Between the Moon and Her Night (Between Life and Death #3) Chapter 41 84%
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Chapter 41


I washed my face with water from the tap, splashing the warm water against my cheeks, chasing away the streaks from the tears I had shed earlier that day. Through the reflection of the mirror, I eyed the spot on the ground where I had thrown Saphira after she told me of Von’s betrayal. Wherever that serpent had slithered off to, I didn’t know. Nor did I really care. I had enough problems to contend with.

Yes, what she told me was a gutting truth. And yes, it had hurt me deeply.

But I had never imagined my anger towards Von would last this long or be of this intensity. Considering the bond had no interest in linking me to him, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was also playing a part in my heightened emotions.

I dried my hands on the towel and walked out of the room. I glanced at the door that led into the hallway. I knew what would wait for me on the other side—a meal prepared by him. His peace offering.

One I had no interest in.

A few days ago, he went as far as having Zahra bring one of the trays in. She told me that it had not been prepared by him and had encouraged me to eat.

But it didn’t matter if the meal was made by his hands or another’s—food had lost its appeal to me. Sure, I’d picked up the fork and poked at it for Zahra’s sake, but as soon as the cooked carrot touched my tongue, I’d wanted to gag. That was what the extent of my emotions were doing to me—they were making me sick to my stomach.

I walked over to the room that housed both my clothes and Von’s. I rifled through them until I found an old familiar friend—

The cloak I had acquired during my brief time in the Living Realm. I swung it around my back and put it on. Sure, the fabric was stiff and coarse, but it felt comforting for some reason. Perhaps because when I wore it, in those brief moments, I belonged to no one else but me. I was my own person.

I slid my hand into the pocket, finding the tin that Ezra had offered me when I asked for her help in breaking the deal between Von and me. I pulled it out, surveying the small silver container.

A thought bloomed—

Now that the bond had gone silent, Von wouldn’t know if I were to leave, and I would be able to use the salve from the tin to keep my skin from rotting because I was no longer honoring our deal.

“Ezra, you genius,” I said, smirking to myself. I shoved the tin back into my pocket and then headed towards the door. When I jerked it open, my spine turned rigid—

Black, starless eyes lifted to mine. “Little Goddess.”

I reared back, tried to slam the door in his face, but his large, tattooed hand caught it before it had a chance to close.

“No,” I growled, backing up a step.

He raised his hands in deference as he stepped over the threshold. “I come in peace.”

“I don’t really care what you come in,” I snarled, my voice not sounding quite like me. “Get out.”

“No,” he said, and then his shadows swallowed him where he stood. Not even a breath later, hands wrapped around my torso, pulling me against him as his shadows drifted around us.

A sprawling canvas of black sapphire, adorned with twinkling, celestial stars, and a huge crescent moon bloomed above me. A gothic manor towered before me, the architecture incredible. Dark and menacing and breathtaking.

This was the gift he had given me. I shoved away from Von, suspecting him of further treachery. He let me go, although he looked none too pleased to do so.

Confusion swirling, I asked, “Why are we here?”

“When I told you that I was done being the villain, I meant it. But then I fell into old habits. I connived and manipulated, and I broke that oath to you. And so, I am making things right, I am putting your needs above my own.” He looked at the massive building. “This manor belongs to you, and you alone.”

I was stunned. So stunned that when he gathered my hand into his and pressed a soft kiss against my knuckles, I didn’t pull away.

Then, the God of Death said, “I release you from our deal, Little Goddess.”

His hand slipped from mine, and then he was gone.

In his departure, a lonely black feather was left behind. Just like the day he had left me standing on the cliff, when he told me that he was calling off the war.

Before the wind could sweep it away, I picked it up.

I had finally gotten what I wanted—

I was free at last.

So why did I feel like crying?

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