Beneath Dark Skies (Rolling Hills Ranch #1) 51. Farron 88%
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51. Farron




Day 447

As I set down my bag of supplies for Nessie’s birth, I head to the wash basin and scrub my hands thoroughly as my mind wanders. After the funeral the other day, Todd and I spent the rest of the day with Jay, drinking and crying, just being there for each other the way a family is supposed to be. After Jay fell asleep, I kissed his forehead and left him and Todd on their own. I was making my way down to my cottage when I saw the porch light at the main house on, Theo sitting and gazing up at the stars, just like he was a few weeks ago.

I couldn’t help myself as my body seemed to turn on its own, going straight towards him. It’s like he could sense me immediately now when I was nearby, his head falling forward and his eyes snapping immediately to me as I approached the house. His brows were furrowed as he took in my expression, likely seeing a puffy face and eyes red-rimmed from a combination of the crying and drinking. I climbed up the stairs onto the porch, stopping just a few feet away from him, unsure of what exactly I needed or wanted to do.

He noticed my hesitation and stood up, pulling me into his arms and down into his lap. I buried my face in his shoulder, the warmth of his embrace soothing the ache inside. His hands gently rubbed my back, offering silent comfort as the sorrow pressed heavily between us. His touch was tender, each caress an unspoken promise that I wasn't alone in my grief. I clung to him, feeling the strength of his arms around me, a fortress against the overwhelming sadness.

After a while, he guided me to lie back with him on the chair, our bodies resting against the cool wood. We gazed up at the night sky, the stars twinkling above us like distant beacons of hope. The quiet of the night enveloped us, the only sounds being the soft rustle of leaves and the faint chirping of crickets. The night air was cool, but his warmth kept the chill at bay.

His hand found mine, fingers intertwining as we lay there, both finding solace in each other. His thumb gently traced circles on the back of my hand, a small, comforting gesture that meant everything. I closed my eyes, letting the moment wash over me, the pain of Mr. Abel's death still present but softened by the love and comfort he offered.

Tears continued to slip down my cheeks, but they felt less heavy now, mingled with the bittersweet relief of not being alone in my sorrow. He held me tighter, his embrace unwavering, as if he could absorb some of my pain. We stayed like that for a long time, the stars above bearing silent witness to the moment I realized I was falling in love with Theo.

I shake myself out of the memory and mentally prepare for the task ahead. Nessie started showing some signs of labor earlier today, and now it’s time to check on her progress and ensure everything goes smoothly with the birth of her new calf.

I've only encountered two complicated births before, so I’m hoping for smooth sailing this time. Ever the loyal little rat, Magnum has been trailing me all day, and I know he’ll stay close by, providing emotional support to Nessie. His presence always brings a sense of calm to the animals.

It's been a few days since Mr. Abel passed away, and as raw as that pain still is, I’m grateful for this distraction. The routine and focus required for birthing help keep my mind occupied.

I step into Nessie’s stall, the familiar scent of hay filling the air. Nessie lets out a low, sad huff, her eyes following my movements. I gently run my hands along her back, feeling the tension in her muscles. She’s uncomfortable. “It’s okay, girl. You’re almost there,” I murmur soothingly. Her sides are heaving with each contraction, and I can tell the calf will be here soon.

Outside the stall, Magnum is sitting, watching intently. He knows better than to enter the stall–it’s too confined, and I worry about the animals accidentally stepping on him. But there he is, right outside, his eyes alert and his ears perked up.

Nessie releases a strained “moo,” and my attention snaps back to her. Moving around to her rear, I see the front hooves of the calf emerging, but they’ve been in this position since I got here, for at least twenty minutes. Another ten, and I’ll start to get really concerned.

There’s still a little time before we hit the danger window, but the feeling in my gut tells me she’ll need my help. I bend over and start getting supplies out of my bag to help move this birth along. First, I grab the chains and the hooks, laying them out within easy reach. Next, I grab my sleeves and slip gloves over them, followed by my apron.

As I reach for the lubricant, I hear footsteps approaching. Glancing over Nessie’s back, I can see someone hunched over, petting Magnum. When they stand, I lock eyes with Kenji. My eyes widen in surprise at the sight of him.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

Things are changing between us, and they have been for a while. Ever since he was there for me after the death of Mr. Abel, there’s been an indescribable shift. He’s no longer just someone I can be combative against but someone who offers me a solid understanding. But this shift, this new energy between us, is still so new, and I’m not sure how to move forward with him.

He takes a hesitant step inside the stall. “Your grandma was looking for you, but it’s not urgent.”

Without asking, Kenji runs his hand down the bridge of Nessie’s nose in slow, soothing motions. She seems to settle and stops moving around as much, and my jaw drops as I take in the scene in front of me. For days now, Nessie’s been aggressive when anyone who’s not me gets too close to her. I wasn’t exactly expecting Kenji to be her Xanax, but I’ll take any help I can get.

“Can you help me?” I ask, looking up into his eyes. As if surprised by my question, he stops his smoothing motion for a second but quickly resumes.

“Of course, anything you need,” he replies sincerely.

I’m not sure how to handle this soft side of him, but I appreciate his presence nonetheless.

“I need to help get this baby out. Can you keep soothing her and be ready if I need you to jump in?”

He nods but then tilts his head to the side, a questioning look on his face. “When you say step in, what does that imply?”

Right, he didn’t grow up on a farm. Trying to keep the smile off my face, I explain, “Usually, it’s best if two people help get the calf out, but I’ve been having to do it single-handed for a while. Now that you’re here, I might want to lean on you for help. I have an extra pair of sleeves in the bag, and you’ll place gloves over them like this.” I stretch my arms out in front of me so he can see how mine are. “But hopefully, it won’t come to that.”

Kenji steps around Nessie, trying not to disturb her, and stands right before me. I have to tilt my head back a little to look up at him. “If you need me, I’m here,” he says quietly as he tucks a loose curl that’s escaped my ponytail behind my ear.

I take a step back to clear my head from the haze. “Why don’t you keep soothing her, and I’ll get started.”

Kenji nods, continuing to gently stroke Nessie’s nose, his presence calming both her and me. I move to the back of Nessie, checking the calf's progress. The front hooves are visible, but there’s still no significant movement—time to take action. Lubing my arm, I wrap my hands around the calf and can tell the head has passed the most crucial part. Waiting patiently for a contraction, I prepare to pull and help the process along gently.

I glance over Nessie’s back and watch Kenji as he pets her. I barely hear his whispered words.

“You’re doing so good.”

“Soon, you’re going to be a mother to a beautiful baby calf.”

“Don’t worry, Farron will take care of you.”

I feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks at his compliment, getting lost in the deep timber of his voice. My gaze takes in his face, plump pink lips, and dark eyes, which are light and kind as he focuses on Nessie. He’s wearing a black hoodie that makes his black hair stand out against his complexion. Those obscenely tight jeans and black cowboy boots complete the look.

I shake my head, pulling myself out of the wet dream that is Kenji, and refocus. Nessie starts the beginnings of a contraction, and Kenji and I make eye contact. I nod my head, signaling that she’s ready. He turns his attention back to Nessie, and I get a good grip on the hooves.

As the contraction begins, I pull, grunting and pulling as gently as I can but with enough force to make a difference. Sweat starts to line my brow as I murmur, “Come on, girl, you’ve got this.” But despite my efforts, the calf isn't moving much. I feel a knot of worry tightening in my stomach .

I glance at Kenji, who looks back with steady eyes, his calm demeanor giving me the boost I need. “It’s not coming out,” I say, my voice strained.

Kenji nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. “Do you need me to do anything?”

“Just keep her calm,” I reply, focusing on the task at hand.

I reposition my grip and wait for the next contraction. As Nessie strains again, I pull harder, using more force. The calf’s head appears but then stops moving. I groan with the effort, my muscles straining. “Come on, Nessie,” I encourage her, feeling the tension build.

Nessie lets out a distressed moo, and I feel a surge of panic. This isn’t going as smoothly as I hoped. “Kenji, I might need you to help me pull,” I call out, my voice shaking.

He moves closer, his hands still soothing Nessie. “Tell me what to do.”

“When I say go, I need you to grab here,” I point to the calf’s front legs, “and pull with me, gently but firmly.”

Kenji nods and quickly puts on the sleeves and gloves, determination setting in his features. The next contraction starts, and I shout, “Now!”

Together, we pull. The calf moves a little more, but it’s still not enough. I grit my teeth, putting everything into it, not wanting to use the chains on her today. My arms burn with the effort, and I can feel the sweat dripping down my face. Kenji matches my efforts, his face taut with concentration.

Finally, with one last heave, the calf slips free, sliding onto the straw. I stumble back, my breath coming in gasps, my heart pounding. Nessie lets out a low, relieved moo and immediately starts nuzzling her newborn.

I feel my chest heaving from my heavy breathing, and I try to slow my heart rate. I pull off the gloves, sleeves, and apron. Before I can do anything else, strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, lifting me into the air. A giggle escapes me as Kenji pulls me close.

“You did it! I helped a woman deliver her baby on the side of the road once when she couldn’t make it to the hospital, but that was a lot easier and more traumatizing. This? This was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, Farron,” Kenji says with a bright smile.

As he puts me down, I can’t help the joy that floods me. I’ve never realized the depth of my praise kink. I love it it when Adrian praises me, but when it comes from Kenji, it feels different—not better, just different. His words are really igniting something within me today.

“Thank you for the help. I couldn’t have done it without you,” I reply honestly.

“Yeah, you could have, Princess,” he says, his voice low. “You’ve done so much on your own already. You didn’t need me. You’re incredible, you know that?”

My cheeks flush at his word, his praise stirring something warm within me. “It’s all part of the job,” I say modestly, even though his words make my heart flutter. Glancing down at Nessie cleaning her calf, I note that everything seems okay. “I’m going to get cleaned up. I’ll meet you out front?”

I don’t know why I want him to wait for me, but I do.

He nods, leaving the barn and calling Magnum, who chases after him. Traitor. I go to the sink, scrubbing my hands and arms until they’re clean. Gazing into the mirror, I notice the subtle changes in my complexion and the fading dark circles under my eyes. As I adjust my ponytail, I pull out a few face-framing pieces, which causes me to scold myself for caring about my appearance for Kenji.

I mentally slap myself and head out of the barn. I don’t immediately spot Kenji, but I find him playing fetch with Magnum around the corner. The cool evening air embraces me as I close my eyes, tilting my head back to feel the sun's warmth on my face. Magnum’s yip draws me back to the moment as he trots to return the ball to Kenji.

Approaching them, I catch Kenji’s glance over his shoulder.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m glad everything went smoothly,” I reply, watching Kenji toss the ball between his hands.

“You’re good with animals,” I remark as he throws the ball again, having noticed the gentle way he interacts with Nessie and Magnum. “I see it with Nessie, the horses. Even him,” I nod towards Magnum, “though I’ve called him a traitor a million times in my head.”

Kenji chuckles, bending down to retrieve the ball and throwing it for Magnum again.

“I’ve got a question for you,” I tell him, causing his brows to rise as he meets my eyes. “I’ve noticed you signing the same thing at Magnum for a few weeks, almost like you taught him to respond to a hand gesture. What is it?”

“You caught that, huh? I just started signing at him and kept up with it so he’d learn that it was a call for him,” he responds. I simply look at him, waiting for him to continue and explain. When he doesn’t, I speak again.

“Well?” I ask. “What’s the sign?”

Kenji takes his dominant hand, fingers crossed with the thumb out, and he starts swiping in front of his nose. Magnum, who’s been watching him, lets out a little yip, dropping the ball from his mouth back to Kenji.

“And what does this sign mean?”

Kenji looks sheepish for a moment before he finally responds, “Rat. It’s the sign for rat.” I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. I burst into laughter, unsure if Magnum’s new name sign is more ridiculous than his English name.

“Why is he named Magnum anyway?” Kenji asks, a smile on his face as he watches me. I look down at Magnum as he tilts his head in response to hearing his name again.

I chuckle softly. “It’s sort of a ridiculous story.”

Kenji’s eyebrow quirks up in anticipation. “Color me intrigued.”

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