Wesley stumbled out of a door and into a hallway. Feeling queasy, he dropped to his hands and knees on the cold floor, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
How was it possible he’d just traveled through a closet from his bedroom to this place? It seemed inconceivable, yet here he was, in a hallway that wasn’t his own.
Now that he knew Seth was a demon, he didn’t want to get up.
“It’s not Friday.” Wesley held his stomach as it twisted into knots. Had Morton changed the deadline then sent Seth to retrieve him? Were they about to kill him?
“Change of plans.” Seth hoisted Wesley up by the back of his shirt.
It had been endearing when Hyett had tugged on it, but it was frightening as hell with Seth. Wesley could feel the immense strength of the demon. The same strength that had left him with a bruised kidney.
Strangely, his side and back hadn’t hurt when he woke up this morning.
If Wesley somehow survived this, there were definitely some questions he needed to ask his mate.
Seth dragged him into Morton’s living room. The man himself was lounging on his couch in nothing but a pair of boxers.
Wesley cringed and gagged, the nausea returning.
“What the hell?” Morton appeared startled when he spotted them. “You just went to the bathroom a few minutes ago,” he said to Seth in confusion. “How did you come out with Wesley?”
It seemed Seth hadn’t told the drug dealer he was a demon. Wesley wished he was ignorant of the fact as well.
“You were just bellyaching that I needed to find him and bring him here.” Seth released his grip then gestured at Wesley. “Well, here he is. Happy now?”
Morton struggled to get off the couch before glaring at Seth. “I’ve made it clear that I run things around here, not you,” he sneered. “Are you looking to be replaced?”
Wesley watched as Seth’s jaw tightened. This was the first time he’d seen tension between the two. They normally were in sync with each other.
Instead of responding, Seth plopped down onto the couch and casually draped an arm over its back.
“Shall I teach him how to run drugs, or do you want the honor?” he asked Morton.
Wesley’s heart raced as he glanced between them. Was this their new plan? Instead of killing him, they would turn him into a goddamn drug runner?
His breathing grew heavy as he wondered if Hyett would even know where to find him.
Despite all that talk about being responsible for Wesley’s safety, he’d been kidnapped anyway.
But who could have predicted the demon would use Wesley’s closet as some kind of portal?
Hyett was probably beating himself up right now for failing to protect him, but it wasn’t his mate’s fault.
It was Jackson’s for dragging his son into this situation in the first place.
Morton turned his muddy-brown gaze on Wesley. “How did you get inside my house?”
Wesley glanced at Seth, who sat there giving him a death stare.
I just came out of the closet .
No, now wasn’t the time for jokes. Besides, Wesley had never been in the closet a day in his life.
Will you stop?
He couldn’t help it. Knowing Seth was a demon only amplified his fears.
“You were asleep on the couch when Seth brought me through the front door,” he lied, trying his best to hide his trembling.
Seth winked at him with a sly smile while Morton considered his lame story. “I did doze off a few times. I must’ve taken quite a nap if he was gone long enough to grab you.”
Wesley really wished Morton would put some clothes on. Not because of his size, but because of his slimy personality. Wesley would prefer not to look at the guy’s body while being forced into becoming a drug runner.
Seth stood and walked away, returning moments later with a handgun. Then he held it out to Wesley.
Was this some kind of test? Why would he be given a weapon when he was being held against his will?
“What do you want me to do with this?”
“Rob a bank.” Seth gripped Wesley’s wrist tightly then placed the gun in his hand. “It’s for protection in case someone tries to rob you, dipshit.”
The gun felt like it weighed a ton. Wesley dropped it and shook his head. “I can’t shoot someone.”
Slowly, Seth bent and picked it up then aimed it at Wesley’s head. “Either you shoot the person trying to rob you, or I shoot you.” A malicious smile curled across his lips. “It’s an incredible feeling of power. Having someone’s life in your hands. You would be amazed at what people will do when you point this little thing at them.”
Wesley couldn’t breathe. He had never seen such pure evil in someone’s eyes before. It felt like he was staring into the cold face of death.
“Put that damn thing down before you accidentally shoot him,” Morton interjected.
Seth’s gaze remained fixed on Wesley, his smile still present as he spoke with heavy-lidded eyes. “I don’t do anything by accident.”
Finally, he lowered the gun, allowing Wesley to release a sharp breath of relief. The thought of shooting someone sickened him, but he would endure that feeling for a chance to end the demon.
He regretted not having the courage to use the gun when Seth had given it to him.
Wesley wasn’t even sure if bullets could kill a demon, but he wanted the chance to find out. Never before had he felt such intense hatred toward someone.
Still smiling, Seth beckoned Wesley to follow him. “Come with me and I’ll run everything down to you.”
Glancing to his left, he saw the way Morton studied Seth, as if just now realizing how unstable the guy was. Wesley had figured that out the first time they’d met. How could Morton have been so oblivious?
Turning, Wesley had taken a few steps, praying for a way out of this nightmare situation when a knock sounded on the front door.
Morton walked toward the door and pulled it open, seemingly unconcerned with the fact he was only wearing boxers.
Wesley’s heart hammered when he saw Killian standing there. Where was Hyett? He wanted his mate so badly he was on the verge of tears.
Killian scratched at his shoulder, seeming fidgety. “I was told you could help me out.”
What was the guy up to? Wesley hoped this was some sort of ruse because Killian was too good at making it seem like he needed a fix.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Morton closed the door, but Killian quickly blocked it with his hand. “C’mon, man. Help a brother out. I got three grand to spend.”
Hyett’s brother continued to ignore Wesley’s presence. It was as if he didn’t even notice him standing there.
“Who referred you?” Morton asked suspiciously.
Wesley’s heart leaped at the mention of his mate’s name. He wanted to beg Killian to look at him, to acknowledge he was standing there, to ask why Hyett hadn’t come himself.
“Never heard of him.” Once again, Morton tried to close the door.
But Killian stopped him again. “You really should stop doing that,” he snarled. “It’s starting to piss me off.”
Seth sniffed the air and then gripped Wesley’s upper arm tightly.
“He’s a real son of a bitch when he’s mad,” Hyett spoke in a low, menacing tone as he emerged from the kitchen with his hands clasped in front of him.
Wesley nearly broke down crying as he gazed at his mate. Seth’s evil expression moments ago was nothing compared to the deadly glint in Hyett’s smoky-gray eyes.
“Who the hell are you two?” Morton demanded.
“Bears.” Seth curled his lip.
Hyett turned his head. “Demon, I believe you’re holding someone who belongs to me.”
Wesley didn’t care that Hyett had just claimed ownership over him. Because it was true. His mate owned him completely.
“What are you men talking about?” Morton demanded. “Bears and demons? Get out of my house!”
Seth raised the gun and aimed it at Hyett.
“No!” Wesley grabbed the demon’s arm, yanking on it to stop the guy from shooting his mate.
The gun went off. Wesley screamed and spun to see if Hyett had been shot, while his ears rang from the deafening sound. His eyes widened in shock when he saw his mate transforming into a massive brown bear.
Holy shit. It was the most terrifying, yet most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. But mostly terrifying.
Morton crumpled, crashing into the coffee table on his way down. At first, Wesley thought he’d passed out from seeing Hyett shift. But then he noticed the hole between Morton’s eyes. Wesley spun around, wishing to god he hadn’t seen it.
“Do you have any idea what you just made me do?” Seth shouted. “You dumb fucking human!”
Quinton and Ryker appeared behind Wesley and Seth. Quinton quickly grabbed the gun, disarming the demon.
The gigantic bear charged forward. Swear to god, Wesley wanted to scream and jump out of the way. Okay, it was no longer beautiful. Wesley was sticking with terrifying, because that was how it looked having a massive bear racing toward him.
Seth erupted into fire.
Now Wesley really was screaming, but Killian appeared at his side and yanked Wesley away, slinging him toward the front door.
The bear attacked, not seeming to care the demon was on fire.
Wesley stood rooted to the spot as he smelled singed fur, unable to move or look away, transported back to the night his father had set their home ablaze. He could recall the horrifying pain when his leg caught fire. His father’s agonizing screams for help. How Wesley had shoved and shoved at the freeloader, trying to push him away.
The demon’s fiery attack came to an abrupt halt as a tall stranger with black flowing hair and eyes the color of gravestones purposefully walked into the room. He was taller than Quinton, and as he grabbed Seth by the throat, he lifted him off his feet and away from the bear’s sharp claws and teeth.
“I knew I would find you, Durzi,” he snarled. “Snakes always slither out of hiding.”
Hyett shifted into his human form, gloriously naked. “That’s my kill, demon!”
The hypnotic hold of the fire loosened its grip on Wesley, allowing him to finally process Hyett’s words. Another demon?
“What is your grievance, bear?”
“Who are you?” Quinton asked calmly, but there was tension in his muscles, like he was ready to battle.
This was Wesley’s family now, and he would throw down with them.
Even if he got his butt kicked.
“I am Whichello,” the demon replied. “Durzi will pay for his betrayal. So, I will ask you again, what is your grievance, bear?”
“He attacked my mate, threatened to kill him, then kidnapped him,” Hyett ground out. “Unless he’s done something to your mate, my grievance takes precedence over yours.”
Whichello turned his head and looked directly at Wesley, and he never wanted the demon’s attention on him ever again. It chilled him to his bones.
The demon’s jaw clenched. “If one more goddamn person takes a kill from me…” he griped as he released Seth, or Durzi, or whoever he was.
Killian moved to stand at Wesley’s side and smiled reassuringly at him. “Do me a favor and look away.”
His expression softened. “Because you don’t need to see this, Wesley. Please.”
Wesley didn’t think he wanted to see it either. He turned his head, and Killian placed his large hands over Wesley’s ears.
Everything was muffled, but he could still hear the sound of bones crushing and a weak attempt at a scream. He shivered and closed his eyes, going to his happy place.
Which was the moment Wesley had looked up into smoky-gray eyes staring down at him as he sliced mushrooms, a whimsical expression on the gorgeous man’s face.
It was the exact moment Hyett had stolen his heart and taught Wesley how to truly live again.
* * * *
Hyett had Wesley pinned against the kitchen counter, his lips grazing along his mate’s neck.
“Can you please stop”—Wesley moaned—“before we get caught...” He struggled to catch his breath. “Making out.”
“Then I’ll just have to poke out the eyes of whoever sees us.” Hyett was starting to get an ache in his back. He grabbed his sexy mate by the hips and lifted him onto the counter. “Much better.”
“I’ll have you know five-feet-eight is average height,” Wesley huffed. “I can’t help it you shot up to six-six.”
Hyett nuzzled his mate’s neck. “It just makes things a lot more interesting.”
Wesley tilted his head back and moaned as Hyett continued to explore his sensitive skin. “You’re right. This is much better.”
“Are you sure you have to work this afternoon?” Hyett slid his hands around Wesley’s waist then under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin and reveling in the sensations it caused.
“It’s been three weeks since I took the wrong pain meds. I can’t keep leaving Cyrus shorthanded.” Wesley scraped his nails over Hyett’s back. “My two-week honeymoon period is over. I can’t repay my boss’s generosity by calling off work.”
Then Hyett was dealing with limited time. “Hang on, sweetheart.”
Cupping Wesley’s ass, Hyett scooped him off the counter and hurried upstairs. Laughing, Wesley clung to him. His mate’s laugh was the most amazing sound in the world.
After everything Wesley had been through, Hyett would cherish every precious laugh, smile, and the way his mate glanced at him when Wesley wanted to be held in his arms.
As soon as they entered their bedroom, Hyett used the heel of his foot to close the door then headed for the bed.
“Hang on.” Wesley playfully slapped at his chest. “Is this why you came up here an hour ago?”
With his mate still clinging to him, Hyett slowly turned, showing off what he’d done for his mate. All twenty-something miniature jars of honey were strewn around the room, some hidden, some displayed on surfaces in their bedroom.
“It’s so…” Wesley blinked several times, and Hyett saw the man was holding back tears.
“So I can think about our day together when we got these.” He kissed just below Wesley’s ear. “When you have to go to work, all I have to do is look at the jars and feel closer to you.”
“You act like my job is halfway across the world.” Wesley cleared his throat. “It’s ten minutes from here to the pizza parlor.”
“Feels like a million miles away when I’m not with you.” Hyett lay his mate on the bed, extracted Wesley’s limbs from around his body, then pulled back. “I almost lost you too many times, sweetheart. Even this close is too far away.” Hyett’s voice was low and rough, as if caught on the edge of a growl.
He made quick work of stripping his mate naked then shedding his own clothes. Wesley panted as he looked up at Hyett, excitement coloring his cheeks, his lips kiss swollen.
Fuck, he was the most erotic sight Hyett had ever seen, and he was about to devour the guy whole. He grabbed the bottle of lube from the nightstand. “Are you sure you can’t call off?”
He wasn’t trying to make Wesley irresponsible, but he also wanted to make love to the man for the rest of the day.
“Stop trying to make me think,” Wesley replied in a breathless voice. “All I know is that I want to feel you pounding my ass.”
Hyett curled an arm around Wesley after he lubed his fingers and inserted two into his mate’s ass. That was where he wanted Wesley, wrapped around him, close, needing and wanting him.
“Feels good,” Wesley groaned. His pretty eyes sparkled with anticipation, his body radiating so damn beautifully Hyett not only wanted to fuck the guy but drown in him.
Wesley tilted his head back, moaning, pulling at Hyett’s hair. He loved it when the guy yanked at the strands. It showed him just how desperate Wesley was for him.
“Need you inside of me.” His mate locked his fingers around Hyett’s nape and pulled his head closer as Hyett licked his way from one side of Wesley’s neck to the other.
“What did you just say?” He asked as he sucked at Wesley’s Adam’s apple.
God, he couldn’t think. He was too drunk with lust, need, and he just didn’t want to use any brain cells right now. His hands kneaded the tender flesh of Wesley’s ass, spreading the cheeks apart as he slid his fingers between them and shuddered.
“Fuck me.” Wesley shoved his tongue down Hyett’s throat.
He sucked on Wesley’s tongue as he slid his fingers in and out of his mate’s tight body. Wesley moaned and rested his forehead against Hyett’s collarbone, panting, wiggling his ass for more.
A rumble vibrated in Hyett’s chest as he nipped at his mate’s shoulder, inserting a third finger before stretching them apart, working them in and out of the constricted space.
“That feels so fucking good,” Wesley said in a moan. “I’m not sure if I can wait.”
“Then get on your hands and knees.” Hyett growled the words as he rolled to give Wesley room, but he was momentarily blindsided as he stared at the picture Wesley made.
The guy was resting on his knees, ass tilted upward, his fingers curled into the bedding.
Fuck. Me .
It sent a sharp pulse of arousal straight to Hyett’s groin, his cock thickening even more. Wesley writhed, moaning, his backside glistening with the lube. Hyett’s cock grew even harder.
“Don’t just stare,” Wesley whimpered.
“Baby, I’m about to do more than ogle your tight little ass,” Hyett said before he moved in behind Wesley and poured some lube on his cock. He tossed the bottle aside and shoved Wesley farther up the bed, positioning him so that his ass lined up with Hyett’s erection.
Never had he wanted anyone this badly. He brushed his hand over the small of Wesley’s back and reveled in how soft his skin was, like brushing his hands over silk.
A wave of insane possessiveness washed through him, and he couldn’t believe just how much he loved the man.
Wesley looked over his shoulder, and their gazes locked. Hyett was rocked to his very foundation at the raw need blazing in Wesley’s eyes.
He pressed his knees on either side of Wesley’s then ran his fingers down the man’s spine. His mate’s eyes fluttered closed as a breath escaped.
“Are you ready for me?” he asked as Wesley released his hand.
“Yes,” the guy whispered. “Take me.”
“Do you know just how beautiful you are?” Hyett wrapped his fingers around his cock and pressed the head to Wesley’s entrance. “So fucking beautiful.”
His mate whimpered before Hyett thrust forward, burying himself balls-deep, causing Wesley to cry out. Hyett pressed his palm into the center of Wesley’s back, relaxing him, steadying the man.
“You feel so good beneath me,” Hyett breathed, his voice a deep half-groan.
He gazed at Wesley’s white-knuckled grip on the covers and waited until the man’s stranglehold eased. When Wesley let out a shuddering breath and nodded, Hyett began to move, cursing under his breath at how good Wesley felt, at how right this was.
Sliding his hands up Wesley’s chest, Hyett pulled the man to him, rocking inside his ass as he placed his hand over the guy’s throat. He tilted Wesley’s head to the side and grazed the tip of his canines over the soft skin on his mate’s shoulder.
“I want to ride you,” Wesley said in an almost pleading tone. “I want to see your eyes as you take me.”
Hyett groaned. “All you have to do is ask.”
“I just did.” Wesley grinned.
Hyett pulled away then turned, lying on his back as Wesley slid his leg over his hip and then settled. He gripped his cock and held it erect as Wesley lifted his hips, then slowly sank down the hard shaft.
“Much better,” Wesley said with a moan.
Gripping the guy’s hips, they locked gazes before his mate began to move. Running his tongue over his lower lip, Hyett tucked his hands beneath his head and watched as Wesley used him however the fuck he wanted.
Eternity with Wesley was not going to be enough.
His mate looked dazed as he rode up and down Hyett’s cock. Soon Hyett couldn’t sit there and observe any longer. Using every muscle in his body, he yanked Wesley close and shoved his cock even deeper.
Wesley cried out, lifting and dropping, trying to meet Hyett’s thrusts. He rocked into his mate, and Wesley rolled up to him, the pressure building between them. Once the two of them were in sync, their bodies moved together like an erotic dance. Hyett’s biceps bulged as he forced Wesley to move faster. He watched as his mate’s cock leaked pre-cum over his stomach.
The tension gathering inside Hyett was about to release… If he kept up his long, deep thrusts… So close…so close…
He began to groan his words—curses, promises, erogenous things he wanted to do to his mate. They rushed from him as he swelled even more inside Wesley.
Ecstasy lighted Wesley’s face right before he began to come, jets of milky-white seed shooting between them. He yanked Wesley to him and sank his canines into his mate’s shoulder.
Their bond strengthened, and Hyett felt it in his soul. This was the man he would spend his life with, the one man who meant everything to him.
“Hyett!” his mate cried out, and he could feel the man’s ass milking him, his muscles clenching, making his sheath so damn tight that Hyett had to work in order to keep thrusting inside Wesley.
The tendons in Hyett’s neck were taut as he came. He growled around Wesley’s shoulder before he slid his canines free and sealed the wound with a few strokes of his tongue.
Wesley collapsed against Hyett’s sweat-soaked body, breathing raggedly as he nuzzled his mate’s neck, his heart thundering in his chest.
Wesley brought Hyett to his knees. He would give this man anything he asked for. His mate already had his heart, and he would even give his life. Wesley was his, and the connection was so deep Hyett knew he wouldn’t be able to breathe without his mate.
And he wouldn’t want to. He and Wesley were bonded for the rest of their perfect lives.