Bargain with the Irish Devil Epilogue 100%
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" O h Declan, isn't he beautiful?" I run a hand over my son's perfectly round head already full of black hair. I'm sure his blue eyes are going to stay blue. A little miniature of his father.

"He's all right," Declan murmurs with a smile.

I roll my eyes. "Declan, your son is not, "all right" he's perfect."

He chuckles. "I'll get my girl next time, love?"

"Declan, I have no control of you getting a girl this time or the next. But since we're having at least four, I'm sure a girl will be in there somewhere."

"Four? I don't remember agreeing to four. I'm to battle with four critters for my wife's attention." His frown is deep on his forehead.

Laughing, I shake my head. "You're not competing with critters. They're our children. And we've discussed this. I'm giving in on a nanny and date night once a week and one weekend away from the house a month. What more could you possibly need? "

His hand is around my throat. Like it does every time, it causes me to melt into him. The wicked grin is back. How can he turn my body into one throbbing nerve for him when I'm still tired and aching from the cesarian? "Everything, m’fhiorghra , every single minute of your day and every inch of your body."

"And if you don't get it?" I tease.

"Hm, then a spanking might be in order."

"Oh no, not a spanking." I exhale the words into his mouth.

Ten Years Later

"Finally, my girl," Declan murmurs as he runs a finger along her cheek.

"After three boys, I was beginning to get worried," I admit.

An evil eyebrow is up. "That's because your sons are heathens."

"Excuse me, they are heathens because they take after their father. In looks as well as temperament." I remind him.

I adore our sons, but god, they were often heathens who tested every last nerve I have in my body. Thankfully, they behaved like little angels in public. At home, I often wondered why I hadn't stopped at two.

In the last few years, I’ve taken over the accounting for the two pubs and Declan appreciated it—and made sure I knew it daily. The world I feared for so long is nowhere near as scary as I once made it out to be in my mind. There have been a few issues over the years, but thankfully, Declan and his cousins and friends were nothing more than side characters who had no part to play.

I’m grateful every day for the life I have now. With my overprotective husband, who watched over me and ensured my happiness in ways I didn’t even know I needed.

We went back and forth on more children. My pregnancy with Sam was easy, but he also didn’t want to turn, and in the end, Whitney decided another cesarian was safer for me and the baby. When it came to my last pregnancy, it was decided two cesareans meant it was also safer to do another rather than have any surprises. Declan hated how hard recuperating was for me after a cesarian and decided no girl was needed.

Eleven months ago, I decided I wanted my girl and stopped taking my birth control without telling him. When I admitted to him what I did when I flashed the pregnancy test he needed to take with me, boy, was he mad. He was pissed for three whole hours. One of those hours was spent with me tied up.

"If you weren't such a softie with them, they might not be so bad."

"Says the man who was the cause of two nannies quitting because you kept going against her moderate punishment of loss of television and things they wanted to play with." It took five years and three nannies before we found Celeste. Once we were warned if Killian caused one more disturbance in his private preschool, we would need to find him somewhere else, Declan finally gave in to hard limits on discipline. It hasn't been easy on any of us—especially their granny Aoife who loathed getting after them—but Killian and Sam were no longer uncontrollable for their teachers.

"And don't even think of spoiling her either. If you do, we're all going to pay for it." I warn him.

"Of course not." He reassures me. "I'm going to leave that to her brothers.

"Heaven help us," I sigh.

Thank you so much for reading. If you liked it, please, please leave a review. The next book is, I don’t know. I have no idea.

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If this is the first time you’ve read me, you can check out the Sabatini Family series which happens after Declan’s story.

Book 1 HIS: Dominic, Book 2 is HIS: Tony, Book 3 is HIS: Luca. All are standalone and do not end in a cliffhanger.

Any minute I’m going to wake up from this nightmare. Being tied up and thrown in the trunk of a car doesn’t happen in real life. Except the silk tie around my wrists feels very real. And my father, Johnny Conti, the head of the Outfit, is telling me to be a good girl—that I’m to be the wife of the man who tied me up and has me over his wide shoulder.

Some women might swoon over gorgeous Dominic Sabatini with his blue eyes, dimples, and muscled body in a silk suit. Not me. Those are just distractions from who, what he really is: a ruthless killer with blood on his hands and ice in his veins.

There is no way Dominic could actually want to marry me. A virgin, curvy, buried in an all-girls Catholic boarding school for most of my life and seventeen years younger than him. He’s marrying so far beneath him it’s absurd.

No to all of it. Tomorrow I’m going to marry the man of my dreams, a nice, kind accountant. I’m going to have the safe, boring life I’ve always longed for. I have to escape this nightmare. But Dominic growls I belong to him and he keeps what is his.

This a mafia romance with dark elements. While this is the first book in a series it is a standalone and does not end in a cliffhanger.

HIS: Tony

A Sabatini may be a lot of things: an asshole, rude, ruthless, even a killer. But one thing we never are is sloppy, not with our money, not our business, and especially not with our bodies.

Until the moment I got sloppy with the most dangerous thing I could: a woman. I’m third generation in the Outfit. I’ve killed more than my share of men, have had more than a few guns held to my head. Christy wasn’t the first person who tried to kill me, she wasn’t the last, and I’m sure there will be more in the future.

I knew how we started was messed up. I’m old enough to be her father. She was thirty to my fifty, I should have spanked her ass, taken the gun away from her, and killed her the way I planned. She wanted me dead to pay for her childhood trauma. The way I saw it, I’ve done a lot of messed up things but I wasn’t to blame for what she went through. If she wanted me dead, there was only one thing for me to do, kill her before she could kill me. Only the moment I laid eyes on her everything changed: the plan, me, her.

When I put the ring on her finger and she promised forever I believed we had a future. There was no hint I would wake up the next morning and find her gone. I tried to let her go, I can’t. She promised forever, I’m holding her to it. It doesn’t matter how far she’s gone. I will find her.

Christy belongs to me, and a Sabatini keeps what is his.

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