Bidding on Her Orc Boss (Mated to the Monster: Season 2) Chapter 6 38%
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Chapter 6

Chapter Six


Ten Minutes Ago

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I’m sulking at the bar, nursing my third whiskey and contemplating how to murder Urul without getting caught. That backstabbing snake volunteered me for this ridiculous auction dinner. As if I don’t have enough on my plate already.

“X, you look like you’re plotting someone’s demise,” a familiar voice chimes in.

I glance up to see Noreeah, my ex-betrothed who still claims me as a friend, grinning at me. Her presence softens my scowl slightly. “What gave it away?”

She laughs, sliding onto the stool next to me. “Oh, just the death glare you’re giving your drink. Poor whiskey never stood a chance.”

I grunt, taking another sip. “Urul’s the one who should watch out.”

Noreeah pats my arm sympathetically. “There, there. It’s not so bad. In fact...” She leans in conspiratorially. “Linden, Weaver, and I have been bidding on you all night.”

I nearly choke on my drink. “You what?”

“Yep!” She beams. “We’re running up that budget. Figured you’d appreciate the chaos.”

Despite myself, I feel a reluctant smile tugging at my lips. “You always did know how to cause trouble.”

“It’s a gift,” she winks. “Oh! Speaking of, have you met Linden yet?”

Before I can answer, she’s waving over a willowy figure with bark-like skin and leaves for hair. The dryad approaches, holding hands with Weaver, the centaur I’d met briefly before.

If I recall correctly, Weaver and Linden were already a couple when Noreeah met Linden. And somehow, they all are now a mated group.

“X, this is Linden,” Noreeah introduces. “Linden, the infamous Xnaurl.”

Linden’s laugh sounds like rustling leaves. “So you’re the one our Noreeah’s told us so much about.”

I nod, trying not to let the pang of envy show as I watch the three of them together. Their love is palpable, a warmth that radiates outward. It’s everything I once thought Noreeah and I might have, before... well, before she realized her true self.

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” I manage, my voice gruffer than intended.

Noreeah, ever perceptive, squeezes my hand. “Hey. You okay?”

I’m about to answer when a scent hits me – intoxicating, bewitching, utterly captivating. My head snaps up, searching the crowd flooding into the ballroom. Remote workers, I realize dimly. But among them...

“X?” Noreeah’s voice sounds far away. “What is it?”

I catch a glimpse of dark hair, a flash of curves. My heart rate spikes. “I... I’m not sure,” I mumble, still searching. “But I think I need to find out.”

I can barely focus on Noreeah’s words as my eyes scan the crowd, searching for the source of that intoxicating scent. “Xnaurl, you look like you’ve been hexed. What’s going on?”

“There’s someone...” I trail off, my nostrils flaring. “I can’t explain it, but I something calls to me.”

Noreeah’s eyes widen with understanding. She exchanges a quick glance with Linden, then both of them start shooing me forward. “That is your mating bonds awakening, my dear Xnaurl. Go, go!” Noreeah urges, practically pushing me. “Follow that scent!”

I stumble forward, my usual grace abandoning me as I weave through the crowd. And then, suddenly, there she is.

My breath catches in my throat. She’s stunning – a vision in a knee-length dress that hugs every delicious curve. Her black hair is pulled back, revealing a graceful neck I immediately want to nuzzle. Pride swells in my chest at the sight of her, warring with an overwhelming urge to whisk her away from prying eyes.

When her melted-chocolate eyes meet mine, I feel the impact like a lightning bolt. Her tawny skin flushes and even from here, I can scent her honeyed arousal perfuming the air.

Urul finally stops droning on and senses I am near. “Zana, meet Xnaurl, our senior project manager for Avalon Vale as well as our timeline menace.”

I capture her small, delicate hand in mine and lift it to graze a kiss across her knuckles. Urul’s face registers surprise, but doesn’t say anything about my actions.

Good. I would hate to cause a scene in front of his mate.

“Charmed. I hope you’re enjoying the festivities?” I flick an appreciative gaze down her body. My mouth waters to taste her. Especially when her scent begs me to touch her.

“Have you eaten? I hear the spread is mouthwatering.” My head buzzes with the need to claim this woman as my own right here, right now.

She shakes her head.

“Good” I say, leading her toward the food and away from my nosey cousin. “Let’s rectify that, shall we?”

As we make our way to the food, I can’t help but notice how perfectly she fits against my side. It takes every ounce of willpower not to pull her closer, to claim her as mine right here and now. But I force myself to focus on filling a plate for her, determined to see her well-fed and cared for.

“So,” I say, attempting small talk as I pile her plate with delicacies, “how are you finding the conference so far?”

I hang on Zana’s every word as she responds, her voice a melody that drowns out the din of the crowded ballroom.

“It’s... overwhelming,” she admits, wrinkling her nose adorably. “I’m not used to so many people. Give me a quiet room with datasets any day.”

I chuckle, oddly charmed by her honesty. “Not a fan of crowds, I take it?”

“Let’s just say I prefer my interactions with a healthy dose of Wi-Fi between us,” Zana quips, her eyes sparkling with humor.

As we settle at a table, I can’t tear my gaze away from her expressive face. Every flicker of emotion – from amusement to mild annoyance when someone jostles past – is captivating. Her golden-tan skin practically glows under the soft lighting, and I find myself imagining how my ancestral cuffs would complement her coloring encircling her wrists. The possessive thought startles me, but I can’t shake it.

More people join our table, but I barely notice them. Zana’s attention remains fixed on me, and I bask in it.

“So, Ser Xnaurl,” she says, leaning in conspiratorially, “what’s the secret to surviving these corporate shindigs?”

Her flippant use of the honorific ser makes the possessive side of me stir. I’m about to answer when a hush falls over the room. Urul takes the stage, his booming voice echoing through the space.

“Welcome, one and all!” he bellows, arms spread wide. “We’re thrilled to have you here for our national sales conference!”

I stifle a groan. Here comes the obligatory speech.

“Please,” Urul continues, “enjoy the food, the drinks, and the welcome gifts. Eat, drink, and be merry tonight!”

“There’s a catch coming,” I mutter to Zana. She smothers a laugh behind her hand.

Right on cue, Urul adds, “But not too merry, mind you. Tomorrow’s breakout sessions start bright and early at 10 AM!”

As polite applause fills the room, I lean closer to Zana. “And there it is. The hidden agenda behind every open bar at a work event.”

Her laugh is genuine this time, and the sound warms me from the inside out. Maybe, just maybe, these corporate events aren’t so bad after all.

Just as I’m starting to enjoy myself, another figure takes the stage. Khanner Rokoth, our dragonkin CFO, unfurls his impressive wings as he approaches the microphone. I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“Show-off,” I mutter under my breath.

Zana quirks an eyebrow at me. “Not a fan?”

“Let’s just say I prefer my coworkers with fewer scales and more... social graces.”

Khanner’s booming voice cuts through our whispered exchange. “Ladies, gentlemen, and beings of all realms! I’m thrilled to announce the results of our interdepartmental auction!”

I try not to visibly wince. Here we go.

“Thanks to your overwhelming generosity,” Khanner continues, his tail swishing with excitement, “we’ve raised an unprecedented amount for charity. And the best part? Vormugh Enterprises will match every single donation!”

The room erupts in applause. I clap half-heartedly, my mind wandering to how I’d rather spend my evening. Preferably somewhere quiet. With Zana.

Khanner starts rattling off winners for each lot. I tune out until I hear a familiar name.

“And the spa day package goes to... Caro from Data Sciences!”

Zana practically bounces in her seat. “Oh my gosh, that’s my friend! My manager!” She turns to me, her eyes sparkling. “She’s been so stressed lately. This is perfect!”

I can’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. Her joy is infectious, and I find myself genuinely pleased for this Caro person I’ve never met.

Then Khanner’s voice takes on a sly tone. “And now, for our grand finale... the Executive Dinner!”

My stomach drops. I’d almost forgotten about that particular torture.

“The lucky winner will enjoy an evening of fine dining with none other than our very own Senior Vice President of Operations, Xnaurl Sonagh!”

I try not to sneer. I really do. But from the way Zana’s looking at me, I’m pretty sure I’ve failed miserably.

“And the winner is...” Khanner pauses for dramatic effect, the insufferable lizard. “Corazana Estrada from Remote Data Sciences!”

The world stops. I blink, certain I’ve misheard. But no, Zana’s face confirms it. Her eyes are wide with surprise, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

“I...I won?” she whispers, more to herself than to me.

Something inside me uncoils, a tension I didn’t even realize I was carrying. She’s happy. She actually wants this.

I catch Noreeah’s eye across the room. She’s beaming at me, clapping enthusiastically alongside her mates. For once, I don’t feel a pang of envy at their obvious affection. Instead, I feel... hope.

I turn back to Zana, drinking in the sight of her flushed cheeks and shy smile. “Well,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady, “looks like we have a date.”

“You don’t have to,” she says at the same time.

Confused, I ask, “I don’t have to what?”

The hubbub finally dies down, and I watch as Zana picks at her salad, her fork dancing nervously between leafy greens. “You don’t have to go to dinner with me. You probably have more important things to do.”

I shift in my seat so she can see the truth and sincerity on my face. “Zana? Look at me please.” I kick myself at my tone. But, no woman is allowed to belittle herself around me, least of all, my mate.

To her credit, she looks at me directly, and pride swells within my heart. “You are not allowed to discredit yourself, especially here. Now, do you wish to have dinner with me?”

A pretty blush suffuses her cheeks. “Yes.”

Gods, the way she says that is the most erotic sound ever. “Good. And I want to have dinner with you as well. So it is settled. We shall have dinner some time soon.”

Zana’s eyes light up, and I’m momentarily stunned by how beautiful she looks when she’s excited. A small giggle escapes her, and I decided it is my favorite sound in the world. “Deal. I’m pretty flexible after the conference. I gave myself a few days afterward to relax.”

I nod sagely, as if I hadn’t completely forgotten about the whole reason we’re all here. “Of course, the conference. Right. So are you doing after this event tonight? Free for a drink?”

Zana’s face falls, and I feel my heart plummet along with it. “I wish I could say yes,” she says, her voice tinged with genuine regret. “But I promised Caro a nightcap. Girl time, you know?”

I don’t know, actually, but I nod anyway. “Rain check, then?”

She smiles, and it’s like the sun breaking through storm clouds. “Definitely.”

Disappointment wars with anticipation in my chest. I may not get to spend the evening with her, but there’s always tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.

I fish a business card out of my pocket, sliding it across the table to her. “Here,” I say, trying not to sound too eager. “In case you need anything while you’re here in the city. My personal number’s on there too.”

Zana takes the card, her fingers brushing mine for the briefest moment. Even that fleeting contact sends sparks shooting up my arm.

“Thanks,” she says softly, tucking the card away. “I’ll, um, I’ll definitely use it.”

I grin, probably looking like an overgrown, love-struck youngling. But for once, I don’t care. “I’m counting on it.”

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