I’m on my knees crawling under the table to him. He was leaning back already. My hand on his thigh sends his legs open wider. He unbuttons his pants and slides the zipper down.
He’s wearing silky black boxers with a slit in the front. Since he’s already growing hard, his cock is almost outside of the slit. Grasping his cock, I stroke him down to the base as I press a kiss to the tip of his now dripping slit.
Tasting him on my lips, I want more. I don’t care if it’s wrong, or gross—I love every drop of this. Needing more, I swirl my tongue around his thick head before tonguing his slit for more. A low moan escapes him, sending a thrill through me.
Every time we made love, Declan was always in control. And I love every minute of it. He knew every touch and the perfect amount of pressure that drove me out of my mind. Yet he never allowed me to learn him the way he did with me. I worried I wasn’t giving him as much pleasure as he gave me.
Sooo good. I hum as I suck on him. His hand goes into my hair, holding me still as he thrusts his cock into my throat. I gag and try not to panic. He’s out, I inhale and he’s in again, harder this time.
“This is what bad girls get—their throat used for my pleasure alone.” The words are as dark and rough as his hand in my hair. “Do you understand me?”
I wonder if something is wrong with how much I love him controlling me. He’s out of my throat and mouth. “Yes. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t say it again.”
Another thrust deep into my throat sends tears running down my face. I’m definitely a freak for loving this. For the way it sends a hot rush of heat to my panties.
“You’re going to lick my cock like a melting ice cream cone. Then you’re going to take my come and swallow like a good girl. Every drop.”
With a last grinding of his cock into my throat, he slides out until only the tip of him remains.
Eager and greedy, I lap at the slit that is dripping like the ice cream cone he said.
“Slowly, love, go slow.” He murmurs low in his chest. “Use your hands to stroke me tighter, yes . Just like that. ”
He’s so damn thick. I lick from the base of him to the tip, swirling my tongue the way he seems to like. Up and down, I taste every inch of him.
Attempting to suck him deeper, I hate the way he hisses in pain when my teeth scrape him.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper and press a kiss to his skin.
“Bad girl. You’re working up to a painful spanking.” Is dark and dirty. And I can’t wait.
The hand is firm as he pushes deeper into my mouth. I moan as I work to take him.
“Fuck. The waitress is coming. Be a good girl. No noise.”
I freeze. I’m not sure why I hope she knows. Declan wants me, not her . He’s giving her a polite smile, and he’s giving me his body.
“Okay, so we have the manicotti with sausage. Is this for her or you? Where did she go?”
“Hers. That’s mine, and that can go in the middle for us to share. Thank you, darlin’. She’s in the lady's room.”
“Oh, well. If there’s anything else you need or want…” She’s close to him. Is she touching him?
“No, thank you, darlin’. I have everything I need. She’ll be back soon.”
Annoyed at the smile in his voice, that he’s calling another woman darlin’. Even if he’s turning her down, I suck deep as I cup the small sack with the silk of his boxers. He coughs. Satisfaction fills me.
“Well, if you’re sure. But here’s my number. In case you change your mind. ”
His sigh is heavy. “No, thank you. And no need to come back. Let Ritchie know he lost another one.”
“Um, what?”
“Just tell him. He’ll know what it means. Now leave.”
Watching her legs, she slowly walks away.
“Witch. You wanted her to know. Didn’t you?” It’s a growl.
I don’t say a word, only hum as I suck those three inches I can take.
Now both hands are in my hair, holding me in place as he fucks his cock deep into my mouth. All I can do is cling to his legs as he takes me over. I’m soaking wet as he groans my name. He’s in my throat, and we both moan at the sensation. Only three strokes into my throat, and he whispers he’s coming.
He's so deep in my throat I taste nothing. I swallow around him, and he swears long and low.
“Swallow again.” It’s an order.
I do it again and again.
“Fucking hell.” He mutters as he pulls out of my throat. I suck as he releases from my mouth with a loud pop.
Suddenly, the table is pushed back. Rough hands pull me up and into his lap. “That was supposed to be a punishment.” He growls.
“It was. I hated it.” I do my best to appear contrite. And ruin it by smiling.
“You’re definitely getting a spanking.”
“Oh no.” I moan as I kiss him.
Someone clears their throat. I freeze. Ritchie is a few feet away. His chagrin clear. I’m struggling not to blush hard enough to pass out. It’s not great, but for all he knows, I’m only sitting on Declan’s lap. Even though I feel naked and exposed, not one inch of me or Declan is on display. Burying my face in Declan’s neck, I keep it there.
“Ritchie, perfect timing to remind me where I am.” Declan’s voice is husky.
“Sorry. And sorry about Jenna. She won’t be back.”
“I appreciate it. Thanks.”
With a chuckle, the man is gone.
Declan begins laughing. His hands on my hips lift me off him. “You sitting on my cock is getting me ready to go again.”
It takes a minute to find my feet. “You’re so bad. Do you think he knew?” Running my hand over my face, I feel the tear streaks. “Oh god, I need to wash my face.”
“I’ve no idea. I doubt it.” He catches my hand. “Go on, the restroom is over there, on your left.”
Pressing a kiss to his cheek, “I’ll be right back.”
Christ. The way she turns me inside out with need for her. I couldn’t believe it when she slid below the table.
All I planned was to tease her with the promise of a spanking as her punishment. The threat of it hanging over her head would be another edge to her punishment. She’s still getting the spanking after how much she loved sucking my cock, and my fucking her throat.
When she disappeared under the table, I was shocked. But there was no way in hell I was going to turn her down. I didn’t allow her to suck me off often because it embarrassed the fuck out of me how fast I came from her mouth on me.
Until her, I could last for hours inside a woman’s body be it her ass, pussy, or mouth. But with Miranda, no matter how hard I tried, I was the equivalent of a two-pump chump. It’s why I always made sure she came a few times before I pulled out my cock. I needed her so gone she was unaware of how fast I came from her sexy as fuck body.
I can’t believe she wanted the waitress to know what she was doing. There was no way that was going to happen. While there was a question in Ritchie’s eyes, he saw nothing and didn’t know for sure. Some men might get off on the idea of everyone knowing what their women were willing to do to please them. I didn’t want anyone thinking of Miranda in a sexual way. If they did, I’d have to kill them.
She’s back with a smug smile. God, she’s gorgeous. I’m up, moving the table back for her to easily sit back down. Pulling out her chair, I grab a cheek of her ass and squeeze.
Blushing, she leans into me with a smile. How the fuck am I hard again so damn quickly?
“Oh, everything looks so good.”
Right, dinner. She needs to be fed because I’m going to give her quite the workout tonight.
We enjoy a nice leisurely dinner. Her smiles fill me full with contentment, even more than the delicious food .
We’re in the parking lot when I get the call. Shit, it’s Patrick. Clare knows about me ordering Seamus dead, and she’s demanding to leave.
Opening her car door, I close it and respond to Patrick that I’m on my way as I walk around to get in.
“There’s a situation I need to handle. I’m going to get you home. Then I have to go out.”
“What’s the matter?” Her eyes are wide.
I shake my head. “I can’t tell you. Please don’t ask. Seatbelt.” I order as I try to work out how the fuck to fix this.
I’ve been in to check on Liam every day for the last week. Clare has been a sweet girl even when she found out how lethal and psychotic Liam could be—overhearing the men talking about him. All she saw was a patient who needed her, and she treated him well. Liam only woke up for longer than ten minutes at a time three days ago.
Clare laughed off Liam spouting she was his angel come to save him, and he was keeping her. I worried he was scaring Clare away. She blushed as she said it was fine. That she wasn’t taking him seriously and for me not to either. Although she thought by tomorrow, he wouldn’t need her any longer.
One day, one fucking day, and she could have walked away none the wiser. Damn it. I don’t want to kill Clare. But to let her go would leave someone who could start a murder case on me. She’d be able to take them to the brothel and to Liam. Who knows what else Liam said while he was out of it? The accusation alone would be a pain in the ass to deal with.
“Declan.” It’s a whisper filled with fear .
Capturing her hand, I press my lips to it. “Hey, it’s all right. Everything is fine. It’s just a mess that needs to be cleaned up. My hours aren’t always nine to five.”
She sighs. “As long as you’re okay.”
“I am,” I promise her. “I’ll be home as soon as I can. Try not to wait up for me, though.”
“Okay.” The word is soft and a little sad.
Fuck. She’s going to worry. I breathe deep. There’s no way she’s not going to wait up for me.
At home, I get her inside. Catching her around her throat, I stop her going upstairs.
Her heartbeat jumps under my palm. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about how your spanking is going to be. Remember, you sucking my cock wasn’t nearly a punishment those bad words deserve.”
Big green eyes shimmer up at me. “You’re going to make it hurt.”
“Yes, my sweet, I am,” I promise her as I steal a deep kiss.
Her little moans send me spinning out of control way too fast. Damn it. I don’t have time for all I want to do to her. Letting her go is like tearing off a layer of skin, leaving me exposed, raw, and angry at the loss of her.
I show her the code for the alarm system and how to set it once I leave. My hand is on the doorknob when a small hand is pressed into my middle. She’s on her tip toes to press a kiss against my cheek. “Be careful. I love you.”
It’s the first time she’s said it since the night I asked her to stay. The words shake me the same as they did the first time and soothe every part of my black soul. I catch her by the back of her neck to hold her for a minute I don’t have, simply allowing my head to fall against hers.
“ M’fhiorghra,” I whisper, cursing everyone to hell for taking me from her . Then leave before I lose all will to.
At a red light, I scan the street. A large church is on one corner, and on the other is a row of bars. Two people are stumbling out of a bar. One of them is a woman in a wedding dress, her veil long trailing behind her. Her hand is in her husband’s. The husband is trying to keep her standing.
By the time the light turns green. I know how to fix the Claire thing. At least, I hope it works. If not, I’ll have to kill her.
I pull my phone and make a call. By the time I’m down the street, I owe ten grand and a favor, but I have what I need.
Inside the brothel, Patrick is red with embarrassment. Ryan is pissed. And Cole is sitting looking miserable behind the desk.
Ryan meets me at the door. “It was Cole. He was stupid and didn’t think. Clare was in the shower—he didn’t think she could hear him.”
Cole was sent over from Ireland six months ago. He’s young, but he shouldn’t be this stupid. “Ryan, take Cole home.”
Ryan’s eyes meet mine. He sees the order and nods. “I locked Clare in with Liam.”
I hold my hand out for the keys. Cole doesn’t try to meet my eyes as he follows Ryan out of the brothel.
To Patrick. “There will be someone coming with something for me. Send them up to the apartment.”
“Yes, sir. ”
Upstairs, I’m surprised by the quiet from within the apartment. Inside, I don’t find Clare anywhere. The door to the bedroom is closed. My hand is on the door when I hear it. A woman’s moan, then sob of orgasm.
Thank fuck. I step back and check my watch. It’s about twenty-five minutes since I got the call from Patrick. And what I need should arrive within the next ten to twenty minutes.
I take a seat on the sofa and hope like hell Liam doesn’t tear his stitches. Maybe ten minutes later, Clare is yelling, saying something I can’t understand through the door. Seconds later, the door opens, and Clare tries to run. Liam is two feet behind her, naked.
Liam sees me and stops. “Dec, what are you doing here?”
“Jesus, Liam. Go put on some fucking clothes.”
Shrugging, he goes into the room, closing the door behind him.
“Let me out, damn you. I hate you all, and I hope you all rot in hell.” Clare is yelling at the top of her lungs.
“Enough,” I growl as I place my gun on my knee. “Sit down.”
Her gasp is loud. Trembling, she stumbles to the chair across from me I was pointing at. She sags into the chair, her eyes big and afraid.
“Dec, are you pointing a gun at my woman?” Liam is eerily quiet.
I know what that means. Good. Liam has thrown on a pair of jeans and is zipping them up. And he still looks like shit. “I’m not pointing a gun at Clare. I am simply making a point that the discussion we’re about to have is a very serious one. And there will be no yelling or carrying on. Sit down, Liam. ”
Liam walks behind Clare’s chair and leans over the back of it. “I’m fine.”
Nodding, I sigh as I study Clare. “Your father brought on his own death—the same as your sister. There are so few rules to follow in this world. Your father knew them all and broke one. One that led civilians to die, six of them.”
She shakes her head, her eyes pleading with me.
“Clare, death in this isn’t common, and it isn’t welcome. Either the ordering or the doing. I’ve known your da my whole life. It wasn’t enough to save him. And if you demand to walk out, it won’t be enough to save you.”
I don’t miss the way Liam turns to stone. “What will keep you alive is by saying yes when the judge walks through that door in less than ten minutes. He’s going to ask if you want to marry Liam. And while you are married to him, you cannot be made to testify against your husband—or me. I’ll have the lawyer painting you as a spiteful woman out to hurt her husband and his boss by any means necessary.”
Liam straightens and the grin on his face is wicked with glee.
“I’ve already told you Liam is a very deadly man. There are at least two cases that would be easy to make against him.” I shoot Liam a glare. Like the beating in public in the parking lot of the pub three weeks ago that got him benched.
His shrug makes it clear to Clare that I’m being honest. She’s chewing on her bottom lip so strongly I worry she’ll draw blood.
“You already want to fuck Liam. It’s better than fifty percent of marriages that happen every day in this country. You can walk out of this room as his wife, or you can be carried out of it in a body bag. The decision is yours. ”
“I hate you all. And I hope you die choking on your own blood.” She hisses at me.
The knock at the door is firm. I get up, tucking my gun into the small of my back, and open the door. Judge O’Malley is still annoyed.
“Declan, you always call at the most inopportune times.”
“Jerry, you’ve been married forty-two years. Surely this isn’t the first time you were called away during your anniversary.” I chuckle as I step back to allow him into the room.
“Yes, but never when my wife was giving me a thank you sucking. You flash bastard.”
I laugh as he nods to Clare and Liam. “Well, girl. Declan tells me you have to be married tonight. I’m concerned it’s him who has the request, not you. Especially when he said it was to Liam. Do you really want to marry this psycho who looks half-dead?”
Clare looks from Judge O’Malley to me, then to Liam. Her jaw clenches before she nods. “Yes, please.”