Day 420
I feel a rush of warmth coursing through me as I gaze at Farron, a genuine smile gracing my lips. Her enthusiasm is palpable, her energy infectious as she dives deeper into learning ASL. It's as if a new world has opened up for her, and the excitement in her eyes is impossible to miss. Watching her grasp the basics and begin to understand some of my signs, responding back in kind fills me with a sense of joy I hadn't been expecting.
Initially, when she mentioned wanting to learn ASL, mainly to mess with Kenji and Adrian, I brushed it off, thinking it was just a passing thought. But Farron has proven me wrong. She's thrown herself into learning, eagerly soaking up every sign and gesture I teach her. Despite the challenges, she's determined, demanding more lessons and tirelessly practicing to commit the hand motions to memory.
While she's still far from fluent, her progress is amazing for such a short time. What’s more, Farron has made it clear to me that she really wants to learn sign language, so I no longer have to rely on my notebook and pen to communicate with her. The thought of sharing this language, this connection, with her fills me with a sense of closeness and possibility I could have never hoped for.
As has become our daily ritual lately, Farron grasped my hand firmly after breakfast this morning, sending an electric jolt down my spine and placing a scowl on Kenji’s face. With a determined tug, Farron pulled me along, insisting that I accompany her on the perimeter check, a task she’s adamantly declared she only wants to do with me by her side, should she ever have to go with a partner. Together, we surveyed the fenceline, ensuring that everything looked as it should. On our way back to the barn, we passed Trevor, who shot me a glare filled with what I can only describe as envy. Although I’ve only been up and moving for just over a week, my interactions with Trevor have all but confirmed everything Kenji and Adrian had warned me about. It's clear why his presence puts them on edge, especially when it comes to Farron.
After making our way back to the barn, we continued on with our tasks, removing saddles and settling the horses back into their stalls. Farron moved to check on Nessie, just as she does every single day. I always linger behind just a bit, not wanting to interrupt or get too close while Farron completes her check-up, but Farron always ends up pulling me forward to give Nessie some love. It's incredible to witness the bond between Farron and Nessie; the gentle cow seems utterly captivated by Farron's presence, just like I do.
Observing Farron as she tends to the animals and the genuine connection she has with them is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever had the honor of witnessing. It's as though a veil is lifted, revealing Farron’s true essence when she's in the company of animals. In those moments, the facade she often wears in the presence of others fades away, leaving her vulnerable and unguarded. Somehow, I’ve gotten lucky enough to see her this way.
Every moment spent with Farron draws me deeper into her orbit like a tide pulling me under. I find myself yearning to immerse myself completely in her, to let go and surrender to the current. I notice myself losing track of time when I’m with her and even losing myself entirely in our shared moments of laughter and the stolen glances. There is no denying just how much I’ve fallen for her.
It seems like everyone around us has noticed, even if Farron herself remains oblivious. Adrian's sly smirks and winks suggest he's picked up on the tension between us, though I have an inkling he's grappling with his own feelings for her. Kenji, ever the stoic firefighter, betrays a flicker of something in his eyes whenever Farron laughs with either Adrian or me, or when she playfully grabs my arm to pull me along. I can’t help but wonder if it's jealousy I see there, hidden beneath his impassive facade. Even Nora, Farron's grandmother, has made her thoughts known, showering me with affectionate gestures and gentle encouragement, urging me to pursue Farron.
Despite all of the uncertainties when it comes to our situation, I can't deny the pull Farron has on me. I find myself torn between the fear of confessing my feelings and the overwhelming desire to express them. But as each day passes, I find myself increasingly unable to resist the magnetic force drawing me closer to her. I know deep down that I can't resist what I feel for Farron forever.
I snap out of my musing when I feel Farron tap me on the leg, pulling me back to the present moment. We're once again seated on a blanket spread out in a small field of wildflowers near the barn, a spot Farron insisted we visit so she could continue her ASL lessons. Her brows furrow in concern as she watches me, making me wonder just how long I've been lost in my own thoughts.
Her hands move slowly, first pointing at herself and then finger-spelling the letters ‘O’ and ‘K. ' Her eyebrows are raised high, and her eyes are in contact with mine. The genuine warmth in her smile fills me with a sense of comfort. I nod in response, but she sees right through me, scrunching her nose in a playful expression .
It’s mid-afternoon, and the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Despite the late October chill that lingers in the mornings and nights, the days remain pleasantly warm, especially in the direct embrace of the sun. I gently tug on Farron’s hand, and though she rolls her eyes, she allows me to pull her down to lie beside me on the blanket. When I move to release her hand, she holds on tighter, shaking her head with a soft smile.
As we lay there, I close my eyes and surrender to the sensations: the warmth of the sun kissing my face, the caress of a gentle breeze against my skin, and the tender brush of Farron’s thumb tracing patterns on the back of my hand.
Every moment spent with Farron draws me deeper into her orbit like a tide pulling me under.
I’m not sure how much time passes before I find myself stirring from an unexpected nap, unable to remember drifting off into sleep in the first place. Turning to Farron, I find her gaze already fixed on me. She signs, “Sleepy. Cute,” and I feel a warmth spread through me, a sensation akin to blushing, though I’m pretty sure I cannot do so with my darker complexion.
I take in Farron, and the way the sun beating down on her raven hair brings out the red tones that you wouldn’t know existed otherwise. The sunlight calls attention to the freckles dotting her skin like the stars in the night sky and makes her green eyes pop even more than usual. Bathed in sunlight, Farron emanates an ethereal glow as though she were a divine being gracing Earth with her presence.
I squeeze her hand softly, bringing it up to my lips for a gentle kiss before tracing her skin with my thumb. I watch as her breathing quickens, her gaze flickering between each of my eyes before settling on my lips, then rising back up to meet mine once more. Before I even have a chance to process what's happening, Farron is up on her knees, her hands framing my face, her lips meeting mine in a rush of warmth and electricity. I gasp into her mouth, frozen.
Then, just as she begins to pull back, I cup her cheek and bring her mouth back to mine, placing a soft kiss against her lips. I pull away after a moment, sitting up as I grip her hips and pull her into my lap. I tuck one of her unruly curls behind her ear, my heart beating so hard it feels like it could fly out of my chest at any moment.
My fingers begin to curl around the edge of her jaw as I hold her face in my hand, her eyes staring deeply into mine, green meeting gold. I tilt her chin lower towards me and capture her lips again. I try to kiss her slowly, gently, but when her tongue swipes at my lower lip for entry, I lose all control. It feels as though I was dying and am now being brought back to life, a desperate and ravenous need for her clawing through me, urging me to get her as close to me as humanly possible.
Farron’s fingers find their way into my hair, twisting and tugging, pulling me closer and deepening our kiss. She’s kissing me like a woman starved, and I can’t help but wonder if she feels for me even a fraction of what I feel for her. My glasses are all askew from the movements, but I can’t find it in me to care one bit. She starts releasing soft noises that I can feel through vibrations against my lips, and her hips start frantically moving against mine, searching for friction.
My arms wrap around to steady her, one palm flat against her lower back as the other hand starts slowly sliding up her spine. I nip at her lower lip, feeling rather than hearing the moan that escapes her, before I break away, moving to kiss across her face and along her jaw. I start to nip at her throat, and her hands tighten in my hair as she grinds down even harder against me.
Then, abruptly and without any warning, Farron pulls away, scrambling to get up from my lap. Confusion and worry cloud her features, mirroring my own. I reach out for her, but she shakes her head, tears welling up in her eyes. Guilt washes over me instantly, and I begin questioning if I've pushed too hard, too fast. She mouths a “sorry” before turning away and fleeing from me.
With a groan I can’t hear, I collapse back onto the blanket, hands covering my face as I try to steady my breathing and calm my racing thoughts, attempting to make sense of what just happened.