Beautiful Devil Epilogue 100%
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“Alright, Brogan,” Mrs. Daniels, my academic advisor, says as her long manicured nails tap on her keyboard. “You are officially on track for a degree in fashion design. Congratulations.”

A wave of relief washes over me, mixed with nervous excitement. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Daniels.”

I walk out of her office feeling like I’m on top of the world.

Not only did I just take control of my future, I get to watch my man do his thing tonight on the ice.

It’s still three hours before game time, but I know Hayes just got there to warm up, so I decide to go to the arena and wish him luck before the game.

A quick fifteen-minute bus ride later, and I’m texting him to let him know I’m walking through the doors.

Hayes: Meet me in the food court.

Bypassing the ticket counters, I enter the food court in search of him. Suddenly, two hands grasp my hips from behind, telling me he found me first.

I spin around and crush my chest against his as my arms wrap around his neck. I’m surprised to find he’s still in a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. I thought for sure he’d be all geared up by now.

“Hey, beautiful.” He peers down at me. “You ready to watch us win?”

“Sure am.” I waggle my brows before pressing my lips to his. “There’s a little good luck kiss to seal the deal.”

A groan climbs up his throat as he squeezes my ass. “Damn, Legs. Your mouth makes me hard. How about you give me something else for luck tonight.”

“What exactly did you have in mind?” I bite my lip and he looks like he might lose control right here. I love it.

Without another word, he grabs my hand and walks steadfastly through the food court, bringing me with him. “Come with me.”

“As if I have a choice,” I tease.

It feels like we’ve walked a mile when Hayes comes to a sudden stop in front of a closed door. Glancing left, then right, he reaches back, turns the handle and pushes the door open.

One long stride backward, and he pulls me into the room with him, closing the door immediately. “Where are we?” I giggle as I look around the dark room. The only light is a sliver of reflected fluorescents coming from under the crack of the door.

In the blink of an eye, the room is illuminated, and I see a string dangling from a lightbulb above us. I look around to see that we’re in some sort of storage closet. It’s fairly empty, aside from a mop sitting in a dry yellow bucket, and a few random things on the shelves.

“Hayes!” I gasp. “You can’t seriously expect us to get it on in here. What if someone comes in?”

He wastes no time pushing down his gym shorts and boxers. “Still too good to use the word fuck, Brogan?”

I glare at him and he laughs. “No one ever comes to this end of the arena. We’re good.”

That’s all I needed to hear to kick out of my shoes. I’m not sure where they go, but I’ll figure that out later.

Hayes grips me by the hips, spinning me around until I’m facing the shelf. His hands fumble with the waistband of my leggings, and in a swift motion, he tugs them down. I step one foot out, leaving the other side bunched around my ankle.

He leans into me, his chest cloaking my back. The heat of him feels so good, and I push my ass into him. I’ve been wet since his hands grabbed me and I can’t wait to feel his fingers opening me up for him.

The way he rubs them inside of me is addicting, as evidenced by the way I went along with this insane idea so easily.

“You want me, baby?” he asks gently, two fingers toying around my pussy as he finds me wet and waiting.

“You can feel how much I want you,” I say, rocking my hips into him. Two fingers press inside my cunt and he swirls them around, making my head lean back. “I’m gonna fuck you hard and fast, Legs. You ready for me?”

“Yes.” I exhale a heady breath while tingles of desire shoot through me. “Just fuck me, Hayes.”

Pulling his fingers out, he immediately fills me back up with his big cock. I gasp on impact as I lunge forward. Reaching out, I grasp one of the shelves, my nails engraving the wooden surface.

The scent of lemon floods my senses, a reminder of how spontaneous Hayes and I are, and I love every fucking second of it.

His cock glides in and out of me with intensity, the shelves threatening to give way under my hold. He wasn’t lying when he said he was going to fuck me hard and fast.

Hayes moves his hips in a powerful rhythm, driving his length in and out of me while he grips my waist tightly. Every time his piercing slides out then goes back in, I think my eyes actually cross. I get lost in the sensation. Our heavy breathing tangles together while my back arches and I step my foot out, spreading wider for him.

Each thrust sends a wave of pleasure through my core, and even in a public place, I can’t control the moans that slip through of my lips.

“Fuck, baby,” He gasps and grunts as he slams into me, making sure I feel every single inch of him. His fingers tighten, no doubt leaving marks I will get to appreciate later. I love it when he loses control with me like this, as if I’m the only thing that matters.

It’s an intoxicating feeling to have a strong, powerful man at your mercy. Which is why I want to test something. “Stop,” I say, and he instantly does. I let him slip free from me as I turn around. His eyes track me carefully, but I grin. “I want to see your face when I come on your cock.”

He groans, stepping forward to lift me in his arms. My legs go around him as he turns and places my back against the wall without shelves. Looking into his mystical eyes that held me in a trance the first time we met, that’s what always feels right with him.

I claim his lips as he slides back into me and even though he is going fast, I can feel him savoring the moment with me. My nails find his back and I scratch him just the way he likes, marking him so that everyone in the locker room will see that Hayes Madden has a girl and she marks her territory.

He moans, moving one hand between us to rub circles on my clit. I cry out into his mouth and he swallows it down like he’s greedy for every little sound.

Pressure builds inside me with an insatiable need to release. Every muscle tightens and I hold my breath as a wave of heat rushes through me. “Ahhh,” I cry out. “Oh God, Hayes.”

“That’s right.” He leans back to stare into my eyes. “Come around my cock, baby.”

I do. My hips roll into him as I ride each wave. But he isn’t done yet. He pinches my clit and I whimper while he thrusts frantically against me, pinching harder and harder, until… oh, god , I’m coming again.

I feel his head swell, his piercing pulsing against my G-spot as he pants headily. He stills for a moment before giving one final thrust.

“Holy shit, Legs.” He exhales heavily, giving me a long kiss while our sweaty heads press together. “We need to come to this closet before every game.”

“I’m not opposed to that idea. Being sneaky is pretty hot.” I straighten my back and he pulls out of me to set me down, our mixed arousals now dripping down my legs.

Hayes fidgets with his shorts on the floor before standing with his boxers in his hands. He runs them up and down my legs, cleaning me up. “I’ve got an extra pair in my locker.”

“Thanks, baby.” He does this every time we have sex and it makes my heart melt. Using his boxers is new, but our resources are limited right now.

Once we’re decent, Hayes opens the door and pops his head out before gesturing for me to follow.

After a kiss goodbye, he heads to the locker room to gear up.

I’m waiting outside of the locker room for Hayes, texting my mom to tell her the Devils won tonight when a soft hand lands on my waist. Warm fingers sweep my hair to one side and his hot breath fans the back of my neck, bringing a smile to my face. “Are you ready to admit it, Legs?”

I tuck my phone into the pocket of my hoodie, grinning. “Admit what exactly?”

He walks around me, dragging his hand against my hip and sending shivers down my spine. “That hockey is more thrilling than football.”

“This again?” I sigh. “Get off it already, babe.”

“Come on. Just say it. You know it’s the truth.”

He’s not lying. I love watching a good football game, but there’s something so exhilarating about hockey, especially when Hayes is playing.

“Come on,” he teases, tickling my side.

“Fine,” I mumble, keeping my voice low so no one but Hayes hears my confession. “Hockey is more thrilling than football.”

His fists fly in the air. “Hell yes it is.”

I grab his arm, lowering it to his side, and he brings down the other. “Let’s forget I ever said that and go. Thanksgiving break has officially started and I’m ready to get the hell out of here and spend some time with my man.” I stretch my neck to meet his lips, giving him a soft peck as we walk out of the arena.

Shifting to a serious note, I tug his hand as we cross the parking lot to the bus stop. “Did you talk to your Aunt Kelly?” I ask, hoping he did. He’s been mentioning for days how he wants to ask her about his dad, but he hasn’t done it yet.

He swallows and nods. “Talked to her this morning.”

“That’s great, Hayes. And what did she say?”

He lets out a breathy sigh. “He was telling the truth.”

“Wow,” I drawl, pleasantly surprised, but also a little worried that this has conflicted Hayes’ feelings. He already knows I support whatever he does and I’ve told him he doesn't need to rush his decision, but I know this has been heavy on his mind. “What do you plan to do?”

“I dunno.” He shrugs. “Maybe it’s time to move on—time to let go. I’m not saying we’ll ever be father and son, but there’s no harm in starting small, right?”

I smile, so proud of him for this. Letting go of a grudge is not something to be taken lightly with Hayes, I should know. “Definitely not. Baby steps are still progress, and I’ll be right beside you as you take them.”

“I know you will.” He flashes me a wink. “Fuck ever having a relationship with Kamden, though. He’s said and done things that are unforgivable and I won’t allow a shitty ass person like that into my life or yours. But do I dare let in the man who raised him?”

“I can’t answer that for you, baby.” I squeeze his hand. “You have to do what feels right. I think it’s fair to say that just because Kamden is an asshole, that doesn’t mean his father is. We all make our own choices and I think Kamden is the kind of guy who has made some shitty ones all on his own.”

He nods in agreement and throws an arm across my shoulders. “He invited Aunt Kelly over for Thanksgiving dinner,” he says with cautiousness in his tone. “And he asked her to extend the invitation to us.”

My eyes widen. That was pretty bold of his dad to think Hayes is just going to jump right in and go to his house for dinner.

“And what did you tell her?”

“Fuck no.” He squeezes me tight to him. “I’m not going anywhere near Kamden. I don’t even wanna see him, let alone sit across from him at a dinner table.”

I’m not surprised at his response. And I don’t blame him one bit.

“But I haven’t closed the door completely. He came to the game tonight and I waved. I know it’s not much, but it felt like a start.”

I grin, knowing that’s more than a start. He agreed to let his dad in and that’s a big deal. “That’s huge, Hayes. Not long ago you were plotting his and Kamden’s demise.”

“Sometimes I still do.” He grins. “Well, Kamden’s demise anyways.”

We reach the bus stop and stand under the flickering lamp post. I push myself up on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. “Well, I’m proud of you. Not for the murder plot, but for following your heart and taking the steps to heal.”

His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me close. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Now just promise me you won’t murder Kamden without me.”

He laughs. “I don’t ever want to do anything with you, Legs. Whether it’s plotting someone’s demise, making sex videos, decorating your dorm for Halloween, or bribing security to let us ice skate after hours.”

“Good,” I tell him as I peer up into the kaleidoscope that holds my future. “I don’t want to do those things with anyone else either. I especially love when we put up the Christmas tree a week before Thanksgiving while singing Mariah Cary together.”

The glare he gives me is icier than the rink he just skated on. “Yeah. Highlight of my year,” he deadpans and I can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of me. Hayes was a grump that day, a real grinch, but I eventually got him with hot cocoa and a Santa Claus movie.

“Ya know,” he begins, and I listen intently. “I always thought hockey was my ultimate adrenaline rush. Then I met you and I experienced the ultimate high. Even if you don’t see me and I just see you, knowing you’re there makes me feel like I can conquer the world.”

“I feel the same way, baby.” I kiss him again. “I love you so much, Hayes.”

“I love you, too, Legs.”

The End.

Thank you so much for reading Beautiful Devil. I hope you enjoyed Hayes and Brogan’s love story. You can catch up now with the Astor girls in Brogan’s sister, Elodie’s, book, Heartless Monster

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