Black and Brown: Raven Assassins (Ravens #1) Chapter Eighteen 21%
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Chapter Eighteen


The connection between him and Grace grew exponentially over the next eight months.

The chemistry and camaraderie with Spectre surpassed all expectations, even when the suits had stopped showing up to observe them.

The operators of the simulated battlegrounds threw everything at them—assassinations, hostage situations, witness recoveries. They tried every trick they had to trip them up.

All had failed.

After six months, their movements were so synchronized it looked as if they’d been training together for decades.

Grace was still as emotionless and silent as he’d been the first day they met, and that hadn’t changed throughout the extent of their training or when in private discussing strategies.

For a while, his partner’s lack of verbal communication had driven Mirage up the wall and down the other side.

But over time, he understood that Grace spoke to him in many different ways.

Mirage still experienced annoyance, solemn memories, and despair but also immense admiration…and horniness.

But it’d become second nature for Mirage to disguise those feelings.

“I’m over this cafeteria food, but if I don’t eat it, I’ll starve. It’s either this underseasoned shit or the microwave meals from my grocery orders.”

Mirage set his tray of meatloaf and green beans on the table. He wanted to slam it but refrained from what would’ve been considered an impossible outburst for him to display.

“I’m a grown-ass man. I should be able to go out and eat what the hell I want. Fuck, at least have a real pizza delivered.”

Grace cut his eyes at him for a second, then went back to reading his daily delivery of The Washington Post.

At least his partner joined him for most meals now instead of lurking in the dark like before, although Grace rarely ate.

He stayed quiet while he read one of the eight newspapers he had delivered each day.

Mirage sometimes wanted to ask Grace what frozen meals he made for himself.

They must be good because he was never as ravenous as Mirage.

Grace would drink a cup of black coffee or juice in the morning. And on rare occasions, he’d indulge in a chef salad and a glass of unsweetened tea in the evening.

Mirage didn’t frown, but he was curious.

How does he maintain all that muscle and never eat?

The serums that enhanced their physical strength added some bulk but didn’t prohibit them from needing daily sustenance to maintain their heightened energy.

Mirage swallowed his last bite of the blandest apple pie in the world—was there a shortage of brown sugar in DC or something? Grace closed his paper and stood as if indicating he’d been waiting long enough.

“Why are you in such a hurry, Grace? Spectre said for us to chill until he called for us. They must be working on new simulations.” Mirage lowered his hood and stood to leave. “I’m going back to my apartment. I’ll see you—”

Grace slammed his paper down, his lips thinning into a tight line.

What the fuckin’ fuck now?

Grace crowded him until he was inches from him, and the scent of warm vanilla musk and earthy leather invaded Mirage’s senses.

He wanted to close his eyes and take deep inhales, but he kept his expression neutral.

He sighed, appearing unfazed at the determination in Grace’s dark eyes before interpreting the message he was relaying.

“All right…let’s go,” Mirage muttered.

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