Beautiful Devil Chapter 17 64%
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Chapter 17


There he is. All geared up and ready to go. I never realized how sexy hockey players are when they're out on the ice. They glide with so much ease and precision, all while maintaining their tough and rebellious personas.

Beside me Avery is hooting and hollering like she’s a born and raised hockey buff. Last time we were here, in these exact seats, she had her face in her phone the entire time and couldn’t wait for the game to be over. Funny how a date with one of the players has made her the team’s biggest fan. It works out well for me, considering I have to be here. Though, I really wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

I like watching Hayes play. He’s extremely talented and it’s obvious he’s passionate about the sport. When I came out to watch the scrimmage. Hayes was such an enigma to me. I didn’t know anything about him, and what I did know, I judged harshly just because of a single encounter.

Now, I truly want him to succeed in everything he does. He’s got fire in his soul and I have no doubt he’s going to move mountains one day. Hayes is so much more than the bad boy everyone else sees. I feel pretty special that I get to witness what’s behind the armor he wears.

“Stuck-up bitch at two o’clock,” Avery mumbles with her hand cupped around her mouth.

I look to my right, expecting to see someone I should know.

“Wait. I think she’s at six o’clock,” Avery says, “Or maybe that’s nine.” I push my hands to the armrests and stretch myself up, still not seeing anyone. “Jesus, I don’t know how to read analog clocks,” she gripes. “She’s coming toward us.”

When I look to the left, which is not six o’clock or eleven o’clock, I see Gabby maneuvering her way through the seats in our direction.

Bracing myself, I take a deep breath and keep my eyes on the ice.

“Hey, girls,” she says with a perky tone. She squats down in front of the empty seat next to me, her wavy blonde hair bouncing around her face. “Enjoying the game?”

I roll my eyes to her, already annoyed with the fake smile plastered on her face. “What do you want, Gabby?”

There’s a tense moment of silence, aside from the chants surrounding us, then she finally says, “I owe you an apology, Brogan.”

My eyes widen in shock as they connect with hers, my surprise readable. Gabby has never once said anything remotely kind to me, so the fact that there is a potential apology hanging in the air right now is mind-boggling. With a pinched expression, I nod toward the game. “Out with it then. We’re sort of in the middle of something.”

An exasperated sigh slips through her lips. “I’m sorry for the way things ended between you and Kamden.”

She’s not apologizing for how cruel she’s been to me. I don’t think she’s really apologizing at all. If anything, she’s gloating.

My shoulders draw back and I turn to her with a heavy scowl. “That’s your apology?” I laugh dryly. “Duly noted. You can go now.”

She shifts on her feet, still crouched beside me. “I truly am, Brogan. I know the pain of losing him. I still feel it in my chest. I just want you to know if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”

“Girl,” Avery howls. “Get the fuck away.”

Gabby leans slightly to get a look at Avery. “Excuse me? Do I even know you?”

Avery practically turns her whole body in her seat and pins Gabby with a scathing glare. We have all been at Piggy's at least ten times together. Gabby is just being a petty bitch, as always.

“Hell, no you don’t. But I know enough about you to know I don’t like you.”

My best friend really is the best. However, I can hold my own. “Gabby,” I seethe. “Why don’t you take your shitty apology and shove it up your ass.” I tap two fingers to her shoulder and give her a gentle push, causing her to fall back slightly.

Her chest rises and falls with effort as she straightens her back. “And to think I came over here with an offer of friendship.” She purses her lips. “I’m actually not sorry at all Kamden finally came to his senses. In fact, you should probably know, I spent the night with him last night and our bodies connected on a whole new level.”

I burst out in laughter as I clap my hands together. “Wow. Congratulations, Gabby. You win. Now you better hope like hell a video doesn’t surface,” I air quote, “ of your bodies connecting .”

An insolent smile adorns her face. “Kamden would never do that to me.”

“Must not be video worthy,” I cough the words into my hand.

Avery laughs beside me while any glint of humor on Gabby’s face fades. Avery puts her hand over her mouth but doesn’t speak quietly. “I bet she just lies there and takes it while making stupid noises too high pitched for human ears. I’d put money on Kamden investing in ear plugs.”

Gabby's face turns the shade of a tomato as she straightens her preppy pink polo. “I do not,” she stammers.

I roll my eyes before paying attention to the ice again as I murmur, “I just bet it was magical for one of you.”

“Oh it was and if anyone should hope it doesn’t surface, it should be you because it would put your video to shame.”

“Oh, you watched me pleasure myself?” I spit out in sarcasm, not even bothering to look at her because she doesn’t deserve it. But when she doesn’t walk away, I can’t help myself. Crossing my arms, I smirk at her. “I hope you took notes.”

Heat rises in her cheeks, turning them a deep shade of crimson. Her eyes narrow and her lips curl in a snarl.“Ya know, your message about empowering women in regards to sex really resonated with me, but now I'm starting to think it was all an act.”

“If you felt empowered to come over here and tell me that a man who tried to publicly humiliate me by putting my body on display for others without my permission was good for you in bed then I don’t really think you got the message, Gabs.” I fake a yawn, eyes back on the game. “Can you go away now?”

With a heavy foot, Gabby stomps back down the aisle, bumping into anyone in her path. I look at Avery and we both just laugh.

Seconds later, Hayes scores and we’re both on our feet with our hands in the air.

He skates toward his team’s bench, his stick tapping gently against the ice with each glide. As he approaches, he slows down directly in front of me. His eyes meet mine and a mischievous grin spreads across his face.

I smile back at him and he winks, sending my heart into a frenzy of chaotic beats.

“I don’t understand why you’re fighting this so much,” Avery says, and I turn to her with a scorned look.

“Fighting what?”

“You and him.” Her voice is soft and sincere. “Hayes likes you a lot, B.”

“He does not,” I spit out a laugh. “Hayes and I can’t stand each other.”

Avery shakes her head, real disappointment in her features. “You can keep telling yourself that, but one morning you’re going to wake up and realize he’s the one person you don’t want to live without.”

Dwelling on her words, I turn to the left and look at Hayes laughing with his teammates. His helmet is dangling from his hand—his hair damp and matted against his forehead. Each heavy breath he takes is a testament to the hard work he’s putting into the game.

His eye skate to mine and a rush of pulsating heat floods through me.

Hayes has steadily been in my life for almost two weeks now. For a sliver of a second, I try to imagine a lifetime without him, and it’s almost crippling.

It's hard to pinpoint what I would miss the most about him. Maybe his sharp wit and sarcastic banter? His dry sense of humor that always somehow makes me laugh? Or maybe his gorgeous physique and captivating eyes? No. I think it would have to be his infectious laughter. No matter what emotional state I’m in, it always seems to make me smile.

I’d miss it all. I’d miss him .

I sit back down, feeling the weight of my emotions crash into me. And when the game wraps up, giving the Devils their first true win of the season, I don’t even have it in me to jump up and down in excitement with Avery.

My mind is spinning and my heart feels heavy, as if I’ve already lost Hayes and he’s not even mine.

“Come on.” Avery beams as she takes my hand and practically drags me to the end of our row.

“Where are we going?” I ask breathlessly when we finally reach an open space.

I spot the team, out of skates, taking pictures in front of a brick wall with a large Devils logo on it.

“Getting pics with our favorite players.”

I grumble, forcing resistance between us as I pull back. “I think I’ll pass.”

“Fine. Stay here.” She lets go of me and pushes her way through the crowd to get to Evan.

As I scour the crowded area, my eyes fall on Hayes. He’s down on one knee beside a small boy, both of them sporting matching jerseys with Hayes’ number, twenty-eight. With a proud smile, Hayes wraps his arm around the boy’s shoulder and they smile for a photo. I can’t help but grin as I watch them.

The second he stands, his eyes find mine like they’re magnetized. His brows lift and the corner of his mouth twitches in a smile.

Holding my gaze, he walks toward me. A few people call out after him, asking for a picture, but their words slip through empty ears as he eats up the space between us.

“Good game tonight,” I say with a pressed smile.

“Hey, thanks. Glad you could make it out.”

Looking away, I shrug. “As if I had a choice?”

“You didn’t.” His hand wraps around my waist, strong and sure as he pulls me close. “But I’m glad you’re here, nonetheless.” He cracks a cheesy grin. A cameraman steps in front of us with a large camera setup on a tall tripod. “What d'ya say. Wanna take a picture together?”

“And what makes you think I want a picture with you?” I tease.

“Nothing,” he says coyly. “But I want one with you.”

He steps up to my side and wraps his hand around my waist fully, sending a tiny spark of electricity through me. I curl into him with my hand resting gently around his torso, posing for the cameraman.

He moves in closer, his breath tickling my ear as he whispers, "Meet me at Legends in thirty minutes." Before I can even respond, his lips brush against my cheek, leaving a tingling sensation on my skin. My heart races and I’m frozen in place as I watch his confident steps carry him back into the crowd of fans.

Avery and I walk through the heavy wooden doors and step into Legends, immediately enveloped in a mix of loud chatter and pulsing music.

The walls are lined with a grid of televisions, each one broadcasting a different sporting event, but there is no sound coming from them, instead the surround speakers are bumping out “Circles” by Post Malone.

A group of rowdy people wearing Devils gear is huddled around a table, shouting and high-fiving to the win tonight and Avery pulls me in their direction.

My eyes magnetize to Hayes as if they knew exactly where to find him. He’s out of uniform, wearing a pair of torn blue jeans and a Devils hockey t-shirt. Looking like sin dipped in chocolate. How did I ever even stand a chance at staying away from him?

Walking toward the group, he balances an overfilled martini glass in his hand and doesn’t seem to notice me right away. I’m actually surprised to see the glass in his hands; I took Hayes to be a beer drinker.

As we draw closer, I notice him walk up behind a girl. He leans close as if he’s whispering something to her and my stomach twists into knots. The second she turns around, I see her familiar face. She’s one of the puck bunnies that was at his house the morning we were supposed to meet at Clara’s.

He hands her the drink and she runs her dirty hand down his bare arm. I curl my lip in disgust, though my wrenching gut is no match for the sheer anger I’m feeling right now.

My thoughts drift back to the night we first met and how he so easily dismissed me after we had sex. I was starting to forget that side of him existed, but he just showed me, once again, who he truly is and who he will always be.

I tug on Avery’s arm. “I think this was a bad idea,” I shout over the noise, holding my stare to Hayes. “Maybe we should just go to Piggy’s.”

She must not even notice the intense flirtation happening directly in front of us because she keeps on pulling me toward them.

“Try to let loose and have some fun, B. Like old times.” Dropping my hand, she gleefully skips her way to Evan.

Old times didn’t involve Hayes Madden and letting loose was effortless. Somehow he’s turned me into this uptight girl I don’t even recognize. I’m constantly on the defensive, and now apparently, I get mad when I see him flirting with other girls.

With Avery already at Evan’s side, I use this opportunity to go outside for some fresh air. If I have to, I’ll wait out here for her all night. I’m halfway to the door when I’m halted by a shoulder on my hand. “Leaving so soon?”

I spin around and come face to face with Hayes. His head tilts to the side as he reads my expression, loud and fucking clear. “What’s wrong, Legs?”

“You think you’re so smooth, don’t you.” My shoulders rise, caging in my neck as rage consumes me. “I’m just some foolish girl you’re trying to turn into one of your little puck bunnies, aren’t I? Or am I just a revenge tactic against Kamden? Which one is it, Hayes?”

I may have gone too far, but my emotions are speaking for me.

Hayes takes a step back, dropping his hand from my shoulder. “What the hell are you talking about? Did someone say something to you?”

“No!” I stammer. “No one has to say anything to me. What I see with my own eyes is telling enough.”

I feel stupid even being upset. What did I seriously think was going to come out of this? Hayes and I aren’t together. We will never be together. I don’t even think we’re friends.

“Look...” He holds his hands up in surrender, a scorned look on his face. “I don’t know what happened between the arena and here, but I think you’re mistaken.”

“Just go back to your little puck bunny for the night.” I steal a look over his shoulder. “Her drink is almost gone.”

He follows my gaze before returning with a smile. “Are you talking about Sierra?” He shoots a thumb in her direction. “I owed her a drink for finding my keys the other day and she wouldn’t let up. I went and got it for her so she’d leave me the hell alone.” His lips twitch with an egotistical grin. “Are you jealous again, Legs?”

“Of course I’m not jealous!”

Damnit. I should have kept my big mouth shut. I won't deny I feel a sense of relief. But now I have to explain why I reacted like a jealous fool when I don’t fully understand it myself.

He pokes a finger into my side, making me squirm. “Come on, Legs. Just admit you’re jealous.”

“Stop it!” I swat at his hand, biting back a smile. “I’m not jealous. I was angry,” I tell him truthfully. “You invited me here and I saw you flirting with her and it pissed me off.”

“Baby, that’s called jealousy.”

He is eating this up right now. I can tell just by the shit-eating grin on his face and the way he’s got his shoulders pulled back so confidently. Being vulnerable and putting myself out there is probably my weakest trait.

“Whatever.” I crack a smile and grab his hand. I can see it in his eyes he is telling the truth and as Sierra stares daggers at me, Hayes pays her no attention. “Just buy me a drink too and we’ll call it even.”

He chuckles, pulling me to walk in front of him toward the bar. “I’ll get you whatever you want, Legs.”

It’s said just against my ear and my whole body tingles. Hayes Madden’s charm might just be the death of me.

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