A stunning couple, dressed in fighting leathers, stepped out onto the black sands, making their way towards us. The male’s arm was wrapped around the female’s back as they moved in stride with one another. Both possessed considerable height and rich, dark skin.
They were immortals—of that, I had no doubt.
The male was rife with heavy muscle and eyes so stunning I found it hard to look away. They were like bottled bits of fire—a canvas of bright orange with flecks of sparkling red. His proud jaw was carved with a neatly trimmed, short beard. He had that look about him, like when he smiled, you knew it was going to take your breath away.
And then there was his partner. She was gorgeous, her body curvier than the Da’Nu. She moved with the sleekness of a panther—a sensual, confident roll to her hips as she walked. Her hand, marked with intricate, white flames, rested on her stomach—a small bump noticeable there, just beginning to swell with the gift of life.
A smile touched my lips.
“Little Goddess, I would like you to meet two of my closest friends,” Von said, his deep voice like a hook, snagging my attention and pulling it up to his eyes. He gestured to the female. “Zahra, the Goddess of Companionship.”
She smiled warmly and tipped her head.
Von motioned to the male. “And Dameon, the God of Protection.”
“It is a pleasure,” Dameon said, his voice a contradiction—smooth in some places and rugged in others. I could see why his partner had picked him—with a voice like that and eyes like those, I wasn’t surprised that she was with child.
“This is the Goddess of Life.” Von gestured to me with one large, tattooed hand. His skull ring caught my attention, and my cheeks flushed at the memory of where that ring had been last night. My teeth feathered my bottom lip as the bond stoked coals it had no right stoking while I was trying to act like a civilized immortal and not a heat-ridden animal.
I could feel Von’s eyes on me—watching. I was certain that if I looked at him, I’d find a hint of a smile ghost across his full, lush lips. Those lips of his were like catnip to me, always summoning me to him.
I ignored the bond, ignored him, and said to Zahra and Dameon, “It is nice to meet you both.”
“As it is you,” Zahra replied, her voice as enchanting as her partner’s. Her lovely brown eyes shifted to Von’s. For a moment, her lips parted slightly, surprise raising her dark brows. Then her expression softened, her mouth growing into a knowing smile. “I can see why you were willing to call off the war for her,” she said to Von, her gaze returning my way. “You are a great beauty.”
“She is,” Von purred beside me. I could feel a gentle caress amble down the length of my spine, like knuckles gliding against my flesh, sizzling the molecules awake. And then it was gone, a great absence left behind.
I looked up at him, finding that sensual, toying smirk splayed across his mouth, just as I knew I would. I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip.
“How did things go with the healer?” Von asked, pulling his gaze from mine. My fingers twitched at my side, half inclined to grab his face and force his attention back to me.
I blinked, surprised at myself.
But that wasn’t me, was it? No, it was the bond, making me into something I was not. I forced my fingers to relax, took a breath, and looked at Zahra.
Lovingly, she stroked her belly as she said, “It went well. The babe is in good health. Although Dameon is none too happy.”
“On the contrary, my flame, I am filled with joy,” he argued softly, those incredible orbs looking to Von for backup as if they were soldiers on the battlefield. “I am just concerned about the prophecy.”
“I can understand that,” Von said, his shadows drifting over me, covering me in their protection. A strange taste bloomed on my tongue, its origins foreign, but the flavor not unknown. It tasted of concern, but the emotion was not my own—it was Von’s.
Zahra started, “You two worry for nothing. The Spinners speak in illusive riddles that sometimes never come to fruition. We must not let their twisted words take away from our happiness.” If her shifting eyes were any indicator, her message was meant for both of them. Then she turned to Dameon, gathered his big hand, and placed it on her small bump—connecting the three of them. “It might not be twins, but the child within me is strong. You will see. All will be well.”
Dameon nodded softly, but the act did not meet his eyes. His irises, which had been vibrant mere moments ago, were now dull. Whatever the Spinners had prophesized had laid a deep claim on him, one not even his partner’s affirming words could break him free of.
They looked at one another, lost in private conversation.
Zahra sighed, her shoulders lowering on the exhale. She let go of his hand and then looked at me, giving me a half-smile. “Well, shall we leave these two men to brood while us women actually get some training done?” She proffered an arm.
“Sounds good to me.” I chuckled as I took it, deciding I liked her already.
We walked over to a random spot—a good fifty feet away from Von and Dameon.
“My flame recognizes the one in you,” Zahra said as she slipped her feet out of her shoes, stepping into the sands. The same white flames that were tattooed on her hands were also placed across the tops of her feet. “Do you use the gift very often? ”
“No, not really,” I replied. “Aurelius is well known for his use of flame.”
“So?” She spread her feet shoulder width apart. “That doesn’t mean you can’t use yours.”
She had a point.
I realized that after the words fell from my lips, how ridiculous they sounded. I had chosen not to use the element of fire for hundreds of years because my warped little brain didn’t want to insult Aurelius, as that was his primary element. And even now, after everything, I was still stuck in the same thinking pattern.
Not anymore.
“Will you teach me how to control it?” I asked, taking a step forward.
“Of course.” She grinned, her smile so bright that I was certain Aurelius would be jealous. “When Von asked me to come train with you, I was more than happy to say yes. Also, I’m hoping that we’ll be able to get to know one another better. I think that you and I will make great friends.”
Friends .
The concept was a bit foreign. Especially considering I was so used to other goddesses not liking me. But here she was, offering an invitation to be just that . . . friends.
Although Von was the initiator in all of this, her offer felt genuine.
My heart warmed.
“I’d like that,” I told her, sharing a smile of my own. I glanced over my shoulder, finding Von’s green eyes peering back at me. He and Dameon were standing over by a weaponry table .
He offered me a wink.
I rolled my eyes, warring with the smile tugging at my lips, and then turned back to Zahra. “Where do we begin?”
“We begin with stretching and warming up our muscles, removing the tightness from them so that the flame can move freely throughout our bodies.” She gestured for me to come stand beside her, which I did. “I will be altering my stretches because of the baby. I’ll walk you through the ones I cannot do. But before we get to any of that, take your shoes off so that you can feel the heat from the sands. It will help to ground you.”
I nodded, unlaced my combat boots, and stepped into the sand. It felt incredible against the bottoms of my feet, warm and slightly abrasive, like a gentle massage.
“Place your hands on your stomach and take a deep breath in,” she said. “Feel your muscles awakening there. Exhale slowly, feeling your abdomen contract, the power within this incredible muscle.”
I did as she said, following her instructions, tuning myself to the movement of my body. We went through various exercises, focusing on different muscle groups and slowly waking them up, or lengthening them, as she sometimes liked to say.
About ten minutes later, when my muscles were warm and flowing with energy, Zahra said, “Before I start walking you through some basic movements, I think it might be best if you show me how you bend water.”
“That works for me.” I nodded.
A shadow flickered above, pulling at my attention. I looked up, finding a sleek, black feather floating down towards me, carried on the gentle breath of the wind. I placed my hand in front of me, palm facing towards the sky, and the feather fell directly into my hand, just as they always did.
Zahra beamed. “Your bond has been blessed.”
I glanced up from the feather, looking to her. “What do you mean?”
She smiled warmly as her hand lovingly circled her small bump. “When a pair of mates find one another, the male will begin to gradually shed some of his feathers. Most males don’t even notice when it happens. Dameon didn’t when it started. He still doesn’t.” She let out a soft laugh. “Over time, the feathers are delivered to the female so that she may collect them.”
Collect them? That’s exactly what I had done, unknowingly.
I thought back to the little chest I had hidden in the back of my closet at the Golden Palace, where I stored the other feathers I had received. I knew that they were Von’s, but I never knew why I got them or why I felt compelled to collect them. In truth, I felt a tad guilty for leaving them behind now—not that I’d had time to go get them, all things considered.
I frowned, wondering if Aurelius had found them. If he did, he would have them destroyed. The thought caused my stomach to knot. “Why do we feel a need to collect the feathers?” I asked. “Is there some purpose for them?”
“It is naturally ingrained in us to do, just as it is for birds to build nests for their offspring.” She tipped her head, her voice soft. “When you conceive, your baby will not be born with wings. So you will take the feathers you have collected and weave them into a set. Then you and your mate will gift them to your baby upon their birth.”
Warmth radiated from my chest. I had never heard of such a thing, but I found it . . . endearing, and sweet. Not that a baby was something I was even close to considering at this point in my life, but I could appreciate the whole idea from afar.
Afar being the keyword there.