Bear the Burden (Midnight Falls #25) Chapter Eight 80%
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Chapter Eight

Durzi glanced at his phone when he heard the familiar ping. It was a text from Bailey saying Wesley was being discharged. At seven in the evening?

Although Durzi knew very little about humans and hospitals, even he was aware discharges normally happened around noon or maybe a few hours after. But this late?

He called Bailey.


Why did the human sound as if he had no clue who was calling him? As many times as Durzi had texted the moron, his number should’ve been stored in Bailey’s phone. “Wesley was just now released?”

“What are you talking about?” Now Bailey sounded even more confused. “I sent that text around one-thirty.”

“So, you’re telling me my phone is messed up, is that it?” Durzi snarled. “Or did you let Wesley know we were watching him and decided to give him a heads-up? Maybe give him and his father time to pack and leave town?”

God, he really hated humans. They were so untrustworthy. The guy had been given one damn job. Watch someone in a hospital bed. The task didn’t even require traveling for fuck’s sake.

“Hospitals are notorious for lousy signals. I just got off work and left the building, so the text probably just now went through. As much as I despise you, I wouldn’t dare cross you,” Bailey retorted.

At least the human wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. He should be. “It’s not like I have a soft spot for you either, dipshit, but keep talking smack and your coworkers will become your nurses.”

Durzi had tried to think of a better threat, but his mind was preoccupied. He was getting hungry. It had been weeks since he’d last feasted on a soul, and he was starting to get hunger pangs.

If the hunger became any stronger, he might attack Morton. Can’t have that .

“And his father wasn’t released,” Bailey said. “It was just Wesley.”

Too bad Durzi couldn’t pay the son a visit, but he couldn’t, not without dragging Morton along. He chewed the side of his lip. Maybe he could drug Morton, toss him in the back of the minivan, then go have a little fun with Wesley.

He was beautiful, for a human.

“Hello?” Bailey said.

“You are a seriously irritating person,” Durzi growled. “Go play in traffic.”

He hung up and pocketed his phone.

Then cursed. What if he drugged Morton and that interfered with his signal jamming? That was a risk Durzi couldn’t take.

He glanced toward the door when someone knocked. When he answered it, he found a smiling female standing there. A regular of Morton’s.

Her soul would do just fine.

* * * *

Hyett couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this happy, if ever. When he’d come back to his bedroom and found Wesley asleep, he’d sat there and watched his mate for the longest time.

It still didn’t feel real to him. Hyett was 233 years old, but even before he had reached maturity, he was always on the lookout for his mate.

There had been a constant yearning inside of him—the same yearning every preternatural felt, what his father and brothers craved—to find that one person meant just for him.

The one person who would make him feel whole. Wesley was his one shot at true happiness, and Hyett would guard that one shot jealously.

Already he cared about Wesley. He might even go so far as to say he was lightweight in love with the guy.

And last night… Wow. Hyett had been asleep but had felt Wesley watching him. He’d thought they’d maybe cuddle, talk, or possibly watch some TV.

But he had claimed his mate.

A crowbar couldn’t pry the smile off his face.

But their current conversation might.

“I just don’t want you going back to your house.” Hyett stood in the kitchen trying his best not to lose his cool. He wanted to argue that it was where his mate had just suffered trauma, but he didn’t want to be so blunt.

“Even if I’m going to stay here for a few days, I need some things from my house,” Wesley replied.

“Things that I can get for you.” Hyett really did love his mate’s personality, but Wesley’s stubbornness was driving him up the wall.

“And how are you going to drive my car back here?” he asked with an arched brow. The guy was sexy as shit when he did that.

“I’ll take one of my brothers with me. Besides, you don’t even need it right now anyway.”

“I do if I have to work tomorrow.” Wesley glared defiantly at Hyett, as if daring him to find another reason he didn’t need his car.

“I just claimed you last night.” He gave the gentle reminder through clenched teeth. “Your boss is a wolf shifter. You get two weeks off, with pay, for your honeymoon period, babe. Besides, you’re not even supposed to be out of bed.”

Wesley stepped closer, dropping his voice and narrowing his pretty eyes. “ I’m quite sure what we did last night i sn’t considered bed rest. If I can perform acrobatics, I can work.”

Hyett leaned down until their noses touched. “You twisted your body beautifully the three times we fucked because I was touching every inch of your soft skin. I won’t be there to touch you at work.” He pursed his lips and gave his mate a quick peck on his lips.

“Don’t you dare try to charm me.” Wesley pulled back and crossed his arms.

Hyett really didn’t want to blow Wesley’s mind. He didn’t. But his mate was leaving him with no other choice. “Drug dealers threatened your life, Wesley. Do you honestly think I’m going to leave my mate alone at work? This is a lot more dangerous than you know. When my dad and I were on your porch, we smelled…”

Shit. Hyett ran a hand through his hair. If Wesley momentarily freaked out about wolf shifters and a preternatural’s longevity, he was not going to handle the existence of demons very well.

“Smelled what?” Wesley still had a stubborn set to his jaw. “Whatever,” he replied when Hyett didn’t answer him. “Since you so casually dropped the fact my boss isn’t human , thanks by the way, Cyrus can keep an eye on me.”

“It’s not his job to watch my mate!” The eruption came out of nowhere, leaving Hyett seething at the thought of someone else protecting what was his.

His canines also descended. Wesley dropped his arms and took a few steps back, visibly trembling as he stared wide-eyed at Hyett.

The sight of Wesley’s fear forced Hyett’s canines to recede, and he cursed himself seven different ways for scaring his mate.

“I’m sorry.” He ran a hand down his face as his father entered the doorway to the kitchen, his brothers flanking him.

They would give Hyett a beatdown if they thought he was emotionally abusing or tormenting Wesley in any way. Mates were precious and protected, even if they weren’t yours.

“Do we need to have a discussion outside?” his dad asked in a deadly tone.

“No, sir.” Hyett didn’t need his father to kick his ass. He was doing a fine job of it himself.

“Why don’t you get some fresh air?” It wasn’t a suggestion.

Killian slid past their dad and stood close to Wesley, the promise of death in his eyes.

“Really?” Hyett stared incredulously at his family. “I lost my composure for a goddamn second, and you think that means I’ll hurt my mate?”

“It was longer than a second,” Ryker snarled.

Wesley’s gaze continued to flick between Hyett and Ryker as he trembled.

He walked toward Wesley, but Ryker stepped in his way.

“Move,” Hyett growled.

“Fuck. You,” Ryker gritted out. “Until you calm all the way down to zero attitude, I’m not letting you past me.”

Hyett couldn’t believe his family actually thought he would hurt his mate. He would take himself out before he raised a hand to Wesley. “Not that it’s any of your business, but it was a heated discussion between me and my mate.”

Hyett took a deep breath, forcefully expelling his anger.

“You made it our business when you raised a threatening voice at him,” Quinton replied. “Maybe we can help.”

Hyett didn’t need moderators, but he saw his family wasn’t going to back down.

“Wesley wants to go home to gather some things because he thinks Cyrus will watch over him tomorrow at work. He’s my mate , not Cyrus’. I was just trying to find a way to explain to him why this situation is more dangerous than he realizes.”

Hyett took another deep, cleansing breath. “Now, if you would, I need you to get out of my way so I can hold my trembling mate.”

Ryker stepped aside. Hyett didn’t ask. He just curled Wesley into his arms and held him close. “ I’m sorry I lost my cool. But just so you’re aware, no matter how upset I become, I would never hurt you, sweetheart.”

Hyett’s family knew he would never harm anyone smaller than him. But as a preternatural, he understood the significance of a mate. The most treasured individual in a nonhuman’s life. With everything Wesley was already going through, he didn’t need any added stress, which was why his family stood in the kitchen now. To cool the room down to zero attitude, as Ryker had put it. With Hyett’s towering height, well-built frame, and bared canines, he had to look intimidating and terrifying. Maybe Hyett would take his dad up on his offer to get his ass kicked after all. It was no less than he deserved for scaring the shit out of his mate.

“If you ever show your scary teeth at me again, your family will be the least of your worries,” Wesley said slowly and calmly.

Hyett’s brows shot up, and then he grinned like an idiot. “Yes, sir.”

He lifted his hand up behind his mate and flipped off Ryker. He might be upset with his father for thinking he would hurt his mate, but he wasn’t suicidal enough to give his dad the middle finger too.

“Just outright tell him.” Killian shrugged. “He hasn’t broken yet, so I’m sure he can handle knowing—”

“Don’t you dare,” Hyett warned with a snarl.

“That demons exist,” Killian finished with a smirk.

Wesley stiffened in his arms. Hyett let him go and went after his brother, but his dad blocked his way. “He needed to know the threat against him, son.”

“Killian could have had more tact!”

“And you need to stop treating him like spun glass,” Killian shot back.

“It’s not your fucking decision how I handle my mate!” Jesus. Hyett was right back to being livid. If he’d known his morning was going to be this insane, he would’ve stayed in bed.

Quinton cuffed the back of Killian’s head.

“What was that for?” he asked. “You just agreed with me.”

“True, but Hyett is right,” his dad said matter-of-factly. “You could have used tact and it’s his place to tell Wesley one of the men after him is a demon.”

Hyett rolled his eyes.

“If I h-had to pick, I would g-guess it’s Seth,” Wesley stuttered out. “He gives me the willies.”

Hyett walked back to Wesley and embraced him. “I’m sorry you had to find out they exist.” He glared at Killian, who just shrugged.

Dickhead .

Hyett could not wait until the guy found his mate. Payback was a bitch.

“Demons, really?” Wesley glanced up at him. Damn if Hyett’s heart didn’t pound out a symphony of love. His bear growled softly at just how breathtaking their mate was.

“Our world is filled with many different species, hon.”

Taking a deep breath, Wesley took a step back and closed his eyes. Then leaned slightly forward as if bracing himself for impact while wiggling his fingers inward. “Give it all to me right now. I’d rather get it out of the way than keep getting shocked off my feet. What else exists? Just lay it on me.”

Hyett glanced at his family, one brow hiked. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea. They were supposed to be lowering Wesley’s stress level, not shooting it into space.

Quinton splayed his hands. “You heard the man.”

“Vampires,” Hyett reluctantly said, and then before his mate could react, he rushed on. “Fairies, though some prefer to be called fae.”

“Winged beasts,” Ryker added. “They’re the good guys, though.”

“Life and Death are actual people,” Quinton interjected. “They’re also mated—but not to each other.”

Hyett glanced at Killian. “Go ahead.”

His brother gave him a grateful smile. The guy might be an ass sometimes—a lot of times—but Hyett loved the hell out of him.

“I heard ghouls existed, though I’ve never personally seen one. Shadow elves and wood elves, which are very different. Shadow elves have blue skin with pointy ears, and wood elves just have…”

Killian frowned. “They just have pointy ears. There’re also different realms. Human, demon, and two different fairy realms. If you want to meet some fairies, we could introduce you to three of them. Our best friends are mated to them.”

Hyett gaped at him. “Glad to see you restrained yourself.”

Killian grinned.

When he turned to look at his mate, to his surprise, Wesley hadn’t passed out on the floor—yet. “You okay?”

“Life and Death are actual people?” Wesley seemed more astonished than scared.

“You just handled this like a true Everhart.” Quinton winked. “Welcome to our family, Wesley. Get ready for one hell of a ride.”

“Our family might seem dysfunctional, but we throw down for each other,” Ryker said with conviction. “Which now includes throwing down for you.”

“I’ve never had…” Wesley glanced away with shimmering tears in his eyes.

Hyett curled his arms around his mate. “Now you have a family of bears at your back.” He kissed the top of Wesley’s head. “We’re not going to let anything happen to you, love.”

His mate drew in a deep breath and nodded. “Thanks, all of you.”

“Hyett’s right.” Quinton leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb. “You shouldn’t go to your house. Not only because of the demon but you were attacked there, son. It’ll all come flooding back as soon as you step through the door. Are you ready to face what happened there?”

“Honestly, I’m still stuck on Life and Death being real.” Wesley worried his bottom lip. He took a deep breath and nodded. “I can’t keep running from left hooks. I’ll grab my own stuff. If Seth comes near me, or being there becomes too much for me, my mate has my back.”

Hyett kissed his temple. “Without a doubt.”

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